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Latest revision as of 04:43, 19 July 2020

Lunch With Friends
Date of Scene: 15 July 2020
Location: Burger Joint - Salem Center
Synopsis: Hank and Kitty have a nice lunch at the burger joint.
Cast of Characters: Beast, Shadowcat

Beast has posed:
The burger joint isn't too busy, considering it's the middle of the week. This is fine with the folks who've gathered here to grab some food.

Just entering the restaurant is Hank McCoy, scientist extraordinaire. He arrives at the host stand and requests a booth, finding himself being lead over there quickly enough, sliding onto the bench and leaning back with a menu in hand.

Shadowcat has posed:
THe Kittiest of all the Prides....Kitty Pride, in her summer outfit, shortss, sandals and a sun dreess, and her hair done, shows up a few moments after Hank does. She looks like she's taking the day off of doing anything entirely too responsible, and joins Hank in the booth with a cheery wave.

"Hey" Kitty grins looking pleased. "How's it going?

Kitty is conversational, chatty, curious and hungry too, she's been in the garage earlier on in old jeans working on her Vespa...with a book telling her what to do mind.

Kitty looks relieved to be here though given how nice the weather is. Plus hey, she isn't turning down a chance to hang out with a friend of hers since school's out for summer.

Beast has posed:
From his seat at the booth Hank McCoy notices Kitty anter and starts to grin when he sees his friend, lifting a hand in a wave, "Hello Kitty, I'm doing quite well." A lift of his chin, "How are you this afternoon?"

The blue teacher stands up to gesture towards the other side of the booth, "What's new with you? I'm afraid I've been doing much the same as usual."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty peers at Hank over a menu, "I'm good, I've been reading and cleaning and working on my Vespa, not that you'd figure it out mind" Kitty offers with a nod, "Took old jeans, t-shirt and decided to change and come here in something more suited to warm weather and summer" she adds settling in more. "Ah, you're being responsible, well one of us is" Kitty nods and looks pleased, then turns her eyes back to themenu again. Where would she find kosher food?

Maybe Kitty needs to ask for it? Either way she looks to Hank and grins. "See, you're responsible and mature, you ever imagine if we switched jobs for a week?" Kitty giggles. Hank would probably make a fine guidance counselor really, that's the thing that has Kitty giggling.

Beast has posed:
"Well, you look lovely, my friend," Hank replies to Kitty with a grin. "I had to change out of my usual shorts to come out here, myself. Not to mention escape the lab for some time."

"Well, if you ever need to take the time off I can attempt to steer the youth correctly. No telling if that would work out for them, however, with my constant recommendations to go into the hard sciences."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty grins more, "You were working in the lab late one night?" Kitty asks with a knowing nod, all but singing the words before grinning to Hank. "I had to, I had to. Be glad I can't have access to your cellphone. I've a few dozen ideas for your ringtone" Kitty says, then shakes her head. "See this is what having little work does. I get bored, I get creative" she adds and looks up and down the menu again.

Wait, hank was wearing shorts? That gets a raised eyebrow from Kitty. "So it's true, you do know how to dress for the weather. And all this time I figured you only had one style of clothing. Serves me right for assuming" Kitty says. Ohh she needs to make a note of this, Hank being fashionable and practical

Beast has posed:
"Well. ONE night, yes," Hank replies with a chuckle. "You could always join me in the lab as an assistant. I'm sure you'd keep busy down there." He pauses for a second, "Actually, your computer skills might come in handy with any three dimensional modeling I might have to work on."

Then he nods his head, "Well, typically when I'm in the lab I wear shorts and a lab coat. When I go out, especially at this time of year, that's when the Hawaiian shirts begin to appear."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty perks up with a nod, "Sure, what do you need help with?" she asks as Kitty finally settles on a grilled cheese burger. As in, literally grilled cheese, some lettuce, tomato and bread, because dietary reasons. "I mean, I could write something up and send it to you or do you need stimulating conversation, and oh no, no way, I know what happens to lab assistantss" Kitty nods tapping her nose. "They get promoted. Plus, I've no desire to go to college for years, rack up debt and then end up as a teacher" she jokes, "eriously though, I'll help with whatever you need computer wise"

That was easy, Kitty decides. She'll help out her fellow colleagus and friends. Because Kitty's nicee like that.

"Oh I thought of you the other day, I ran across a food truck selling hot dogs. My first thought was how many would I need to keep you from being grouchy when hungry....swiftly followed by I don't make enough money for how much that costs" Kitty nods, ordering her food.

Beast has posed:
"I'm not sure, yet," Hank admits when asked what he needs help with. His own order is a burger and a milkshake, with a side of fries. "I'll be certain to take advantage of your computer skills when needed."

At the joke the blue fellow laughs, his head tilting back in amusement, "That's where much of my income goes when I don't eat at the mansion. It's hard to fill up this stomach and even harder to keep it full."

Shadowcat has posed:
"I know where to start from then" Kitty muses with a look across the table to Hank. "I'll guess you won't let me have full unfettered acccess to your computer huh?" Kitty asks with her ever present smile. "See" Kitty says listening to Hank's order. Ah that sounds good, but so does her own order.

"Noted" Kitty nods looking glad. "Whereas with me, I tend to eat in the mansion or see what people make me" Kitty says with a wry smile watching Hank. "I've not been in your lab in ages mind. That needs changing"

Beast has posed:
"You're welcome in the lab whenever I'm not working on anything that has to be kept hidden from the other staff at the mansion, which is incredibly rare," Hanks says to his friend with a little chuckle. "We're lucky to have some good cooks at the institute this semester. I very much enjoy the smells of delicious cooking when I step out of the lab. You know, rather than the scent of the kitchen on fire. Again."