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Latest revision as of 13:52, 13 October 2017

Special Snowflakes
Date of Scene: 10 April 2017
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Holly gets a visit from Ororo about becoming a student at xaviers.
Cast of Characters: 64, Storm

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
The events of yesterday are still resounding within her mind. She's been hiding for the better part of the day. Hiding in the room that was alotted to her by Bjorn. She quietly sits in there, having the mother of all anxietiy attacks. She's scared. Very Scared. The result is her room completely iced over and hovering in negative 50s.

Outside, its snowing pretty hard. The freak weather is making Weather Guys scratch their heads and simply freak out giving warnings about the unpredictability of it all.

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe has noticed a disruption in the weather pattern - one that is not natural. It took her a while to localize it - but she eventually does. Ororo, in a simple dress, arrives at the location where the house is, and politely knocks on the door.

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
Holly hears the knock and her heart skips a beat. Immediately her mind goes to the Mutant hunters. She exits her room and looks around for any sort of weapon she can use. She settles for an iron bar that she happens to see laying around. Quickly she grabs it and moves to the door. "Who's there?!" She calls out as she cracks the door and peeks out. The second she touchs the door it begins to ice over.

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe calls, "My name is Ororo Munroe. I am investigating a weather disturbance that appears to be originating from this location." She realizes that the girl within is scared. "May I come in?" she asks. She glances down at the door which is growing icicles. Curious.

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
Holly Winters looks around, "You're not a hunter are you?" She asks curiously. She's beyond terrified. She's flat out paranoid. "Ummm... If you aren't... You can come in." She slips behind the door and opens it. "Sorry... I... I'm scared!"

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe nods. "I can tell. What kind of hunter?" she asks as she looks around. "What happened?" asks the older, dark-skinned, white-haired woman - hardly your normal run-of-the-mill person. She walks in and looks aruond - the place looks like an igloo. She doesn't say as she sits down - however, though it's super-cold in here, Ororo doesn't appear to be bothered by it.

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
Holly Winters frowns, "MUtant hunters...." She frowns as she watches the woman. Okay she's not shivering. Doesn't anyone shiver in this damn universe!? She sits down and croses her arms under her chest. "They came for me..."

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe nods. "I know your pain, little one. For I am a mutant too. And..." She studies you. "You have to calm down. You're upsetting the meterological balance of three states. I assume you are able to invoke cold and wintry conditions?" She ponders. "This is fascinating. I have never met a power so similar to my own."

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
Holly Winters blinks "THREE STATES?!" She winces and closes her eyes. "That freaks her out even more. It takes her some time but slowly she does manage to start bringing herself into check. "I umm. What? Wait. You have powers like this?" She asks curiously.

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe nods. "Yes - though my repitoire emcompasses most weather conditions. Though... I wanted to try to track down the source of this blizzard before doing something about it. A battle of wills is not something I intend on fighting today." She smiles. "Have you ever heard of the mutant named Storm?" she asks, and winks. "Now, close your eyes. Breathe in - breathe out. You have to be calm - your emotions influence yuor powers. If theyw ork anyting like mine."

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
Holly Winters nods slowly as she closes her eyes. listening to what Storm says. She breathes deep and exhales slowly. It does start warming up as she begins to calm down. "I... I'm sorry. I am new to being a mutant." She blushes a little. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cause this trouble. I... I ran away from home." She sighs.

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe nods. "Sometimes parents can be the least understanding..." she muses, wishing that she could've known them better." She sighs. "Well... keep going - you have to stay calm..."

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
Holly Winters sighs and nods slowly. She closes her eyes again and just lets herself relax a bit more. Slowly the world begins to change the weather outside begins to clear up and the room begins to return to a normal temperature. The air around her is still much cooler but, its more stable now.

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe hmmmmmmms softly. "That's it - just keep calm..." she murmurs osftly, clicking her tongue. "So... tell me. Have you heard of Xavier's School for Gifted Children?" she asks.

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
Holly Winters frowns and shakes her head. She just continues to calm herself down. Its a successful thing but definitely not easy. "What is that? I mean, It sounds like some special school. I know I couldn't afford to go to any schools like that. I am really poor, all things considered. What is it like?

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe smiles softly. "That is of no matter. There is no tuition costs if you are recommended by one of the teachers. Which I so happen to be the Earth Sciences teacher." She smiles softly. "I study weather, and the Earth. I can understand my powers better by understanding how they work." She smiles faintly. "It is.... a school for our kind. For mutants."

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
Holly Winters blinks, "wait a second. You want to take me to Mutant School?" She laughs a little. The idea that there are that many mutants around let alone a school for them just is a lot for her to take in. "How do I know this isn't some kind of trick. Those mutant hunters wanted to take me to a nice peaceful place, so they could kill me! I guess... I am just going to need some kind of proof. I mean it is kinda hard to believe. Put yourself in my shoes!"

