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Latest revision as of 04:44, 19 July 2020

Casing the Place
Date of Scene: 14 July 2020
Location: Third Gotham Bank and Trust, Red Hook
Synopsis: Casing the place turned into fleeing the place. Blackout escaped Mockingbird's advances.
Cast of Characters: Blackout, Mockingbird

Blackout has posed:
    Just another quiet morning at the good ole Third Gotham Bank and Trust. The bank opened just 17 minutes ago and one of the first customers is a mild mannered looking man wearing a black business suit. He holds a black secure case measuring 1'x1.5'x1' in size. He's been called into one of those glass side offices where he can discuss bank terms and other conditions regarding the 'rental' of a safety deposit box. Jill Meyers is the bank employee that has taken him into her office and they've taken a seat opposite one another across from her desk. She pulls out paperwork while they discuss his needs.

    He states, "Yes, ma'am. I have it right here." He pats the case. "It's about the size of a coffee cup. But very delicate and a family heirloom. I don't dare risk it. Plus, I hear the Batman protects this city. I hear he's a top rate crime fighter."

    Jill smiles and nods, "That he is sir. He's helped stop crime in our very bank. Here are some forms, if you would, I just need a few signatures."

Mockingbird has posed:
SHIELD has Blackout somewhere near the top of their 'capture to save face' list. At least, Morse calls it that. Morse has been tracking Blackout since he ran off. This is her mission. She's tracked him to Gotham, kinda, sorta. She's got a ton of toys at her disposal and has used them all pretty much. Now she's heading into the bank wearing a suit like just any other high class businesswoman. She's got a fake ID and covered her tracks with a fake identity and documents too. Bobbi Morse let the rookies pick a list of names. Gotta make them feel valued...

Then totally discard them all, as Morse has her cover name. Anna Fracini, so-say on paper wealthy Italian heritage woman looking to buy a business. And put some, ahem, acquired things in a safety deposit box.

Blackout has posed:
    He leans forward in his seat, Marcus takes the documents and a pen then begins signing where instructed. Jill waits patiently and after 6 signatures, he slides the pages back over. "Here ya go." She takes the paperwork and will paper clip it, then set it to the side. She states, "I see that you already paid for the service when you filled out our online requests. Then this won't take long at all." She stands. He stands.

    Meanwhile, in other parts of the bank branch, Bobbi is approached by a bank money manager and will ask, "Good morning miss... How may I be of service?"

Mockingbird has posed:
Bobbi smiles and produces the papers from her jacket, careful not to reveal anything. "I'd like to start by opening my safety deposit box" she says and looks to the manager. "I think you can help with that" she says and looks around the bank.

They get points for effort and style really, Morse is actually here on a mission, she could buy a business for SHIELD, true. Hey, she wants to. Poor Director Fury paying for a convenience store in Gotham, if Mockingbird has her way...she's trying to, apparently, engineer Fury's early demise or something by stress.

She gives the manager a quiet confident smile, waiting. If he plays into he r hands and leads her to Blackout....this'll make it easier. On the other hand...

Blackout has posed:
    Marcus and Jill turn and walk toward the exit of her office.

    The Bank Money Manager says, "Oh, of course miss Fracini. I am Harold Penn. I see that you've filled out, signed, and prepped the paperwork for me. Please, come this way. We can go right in.

    Jill and Marcus walk across the bank toward the stairs that will lead down to the vault.

    Bobbi and Harold move in behind them, keeping a comfortable distance of 10 feet, also heading toward the stairs that descend into the vault.

    Bobbi will likely notice that Blackout is wearing darkforce as a suit. The case is also darkforce. So he's bulletproof and resistant to tasers, fire, etc. Except for his head/face and hands which are exposed. The meta dampener cuffs need to touch his skin to be effective.

