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Clint's Exes Club
Date of Scene: 16 July 2020
Location: Recreation Room, The Triskelion
Synopsis: The exes compare notes and hope they are wrong that there is more to Clint's disappearance than his just being a jerk.
Cast of Characters: Black Widow (Romanoff), Quake, Mockingbird

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
The Agents of SHIELD are a busy lot. They investigate a huge range of things, from arms deals to murder, from human trafficking to homeland security. They are very specialized in their training and varied in their skills. They are a hard working lot, often workaholics who don't take enough time off or focus on self.

That is something SHIELD recognized and a reason that their base of operations had locations like the recreation room. If the people were going to be there working to all hours anyway, maybe they could be tempted to try to relax a few hours if there was a room to do that in nearby. Thus, this place had been added and it turned out to be a great success.

At the moment, Natasha was taking a break herself, needing to get her mind off the information she was working through on the arms dealer she was tracking. She had claimed a pool table. No one was playing against her as she just took her time and worked on sinking the balls in numerical order.

Quake has posed:
She isn't by herself for long! But Skye is just sitting on the benches, watching. Surprisingly, her laptop is closed. "What is that?"

Mockingbird has posed:
Bobbi's not feeling like getting schooled today, though admittedly she, in jeans and a t-shirt and tennis shoes, she's no pool shark at all, instead she's got earbuds in and has picked a spot to sit half way between Skye and the pool table. One earbud falls out and dangles down, Bobbi's not caring enough to put it back in. After all the song's nearly over.

Breathe. In. Out. Breathe.

Bobbi sits up more from her half slouch and nods a hey to both Skye and Natasha. "You got this. I'd play but I'm not much of a pool player, college is long gone and I'd just end up owing you five bucks

she smirks and looks to Skye. "Hey...is....that Skye not looking at a computer?" Bobbi asks in a whisper, "Hey, Skye you want snacks or anything?" Morse offers. Don't ruin the moment, Bobbi. Skye looks at home here

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"Just trying to not think for a bit. And you likely could win against me. I'm not to the level of certain people." Natasha says from her spot as she lines up the four with the cue ball. She bends and settles in with her stick then sends the white ball rolling over, tapping the four into the side pocket and lining the cue up for a good angle on the five.

"Pretty sure Skye would school all of us. So don't even pretend you don't know, Skye! We are not buying your hustle here."

Quake has posed:
"Heh, got me." Skye grins. "I should have expected you to know. I used to win my supper sometime. Should have watched Clint lose to me." She frowns. "We have heard from him?"

Mockingbird has posed:
Bobbi shakes her head to Skye, "Nothing that I'm aware of no" she says and then looks over the pool table. "You got this, see, this is the sort of thing I like for math lessons" Bobbi adds giving the table a look over again then over to Skye.

"I've heard tales of how good you are. Care to demonstrate?" Bobbi asks and tilts her head a little. Oh yes, she's trying to not let the subject turn to Clint. Bobbi's got her own views on him, and his antics but now is absolutely not the time to run her mouth and ruin the mood, nah. Bobbi's gonna keep quiet on /that/ one. Instead, she goes to the pool table next to Natasha and sets about racking up the balls and takes a cue.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
As Bobbi starts setting up the neighboring table, Natasha pauses in her own tinkering around to look over. She glances to Skye. "Haven't heard. He's gone totally dark. I'm still working my contacts though. You'll be the first to know once I get something."

She leans the butt of her stick on the floor and wraps a hand around, leaning her weight on it like a walking stick. "I still think you had to cheat to beat Clint." There it is. The challenge in the air.

Quake has posed:
"I know. Quit thinking about him." Skye gives a sigh. "It's not so simple. So much of my life worked around him. Like SHIELD. My home. My archery. Everything. I kinda decided that maybe I couldn't pretend that he wasn't in my life, so I'm trying this other way." She shrugs.

She grins as the challenge is uttered by Natasha. "Ohhh, you have to be kidding me? Clint and I used to bet on the strangest things. But he actually tried to let me win, until I started to play like a pro."

