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Latest revision as of 04:12, 7 July 2020

Here's looking atcha, Kid
Date of Scene: 03 July 2020
Location: Salem Center, Westchester County
Synopsis: Kitty runs into Jua and gets invited to his house, and plans to help him build a scooter
Cast of Characters: Shadowcat, Kid

Shadowcat has posed:
It's a pretty day in Salem Centr. Kitty's out here under the cloudlesss sky, in her summer guise. She rode her Vespa here that's settled into a spot at the side of the road, and Kitty's sat at a nearby cafe table. So, Kitty's able to watch her scooter and enjoy the weather and stick to her diet. Win all around. See. Kitty's in a plain t-shirt and jean shorts, too, and her usual footwear. Kittty also as ever, has a Lockheed in her lap too.

"She's just people watching, and waiting on her food to show up, too. Ice water for the warm day today, it's up in the 90s, but not dry heat.

Kid has posed:
Walking along the sidewalk was a monsterously built teen. One would at first look ping him for a mutant immediately...which was fine by him. As he walks along he was looking over the Vespa...walking around it inspectingly, It looked to be in good shape...good parts...would be nice to strip down. But he'll probably get in trouble with Mercy...Orion...and the law. Again. Old habits where tough to break....
    It was easy to tell he was thinking about it. Shiney...nice, and just sitting here. Kid himself fit the part too. Frame aside, he wore jean overalls with a broken strap, he had a torn and dirty shirt, and no shoes, going barefoot. Plenty of scars too. Taking the part of someone who needed help....and someone who would readily punch you out for trying to help. It kept folks away generally, and he liked it like that.
    But alas...he couldn't QUITE break his habits. He was sure no one would mind if he...took a step onto the Vespa and checked it out. He glanced around a moment before stepping onto the vehicle....could it even withstand the weight of such a heavy set fella? Guess were about to find it.

Shadowcat has posed:
That is Kitty's Vespa. That is one of the X-Men's Vespa. Kitty gives Kid a warning look as if saying hey, you break my scooter, you get what's coming as she gets out of her chair and looks over. "Hey, you interested in my scooter? I can tell you where I got mine" she offers, leaning on the table. Hey. Kitty's trying.^R
Give her credit.

Kid has posed:
Kid looks over to Kitty. He has mellowed out SOMEWHAT over the years. Normally he would be giving people death glares already, but he was...chill, for now. Though clearly the warning look had no effect as he glances down at the vespa, turning the handles a bit. Strong enough to handle him was a good start. He looks back at Kitty....and nods at her in response to her question. He at least steps off of it. Kitty ain't getting robbed today! Least not right now!

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty's not a fan of being robbed. Still, she looks to Kid. "No you can't have my scooter, but if you want one, I know where you get the parts and build one" Kitty offers. A.K.A. Build yourself a scooter. Kitty gives Kid a nod, "You'll enjoy it more if you build it with your hands and you'll enjoy building and riding it way more than if you buy one" Kitty says. She knows what she is on about having seen her friends and adopted family build vehicles and ride/drive them. It's relaxing. Kitty looks to the Vespa and smiles. "You into bikes and scooters then?" she adds.

See. Being chatty and nosey is....sometimes, a good thing for Kitty. Like now, chatting with this guy.

Kid has posed:
The Big brute opens a satchel he is carrying, and...the teen is PACKING. He has a sledge hammer, screw drivers, wrenches, carving tools, crowbar, flashlight, and more. He was a walking tool shop. He digs through them and pulls out a large notebook and hands it to Kitty, indicating to open it. Inside...well there was alot of rough sketches of putting togeather various gadgets and gizmos, indicating he liked to make things in general. He even offers a smile.

Shadowcat has posed:
"So you're definitely capable of making your own scooter" Kitty muses flipping through the notbook, while keeping an eye on Kid too. "so how about this, you and I work on building youu a scooter on the weekends?" she offers. Kind of a 'get Kid out of trouble' thing, all brought on by him seeing how her scooter works. Which has led to Kitty offering to help build him one between them. See. Kitty is helpful. The water is untouched, true but...Kitty's going out on a limb and offering. Part of her is in guidance counselor mode. The other part's in hey, get away from my scooter mode.

Kitty's working on the idea that, hey, Kid just needs to put those drawings in his notebook to use, and offering it back to him, she nods. "You're very talented and very mechanically inclined" Kitty nods.

Kid has posed:
Kid takes his notebook back putting it into his satchel again. He begins to sign and a synthetic voice can be heard from around his general area "My pa taught me alot. All we did really. But sure, why not build a scooter with a random stranger. If nothing else, I will break you in half if you get on my nerves" it was hard to tell if he was joking or not. But nothing about him, looks aside, scream threat. Rough perhaps, maybe not the best upbringing, but the 'tone' was so casual, one might think it just the way he communicates.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty shakres her head. "Yeah right, you break me, no scooter" she explains with a look around. "Alright, so where you want to build the scooter?" she adds making mental notes. Where she needs to go, what she needs to do. Which boils down to, alright, this guy has tools. Bring parts. Build scooter. Sounds so easy on paper.

Kid has posed:
Kid grins and hands her a paper with an address. A far, secluded address. With the words 'Bring friends for a good time'. Whatever he had in mind....probably was fun. It said to come tonight or be a loser. Who knows. But still jua walks away whistling

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty pockets the paper. Alright, first things first...look up who owns that house as Kittty nods, and finishes her water, then pulls on her goggles, gloves and cap, and with Lockheed with her she starts up her Vespa and heads for home. Yes. She's paid for her water and has food with her too, a sandwich to bring too.