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Latest revision as of 08:56, 12 May 2020

Asking the Proper Questions
Date of Scene: 11 October 2019
Location: Columbia Point, Burnley
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Question, Svetlana Kuznetsov

Question has posed:
Evening in Burnley is not the safest time of the day. One might argue that any time of the day in Burnley is a risk in and of itself, but at night in the dark? Forget about it.

So, of course that is the time of day that Vic Sage, News Anchor for KBEL, walks down the street passing the nightclubs and bars, checking his notepad every once in a while to get his bearings.

"Should be around here somewhere." says Vic to himself in a low mutter. "The Broken Bottle...what a name for a bar. Paints a good picture of the place already, and I haven't even seen it yet."

Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
Svetlana knows perfectly well where the Broken Bottle is, of course. Not that the girl is legally allowed to drink in the place, much less frequent it as a regular. She is aware of the planned meeting, which will of course be a setup for a certain reporter. Dressed in black that may or may not resemble Spec Ops combat clothing, Lana is here for a very specific job tonight.

Since officially leaving SHIELD, Lana has been doing freelance work as a mercenary. Jobs range from 'solder of fortune' assignments to simple bodyguard work. But occasionally she gets called to send 'messages' to people. Very. Physical. Messages. And when the News starts getting too close to the heart of a story, the message needs to be sent. So she watches and waits.

Question has posed:
Vic is dressed somewhat differently than his 'normal' suit that he wears. Tonight he is sporting a black mock turtleneck, and a pair of jeans that hug his legs tightly. His feet or covered in a pair of black hiking boots which are just high enough to cover his ankles.

Combing his fingers through his strawberry-blonde hair, the reporter in question finally makes his way to the entrance of the Broken Bottle. Vic stops in front of the broken down building and lets out a little snort of breath through his nose. "Yeah, like I thought. The name matches the place perfectly. Just once I would like to be surprised, you know find the place that looks like the Ritz but has the crappy name."

The reporter shrugs a shoulder and takes a deep breath, "Ah well. I'm not going to find what I am looking for out here." Reaching out he grasps the handle for the door and pulls.

Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
Svetlana was given a photo of the reporter, of course, and she's definitely expecting him. She's across the street, and as he approaches the bar she crosses it. Staying out his peripheral vision, the young woman could simply be heading for the bar as well.

Then he reaches for the door handle to pull, and he feels a hand upon his shoulder. "You ask too many questions. Even for a reporter." The voice behind him is soft and low. Female. English, but not a native speaker. The accent is all Eastern Europe, likely Russia or one of its satellites.

And even while she is speaking, the woman aims a kick at the back of his knee to drop him quickly.

Question has posed:
The Question is used to a highly skilled and deadly assassin dropping in on him at random times just to see how his has improved. But no, this isn't her. She would tend to announce her presence and there is no honor in a sneak attack, so as Svetlana places her hand onto Vic's shoulder, his training kicks in and he is already in motion, twisting to the side and bringing a open faced palm to the inside elbow of his attacker, twisting is leg to absorb the blow on the calf rather than the back of the knee.

What Vic isn't ready for is the power behind the kick, it is stronger than he expects and blocking it with his legs causes a slight buckle and stagger.

"Well..." he says, taking a quick survey of the woman in front of him as well as his general surroundings, "You just confirmed I am on the right track. Nothing like a little untoward violence to let a guy know his info is solid. So, who are you? I'm Vic, nice to meet you."

Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
That's both of them surprised, truth be told. While Lana has never been one to hold back in hand-fighting, the reporter's reaction was certainly unexpected. Her hand is knocked aside and her victim turns to face her, but she isn't finished. And she apparently isn't interested in conversation.

What Vic sees is a young woman with brown eyes and dark hair, a black mask drawn up over her nose and mouth. That, combined with her black, comfortably-fitting attire simply *screams* Spetznaz. Placing one foot on his thigh, she steps up quickly in an attempt to catch his head between her knees. It's a classic move in the Russian hand-fighting handbook to take an opponent down.