Standing up, "Seriously?" But she gets a pool cue. "Alright.."

Mockingbird has posed:
Bobbi's not the world's best or worst pool player, she can just mess around on the pool table while Natasha lays down a challenge. "Loser buys us lunch for the week" she calls over with a grin. "I'll be over here on the next table taking notes. You two battle it out and I may learn a thing or five"

Hopefully. Bobbi's more worried about skye however, but if she can help take Skye's mind off of things...well....she's done good, maybe, perhaps?

Bobbi crouches over the table and pauses, then with a click the cue ball moves...all of about two feet. "Let me try that again" Bobbi adds hastily.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"Probably for the best. Since it is supposed to hit the other balls." Natasha puts a hand on the cue, rolling it back over to Bobbi. "I don't want to play for money or anything. I already know she can beat me. I just figure we can all play around for the fun of it and nothing more."

She gives a little shrug and watches Bobbi. "You can't avoid the topic, no. Just not dwelling on it. We're still looking. We'll find out something eventually. For now, we need to live.

Quake has posed:
"Live? Like it's so easy to do. With him, I came out of my world. Now that he is gone, I'm back to my Internet most of the time. I don't know, what do I do? Oh well, it moved back to the Greenwich property. The cats like it better. Coming home is different, but I think it's better for me. Have to logout at least that much." Of course, she doesn't mention the times she works from home.

Mockingbird has posed:
"True" Bobbi says and focuses on the cue ball, this time she strikes it firmly. It's got her focusing and not being mouthy as Bobbi stands p and nods to Nat and Skye. "You're right" she says again and pauses her pacing around the table.

"See, you have cats. I'm pleased, you know they say cats are able to figure out what's going on" Bobbi says, snapping off another pool shot again potting the 5 and she peers down to the table. "8 ball, corner" she decides and bends back down to the table again.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"You are preaching to the choir, Skye. She already knows." Natasha nods at Bobbi. "As do I. First hand. We both dated him at one time or were married to him. We love the guy, but we survived and moved on. You say he drew you out of your world like you are the only one."

She glances to Bobbi's play but is more focused on the conversation. "You do know he's the reason I'm a good guy, right? Or did he not tell you that? That I was here, working for my country and out to kill my target and Clint was the person that taught me there was another way, got me to switch sides. Less than ten years ago, I was on the opposite team." She smirks a bit. "If I had gone back to my old life when we broke up, we would be having a very different conversation right now that involved me trying to kill all of you."

Mockingbird has posed:
"I like you not trying to kill us" Bobbi nods,. "I was married to Clint, I saw the good and bad in him, Skye. It's hard, I get where you're coming from, but my ending things with him was different. Even so..." Bobbi says softly. The pool game can wait really...mostly since this is her being honest with Skye and Nat. See, it's the 'we all were involved with Clint' club. It's like book club, only more occupational violence and all have that common Clint bond. "Nat, you're you, good, bad, I'd still jump into a fight for either of you because we're all in this together. I mean, I wasn't mad you dated Clint, Skye. I wanted that to work for you both. You two made a good pairing, really. As for you Nat, if you hadn't switched sides...." she says letting the sentence die off. "I'd probably still have befriended you even so, but you made the right choice switching sides, that's the thing" she nods. Bobbi's fiercely loyal to her friends. Current company especially.

"So let me ask you a hypothetical, girls. What would you do if Clint walked in the door after I said this? I know what my answer would be"

Quake has posed:
"Really?" Skye smiles fondly. "He never told me that. We didn't get on to begin with, so he was careful about what he told me about the past. You know, maybe that was the end. Maybe we just didn't need him. Not that way."

She watches Mockingbird take a cue. "Aim it like you're banking the ball after it. You'll find it goes better."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"I was working for Mother Russia still back then. On assignment to kill, of all people, Tony Stark himself." Natasha looks off a moment, a small smile on her face. "It was a long time ago now. A lifetime."

Well, not for her but quite a long time in the life of her two companions at the least.