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe nods. "What would be sufficient proof for you?" she asks softly, eyebrow raised. "I am willing to do this if you will believe me." She ponders. "Of what parts of this conversation do you have doubts?" she asks.

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
Holly Winters smiles, "Well you had me until you mentioned a Mutant school! You said you're a mutant like I am. Prove it." She looks at Storm with a smirk. Yes she's going there. It definitely has to do with everything that happened recently.

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe nods. "Very well. Would you kindly step outside with me?" she asks as she goes out into your front yard. She focuses up on the stormclouds... and by the time you're out - there is a single ray of sunlight, a break in the clouds, shining down on Ororo. She slowly walks around, the break in the clouds following her like some kind of heavenly spotlight. "Tell me - would you like to see the school?" she asks. "It's up north, in Westchester County." However - there are no unusual cars here. No new vehicles.

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
Holly Winters blinks and smiles as she steps outside. She didn't expect her to actually agree to this. When she goes outside she watches as the clouds part and the sun shines down. She feels it happening within herself. Its really kind of cool to her. "Wow! You do have powers like mine! Though mine are always cold." She takes a breath and nods, "Oh umm. Sure! I guess since there actually is a mutant school I definitely want to go see it!" She smiles. Her gaze shifts around, "Errr Where is your car?"

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe smiles as she reaches her hands out, her eyes glow faintly. "I have no need of a car. Take my hand..." She smiles faintly, the breeze kicking in, blowing her hair around. "You will find this most illuminating."

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
Holly Winters accepts Storm's hand and suddenly feels the air whipping up. "Wait no need for a car. That means... You can FLY?" With no warning her own hair begins going wild. Her shirt is pushed up just enough for her tattoo to be seen if anyone happens to look.

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe glances at the tattoo, eyebrow raised as the winds take them off. "Hold on tight," she states softly as she grips Holly's forearm and the wind takes them off. "Normally I would recommend bundling up - it gets cold up there but I didn't think it'd bother you!" she calls as the two women quickly raise in altitude and head north.

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
Holly Winters is lifted up into the upper atmosphere. She breathes in the rarified air and just smiles as they move. "I don't feel the cold. It hasn't bothered me since all of this started." She smiles. Using her free hand she tried to lower her top a little, covering up that snowflake tattoo on her lower back. Ita done in all white.

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe smiles. "Nice tattoo,' she states softly as she flies north. "In case you wonder, this is my natural hair color. From what I was told, my entire matrilinerar line has the white hair and blue eyes." They have soon left the confines of the city and continue to fly north, until they land within sight of a large mansion.

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
Holly Winters smiles, "Oh umm. Thanks. I was sorta rebelling against my parents' Divorce. Snowflakes have always been my thing. I guess since I was a winter baby." She smiles. "It is pretty cool. Mine is light blonde usually. I just dye it cyan. Again, I've been trying to make a point with my parents... or was." She just enjoys the ride until they land in front of the biggest house she's ever seen. "This is a school?!"

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe nods as she heads towards the gate. "Indeed. This is Xavier's School for Gifted Children. I was brought here from Africa when I was just around your age. My history was... well..." She shrugs. "I honestly believed I was a tribal rain goddess." She smiles faintly as she takes Holly inside.

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
Holly Winters blinks, "Woah! A Tribal Rain Goddess? That is actually kind of cool! I mean I guess I'm weird in that they would probably consider me some sort of crop killing devil or something. I highly doubt I can make it rain. Snow though? Thats easy."

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe shrugs. "I can do all types of weather. I can sense storms. How do you think I found you?" she asks. "I tracked it down. I am... one of the elites." She smiles. "The first thing you have to learn... is self-control. You have to control your emotions. It is necessary, for your powers are most likely affected by your emotions."

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
Holly Winters nods slowly, "I can feel the weather. I just can't do much with weather that isn't cold. Still. Yes. You're right." She frowns. "Anytime I get upset it gets really bad. If I freak out like I did yesterday... I can turn a nice day into a major blizzard. Its really freaky."

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe nods. "I know." She takes Holly up to the attic. There is a glass ceiling and there are plants everywhere, as well as some tiki masks and totems and stuff. "This is my room. I.... I get claustrophobic so I live here. The skylight helps me feel more comfortable."

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
Holly follows along. She looks around Storm's room's curiously. "It's really pretty. I probably shouldn't come in here. I'd hate to hurt your plants." Even at a normal mental state she puts out a cold aura. Not enough to really hurt anything but enough to keep herself from getting too hot.

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe nods. "Maybe so. Stay over here then," she muses, on the sofa far from the plants. "Well..." she muses softly, clicking her tongue. "I was going to go over meditation techniques with you. Honestly, you have to have some control over your abilities. Weather disruptions that you can create are alreayd making the local news and if it got too much worse, it could've been uglier."

