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All grown up
Date of Scene: 03 October 2017
Location: Harry's Bar
Synopsis: Kurt and Kitty do a little catching up, now that she's home from college.
Cast of Characters: Nightcrawler, Shadowcat

Nightcrawler has posed:
    He is situated at the bar. His tail looped about the stool, to keep it out of the way. His left hand wrapped about the mug's handle as Kurt drinks a cold beer. Long day of stage fighting lessons and scenery building. Teacher stuff. Kurt tips the mug back and takes a long swallow of the lager. He leans over to Harry, and slides the man a couple of more bills. "One more." He decides. "But only two, ja?" Harry gives the elf a little nod and walks over to to the taps to pour another one.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    He is situated at the bar. His tail looped about the stool, to keep it out of the way. His left hand wrapped about the mug's handle as Kurt drinks a cold beer. Long day of stage fighting lessons and scenery building. Teacher stuff. Kurt tips the mug back and takes a long swallow of the lager. He leans over to Harry, and slides the man a couple of more bills. "One more." He decides. "But only two, ja?" Harry gives the elf a little nod and walks over to to the taps to pour another one.

Shadowcat has posed:
Harry's is the first place she stops on her way into the small town. Perhaps it's nostalgia or perhaps, given the time of day, she rather expects to find people she knows. Kitty is carrying a backpack over one shoulder and she's wearing the American college casual -- jeans and a blouse -- covered by a blazer that she looks rather sophisticated in. Or .. well, she thinks so anyway. As she steps in the door to the pub and looks around, a small smile plays about her face. And the sight of a fuzzy blue elf brings the grin to full blossom. And it makes the dragon on her shoulder chirrup softly.

Nightcrawler has posed:
5T"Two moere." Kurt says to Harry. He hops off the bench even as Harry starts to smile and pour the other one. "Do nicht worry. She is legal." Kurt assures the man. His tail gives a little happy slash as Kurt walks over. His arms reach out for kitty to give her a hug. "Katzchen!" he greets her with open affection. A big hug. His kiss on her cheek is, as ever, chaste. His tail reaches up to tickle Lockheed under the chin affectionately. "Herr Lockheed. Gut dragon. You brought her home!"

Shadowcat has posed:
"Elf," Kitty replies with a warm grin and a very tight hug. "Surprise!" she murmurs in his ear. When Lockheed purrs his happiness and takes off to land in the corner of the bar, Kitty keeps one arm wrapped around the furry mutant. "I guess I figured it was time to come home," she acknowledges easily. Her free hand waves toward Harry, who seems to take Kurt's word at face value. "Have you been doing all right?

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "I am teaching high school." Kurt answers with a little curl of his lips. "I abide. We have adventure enough now and then that I haff things to do." Kurt allows.
    He gives her a look. "I teach theatre." he deadpans. "Today we were stage fighting, und set building, and... I needed a couple of drinks." He dusts off ehr stool for her. harry beams at her. "All grown up." he notes, smiling. "No more rootbeer floats?" Because she knows he would still make her one.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty laughs outright. "Actually, Harry, no one makes a rootbeer float quite like you. I would *love* one." Her brown eyes twinkle in amusement as she drops her backpack next to the stool and settles herself on it while Kurt holds it. "I can see you teaching theater. That makes sense to me. *Logan* teaching theater? I might be forced to pee myself laughing." A wrinkle of her nose and she waits for Kurt to settle in with her. "I'm definitely not sure I want to be teaching high school, but.... I guess when I graduated, I didn't really know where else to go," she admits.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "It is home." Kurt agrees. "Logan tends the grounds." he says it like he envies it. His shrug is small. "The other mentoring I crave. The helping the less powerful students with some physiological abnormalities. I know that is mein true calling. Honestly, Lorna and I have been going to Mutant Town." He pauses. "I am a big deal in Mutant Town." harry is working on the rootbeerflaot. Which means Kurt has two beers to finish now. "You are driving." he tells Kitty. Harry barks out a laugh as Kurt reaches for beer number one.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty waggles her brows at Harry and quips to Kurt. "Okay... but you better remind me which side of the road I'm supposed to be on!" Because ... England! For three years! Tilting her head, she asks, "I guess I'm not surprised that you'd be a big deal in Mutant Town. What's going on there right now?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "We kept Mutant Town from being hit at all during the incursion." Kurt takes some pride in that. "I am working on arranging some more 'scholarships'" He uses the fake term. "We will have more Mutant Town kids at the school next year." he is proud of that.
    "The real big deal there is Lorna. She is a princess there, ja?" He asks quietly. He drains a long bit from his beer.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty looks thoughtful as she takes her drink from Harry with a smile. Sipping the semi-frozen concoction -- something not really found in the UK -- with a look of pleasure on her features, she listens to Kurt and extrapolates. "So... when did you start dating her?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
    He coughs and chokes on his beer. His tail goes up in alarm, nice and straight. "is it that obvious?" Kurt asks. He lowers his head. "She is pretty awesome, ja? Smart, beautiful, kind." He waxes on her warmly. After wiping up his beer, Kurt admits, "Maybe two months now." He admits.