"At first, no, we didn't get along that great. But I've learned to appreciate you for you and your skills. Not your taste in alcoholic beverages though." She makes a little face. "I need to introduce you the wonders of vodka."

A glance to Bobbi. "I appreciate that. He was really the first one that managed to get it through my skull I had a choice. And now I am so much the better for it. Still have a lot to atone for but I'm working on it."

Mockingbird has posed:
Bobbi shakes her head. "Vodka. You could just get a small piece of land and grow potatoes" she says. Great, Bobbi opens her mouth, and out come ideas encouraring her friends to grow their own fuel for vodka. Bobbi's boringly responsible when on the clock. But like now, when off the clock, she's far more free and relaxed. "See, Clint always was honest, and true with his words. But honestly, I know this sounds like me being a bitch but..." Bobbi offers and banks the 8 into the corner pocket and studies the table before she looks back to Skye and Nat.

"But in a way, it's shown me who I really am. Do I still love Clint? I...don't know. I love him but I'm not in love with him....that sounded uch better in my head" Bobbi admits. "It's difficult, though...but....you know, you'd do anything for someone you were that involved with? Yeah, but I just pray nobody uses that against me. I mean not a secret Clint and I, hell, all of us and Clint, at different times, were a thing" Bobbi says wondering just who would be cruel enojugh to use that against all three of them. One's bad enough but...

Quake has posed:
"I'm glad. Shield wouldn't have been the same without you. You made me think, if they could accept me, maybe I'd have a chance." Skye laughs at Mockingbird. "What do I say to him? Oh god. I don't think he's next been for me to trust myself. I hope I could say something nice? You, Nat?"

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"What would I say if he walked in right now? Easy. Clint, you're an ass."

If they expected something more delicate, Natasha ruins that. "

"Of course, I've told him that before. It still didn't make any difference." She shrugs and glances at the pool table but it really has lost any interest for her now. At the thought from Bobbi, she frowns and glances over.

"I will say this. IF someone is messing with him, took him to get at any of us, they messed with the wrong women."

Mockingbird has posed:
Bobbi busts out laughing. Leave it to Nat to say what Bobbi's thinking. Clint, you're an ass was on her thoughts list. Behindd blaming herself for being the catalyst for the end of Bobbi and Clint...and in front of 'how many times should I drop in to check on Skye's cats?'

"Oh hell yes they have. This..." Bobbi admits, cue held like one of her staves, which is a giant tell to her mood, This has her thinking, and truth be told she doesn't like where her thoughts are going. "If somebody is...It's not a shock there's no shortage of people who want to get to us. The question is who would want to the most?" Bobbi asks. yeah she's right back into Agent Morse mindset. Great, she's cut her break short. Good job on getting Bobbi to consider this.

Quake has posed:
"You don't think.. do you?" Now Skye is thinking that thought too.

Mockingbird has posed:
Bobbi looks from Skye to Natasha. "It's worth looking into" she says and sets the pool cue back. If the rookies want a pool game, Morse has left things set up. This is more urgent as she looks genuinely worried. "I'm thinking it's worth looking at, but do we tell anyone else or?" Bobbi wonders aloud. In her mind, no, this is just the three of them, but on the other hand...SHIELD resources could be useful. And Clint is a fellow agent. The right thing would be telling SHIELD, but the quicker way would be doing it themselves...

Bobbi sighs wearily and runss a hand across her forehead. "I'll be in my office if you two need anything. If we're going to do this ourselves we need somewhere secure to work on this"

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"We will use our resources here. They tend to turn a blind eye when I'm doing things since they know it is for the greater good. And that is not a Nick Fury eyepatch joke, either," Natasha adds with a grin.

"But it is something we might want to consider. Usually when he just goes away on one of his sabbaticals, I can find him. This hasn't been the case this time." She hops to her feet as well. "Might be a good idea to go look up some options. Hydra always comes to mind but I have a lot of personal enemies. Only, don't see them wanting to get at you all too."

Quake has posed:
"I'll look on the darknet. Put my feelers out. Come over to my place, say Friday night?" Skye nods to the other girls.