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Latest revision as of 04:57, 23 July 2020

How did she get here
Date of Scene: 18 July 2020
Location: Noel and MacLeod Antiques, Vancouver
Synopsis: Willow came up to look at antiques and ended up taking one to dinner.
Cast of Characters: Duncan MacLeod, Willow Rosenberg

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     Noel and MacLeod Antiques. It isn't too hard to find even if you aren't familiar with the city. Today there is a young man working at the counter. A little rough around the edges, but curly blonde hair and wiley blue eyes. There store is full of, well old things of course. The guy at the counter is probably the proverbial sore thumb in the place.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
There was a delightful ring as the door opens. Willow doesn't have too much to spend but she was very curious about this location. It was one the 'Librarian' stops before it went blank. She had to admit a certain amount of curiosity about it. Walking in, she looks at the price tags, and those without. Eek. More that she has! Still, she looks around, after all, she is there!

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     The young man looks up from the magazine he was reading and looks at you. The double take is hard to miss and the fact he nearly falls out of the chair is more difficult yet. Regardless he finally manages to get out of the chair without a wreck. He stubs his toe on the edge of the desk and stumbles to where you are,"Hey...hi...hello." he manages finally,"Can I help you?" Poor Richie.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Well," Willow begins. "I was just curious as to what you have here." In other words, she's broke, and probably she should be thrown out. Or whatever. "You don't have anything for.." She bites her lip, "..one hundred dollars?"

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     Ritchie looks a little surprised, but also a bit flustered because that is how he can be sometimes. Duncan walks up from the basement where the metal working shop is. He's holding a sword, a very shiny sword with an ivory handle, the head of a dragon carved into it. Sliding it into a scabbard he looks to see the new customer.

     He pauses for a moment, frowning thoughtfully. Duncan walks up to where the two of you are,"You are a long way from New York. Willow wasn't it?" he comments. Maybe she should note, though they met briefly and likely he associated her with Buffy he doesn't bring her name up at all.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow blinks a few times before showing her smile. "Oh! Do you.. no. That will be sorry. Of course you live here. Wait, do you?" She's gone through a melody of questions, and returned to the initial question: does he live here? "Mr. Duncan. You remembered my name." Which brings a faint pink glow to her cheeks.

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     There is a smile from Duncan after the round of exclamations from questions. He doesn't laugh, but almost,"Yes I live here." he tells her,"The majority of the time, but I travel a lot."

     Seeing the two are at least somewhat accquainated Ritchie opts to duck out of the conversation to go to the desk again,"Just Duncan from yes I remember your name. I don't have an eidetic memory, but I have a talent for names from faces. What brings you to Vancouver?"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Duncan." She is getting used to calling people by their first names. "My friend does live out here, part of the time. I was curious about this place because we had a bit of an altercation here. Well, close." She didn't want to tell him how close it was, as in, the back room.

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     "Friends up here. Do you come up here often and how do you afford all the flights?" he asks. Duncan has money, maybe Willow does too. He motions his hand around the room and adds,"If you are interested in the shop by all means have a look around. Ask questions if you want. I know the owner and he's pretty good about answering them."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Well, I cheated a little tiny bit. I have access to one of the teleporters." Willow looks ashamed, but she probably do it again. "I can't afford it otherwise."

"These look interesting, but, you probably know I can't afford to shop here. Unless you got a tea cup and plate? But I'm curious, you have a sword. An old one "

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     There is a look of surprise and he comments,"Teleporters? Like the ones on the Watchtower?" He is starting to get the hang of some of the super hero things. Several hundred years old will do that to you. He doesn't question the price.

     His attention moves back over the shop first and he tells you,"There are a lot of things here yes. Most of it can be expensive, but there are ways to work out deals. Make payments and receive it after."

     His attention moves to the sword and he nods,"Yes it is very old." he replies with a smile,"It is probably my prized posession in the world. The rest of this is just things I buy and sell." He considers and then turns the weapon towards you, hilt first if you want to look at it.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow is surprised when he passes her his sword. Carefully, she looks at it.

"It's beautiful. You can tell it's been used. It's heavier then I would pick, but I guess it fits you?" She looks up at him. "Yes, I use the teleporters on the Watchtower. I feel guilty, but nobody has stopped me yet. You aren't going to tell, are you?"

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     He pulls the blade from the scabbard so she can see the weapon itself. A nod as he replies,"It fits me well yes. The one who made it might as well have had me in mind when he did it." Yeah. About that.

     There is a shrug and he admits,"I have heard of the League of course, but I don't know anyone within the group and even if I did, I wouldn't say anything." he assures you. Nobody seems to bothered by the sight of the weapon, but most of the people probably work here or are regulars.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Oh wow, it's even more beautiful out of the scabbard. Buffy would be all over this. I can appreciate this, but not as she can. I like the hilt especially."

