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Latest revision as of 03:22, 24 June 2020

Old hunters and bold hunters...
Date of Scene: 09 June 2020
Location: Noel and MacLeod Antiques, Vancouver
Synopsis: Thomas while in Vancouver for business, stops in to see an old acquaintance, make a few purchases for the Lady and a gift for his own lady
Cast of Characters: Duncan MacLeod, Thomas Raith

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     The shop is clean and well kept. Whoever owns it takes a certain pride on presentation and the value of things past. Right now there is a late teens young man behind the counter, but when a customer comes in he'll get up and go get someone that knows what is going on. He's just a face to watch the place.

Thomas Raith has posed:
The Incubus had been in the shop several months before. He bought a hockey stick for his brother. He had been back in Vancouver on some personal business and decided to stop in and browse. He nods to the young man, a slight smirk, as he moves to a display of Swords.

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     Poor Ritchie. A few seconds later he returns and just behind him is Duncan. The Scottsman considers Thomas for a moment and considers,"Welcome back." he offers to you finally and crosses towards where you are without crowding,"It's been a while I believe."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas grins a bit and nods to the other man, offering him his hand. "I spend most of my time down in Bludhaven usually. I run a jazz club down there. I'm just here because I needed to have a conference with a whiskey distributer, and thought I'd stop in again. That hockey stick turned out to be... Interesting."

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     Taking the hand offered, Duncan has a firm grip. Not overpowering. He nods and replies,"I'm glad. I guess. At least it wasn't hated." He smiles back at the man,"Thomas wasn't it?" He considers and adds,"I will be in New York again soon. I jazz club sounds like a good reason to stop through Bludhaven. I haven't been through there since..." he frowns thoughtfully,"...ever really."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smiles a bit and reaches into his pocket pulls out a pair of black business cards and offers them over. "Give this to the doorman, it'll get you past the line." He promises with an amused smile. He nods back to the weapons display. "My girlfriend is mostly into thrusting and stabbing style weapons. I'm trying to broaden her horizons."

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     Taking the cards and places them into the pocket of his shirt,"Thank you." he replies and looks at the weapons as well. There is a moment of consideration and he makes a thoughtful sound in his throat. He looks back over at the counter,"Ritchie please go down to..." he pauses a moment, very brief and you'd have to be listening for it to catch it,"...Tessa's shop and get me that last piece she finished. It is sitting there drawing dust and I think it might be of interst to Mr. Raith."
     The young man goes to the back and is gone a few moments. When he returns he has an axe. A two handed weapon, but as Ritchie isn't huge by any means and he carries it with little effort. He hands the weapon off and Duncan turns and offers it to you.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith takes the Axe and a step back, giving it a few practice swings and then a rather impressive flourish. I talented and natural a mature to be certain though no where in Buffy, or the Highlanders own league with blade play. he tests the edge with his thumb abd nods approvingly as a single drop of pink (pink?) blood forms at the tiny nick. "It's perfect," he says with approval, offering it back handle first. He looks around a bit more, "And what might you have that is circa late 20's early 30's? My club is themed on a prohibition Era speakeasy and I can always use decore items.

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
Since he doesn't ask about it, Duncan nods and assumes he knows what he likes and what he wants. He does watch as Thomas moves through the swings,"You're very good." he comments thoughtfully.
     He looks back over the shop and frowns thoughtfully,"Prohibition era that is obviously prohibition." he muses and goes towards a glass display across the room.

Thomas Raith has posed:
"It's a gift, I've always had a knack for weapons. I have a personal preference for Kukri, but that's just me." He follows Duncan to the other display, glancing over at Richie across the room. "I wish my employees were half that diferencial.

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     There is a soft laugh as the pair approach the display. Inside it is an authentic looking moonshine still. He walks around to the other side of the cabinet to unlock and tip the case up and open,"He has his moments, but we settle them when there are no customers." he assures you.
     Ritchie looks up, who wouldn't? He smirks a little and then goes back to whatever he was reading since he isn't really needed. Duncan looks back to you and admits,"It is right on the edge of the era you are wanting, but it is a prohibition era piece." He produces a card and adds,"This group can move it to Bludhaven...discretely. This could get you prison time in the wrong areas of the country. I can keep and sell it because..." he shrugs,"...well because that's what I do."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas whistles with appreciation as he circles around the massive thing. "It would have to be made non-functional," He says in that tone that a person who is covering their own hindquarters uses when they want the other party to understand that they are just saying the words and want no such thing to happen. "I mean there is no crime in having a non functioning display piece."