Shadowcat has posed:
Uh-huh. Kitty sips through her straw and grins a bit. "Well... you're name-dropping like mad, so yeah... a little obvious. But I guess I don't really know her ALL that well, so I can't say. If it makes you happy, it seems like it should be okay."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Until Magneto gets huffy about just what I am doing with his daughter, or..." Kurt coughs, "Mein dear mother shows up with explosives." Kurt shakes his head. "But, she is worth the potential pain. She makes teaching hichschool bearable." Kurt admits. "And the mentoring makes it rewarding." He has to gulp down the last of that beer. He reaches for the other refill, and gives a sigh. "Means a lot more time in the gym." As if he minds that.

Shadowcat has posed:
It makes Kitty laugh rather hard to imagine Mystique showing up with explosives. "That could be fun," she teases Kurt. "Guess you better buff up, Elf -- or someone's gonna make mincemeat outta you. Tell Piotr you need power-lifting advice!" She can't imagine Kurt power-lifting anything! But the imagery makes her snicker into her rootbeer.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    With a laugh. "Ja, like Hans und Franz!" He laughs at that. "I prefer to be a bit more nuimble than that. Go figure, ja?" He eyes her sideways. "Looking forward to seeing PPiotr again, Katzchen?" It can be hard to read his eyes, but that is a sidelong gaze if ever Kurt gives one.

Shadowcat has posed:
There's a faint blush that climbs her cheeks. It wasn't like her crush on Piotr Rasputin wasn't BRUTALLY OBVIOUS to every. single. person. ever. "UHm... Honestly, Elf, I'm not sure how I'm feeling about that. I'm really excited to see Illyana and Logan. I don't... really know where I fit right now. Some of the roles that I had back then I think aren't going to suit me so much anymore. So... I guess we'll see what people think of the college graduate me instead of the peppy young teen me, hmm?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "We love you, Katzchen. I love you." it is not a romantic exclamation. It is a simple, brotherly, pure explanation. "You are our little Katzchen. Ja, you are an adult, but you have saved mein life and I yours. You were never our mascot, you were our friend, sister, and confidant. I do not see how your being a little older will change a thing, Kitty."
    He pauses. "Unless it is Katherine or Kate now?" Oh, that shows a hint of worry What if she doesn't want to be his Katzchen anymore?

Shadowcat has posed:
"Oh heck no!" Kitty replies, horrified. "Maybe someday Kit. But... probably not," she grins. "I know I wasn't a mascot. I just sometimes feel rather like the me that's now spent three years in England isn't quite the same person."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Some Buddhists think that when we sleep, our souls all exchange and travel und mingle, so each day you are nicht -really- the same person. In fact, other Buddhitst sthink that individuality is an illusion." Kurt takes a swallow of his beer. "I think back on the angry, scared young man I was when I came here. He had just accidentally killed his bruder, und he was going to be killed by a mob. He was so angry, und scared. Logan? He brought me here, und we had a beer, and he settled me down." Kurt eyes his beer. "I think we all are always evolving, changing, and hopefully growing. It is up to all of us to see we all grow in a gut way, ja? I think though, that the fundamentals? What makes Katzchen, Katzchen? That never changes. We love that person. So, I am nicht worried." Kurt hefts his drink and gives it a little salute at her. "So do nicht worry so much, ja?"

Shadowcat has posed:
"Ffffft," Kitty replies with a flushed, happy smile. "Thanks, Kurt. But I think you've had too many beers in too short a space of time," she tells him on a laugh. "Waxing philosophical like that? Yeesh!" She takes a long swallow of her drink, savoring the taste of the ice cream in it. "I missed it here," she admits. "Even though it was fun and a lot of cool things happened."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    With a small shrug, Kurt says, "I am always philosophical. You are just an adult now, so I can reat you like one." Kurt's smile is absolutely proud. "I am proud of who you grew up into, Katzchen. I hope I had a had a good influence on you. I know you were gut for me." His left hand moves over and in a tender gesture pushes her hair from her face. "Quit covering that face. it is so pretty." Mother Hen Kurt. He looks happy.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty grins at him, one hand going up to shove the long brown locks out of her face in a move that is clearly a regular one for her. "Yeah, yeah -- I forgot my hair clips for the flight. So I braided it, but by the time we landed, it HAD to come down." She winks. "It's a hot mess, but once I catch a shower, I'll be golden. You wanna head up to the house with me? Or you gonna hang out here a while longer?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp. Beer done. Kurt pays for the float with a happy grin. He gets up. He covers his mouth, and tries to politely burp. "Mein apologies. So uncouth." He hands Kitty the keys. "It is a rental. jean wrecked mein Tesla."

Shadowcat has posed:
She blinks! "Jean ... wrecked your car?" She pauses. "Which supervillain did she drive over with it?" Kitty can't help it -- it's the only circumstance under which she can imagine Jean crashing a car. The woman's a telekinetic! She could have picked the darn obstacle up if it was in her way!

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "I never asked. I had 150 miles on it, Katzchen. Mein first neww car." he sighs softly, and shakes his head. "Toyota. Camry." he says with distate, indicating the keys. his tail gives an angry little slash.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty simply laughs and takes the keys from him, hauling backpack over her shoulder and whistling for a chortling dragon. She wraps her free arm around the Blue Elf and giggles. "Definitely a Toyota Camry does not measure up to a Tesla, darling. C'mon, let's get you home."