Willow laughs as the other remark. "Well, now you do. Surprise?" The pink returns to her cheeks. "Sometimes I wonder how I got involved with them. Likely when we were looking for Superman. I was on team magic, only nobody broke us down into teams. But I was one of the people who made magic."

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     A craftsman is always glad to hear someone approves of their work. He raises a brow when you mention being a member of the Justice League,"You're a member of the Justice League?" he comments surprised.

     The mention of team magic surprises him a little,"You are full of surprises aren't you?" he asks. There is a nod to a passing customer and indicates a display.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
A small wee nod comes from Willow. "Yeah. When I'm with Buffy and the gang I think they forgot about that." Willow passes the sword back. "I don't mind. Most of the time." A pause. "Can I ask something of you? Why do you wear a blade?"

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     "Sometimes our friends take us for granted." he agrees with you and starts to answer. Before the words can leave his mouth the smile fades and he turns back towards the door, the sword you offer sliding into a relaxed posture behind his arm, blade away from him.

     Over at the desk Ritchie falls out of the chair this time. Duncan sighs and shakes his head. A man walks into the shop and pauses at the door. The two lock eyes and Duncan uses his free hand to guide you behind him gently.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Sometimes.." That's as far as Willow goes before she's shoved, albeit gently, behind his back. "Uhh.." Lower still, "Do you want some magic?" She really doesn't know whether or not how much trouble Duncan is in.

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     "No thank you." he comments softly to you and watches the man at the door closely. He isn't armed by appearances, and yet Duncan and Ritchie are both instantly on edge and before he came into the shop.

     The man looks at Duncan first, then Ritchie as he gets back to his feet. He grits his teeth and tells Ritchie,"I am Gabriel Mason." he tells Ritchie. Ritchie looks tense and the man draws a long saber. This gets interesting fast.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Gabriel Mason." Willow tries to follow the name. Has she come across before? From Duncan back she peeks. Obviously Duncan knew him. And because he put her back behind him, he must have believed she was in danger. But how? And why?

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     The man completely ignores you and Duncan for a moment and starts to walk towards Ritchie. Duncan mutters softly,"Stay put. Don't run." He takes three steps away from you and in a flash of light and steel his sword spins forward and around into a defensive posture between the man and Ritchie,"I am Duncan MacLeod of the clan MadLeod and I think you're looking for me." The Scottish accent thicker than usual as he settles.

     The two stare at each other for a long time and Duncan finishes,"This isn't something meant for spectators. Leave now." Clearly the two don't know each other and this is a really bad first encounter. They are both staring, weapons at the ready. The man Gabriel is the first to blink, easing back a step.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Duncan MacLeod, of the Clan MacLeod.

What the hey?

Unfortunately, Duncan told her not to run. He didn't say no magic. Quietly she began to gather up forces, hidden behind his back. Waiting.

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     The man looks between each of them, eyeing Willow thoughtfully, then sneers at Duncan,"Another time Highlander." Well, the man knows more than most might give him credit for. The saber returns to its scabbard and he leers,"This isn't over." Then he is gone.

     Ritchie settles back into his chair and sighs softly. Once he is sure the other one is gone, Duncan finally relaxes. Well, less tense at least. The sword rolls forward once and again makes a rotation to rest behind his arm. He looks to Willow and asks,"Are you OK?" Yeah, because any of that was ok.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
After her moment of fear, she started to laugh. "You're about as bad as them. Always thinking about me and if I was safe. Meanwhile.." She lets the lightning go, without damage. "Silly. But I can just hear it now, 'I am Buffy , leader of the Scoobies..' Hilarious."

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     The release of the lightning gets a raise of his brow and Duncan shakes his head,"That's impressive." he comments. Ritchie, for his part isn't /quite/ as interested so much as scared. Duncan shakes his head,"A witch then?" he asks.

     Taking the scabbard into his hand he slides the blade back into it. Looking out over the street he admits,"I don't underestimate potential allies Willow. There are certain things that are...a bit more personal."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow grows very serious as she listens. "Okay. You would prefer me to not help? Even if you were losing?" She nods. "Even if you were dying? Won't your death be dangerous to me? I stop if you want to do?" She was a bit confused.

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     He puts the sword on the counter and sighs softly,"That...is a very long story." he finally replies. Leaning against the counter he admits,"I try very hard to stay out of it, but as you can see it comes looking for me anyway."

