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Latest revision as of 03:31, 24 June 2020

Log 11603
Date of Scene: 07 June 2020
Location: Bryant Park, Midtown
Synopsis: Dick and Tandy headed out looking for somewhere they could do a little dancing...
Cast of Characters: Nightwing, Dagger

Nightwing has posed:
Despite the increasingly late hour the New York evening remains rather balmy and comfortable, the streets lit up brightly, driving back the darkness. Or at least giving the illusion of that, dark shadows still clinging to alleyways and dark little corners of the part when one strays too far from the brightly lit paths. Not that shadows bother him of course. He's lived in them for a very long time, all things considered.

It didn't take him all that long to hit the nearest safe house that the Bats keep in New York, changing out of his costume and into something a little more fit for blending in. Certainly if he's looking to snag something to eat. Jeans and a t-shirt are slipped on and in mere minutes he is back out on the street, finding a spot to part not so far from the little corner burgar joint with a view of the nearby park, slipping inside and looking over the rather sparse crowd to see if he is the first to arrive.

Dagger has posed:
Having changed into a more form fitting pair of jeans and a cream colored cable knit sweater, Dagger made sure to wash her face and pull her hair up into a bit of a messy bun. She easily stands out as she doesn't wear a costume and can be spotted by the dark knight. She has arrived early, leaning against the wall next to the burger joint as she taps away at her phone with her thumbs, playing a word game as she waits. Funny enough, she won't recognize him out of the costume, as he was wearing his body armor and a face mask. He'll have to call out to her.

At times she glances about the crowds that walk past, trying to see if she can pick him out. Maybe him? No. Definitely not that one. Nope. Nope annnd.... maybe him? Her eyes fall upon Dick, giving him a curious sizing up.

Nightwing has posed:
It can be remarkable just how much difference a costume, mask and a slightly different hair style can make. So often people see what they expect to see, even trained observers. For all the physical training that Batman emphasized with each new Robin who partnered up on him, probably just as much -- if not more -- time was spent on training away those tendancies. In many ways he doesn't look all that different from his Nightwing persona, in or out of the costume. But it just doesn't register to very many.

The lack of a crowd makes it pretty easy to pick her out and he walks straight towards her, even his stance and stride subtly different, body langugage adjusted once the costume comes off. But as he draws closer a grin slips over his face, a playful expression with just a hint of that costumed persona and he dips his head as he stops in front of her. "Hope I didn't keep you waiting too long."

Dagger has posed:
Once he reaches her and speaks, Tandy's smile brightens a bit more as she pushes off the wall. "Hey, no, you didn't keep me waiting too long." She is giving him subtle glances with her blue eyes, taking in this new appearance. Him without the mask. ".. Okay. I'm sorry for how this may come out, but .. you are .. /really/ hot. Wow." She rubs the back of her neck, giving him an embarrassed grin. "I don't know what I was expecting, I guess.. uh.. I mean it's you, but.. anyways.. /burgers?/"

Clearing her throat, she angles past him, giving a bump of the shoulder gently before she heads inside, reaching for the door and opening it. She sniffs at the air, drinking in the scent of delicious food and sighing hungrily as her stomach gives an open rumble.

Nightwing has posed:
While his costume isn't as completely concealing as others, one never can tell just what is going to be there behind the mask, can one? And of course there is a certain psychology that went into the design of all their costumes, encouraging a foe's attention to be drawn where they want it -- to not focus on the face, to draw their aim to the most heavily reinforced sections of their body armor. It's an art as much as a science. Still a wry grin curves over his features at her compliment and he dips his head her way. "I am suitably flattered, especially coming from you. You're pretty hot yourself," he replies lightly.

He gives a light bump back as he falls in at her side, holding open the door as she slips inside, following after. The later hour has cleared out most and the man behind the counter looks a triffle bored. The offerings are certainly diverse enough -- if one likes burgers at least -- with all sorts of specialty burgers on display above the counter and he waits for her to look over the choices. "Know what you want?" he asks with a little grin.

