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Latest revision as of 08:29, 12 May 2020

Fruit Batts
Date of Scene: 24 January 2020
Location: Kingston Falls, Delta (TBD)
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Remo Williams, Karrin Murphy

Remo Williams has posed:
     His name was Remo and it was anything but a typical Friday night.
     He remembered how his nights used to be. He hadn't gone into a bar in years, at least not recreationally. They were too loud and he hadn't touched alcohol in forever. He wasn't looking for female companionship and he made sure to eat his shark meat so his body's rhythms didn't start setting off the mating urges of every woman within earshot. He couldn't help but think again how he worked to avoid what every adolescent fantasy yearned for.
     However, he did enjoy the walk. He walked everywhere, now, or took the bus. The places he went to while walking were more interesting, anyways.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Ah, McAnally's Pub. Odd little place in Kingston Falls. Given it is a stone's throw from Dresden's office....Karrin's sat at one of the 13 tables, relaxing. The pub's definitely busy tonight, as she's not got a drink to hand, instead, relaxing. Fridays are, well.....it's her time to kick back, relax and unwind after a shift for SPECTRE over in New York City. So she settles in, relaxing. Mac's got he music on tonight, and Karrin's not got the heart to ask him to change it. Instead, well, she's going with it. Because, why not?

Remo Williams has posed:
     Something was different tonight. This place had a different feeling to it, and the live band was actually pretty good. Remo looked at the entrance, feeling something...alive about it. As he walked in, however, for a brief moment, there was a certain...resistance, as if there was a strong wind blowing against him. As soon as the sensation was there, it wasn't and Remo walked in...but he had the distinct feeling someone had taken notice of him.
     It was a new experience, being noticed, and he smiled a little. Having talked to Harry Dresden earlier at the movie theater, he was thinking about monsters. God knew he met enough of them on the job.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Karrin's enjoying this. Mac's good like that, and she glances over, watching Remo with a curious gaze. Karrin's used to Harry being, well, Harry and shakes her head for a moment, just going with the music that's here. "You did good, Mac" she says softly turning her gaze to the newcomer. "Hey, welcome" she calls over to him, waving....for a five foot tall cop that's not entirely a good idea. She's short, in other words, and to quote the Slayer, not like a punk, or troublemaker. Ah if only people keep up with the news...

Remo Williams has posed:
     He wasn't used to women calling him over in a bar, out of the blue. At least, not anymore. So when it happens, he takes notice. He at least had the good sense to wait until he got closer to say, "You talking to me?"
     Murphy learned a long time ago to trust her gut. It's what kept police alive since time immemorial. And her gut was telling this guy was not normal. What KIND of "not normal" was hard to say.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murphy's also learned to trust Harry, and Mouse too. Jury's out on Bob, though...

"Yeah I'm talking to you. Who else you think I'm talking to, the ghost behind ya?" she asks and crinkles her nose. Given her friends that's not too long a shot. Harry's atop that list, and Karrin looks amused, then over to Mac, "Hey Mac, this one's new in here, got any lemonade?" Karrin calls over, "I said lemonade. You heard" she adds to Mac's look, and she shrugs, turning attention back to Remo. "So what're you up to tonight and what draws you to McAnally's tonight huh? We got music and lemonade.

Remo Williams has posed:
     "Actually, I'll pass on the lemonade...do you have any fruit? Nothing processed, no sugar or anything added?" he asked. "Mind if I sit?" he asked Karrin politely, thankful for not having to yell over a crowd.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"Sit" Karrin nods. "Fruit, huh. Weird. Sure, ask Mac for fruit, or there's probably a fruit drink you can get if you're that interested" she offers, gesturing to a chair across the table. "So what's up?" Murphy asks with a piercing look. "C'mon, what's up with fruit anyway? I mean, I like fruit but not quite that much, ya know?" she asks. Curiosity is a pain in her line of work after all.

Remo Williams has posed:
     He took his seat and explained. "I'm on a very restricted diet..." He looked up as Mac brought over a small bowl of orange and lemon slices, along with sliced strawberries and blueberries, ingredients for the dessert trays. Remo nodded his thanks, then popped a strawberry into his mouth, starting to chew.
     "So, what's your name...?" His voice trailed off as her closed his eyes, a slight moan coming from his lips. From the way he reacts, the fruit might as well have been ambrosia.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Karrin watches shaking her head. "Murphy" she says. No point giving her first name. Her last name's common enough, if anyone looks up Murphy, Cop. They'll find lots...and lots and lots of names. Good idea...

"So" she shrugs, looking to Remo, "You like your fruit? Okay, yeah that's definitely odd" she muses. Hey who is she to judge, really. She likes her coffee a certain way. She's got her own quirks, too. Karri's not one to judge