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
Holly Winters nods and moves over to the couch. She sits down and listens quietly. "Oh yes. I can control it a little I mean." She smiles and focuses. Ice gathers in her hand as her eyes go white. The ice begins to reshape and form into a rather simple looking baseball bat. "See?"

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe nods. "Yes - using your powers is easy. Not using them is tricky. Making sure they don't hurt people around you is even trickier." She smiles. "Close your eyes." And she begins to instruct you about meditation.

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
Holly Winters nods, "You've got that right." She quietly closes her eyes. "I hope I do alright." Quietly she takes a deep breath and listens to the best of her ability to Storm.

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe murmurs, "Imagine a snowflake. Each flake is unique - no two are the same. Let it drift with the wind - just by itself. Just a single snowflake drifting." She studies you. "Not a storm - just one happy snowflake."

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
Holly Winters quietly listens and lets the image of a snowflake form in her mind. The bat in her hand reforms into the snowflake without her controling it but still. She does as she is told. She listens. Her focus is on that single snowflake and how it moves through the sky. gently falling."

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe murmurs, "Use this mental image when you are feeling stressed... I do something similar with a passion of mine - flowers." She murmrus, "Do you feel better?"

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
Holly Winters smiles softly as she continues watching her special snowflake dance around. A quick nod is given. "Yes. It feels really calm. Like the storm inside is really quiet. Usually it feels like its on the edge of exploding out of me."

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe nods. "Good... try to hold this sensation... it's very important." She smiles softly. "ONe snowflake is beautiful, an object to be admired. Millions of them are a force of destruction. Try to hold this serenity."

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
Holly Winters takes another deep breath and nods slowly. "Its just really hard. I mean. When I feel hurt its like what I feel inside just rages and things happen outside. Then buildings collapse hurting friends and others. Its just really scary.

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe nods. "I know. Let me tell you a story. The village I lived in - they were having a drought. So... I called a rainstorm to give them water." She ponders. " But... weather is not an isolated event. It's a flow of water and air. By ensuring that my village had water... several others had none, not even the normal rain they got - it was... one of my early mistakes. You cannot afford to consider your own feelings at the exclusion of everythign else." She sighs. "This might be your hadest lesson."

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
Holly Winters frowns, "So If I get upset, I can mess up full weather patterns and cause all sorts of trouble. Great. I've always wanted to cause destruction on a global scale." She frowns. For a brief moment things start getting cold again. She catches herself and begins focusing on the single snowflake.

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe nods. "I'm honestly not sure if your abilites work like that. But it's likely. But I'm not sure you have the strength to affect global weather. It is a heavy burden."

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
Holly Winters thinks a few moments, "I don't know what all I can do honestly. I mean I know I can make things colder. I can make it snow. I can make blizzards, Snow, ice, freezing rain. Sometimes even thunder and lightning. Wind definitely."

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe nods. "So - it's like you're my daughter or something... or little sister... or..." She ponders. "It's curious that your powers seem to be a subset of mine - and it's possible that you could learn to fly as well."

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
Holly Winters blinks slowly, "I dunno. That would be pretty cool. I dunno if could do it though. It would take a lot of practice. Still I think it could be fun being able to fly around." She sorta looks down. "my mom and day split. We were all happy then one day. Splitsville. Like out of the blue, She told him that she didn't like him and they filed for divorce. I dunno why. I didn't think I was that bad."

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe nods slowly. "My parents died when I was five. A plane crashed into our home. I survived. Barely. I was an oprhan on the streets of Cairo... scarred emotionally - I mentioned claustrophobia? It comes from that." She smiles. "But... there is one thing you should know," she muses. "Don't forsake 'mundane' skills because you have these. There's one set of skills that I've practiced all my life," she states as she hands you back your wallet.

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
Holly Winters blinks as she's handed back her wallet, "Hey!" She laughs a little. "Well I umm. I do art. I draw and paint sometimes. I also know how to use the internet and use a computer fairly okay. I know how do cook a little." She smiles softly.

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe smiles. "As I was saying - I was an oprhan in the streets and I was picked up by... a master thief. Who took me in. Honestly, by the time I was trained, before I left Cairo I always got my mark... with... one exception." She smiles. "It's very hard to pickpocket a telepath. And... that person is Charles Xavier. The headmaster."

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
Holly Winters laughs a little, "I guess that would make things a little harder. I mean I learned a little how to do that but most of the time I just busked since I ran away. Some people do like the idea of a hand drawn picture for some reason.

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe nods. "Art can be a valuable skill. You can sign up for that in your curriculum. So - would your parent be okay in ou transferring here, you think?

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
Holly Winters smiles and nods, "I think they both would find this cool! I will contact them. Thank you so much Storm. This is really awesome." With that she gets out her cell phone and makes the call.