Dagger has posed:
The compliment causes Tandy to glow, literally, even if it was for a few moments before she cools the flame. She glances over her shoulder at him, all grins before she makes her way to the counter. Does she know what she wants? "Hi there." She says to the counter clerk as she leans her hip in against it. She gives a quick scan of the menu and says, "Just a plain cheeseburger with ketchup and cheese fries. Oh, and a soft drink. Coke. Whatever." She's an easy rider it seems when it comes to burgers.

Glancing to him, curious to what he orders, she tucks her phone back into her front pocket so that her hands aren't fiddling with it. "I appreciate you taking me out and hanging with me. It does mean a lot that I get a chance to meet .. uh.. workers from the office that I don't see often."

Nightwing has posed:
With her mind made up he joins her at the counter, not apparently feeling the need to look over the menu. But then he did say he's been here many times before. "I'll have the cheeseburger too, but I'll have the works on mine. The Coke would be great but I'll have the regular fries please," he says, placing his own order, paying for it when it's totalled up and nodding when the man behind the counter tells them to grab a seat anywhere, that the food will be dropped off once it's ready.

With their order placed, he motions to a booth in the corner that looks out on the street and the park beyond, motioning towards it. "How about there," he suggests, strolling along at her side casually. "Hey, not at all. Really, I haven't had the chance to get out and about for anything but work lately so I appreciate the chance. And it sounds like you needed the little break as much as me," he points out with a wry grin.

Dagger has posed:
Nodding her head, Tandy slides down into the booth and glances out the window towards the street and the park beyond. "I will admit, I'm not used to this feeling of 'normal'. The last few years has been a blur for Tyrone and I and we have become so laser focused on our mission. I haven't liked what I was becoming. So, thank you .. for letting me get a burger with you, with all of our masks off." Even hers, the proverbial one since she doesn't wear a face mask, save the glow of a cresent moon over her eye when she charges up.

"So.. Dick from Gotham." She trails off a bit, propping her chin in the palm of her hand. "What do you like to do when you're not scaring the crap out of evildoers on your streets? Hobbies?"

Nightwing has posed:
He only knows so much about her, the life she leads -- though he no doubt has the advantage both from what she has chosen to share and what the ever obsessive Dark Knight has surely gathered. But he suspects that they are in much the same boat when it comes to 'normal' time spent much like anyone else in this city. A rare thing indeed. He dips his head in understanding, though doesn't interrupt her as she speaks. "Really, my pleasure," he assures her. "I've been where you are. I guess I kinda am again these days, really focused on the job. But feeling a little better adjusted about it at least," he says with an understanding smile.

The grin on his face turns wry at her question and he gives a small shrug of his shoulders. "Honestly, absent my work I'm pretty boring these days. I've been learning to play the guitar, off and on for the last several years. And I'm a sucker for a good movie but most of the time, when I have the time I read, truthfully," he offers up, leaning his chin atop one of his hands as he settles himself comfortably in the booth. "How about yourself?"

Dagger has posed:
"I dance. I trained professionally in ballet for years since I was a child. I was one of the top sought out candidates as a teenager. But all of that came to an end when .." Tandy catches herself. No, do not go on a zealot rant. Don't do it. Not tonight. "When I had the accident." She settles on as she picks at a napkin she plucks out of a dispenser. "I love dancing. It makes me feel so alive and free when I'm lost in the music. Really any kind of music. I can move to it."

Her blue eyes lift once more, glancing back to him as she tucks some of her blonde hair back behind her ear. "Besides that, um... reading. Which sounds fairly boring. When I was younger, I lived the high life. Rich parents. Enclosed manor. Not much for me to do in a house full of my mother's treasures and her help. I mostly stayed in my room where it was safe."

Nightwing has posed:
Of course he has a little experience with Mansion life himself, though his time at Wayne Manor would be very, very different from most people's perspective. No servants there -- Alfred was always family and most people would most definitely not have the adrenaline-fueled evenings that he did as a teen, that much is certain. "I can imagine. Personally I don't find reading all that boring but yes, not exactly a group activity for the most part, is it?" he agrees with a small smile.

