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Gym Clothes and Scars
Date of Scene: 26 June 2020
Location: Gym - X-Men Base
Synopsis: Beast discovers Jeremy's painful past written on his body. They talk and Jeremy finally lets out all of his emotions he's held on to the last two years.
Cast of Characters: SpyderByte, Beast

SpyderByte has posed:
If Jeremy was to have a superhero weakness, it would be gym class, or any type of physical activity. Even though school is out, Xavier's still ensures that the students get their regular fitness regiment in. Instead of the uusal workouts involving weights and jogging, they are playing indoor volley ball ... with powers. Thus, the young cyberpath is at a complete disadvantage. That and on top of the fact he has noodle arms and built like a lanky computer geek.

While the other students may be wearing shorts and thin t-shirts, he is wearing long gray sweat pants and a baggy Xavier hoodie. Gym is only an hour, designed to create a sweat, get the heart pumping and create teamwork. With his team being soundly beaten (which actually wasn't his fault for a change), everyone shook hands, high fived and headed their way to the showers and locker rooms to change. As always, Jeremy is one of the last people to creep in, lingering by his locker and practically becoming invisible as the other boys strip down and hop in the shower, followed by their usual loudmouthed antics.

Instead of joining in, he just sits on the bench in front of his locker, taking his time picking through his backpack and clothing, sighing to himself. It's not until long after the last of his fellow classmates take off before he starts to finally look around, then reaches into his locker to grab his towel and bodywash.

Beast has posed:
It's good to keep in shape physically as well as mentally. Hank McCoy is here to just that, opting to use the gym instead of the Danger Room today as the stationary gymnastics equipment is more relaxing, allowing an almost meditative approach to his acrobatic endeavors. Of course he has to wait until the students are finished up before ducking into the locker room to hang up his suit in favor of his shorts.

As he enters the changing area and makes his way towards the lockers the big, blue brute begins removing his tie and unbuttoning buttons.

SpyderByte has posed:
Once he is sure the coast is clear, Jeremy pulls off his hoodie, then slips off his shirt. Even in the dark gym with half the lights off, he still looks uncomfortable and skitish. As he rises up, his back is turned to the entrance, revealing a horror show of scars. It appears that someone wrote 'faggot' across his back with a blade, starting from between his shoulders and down his mid-back. There also appears to be initials carved into it as well, perhaps those who violated him were signing their autographs.

His body is skinny, with his ribs and spine practically pressed against his pale white flesh. His stomach has a couple of scars as well as someone dragged a blade from mid-back to around. He takes his towel and puts it over his shoulder, his body still hunched as if he was a skittish rabbit before he reaches down to untie his sweat pants. As he looks to inch them down from his thin hips, he hears the noise of movement behind him, spinning about to clumsily bang into the locker as he spies Hank.

Beast has posed:
As his buttons come undone Hank picks up on the sound of someone else in the lockers just a moment before spotting Jeremy. When he sees the young man and the scars the teacher freezes in place. A million thoughts fly through his head, his mighty brain processing things through as quickly as it can. Still, he ends up at something of a loss despite his genius intellect. So he falls back on being polite, "Greetings and salutations. I apologize for walking in on you, I didn't realize that there was anyone else presently here."

Despite the lame greeting concern is evident on Hank's expressive face. The Beast continues thinking things through, wondering if this is somewhere he can help.

SpyderByte has posed:
The pupils of Jeremy shrinks as he feels his heart start to race in his chest. He shoves himself up against the locker, keeping his back pressed to the cold metal as he draws his towel around him. "H-H-ee-y. Mmm-Uh-ssst-e-err. Muh.. C-C-oy." His voice comes out in the usual stammer as he hikes his sweats back up all the way around his hips. He reaches for his black shirt in his locker, pulling it closer to him and starts to wiggle into it quickly. No shower for him it seems.

Once covered, he grabs his black hoodie, burying himself into it like a rabbit in a hole, drawing the hood over his thick, shaggy black and brown streaked hair. Shoving his gym shirt and hoodie back into his locker, he grabs his black jeans and just lets it dangle in his hands as he nudges the locker door closed with a clank.

