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Latest revision as of 02:29, 29 June 2020

Family Matter(s)
Date of Scene: 25 June 2020
Location: Andrea's Condo: Manhattan
Synopsis: Jay and Andrea have a heart to heart talk about roommates and music.
Cast of Characters: Rage, Icarus

Rage has posed:
Now that Nevada has offically moved in and took over one of the guest rooms, Andrea has been trying her best to get used to the idea that she has another roommate, and a sibling. Sprawled out on the couch, she has a small container of ice cream in her lap with her hand on the remote of the TV, flipping through channels. She's dressed in a pair of pajama pants and a thin t-shirt, looking comfortable and ready to turn in at some point. Jay is at the bar, working until the wee hours so she won't see him until the sun is about to come up and he's crawling into bed.

With a yawn, she lands on a comedic cartoon from Adult Swim, dropping the remote on the table in front of her. With a heavy breath, she takes another bite of ice cream, glancing over towards her phone, as if waiting for it to buzz some more. She is still avoiding her family, or, at least her mother.

Icarus has posed:
There is a sound in the hallway, a notification that the elevator came up to their floor. The person had a keycard so she wouldn't be surprised. It was Jay's keycard. If she flipped on the camera, she'd see him walking up the hallway carrying his guitar case, a dark frown on his face.

He opened the front door and entered, setting the case to the side for now then turning to close and lock the door behind him. Seeing Andrea on the couch, he gave a little smile. "Honey, I'm home. The gig I was supposed to do after work got cancelled." The disappointment is there, palpable, but he is doing his best to hide it away.

"We have any more of that in the freezer?"

Rage has posed:
Tilting her head back over towards him, Andrea gives a furrow of her brow. "Oh. I'm sorry. What happened? One of your bandmates get sick or something?" Sliding off the chair, she pops over to walk towards him. Handing him the ice cream, she leans over to place a kiss along his neck, followed by a tight hug.

"You can always sing to me if you want. I'm your biggest fan after all. I'll totally fan girl and I'll throw my bra at you after writing my phone number in it."

She gives his shoulder a bit of a nudge. "But if it makes you feel better, I'm kinda glad you're home. I was getting bored and was actually starting to miss you. It's nice having you live here now, the place just doesn't seem so huge and empty with you here now."

Icarus has posed:
He gives her a quick kiss then heads for the kitchen, determined to find ice cream. "Well it wasn't at Sam's place. It was a little bar we haven't played. Seems they aren't fans of mutants so when their detector went off--yeah, they had a detector--when I walked in the door, they sent us packing."

Jay poked through the freezer then found a pint, pulling it out and taking the lid off. He left the lid on the counter, opened a drawer to take a spoon out, closed the drawer then headed for the kitchen. He already had a mouthful of Rocky Road by the time he sprawled on the couch.

"Guess we haven't quite advanced as far as I hoped."

Rage has posed:
"Do you need me to throw some clothes down and march in there and tear his throat out, or at the least, send James over to give him a shake down?" Andrea says as she follows after him on her bare feet. "Or, I can also tell everyone on Twitter and they can destroy his Yelp scores."

She reaches out to brush her hand along the back of his arm, leaning in behind him to kiss the top of his shoulder. "I didn't know they even had mutant scanners. That's crazy. I'm really sorry that it didn't work out. Do you want me to find you a list of more mutant friendly places for you guys to play at?"

Icarus has posed:
That gets a chuckle from him. "I get the feeling it isn't standard equipment. Maybe he was FoH or something. Maybe he found an old sentinel and stole parts. I dunno. Don't care." Jay shakes his head negatively. "There are always going to be people who hate us. It's not worth the energy, hon."

He leans over to kiss the tip of her nose. "I love when you get all protective though. It's adorable in a scary sort of way." He settles back and starts to munch his ice cream. "We'll find places to play. No worries about that. Big city."

Rage has posed:
"Of course it's worth the energy. New York rent prices are crazy high. Do you think he'll last long knowing that the Wolf Pack army is about to blow up his world with terrible reviews and to spread the word it's ran by bigots? What if instead of mutants it was black people, or gays? No, this won't stand." Andrea says as she twitches her nose at the kiss.

Curling her arms about his hips from behind, she scoots in to lean in against him, rubbing her nose along the back of his neck in a friendly nuzzle. "And I'm always going to be the big bad wolf when it comes to you. I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow the bar down."

Icarus has posed:
"You're right of course. Just not used to having my own attack wolf and her entire Pack at my beck and call," Jay teases, knowing that is an over simplification of things but doing so for humor's sake.

"I guess I just figure it isn't worth destroying the life of someone else just cause I can't play in that bar. It isn't right, by any means, but we don't know his story either. Maybe his family were killed by mutants like the Brotherhood. Could understand them hating because of that. Needs to be education, not destruction. Can your Pack do that instead?"

Rage has posed:
"No. My fanbase is mostly bored tweens who have too much time on their hands and love to use hashtags to create trendings on the Internet." Andrea says as she brushes her fingers up along his arm, grazing his skin with her manicured fingernails "But, if you don't want me to, I won't. But you know how I get when I'm on a crusade."

As she hugs him tighter from behind, she breathes in his scent, then lets out a low sigh into his red hair. "So, are you okay with Nevada staying with us? I know I kinda jumped the gun in the midst of emotional turmoil, but I probably really should have got your opinion first."

Icarus has posed:
"Technically, it's your place. You can invite anyone you like," Jay says. Then he gives her a soft smile. "But I appreciate you talking to me about it now. If it helps you two figure things out, it's fine. I just haven't quite decided my feelings about him yet. Which is my own thing."