Just listening her talk about dancing it is clear just how much she enjoyed it and he nods his understanding, expression lightening a little himself. "I get that. Believe it or not I was born in a circus. I used to perform as a kid. I still love it, the acrobatics, the gymnastics, hanging there in midair, almost defying gravity for a few seconds before it reasserts itself," he agrees before winking. "I bet you couldn't dance to the kind of music I play. It's pretty awful," he teases lightly.

Dagger has posed:
"I was born and raised in the acrobat and gym life as well. I started tumbling as a kid and now I do parkour across rooftops in slick rain and bullet storms." Tandy grins at him. "We could always work out together if you want. I haven't been to a proper gym in years. Everything that I've learned has been on the streets. I am sure my core muscles are crap now." She looks fit, in that natural manner that one gains with a lot of cardio in their life. Though it's obvious she most likely isn't the powerhouse of their dynamic duo. She shoots them, Cloak eats them. There is rarely a fist fight involved.

"Well, if you want to play your guitar for me, I can see what types of moves I can muster. As long as it's not that whiny emo music which is woe as me stuff. I like to 'move' my body." She props her chin up in the palm of her hand. "Would you like to go dancing with me, Mister Grayson?"

Nightwing has posed:
Their life is definitely not a sedentary one. Not a whole lot of sitting around, that much is for sure. Truthfully, it has been a good long time since Dick made it to a gym himself -- a real one at least. The Batcave has facilities that are a little more... practical for the type of life they lead. "Ah ha, a girl after my own heart," he says with light-hearted grin, nodding his head a little. "If you wanted to do that sometime I think I could manage to keep up," he agrees modestly. While he is certainly strong enough in an athletic sort of way, speed has always been more of his game then raw power. Which makes sense when moving through a world filled with true titans.

"No emo," he agrees, making a face. He gets enough real drama in his life afterall. "Well, maybe I'll risk the humiliation sometime," he allows before flashing that playful grin once again. "I think dancing sometime could be fun. Just don't completely show me up, okay?" he pleads teasingly.

Dagger has posed:
"Oh, Dick, I am totally going to show you up. But only for one reason." Tandy says as she gives him an amused grin. "Just so that the others on the dance floor become /insanely/ jealous that you're the only guy I'll be dancing with that night." She has a smug look upon her face, triumphant. When it comes to dancing, she is full of confidence.

When their burgers arrive, she shifts about and gives a hungry lick of her lips. "Oh, real food." She sighs out softly, happily. "Something that isn't chips and water or cheese sandwiches. Thank you." She says to him with a flush of the cheeks. "It means a lot. Tyrone can't eat due to his .. situation. At least not in the traditional way. So, we tend to run light when it comes to food type stuffs. I don't like to eat in front of him. I know it upsets him that he can't anymore." He has no body after all, just a floating head within a cape of nightmares.

Taking the first bite, her eyes roll back and she lets out a happy growl in her throat. "Oh. Damn." She chews, swallows, then leans back, sighing. "I'm dead and in heaven right now."

Nightwing has posed:
That draws a laugh from him and he arches a brow as he dips his head towards her in apparent concession of the point. "Well, if I'm going to have to be shown up, that sounds like a pretty good reason for it. I don't imagine it will be that difficult either. Even if you weren't the most amazing dancer I expect I would get more then a few jealous stares," he points out with a wink.

While he may have been enjoying chatting with her, the arrival of their food is a pretty good reminder that he's hungry too. He might not subsist on the most basic sort of food conveniences, it has still been a long day. So if his stomach doesn't start to rumble at the scent of those burgers filling his senses, well, it's a close thing. "Hey, you're doing me a favor. It's been a long time since I caught a meal with anyone who wasn't in my own, unique Family," he says wryly before getting at least a little more serious. "Mmmm, yes, I'd imagine that would be pretty difficult to manage," he murmurs thoughtfully.

Like her, Dick digs into his burger and if it isn't quite so an amazing experience he still gives a quiet sigh of satisfaction. "Still as good as I remember," he murmurs before shooting her a grin. "Hey now, don't go dying on me. The night's still young."

