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Latest revision as of 08:54, 12 May 2020

Keeping An Eye on Evolution
Date of Scene: 19 October 2019
Location: Club Evolution, Bushwick (Mutant Town)
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Phoenix, Mercy Thompson

Phoenix has posed:
Having heard of several incidents involving the Friends of Humanity, Jean decided to take some time to more or less 'patrol' Mutant Town as it were, and more specifically venture into the club where several members of the school were attacked. It's not that vandalism and bigorty been an everyday incident, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

When she enters the club from the street, she doesn't look like your everyday club goer, mostly because she's keeping to the periphery, and looks about as if searching for something particular.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy's not doing much better at giving off the 'not a club goer' vibe. She's got on jeans, a t-shirt and a coat on. Coat's dark brown, her t-shirt is her 'Happiness is...' one, and she's got her work boots on her feet. Steel toed, too. Mercy looks out of place, though she's used to that as she's settled into a spot out of the way, just....just watching. She heard about the attacks. Mostly by knowing a few people who work here, though she's also here, mainly, to, well, check up on her friends in Bushwick. She's not armed....well, not with a gun, but being able to turn into a coyote in the blink of an eye or her shi she kai kan training give her a slight edge. Plus being the daughter of Coyote himself means she's not exactly a girl next door. Nope. She stands and stretches for a moment, no drink or anything, really. Then slowly she's starting to make her way to the bar, more to ask questions. She's pro-mutant. She's also pro-living.

Phoenix has posed:
The fact Mercy stands out in the way she looks about the club, makes Jean immediately suspect she could potentially be a spotter for the trouble makers. So ever so slightly, and completely inadvertently, as it were, Jean managed to weave through the crowd and close in the gap on Mercy.

"Hey there," she eventually says when she gets closer, "looking for anyone particular?" Somewhat ironic, when she was doing the very same thing, but then Jean doesn't really know Mercy's motives quite yet.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy shakes her head with a raise of one eyebrow at the woman. "Nah, just here to check on my friends" Mercy offers and tilts her head a little bit. She's definitely looking out of place. More so than usual as she speaks. So, she smiles. "I have friends who work here, I came to the club to see if they were okay, I don't want my friends caught up in anything" she says, not giving names, wlel no yet at least as Mercy looks serious for a moment.

"What're you doing here?" she asks, all the while trying not to sound suspicious or like she's pushing for answers.

Phoenix has posed:
"Friends...?" Jean asks the choice of words making her alert, as it could well be a play on words with the way the Friends of Humanity escalated things lately.

"I know the owner," Jean replies when asked the same, "came to look the place over, he really did a good job with it." She then attempts a surface scan of Mercy's mind, just to measure intent. The woman seemed to not mean any harm, but it was always better to be sure. Jean just happened to have a gift that allowed her to assauge suspicions when she felt the situation called for it.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy looks around then smiles. "Well, I'm not here to cause trouble. I was just curious" Mercy explains and nods. "Ah, you know the owner, see, I just know a bouncer or two" she adds after a moment's pause with a smile that's turning into a smirk, as if she understands. "See, I'm worrid right now. I want to make sure my friends are okay" Mercy adds and looks thoughtful, then offers a hand. "I'm Mercedes, or Mercy, whichever you prefer" she nods and the smile's back, though there's worry in her eyes, her brown eyes edged with concern about the anti mutant sentiment. She's seen it first hand in Harlem and running her garage.

Phoenix has posed:
"Well, it's good to know someone else is keeping an eye on the place," Jean extends her hand towards Mercy, "pleased to meet you, Mercedes, I'm Jean. I take it you heard the place was attacked? Good on you to come check in."