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Breakfast at....not Tiffany's. Try the Avengers Mansion
Date of Scene: 19 July 2020
Location: Dining Hall, Avengers Mansion
Synopsis: Bobbi and Cap have breakfast in the Avengers mansion. Plans are made for the day.
Cast of Characters: Captain America, Mockingbird

Captain America has posed:
    Early morning begins with the sun breaking through the clouds and letting some of the sunlight shine in rays through the drawn curtains. Just a few slivers of light sneaking through and into the kitchen of the Avengers' mansion granting that subtle low-tone glow that gives the world that hint of the strange at this time in the morning.
    Within the kitchen proper the room's lights are mostly darkened, the data display on the wall sits mute and dimmed, though a few select LCDs illuminate some of the utilities. But then there's a moment each morning that the silence is broken as lights flicker on in that kitchen beyond the dining hall, and a quiet gurgle from the coffee maker. Lights snapping to prominence when normally it's one particular member of the Avengers that emerges almost at the crack of dawn each day.
    << Good morning, Captain Rogers. >> An electronic voice murmurs in a pleasing British accent. << Your coffee will be ready in seventeen seconds. I trust your early workout was acceptable? >>
    "Thank you, Jarvis." Steve Rogers' voice is warm, polite. Long ago having afforded Jarvis the acceptance to some degree as another reasoning being. "Gives me just enough time to get the toast going."
    << As you would, sir. >>

Mockingbird has posed:
Mockingbird apparently never sleeps, rumor has it. If anyone believes the stories of the workaholic SHIELDagent/Avengers member/former head of their West Coast group, hey, they'd assume she's a vampire or something and doesn't really need sleep. The truth is more boring. Bobbi slept at strange hours, still consumed by her discussions in the Triskelion's rec/res room with Natasha and Skye, A.K.A. her two best friends in SHIELD...

She's got the run of the mansion apparently and turns from the window. She is, in all actuality wearing PJs and slippers, because.....frankly, first things she came to, and she was exhausted when she crashed earlier in the night. five and a half hours sleep, alright by her, then up and over here to se what's going on.

Morse wears many, many hats. She gives Cap a nod and nods to Jarvis. "Morning Jarvis, may I trouble you for coffee?" she asks.

Mockingbird, pre-coffee, if anyone cares to look she's actually looking tired but....she's not got the energy currently to sarcasm anyone. Instead she just, kind of, sort of, collapses into the nearest seat, head on her arms and watching quietly.

Captain America has posed:
    At Bobbi's arrival, Cap gives her a nod and then takes up his mug of coffee from the coffeemaker. "Barbara." He lifts it up to give her a small 'salute' with the mug then takes up his place beside the sink. Nearby the large eight slice toaster casually heats up two of its chambers, stating the process of toasting two slices of bread.
    Cap's dressed for that earlier work out. Long grey sweat shorts cover his thighs, a pair of white athletic shoes his feet, and a white tanktop his chest though it leaves the shoulders and arms free. Over one of those broad shoulders is a towel that hangs loose and looks a touch used. But that could just be that small glow of perspiration that gives Steve that slight sheen of exertion.
    "Early morning or late night?" He asks with a quirk of an eyebrow and an almost delicate sip from his mug.

Mockingbird has posed:
Bobbi raises her head and looks to Cap with blinks that may as well be Morse coded messsages, pun intended. "Both, I've got a dilemma on my mind, and was up late working on it. Kind of involves u lot too. Bobbi isn't going to recount word for word what Clint's exes discussed and their train of thoughts, butgiven Clint's an Avenger too, yeah, he's kind of a big deal to both the teamsBobbi's in. Oh and he's her ex-husband too and both her best friends in SHIELD are his exes too.

"How's things with you? I was going to forget work and just relax with a nice breakfast and watch the sun come up over the city" Morse says and looks pleased. "3am workouts are severely underrated, ya know"

Captain America has posed:
    "Oh?" Cap asks as he sets the coffee down once the toaster 'beeps' faintly and then makes the low 'chung' as it shifts and lifts the bread partially out of the toasting chamber. The First Avenger turns around and pulls open one of the cabinets, reaching in to grab a small plate and sets it down on the counter-top with a clink.
    Then with two fingers he pulls the toast out and sets it on the plate while liberating a butter knife from the nearest drawer and reaching for the small pads of butter in the prep area. Unwrapping one he'll casually start the process of spreading the butter on the toast as he turns back to her.
    "What sort of dilemma has you down, Barbara?" Those baby blues meet her gaze and he takes a quick glance over her, as if taking her measure or looking for any tell-tale signs he might have missed. But then he tilts his head the other way at her question.
    "Going good, keeping busy. A lot's on our plate, but not as much as there's been before." A polite way of phrasing it perhaps. But once his toast is buttered he takes up the plate and and a napkin along with his mug, then makes his way over to the table. He takes a seat but only after pulling out a chair with a faint scrape of its feet upon the floor.