Dagger has posed:
"MMm.." Tandy says after another bite of her delicious, juicy burger. "You have more plans for us?" She asks as her thin brows raise upwards curiously at him and his last comment. She shifts to sit up a bit more straighter, then takes another hungry bite. After that swallow comes a stab of cheese fries with her fork. So many calories. She sure burns them off with her powers though. Being a living supernova of light wears her out quickly. "This is so good though. I could eat twenty of these I think. I could eat one every day."

Licking some cheese away from the corner of her lips, she dabs at her mouth with her napkin. "But, I'm game for whatever you want to do tonight. Even if it's just hanging out and listening to you play a guitar, or we can just walk around the city and talk more. I'm pretty easy when it comes to that stuff."

Nightwing has posed:
The burgar is great, the fries are just the right hot and salty and the the cola is particularly refreshing on this warm evening. A remarkable thing, just how much good company can improve the eating experience. Munching away, he casts a grin her way and gives a little shake of his head. "Well, not really. But it would be a shame if you got taken out by burgers and cheese fries. Think about what all our peers would say," he teases lightly. "Not to mention I imagine I would have to go on the run and really, having done that a time or two I have to say that it is way over rated," he notes with a wink before chuckling quietly. "Well, they are awfully good burgers, but maybe the next time I'm in town I can take you somewhere else. There's a whole world of food out there and most of it is worth trying at least once," he asserts.

The burger vanishes with remarkable swiftness and the fries threaten to follow suit as Dick leans back casually on his side of the booth. "I'm afraid I'll have to share my lack of music stylings another time. The guitar is back in my apartment in Bludhaven I'm afraid," he admits with a grin. "But if you'd like to walk a little I'm down for that. Really, most of the time I'm in New York it's on the rooftops, or swers or something. It's been a few years since I just wandered," he admits.

Dagger has posed:
"I'm sure our peers would understand that I brought my death upon myself. Cl--Ty would vouch for that. He knows how I lack impulse control when it comes to good food." Tandy says as she finishes her burger as well, then kills off the basket of fries, even going so far as to dip her finger in the last of the cheese sauce to scoop it out and suck it off. Yum! She crumples the wrapper for the burger up and deposits it into the fry basket, then finishes off her cola with a few pulls of her straw.

"We can walk around. I know what you mean though. I spend most of my time in Hell's Kitchen in the worst parts of the city, and I never get to really explore the nicer parts of New York City. I've never actually explored Times Square. I did once fight a Nazi made of .. insects.. once.. with Spider-Man. It was gross. I think he called himself The Swarm." She rubs a hand along her face with a laugh. "I had so many bee stings."

Nightwing has posed:
He is pretty much a match for her in the food department, at least tonight, both fries and burger polished off with hardly a mustard stain left behind on the wrapper. He does continue to nurse his Coke however, cradling the cup in both his hands as a little bit of condensation runs down it and over his fingers, the melting ice offering a certain chill as well. "Fair enough. Still, I think I prefer you ambulatory for the rest of the evening, all things considered," he counters as a smile. "And it looks like you've fulfilled my wish. You've survived dinner with me. I feel a sense of accomplishment," he teases.

Oh yes, he knows it well. Whether it is Gotham, Bludhaven or New York he spends so much of his time in the worst parts of the city, or, when somewhere nicer it is usually because some threat has demanded it of him. He smiles wryly at her story, his expression clearly showing that he relates all too well. "Sounds unpleasant," he agrees with a shake of his head. "Even the lesser threats can be annoying to deal with. I'll tell you stories about Condiment King some time," he suggests. One hopes that he is joking, but you never know...

Dagger has posed:
"Condiment King? I feel like I need to Google that one up. He doesn't sound terrifying." Tandy grins as she slides out of the table, gathering up their tray so that she can toss the debris into the trash. Once done, she heads back over to him, giving herself a long stretch to crack a few joints. "He sounds .. messy. I don't know if being shot at by bottles of horseradish would be worse than bullets or laser beams .. or tentacles."

Giving him a smile, she glances to the door with a tilt of her head. "Ready when you are." And when confirmed, she heads out the door and into the fresh air of the street, giving a glance about the evening. It's less crowded now. Only a few stray individuals heading about. "I guess the night belongs to us." She takes a moment to look about their surroundings, then heads for the park.

"So .. what's it like working with the big guy? He's kinda legendary."