Beast has posed:
Slowly, Hank makes his way further into the locker room so that he can take a seat on a bench, giving Jeremy plenty of space. He even looks away from the kid. Doesn't stop him from opening his mouth, though, "If you ever feel the need to discuss things with me, I'm around." His heavy frame leans forward and he rests his elbows on top of his legs to support the weight. "I did see your scars, however, and I think it might be good for you to talk about whatever happened to you with someone. I can't imagine what you've gone through, but know that I will support you should you need it."

SpyderByte has posed:
Giving a shake of his head, Jeremy's breath comes out heavy. "It's muh-mmm-muh fff-faa-ult." He says softly in his usual low volume rasp. "I-I-I got c-c-caught.. and.. went to j-j-uh-vie. And, it wuh-wasss t-t-tuh-rrrr-ible. I-I-I am w-wuh-weak. Prey." He curls up within himself as he settles down on the bench on the opposite side.

He squeezes his hands tightly, then lets out a heavy breath. "T.. They hurrrt me.." He says in a tight voice, closing his eyes. "T-T-hey t-t-ook a.. b-broom..ssss-t-t-ick.." He gives a loud, visible sniff, wrapping his arms about himself as he hunches over. "T-they.." He can't even get the rest of the words out as he reaches up to knuckle his eyes.

Beast has posed:
"I'm so sorry, Jeremy," Hank says softly to the youth, just enough volume in his voice to be heard. The professor's forgotten about his tie and the exercise he's supposed to do. "You never deserved to be abused. Getting caught breaking the law is no excuse for someone to hurt you."

McCoy pauses for a moment when he sees Jeremy start to sniff and go to rub his eyes. "It's okay to express emotion, my friend. Just know that I'm here for you and I will do everything in my power to make sure that no one hurts you ever again."

SpyderByte has posed:
"I-I-I c-cuh-could.. h-h-hurrrt t-them." Jeremy stammers out weakly as he slides his phone out of his jean pockets to hold it tightly. "I cuh-could.. I c-c-could. T-Th-Thought about it." There's another wet sniff from him as he shakes his head. "I j-j-just wuh-nt t-to ffforget it. C-C-Can't sss-sssleep. Sss-so I-I-ju-jussst work. Ssstudy. I t-th-t-hought about k-k-killing m-myself." He says as his voice breaks as his hand brushes across the scars along his wrist. "T-T-ried. T-Too s-ss-cared t-to d-d-die."

"B-But.. I don't feel alive." He says without mostly stammering. "I f-f-feel sss-sss-synthetic."

Beast has posed:
"I'm glad you're still alive, Jeremy," the teacher says softly, continuing to study the student. "Do you want to hurt the people that attacked you? I don't know if it would make you feel better, because I've never been in the same position as you, but I also know that it's important to preserve who you are. I like to think you're the kind of person who wouldn't wrong another without good reason."

The fuzzy, blue head nods, "I can tell you that you're not synthetic, prove it scientifically, if you'd like me to, but I don't think that would help. Let me tell you instead that you're a good pupil, sharp as a whip, a joy to have in class. Your papers are thought provoking and your arguments are more developed than those of your peers." McCoy takes a deep breath, "Let me tell you instead that the fact you've chosen not to hurt your enemies tells me that you're a good person. One who knows that causing others pain is something regrettable that should only be done in the most extreme circumstances. Let me tell you that you're a good kid. You're studious and you avoid trouble. Let me tell you that you remind me of myself in many ways. The ability to become focused on an important task to the point where you'll accidentally neglect sleeping and eating if you're not careful. The feelings of loneliness I'm sure you suffer. The idea that you're all alone because of who and what you are. That's me to a 't'."

SpyderByte has posed:
Turning his head towards Hank, Jeremy's eyes are wet and streaked with tears as he rubs at his face again. He gives another loud wet sniff. "I-I d-d-don't wuh-w-want t-to h-hurt anyone." He says softly. "I ffff-feel ssso alone. D-D-don't t-t-trust anyone. Sss-scared t-t-touch p-p-people." He says as he hiccups. "My p-p-parents d-d-divorced b-b-because of t-this. N-no m-m-more money. W-was ssssued." He says as his voice cracks out again louder. "T-they d-d-don't know I-I-I am a-a-a mmm-moo-utant. Dad is g-gone. Mom doesn't t-talk t-t-to me."