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     There is a smirk and he produces a small coil that is threaded as opposed to sweated in place. He hands you the piece of brass and winks,"On rendered non functional still." he offers with a shrug,"Nobody in customs would bat an eye or my associates can move it for you."
     He reaches down under the display cabinet and comes back with a bottle of clear liquid. Gutsy considering,"The last bottle I know of that passed through it. I decided to make it part of the sale." He smirks again,"If you are interested. Otherwise I can do something else with it."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith pockets the bit of brass and says "If you can have it delivered to the address on the card that would be perfect." Then he grins wickedly, "For all I know that is illegal bootleg whiskey Mr. Macloud. Highly illegal to either possess or sell. If you were to take my advice I think it best if we... Disposed of it as quickly as possible." A wicked grin touches his lips as he adds "Got any glasses?"

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
A soft laugh and Duncan motions you to follow him. As the two of you walk towards the back of the shop he admits,"I'll get that delivered within the week. You should have it able to display for the weekend." He reaches under a counter in the back and produces two glasses,"Disposal seems like a wise choice." he agrees and pours. After recapping he offers you a glass,"Is there anything else I might interst you in today?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith touches his glass to the other man's and sips from his own glass. He let's the taste go over tounge and savors the burn as it slides down his throat. He considers and says "There are a few... Varieties of objects I'm interested in. Anything of an Arcane nature for instance, even if it's not technically an antique." Like that hockey stick. "Also, I'm sure it's not your style but anything of a... Blue... Nature I have a friend who an avid collector of that sort of vintage material."

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     After the clink of the glasses Duncan takes a slow draw of the firey liquid. The burn goes down slow and he considers what Thomas answers. He swirls the drink glass lightly and frowns thoughtfully,"I can't say I can help you with the second one." he admits and walks over to the counter where Ritchie is sitting. He comes back with a business card and offers it to you,"Tell Joe I sent you. He will be able to help."
     He considers the shop again, looking over each display and he admits,"Most of the mystical things I have are more about the idea than any holy aspects that I know of." He sets the glass down and walks into the back. When he returns he has a leather bag with thin leather draw strings,"It belonged to a Commanche medicine man. I can authneticate it if you want. I don't know how much I buy into the magic of the world, but it's really the only thing I can think of." Says the man whose very existence is mystical in nature.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith considers the bag for a moment then nods. "Add it in to my bill." He confirms taking another long sip of the drink and then at the bright white sports car he parked outside. "I am going to be very sad to leave the rest of that bottle here with you. My insurance company won't, but I will." He says with a slight smirk, pulling out a thick wad of Canadian bills. "How much do I owe you?"

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     He doesn't really laugh in the obnoxious way, but a soft chuckle is hard to miss as he looks down a moment to change his direction towards the main counter again and tells you,"You never know. You just might have a short lived sadness when all is said and done."
     He takes something from under the main counter and studies it. In the uninitiated circles, the total might sound pretty high, but these are old and Thomas knows better. It's not that he is giving you a teriffic deal, but he isn't charging as much as he could.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith for his part doesn't try to haggle the other man down more then about ten percent oof what he is asking and settles for about five. It's for forms sake and how the game is played after all. About $900 Canadian. A less reputable seller might want that much just for the still. In the end Thomas offers the man another firm handshake, and says "Whenever you're in Bludhaven look up the Blue Lady, you'll be able to see that beauty again." He says pointing to the still, and then heads for the door.

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     Haggling is part of it of course, so Duncan plays along. Once everything is settled he puts the money away,"The Blue Lady it is." he agrees,"The next time I am there I will stop in. Thank you for coming in." he adds, doing the formal business owner thing. He turns and goes to start packing things up to ship to Bludhaven.