He shrugs on the original topic. "Maybe we should see if we can look into the bar, the owner. See if it is something more nefarious? In our lives, it usually is."

Rage has posed:
"I think he's an okay guy. Definitely .. interesting to talk to. He has a pretty open mind about life. He's used to wandering on his own two feet, maybe a bit loopy due to talking to ghosts quite a bit. He's kinda hamming it up being my new 'Instagram' dog. He's a handsome mutt, all fluffy." Andrea rolls her eyes upwards with a laugh. "The amount of impressions I'm getting online because of him is insane. It makes me almost forget to feel guilty that I'm using my twin brother for clicks."

As she sneaks around in front of him now, she loops her arms about his neck and smiles, pressing her forehead against his. "Think he was flirting with Megan the other day too." She grins at him. "But, yeah, we can look into this bar if you want. I'll send James in to do some recon. If anything he'll at least get himself a few drinks."

Icarus has posed:
"Figure it can't hurt to look into it before we do something more rash. Once we find out he's just a bigot for no good reason, you can unleash hell upon his Yelp score. Deal?"

Jay kisses the tip of her nose, his lips a little chilled since he's still munching on his ice cream. He scoops up another bite and offers it to her. "Why feel guilty? If he didn't want to be used, he wouldn't pretend to be a dog for your pics. Simple as that. Megan huh? Think he's ready for all that side of the world on top of what he already has going in his?"

Rage has posed:
"Deal." Andrea leans forward and takes a bite of his ice cream, followed by a lick of her lips "And who knows. He could just be a player. You know how dogs like to shove their muzzles into unwanted places. But she was blushing though and he's a good looking guy." Her shoulders lift upwards into a shrug.

As her hands slide down around his neck and shoulders, she sways with him a bit side to side. "I just wanted to make sure that you were okay with the situation though. I know it's happening really fast. I move you in, we get /really/ serious.. then my brother shows up out of the blue, drops a family bomb and in an emotional heat of the moment I'm quick to move him in. I didn't take your feelings into consideration."

She leans forward and gives himn another kiss, this time on the lips as she lets out soft rumble in her throat. "I told him that if you and I are looking to have alone time, he needs to skeedaddle. He's cool with it. His job keeps him busy anyways. He said there's .. uh .. a lot of lost souls here in the city. So, you know.. "

Icarus has posed:
"It's New York. A lot of souls live here so a good portion of them likely are lost or needing help. That doesn't sound like much of a surprise," Jay admits with a little frown. It's sad but it's the truth. Mathematics.

He sets aside the pint for now to wrap his arms around her, holding her comfortably. "If I had a problem with you inviting him to stay, I would've said something. I won't be quiet if I have issues. So you don't have to worry about it."

Rage has posed:
"You say that, but you're a guy and guys are weird." Andrea says with a grin on her face. "He's not home now though and won't be back until late. So, you and I can do terrible things to the kitchen counter later." She says as she winks at him, then leans in to snatch other kiss. "Until then, what do you wanna do? I was just watching TV waiting for either of you to come home before I retired for the night. So, my evening was planned to be boring. But, I cna throw some proper clothes on and we can get out of here for a bit."

She dips her finger into his ice cream and licks it clean, then trots off for the living room with a grin as she looks over her shoulder. "I could sing a song I wrote about you also if you're curious. Even named it after you."

Icarus has posed:
"Nah, not really up for going out. Still disappointed we didn't get to play. Could've gone to Sam's place and gotten on stage, I'm sure. Just left a sour taste in my mouth. Thus. Ice cream." To put a different taste there.

Jay follows her to the living room, still munching a bite here or there. At the mention of a song, he arches a brow as he flops onto the couch, using the toe of his foot to press against the heel of the opposite shoe to pull off his sneaker. Then he does the same with the other. A moment later, he is sitting tailor style on the couch with his pint. "I'd love to hear it."

Rage has posed:
Settling herself down next to him, Andrea shifts herself to lean in against him. She tucks herself into the closest wing, pulling it over her like a security blanket of feathers. Giving him a smile, she leans in to kiss him on the cheek.

"You coulda gone to Sam's and rocked it out. Sometimes the best performances is when you play angry, hot with emotion and rage and you can just let it out raw on the stage. The crowd eats that up. They can connect with anger."

Humming to herself softly, she uses her phone to turn the speakers on, then swipes her finger along the glass a few times to select a song. "Okay, this isn't a finished song, but it's raw and the tracks are complete." As she presses play, her song titled Icarus can be heard. It's a lazy popbeat, but it's a story telling song.

Icarus has posed:
"I'd have needed an angry song though. Could've done some covers of something, I suppose," Jay says.

As she settles in, he cuddles her close and waits for the music to start. Within seconds, his head is nodding in time to the music. He smiles a little as he listens to the lyrics, not commenting until it is completely over.

He leans over to kiss her. Firmly, soundly, with all the love he feels. Then he pulls back. "It's wonderful. You didn't need to write a song about me though. THough..you seem to have written a lot of them," he adds.

Rage has posed:
As she returns the kiss, Andrea gives a low rumble in her throat of happiness. She loves to hear his praise. "Yeah? I was worried you wouldn't like it. I started writing it after we met and I started to get to know you. Back when I was really worried about you. You were on my mind quite a bit. It's going to be on my album but no one is gonna know it's about you obviously."

"But I wanted you to hear it before it was finished and get your thoughts. My management team loves it, obviously. It's kinda a perfect B-Side."