"I p-p-push p-people away. I d-d-don't wuh..want to. I sss-scared. I sshould h-haave been m-more c-c-careful. I.. I.." His face breaks as he slides his hands over it, gripping at his hair. "I-I'm ss-sssorry! I just want this to stop!" A complete sentence. "I h-hate m-mysself."

Beast has posed:
Softly, Hank says, "I'm not going to tell you to trust anyone. Not until you're ready to do so on your own." He quietly studies Jeremy, frowning, "I will tell you though, that you don't need to hate yourself. You made a mistake. You suffered for it. You are suffering for it." There's a loud, deep sigh, McCoy closing his eyes for a moment as he thinks things through, "It's normal to make mistakes. You learn from them, hopefully, so that you can make sure that they won't happen again. Now, I'm not going to tell you to forgive yourself. That'll come when you're ready."

The teacher slowly moves to his feet and begins to approach Jeremy, "You're not pushing me away. I'm here for you. I care about you and I respect you as a person. I don't know what I can do to make you feel less alone other than to be near you and let you know I don't ever regret spending time with you." The blue dude moves to sit down nearer the young man, still trying to give him space, just making sure he's in closer proximity.

SpyderByte has posed:
"It's g-g-getting b-better.. being h-here." Jeremy admits once the professor settles down near him. "Everyone is n-nice. J-just t-t-takes..t-time.. at m-muh old sss-c-chool I-I was t-t-teased. Beat up." He gives another sniff, wiping at his nose. "Not used t-to kids being n-nice to me."

"C-computers are n-nice.. they t-t-talk to me. Tell me ssstuff. T-The t-toaster is lonely." He says softly as he rubs his hands together, wringing them about his phone. "T-thank you for b-being a g-good t-t-teacher."

Beast has posed:
"I'm glad that things are getting better for you. The students and faculty here have been through more than most people, but we've all had different experiences and it's important to recognize that," Hank tells the youth with a nod of his head.

"It's good to know that the computers are nice as well. I've never considered their feelings before, except where there's obvious artificial intelligence at work, but I shall endeavor to make sure that I show them respect when working with them in the future." The blue guy sounds serious when he says it, too. He knows that Jeremy is the expert when it comes to computers. "I try to do what I can. That's the best thing anyone can do, try to do as well as they can. A big part of that is, in my observation, is to listen to people's needs and adjust yourself accordingly."

SpyderByte has posed:
Nodding his head, Jeremy looks to at least be more visibly calmer and less upset. He just needed to 'get it out' so to speak. He brushes his sleeved arm against his eyes again, then glances back up at him from beneath his hood. "Are p-people mean t-to you? B-b-because of t-the fffur? Y-you are sss-t-t-rong though. I b-bet no one t-tries t-to hit you." He finally slides the phone into the pocket of his sweat pants, tucking it in against his hip so that he can still feel it pressed upon him.

"T-they would be ssss-sstupid t-to try." Jeremy stares down at his bare feet, giving his toes a wiggle as he mulls some stuff about in his head. "Do you t-think we can t-t-talk m-more.. when I-I-I n-need to?"

Beast has posed:
"People have attacked me in the past," Hank tells the young man, sounding serious. "I was driven out of my university because of my physical differences."

At the final question Hank nods his head, "You may certainly reach out to whenever you need to. I know you know how to get a hold of me." McCoy smiles then, "I welcome any chance I can get to speak with one of my favorite pupils. Feel free to discuss anything you'd like to with me."

SpyderByte has posed:
The cheeks of Jeremy flush a bit at being called a favorite student. He gives a genuine smile on his face. "T-thank you Mmmissster Mmm-c-coy." Wringing his hands a bit more, he gives a glance over towards his locker. "I t-think I-I-I will shower when I g-get back t-to my f-floor." He says as he runs a hand through his hair to push the mop of black away from his face.

"If you want t-to see some of m-my work that I d-do .. I got t-time later. I-I am worr-k-king on a-a-a p-project t-to expose t-the Bra-zzzilian g-government f-for mutant and human rrrrights violations."