Question has posed:
"Ah, the strong silent Russian type. Spetznaz? Interesting." utters Vic

He drops to his knees the moment her foot presses against his thigh, raising his arms to either side of head to keep the legs from wrapping around his head. "Sorry, lady. I don't do that on the first date...ok, that is totally a lie, but usually the setting is a bit more intimate." He pushes his arms forward, hoping the sudden loss of her perch and the movement of his arms will shove her away enough to asses the situation some more.

"So what is a Russian SepcOps like you doing in a place like this? The Vodka certainly isn't that good."

Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
Svetlana is not used to having an opponent as quick as she is, and she's definitely not used to her maneuvers being so readily defeated. Without anything to close her legs around, she is pushed back. Landing on outstretched hands with a twist, she snaps her feet over her head in a smooth back cartwheel.

Settling into a SpecOps ready stance, Lana -does- pause at that. Brown eyes narrow and the black mask moves when she speaks. "I do not drink vodka." Yes, definitely a Russian accent. "And I am not here as Spetznaz. You ask too many questions, Mr. Sage. You make people uncomfortable. And you did not learn this at KBEL News."

Question has posed:
Vic isn't in any stance of any kind, arms casually at the side as he looks over his attacker, "I'm an investigative reporter, it is my job to ask questions...it is in the job title and everything. I get paid to know things."

He starts to pace a bit, keeping his eyes on the woman in front of him, "No Vodka? Really? Now you have totally blown my stereotypical viewpoint. Seriously. What do you drink? Gin, Bourbon? If you tell me light beer I am going to be so disappointed. So I am close enough that they have hired a Russian ex-pat to try and quiet me down. I must be really close or this must be bigger than I thought. So tell me, Anastasia, is it one of the doctors that paid you, or does the money trail go deeper? Joker? Penguin? Black Mask? Two-Face? Who fronts the money?"

Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
The woman shrugs at his explanation, still holding her ready stance. "And I am getting paid to hurt you." she declares a bit too casually. Except she can't. And someone with Vic's experience in reading people can see it in those big, brown eyes of hers. She knows that she is outmatched.

She slowly lowers her guard, keeping the mask over her features. "I am not going to tell you who hired me, but it was only a job. I... have never failed before, but I will return their money. That is even exchange, yes?"

Yes, this is definitely new territory for her. Then her brown eyes brighten and the grin can be seen beneath the mask. "Unless you wish to pay me more for the information. I do have a reputation to think of, after all."

Question has posed:
"Your heart really isn't in this, is it?" Vic says as she lowers her guard.

Cocking his head to the side slightly, like a confused dog, Vic reaches up and rubs his chin. "You know, that is a terrible idea. I don't know who hired you, but if you go back and try to return the money the likelihood of you walking back out is slim. You haven't failed. Not yet. You got paid to hurt me, right? So what are you waiting for?"

The reporter closes his eyes and takes a deep inhalation of breath. "Trust me, I've already had worse."

Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
Brows knit, her gaze narrowing a touch. "I am a soldier, not a thug." she declares after a moment. "But they were very clear you should be put in hospital." The girl seems to be making up her mind about something when he offers to let her hurt him anyway.

"You wish to be hurt? Why would you do this?" Then it occurs to her and her eyes widen. "You would do this for me... no. I will return and kill them, one by one." And from the set of her eyes the girl isn't kidding. She starts to turn away...

Question has posed:
"See..." Vic says as he opens his eyes again, "I knew you didn't have this in you. But no, violence isn't the answer here, Nadia. Running off to murder those that hired you isn't going to do anything other than put more blood on your hands and if that is what you wanted, you just had your opportunity. You didn't take it."

He pauses, folding his arms across his chest, "What you did do, however, is tell me there is more than one. A group even. 'one by one' implies more than two, at least three but likely more. How about you just tell me who they are, I expose them on live TV, they get arrested and nobody has to die. You still get paid, because I am sure you at least got something up front like any good mercenary."

Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
Svetlana pauses and doesn't turn to go after all. "But they -should- die." she replies simply, and those brown eyes genuinely believe it. Facing him more directly, now, she tugs the mask down. The girl looks incredibly young. "I am not Anastasia or Nadia. I am Svetlana." She pauses, then, stepping closer and lowering her voice.

"I will tell you names and you will expose them to the police. The police in this country are tired but they are good. I have seen this. When you have done this, we will meet and talk again."

The girl smiles a bit, then, and it's actually a pleasant look on her. "I do like vodka, Mr. Sage. I am just too young to drink in a bar."

Question has posed:
"Really? Should anyone have to die prematurely? We all do at some point, but who are you to make that choice?" Vic says, casually leaning back against the wall of the bar. He nods once, Svetlana is it then. I'm Charles. or Vic.

"Oh, expose them I will. By the time I am done, the police will have a field day, especially since I have done most of the work for them anyway. It will be the easiest collar they have had recently. Don't worry, I am certain we will meet again."

"Somehow I have my doubts you are as young as you look. The training you have alone would take years, but those are questions for another time." He snorts, "I knew you liked Vodka. My stereotypical viewpoints remain intact."

Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
Svetlana laughs at that, the sound clear and light. "Yes, you are a very clever man, Mr. Sage. Vic. You will tell the police and they will, as the saying goes, 'round up the usual suspects'. As for my age, I will tell you that I am Svetlana Kuznetsov. Then you can tell me what you find out."

A challenge? Quite likely so.

"I believe this is the part where you say something from Casablanca. Something like 'Lana, this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship'. Then you buy me a drink of vodka."

Tilting her head, the grin returns. "I have very good fake ID."

Question has posed:
"You might be surprised with what I find out, Svetlana. I have my ways of finding out information. It is what makes me a good reporter." Vic says as he flashes a grin to the young woman.

"Casablanca? Now I know you are not as young as you look. I don't know a single millennial that can quote Casablanca. They are to busy complaining about the taste of their alcoholic seltzer drink." exclaims Vic with a snort. "But i'll tell you what, I'll buy you that vodka. Hell, you probably won't even have to pull out your ID in this place. Somehow I get the feeling they aren't exactly all that concerned about the legal drinking age."

Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
Svetlana shrugs at the accusation about her age. "It was recommended viewing for me. Like Star Wars, Dirty Dancing, and Saturday Night Fever." Yes, but recommended by WHO? Stepping up, she links arms with him then. Just like Ingrid Bergman and Humphrey Bogart.

"You are right about not needing the ID as well. The bartender was more concerned about whether to dump you in the street or the alley after your beating. This is when I spoke to him earlier. He was afraid." She considers him more closely, then. "And you should have been afraid, but you were not. We need to talk about this sometime as well."

Question has posed:
"Does it really surprise you that you are not the first person to threaten me about a story? You won't be the last, either." Vic says with a chuckle as he takes her arm into his, shrugging and leading her towards the bar. "I don't scare, Lana. It isn't in my nature."

He looks towards the bar, "The bartender was in on it, huh. This should be interesting. After you."

Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
Svetlana leads the way, shrugging again. "He was afraid of me when I put his face on the bar earlier. And he is very afraid of the Beretti Family as well." she replies, letting slip the name of the group who hired her. "The police will not hold them for long, but I am not afraid."

"I am not surprised that you have been threatened before either, Vic. You do not scare easily, and that bothers people."

Question has posed:
Vic Sage rolls his shoulder into a shrug. "I'm not surprised, normally pushing someone's face into a hard surface gets your point across pretty well." He glances down at the young woman, "Beretti. Not shocked. Now he question is who they are working for. They aren't the head of the snake."

Turning once again to open the door to the bar, he reaches out to open it, "So I've been told. Come on, let's go get you that drink."