Mockingbird has posed:
Bobbi is silently wondering if that stuff is immune to psychological manipulation really. She knows how the meta dampening cuffs work and she looks to Blackout. Ten feet isn't much of a problem for Bobbi. Problem is she's walking a fine, fine line. If she spooks him, he's gone and he's got away. If he does anything? She'll be on the hook for letting it happen no doubt. Bobbi waits, and has a plan. She 'pretends' to stumble and trip on the stairs. Hopefully that's enough to draw their curiosity. As she 'trips', she is trying her damndest to set things up so that somebody can help her out.

Blackout has posed:
    From the foot of the stairs, Blackout/Marcus and Jill both turn to look up to Bobbi who 'tripped' on the stairs. However, her walking companion is already on the job. Harold is quite the gentleman and he will do his best to 'catch' or 'steady' her during her fall as he exclaims, "Oh my. Don't lose your footing, my dear." And if she were to actually go down, he'd be there to grab and help her up.

    Jill and Marcus both look concerned. Jill even states, "Oh please be careful. These steps are quite shallow."

Mockingbird has posed:
That's not quite how it was meant to go, Bobbi nods pulling herself up to her full height again. "I know, I found that out the hard way, I'm okay" Bobbi says gently and listens, looking over the four of them. Her next idedea. Seperate them, and see where that goes.

Blackout has posed:
    Jill and Marcus turn and continue on down the short hallway into the vault. There, one will see rows and rows of safety deposit boxes of all shapes and sizes. There are even little side areas in which to privately sort stuff on a counter top. Jill and Marcus both go inside.

    Howard comes to a stop just outside the vault and says, "We'll give them a few moments to get sorted. Then we'll go in."

Mockingbird has posed:
Bobbi pulls out her badge, "I need to head in there, there's a wanted criminal in there" she whispers, "You let me in there before the criminal vanishes or does somethhing and you'l be in the press as the hero bank manager who foiled whatever it is that's going on" Bobbi carries on whispering. Play to his ego, Morse. Manipulate him and get him to give you what works best for the mission...

Blackout has posed:
    Harold's eyes get wide as his level of alertness and concern grow. He looks into the vault, at her badge, and then the vault again and he says, "Oh my." in a hushed tone. "Surely you're not suggesting that man..." and he fades out in his voice as he course corrects and says, "What ever you need, ma'am."

    Meanwhile, Jill and Marcus have moved to the stacks of safety deposit boxes and out of direct sight and hearing.

Mockingbird has posed:
Just give me access to the vault" Bobbi whispers, "And all this will blow over. Dangerous criminal arrested, hero bank manager and hero guards held him down"

Yeah, Bobbi's not above embellishing a bit, part of her manipulation. "You'd be a hero at work and be the big cheese" Bobbi smiles. "Thank you, I jus need vault access" she says and looks pleased.

Blackout has posed:
    Harold walks to the security gate, opens it and steps aside. Giving Bobbi direct access into the vault proper.

    Inside, Jill and Marcus have opened a security box, pulled it out, and Marcus has walked over to one of the private booths where he sat the box onto a counter, opened it and is about to place his possession into it.

Mockingbird has posed:
Bobbi picks then to enter, with her jacket flared out to reveal her tranq gun, pistol and staves. "Marcus" she calls. "I'm not going to hurt you. I'll level with you if you let me" she nods and waits. Sure, guarding the exit is silly when he can just disappear, but....Bobbbi wants to make this look convincing. "I'm not out to kill you. Not at all, I've been looking for you" she says.

Blackout has posed:
    The calling out of his name is the trigger. A second after she calls out, she will hear the pressure change, or the sound of the portal opening. Jill gasps as she's looking across the vault to his private area. And with that, he is gone.

Mockingbird has posed:
Shi....he's gone. He's gone, and Bobbi looks around. Hm, if there's a way to follow him, maybe, Maybe,.

Bobbi's an optimist. Bobbi's quietly furious about this really...as she leans on the wall, watching everything going on. Great, he slipped away