Mockingbird has posed:
Bobbi scribbles down what she wants for breakfast (full English anyhow) as she sets the sticky note on the table, she keeps them on her at all times for note taking. Like now. "What's got me down?" Bobbi asks and holds Cap's gaze. "Clint's unreachable, normally one of us can track him, but..." Bobbi sayss..meaing SHIELD, true. "Nobody can find him, it's like he's vanished off the face of the planet" she admits. She's not saying her, Skye and Nat are putting SHIELD's resources to work on this. "See, it's kind of a secret but Bobbi reasons the Avengers can help, right?

Bobbi waits patiently, asking Jarvis for a full English breakfast with her coffee. "I'm glad things are quieter though, see. It'soddly relaxing" Bobbi nods looking pleased then stretches a little.

Captain America has posed:
    Brow furrowed, Cap gives a nod as he lowers his eyes to consider what's said. Then he looks back up to her and murmurs, "I know. Sometimes the toughest part of this job..." He looks around them slowly, then back to her. "Is that you have to wait at times."
    He sits up, back straight with his hands flat upon the tabletop. "We could both rush out there and try to track down leads. But I know that we have some of our best people on it. Once we get something actionable, that's where we come in."
    But that doesn't stop the stress of knowing something's wrong and not being able to take action. A small smile touches his lips as he murmurs, "Don't worry, Barbara. We'll do everything we can. And Clint... he can take care of himself." As can any of the Avengers.

Mockingbird has posed:
Bobbi looks relieved at that, and settles back. "Good" bobbi nods looking over at the coffee that Cap's got and waiting for hers and food, as Bobbi nods. "You got a good point, but I need to catch up with the rest of you guys" she adds.

Turning heer gaze to the window, Bobbi looks out to the city. "You knw" Bobbi offfers. "I lovee just watching thecity when I'm not working. There's so much of it you get to see from sitting here versus my office you know?"

Captain America has posed:
    Another bite is taken of his toast as Cap gives a single nod, "There's a reason so many people live here." His lip twists up a little, old memories coming to the fore as he turns his head to follow the line of her gaze, then looks back to her to give a single solid nod.
    "Something about New York speaks to the heart." He smiles and gives Bobbi a nod as he takes another bite of his toast, then washes it down with a swig of black coffee.
    But then he straightens up a little, wiping at his lips with the first knuckle of a finger and then tilting his consideration back to her.
    "Are you going to be okay, Barbara? Do you need someone to talk to. I mean," His smile shifts a little warm, a little wry, "I know I'm not exactly Doc Samson, but I'm here if needs be."

Mockingbird has posed:
"There is" Bobbi offers, looking pleased as her food is handed to her with Bobbi walking to get it while talking. "A stark rough beauty to the city" she adds returning to her seat with a ful English breakfast and coffee.

"I mean, look across the water to Bloodhaven, there's not enough of a beauty to it. Compare it to here, this city, you can go from Manhattan skyscrapers to old hotels, to fascinating little placs" Morse adds, digging her fork into a sausage, slicing it into halves then thirds.

Captain America has posed:
    Another few bites of toast and then he wipes his fingers off with his napkin, smiling a little with a nod. "Very true." He takes up his plate and puts the napkin on it, carrying his mug as well as he takes another sip that turns more into a steady swallow. Over toward the sink he goes and sets the plates into it for the staff to handle later.
    "I'm going to head over to the Triskelion, try and catch up on the status of a few things." He motions with a thumb toward the door and likely more meaning the garage entryway down the hall that they pass when the come into the kitchen and dining area. "If you want to come along I'll give you a lift. I'll be ready in about twenty."
    That said he starts to walk towards the door that leads back on out.

Mockingbird has posed:
Bobbi grins, "Sure thing, I don't want to requesition a SUV for transport, I'll finish up my food and meet you there" she adds, meaning the garage. If she really wanted she could requesition a quinjet or SUV or something but why, when Cap's offered her a lift, why not?

Bobbi gives him a nod and stays put where she is when Cap starts walking however.