     "I appreciate you were willing to help I assure you. It's just..." he looks out the door,"...again. A long story. I don't want to drag anyone into it that I don't have to." He motions Ritchie,"He was dragged in beyond his choice. So was I for that matter."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Okay. I don't pretend to understand, but I understand." Willow looks like she's ready to go, and stops, "Would you like some supper, perhaps? I know a little of a little place we can go to?"

Duncan MacLeod has posed:

     He considers the question for a moment and seems OK with her not asking more questions. He glances at the guy at the desk,"Richie, lock up in half an hour and take the night off. Just pay attention." The young man nods and is more or less in a magazine article now.

     Duncan sighs and looks back to you with a wink,"He thinks you're pretty. He's just bad at that sort of thing." A squishy ball gets thrown at Duncan, but he bats it away with his free hand.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Really?" Of course Willow blushes. "I don't know when people are intrigued by me. People are generally enamoured by Buffy." She shrugs. "It's ok. I mean, I'm used to it."

She explains the location of a local pub. "It's just food, but I liked it." And then, because she worried, "I can pay! My treat."

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     "I suspect it's the hair." he teases lightly and moves to put the sword and scabbard into a cabinet, locking it. He moves towards the exit with you and admits,"Miss Summers is an attractive woman. She does have a draw to her, something almost magentic. I understand how people get that way."

     Pushing the door open for you he motions you out,"I know the place. It's close enough for a walk, but I can drive us if you want. The food is good there." He considers the treat and hmms thoughtfully,"That could complicate things. A visitor to my city treating a local to dinner instead of the local treating the visitor." He smiles and waits for you to go past,"As they say in American, what would the neighbors think?"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow giggles, "Well, it's a good thing we're in Canada, isn't it?"

"Alright, you can pay for mine, and I can pay for yours. How does that strike you? And if you don't mind, I wouldn't mind walking?" And presume he does, she walks beside him. "You know, it won't hurt me if you like Buffy, but I have to say she's got a boyfriend. So."

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     A soft laugh escaps his throat as the two of you start to walk down the street,"A good thing." he agrees softly. The walk is nice for the two of them and a few people pass by, nodding or politely greeting. It seems he's well known around this area.

     "You talked me into it." he tells her,"As for your friend. She is pretty and certainly an interesting woman, but thus far I don't think she is my type. There's a little more to a person than she is pretty." Continuing to walk he waves to a passing vehicle and admits,"I don't know that I am looking for a date just yet. The Noel in my business name back there recently, she recently died. It was unexpected. I'm not dwelling on it, but I'm not sure how much I want to dive into the dating pool again either."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
It really is a pleasant walk, and quickly they've arrived.

"Buffy, well, she's got a whole bunch to take care of. I think she's never had the chance to be anyone else. She's the Slayer. She doesn't get to relax, or pretend she is somebody else." Willow frowns. "Oh my. You must be.."

Willow stops, and regards Duncan. "Strange, you're say, but really, I was.. never mind. Sorry. Do we want to sit on the patio."

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     Walking up to the patio, Duncan pulls a chair out for you and motions to have a seat,"For her age she does carry a lot of responsibility. It shows in her eyes and posture." He doesn't look that much older does he?

     Older sure, easily in his thirties, but still,"She needs to find some time to unwind though. Too much stress makes it worse." A shake of his head and he replies,"I've come to accept how life and death works Willow, I'm not against the idea of dating. I just haven't found the time to step out is all. All work and no play as they say."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
There is a nod with regard to Buffy. "You know, in high school, everyone was so caught up in dating. And now, I think, why? I mean, if it did happen, just, I don't know. I like to watch though."

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     "You are more well adjusted than most." he comments as he takes a seat once you are settled,"Most people I hear just want to go back to high school. Before things got complicated." Resting his arms on the table, he laces his fingers together.

     "Like you said, if it happens it happens. We just have to be mindful of what is or isn't happening." he adds,"You don't want to blink and miss the love of your life walking past you." There is a loaded statement considering his life.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Think I'm just different. Probably because I really don't stand out from the other in my group. At first I was kinda thinking what about me, except I got looking at everyone. They seemed to be somebody besides themselves to stay with them. Even adults. I don't want that. I want someone who cares about me, but not at the sake of themselves. I want a friend first. Do you know what I mean?"

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     "There's nothing wrong with being different." he replies and settles a little,"As for what about you? You will find yours in time. As for standing out in a crowd..." he shrugs,"...what I saw in the shop earlier I'd say you could stand out easy enough."

     The waitress comes by and drops off menus and takes a drink order. Once she goes on he looks back at you,"It is better to be friends first. In the long run that will carry you. Tessa and I were...very close and working partners before anything else. It evolved from there."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow blushes. Again.

"I guess? It's nice to be recognized, but really, I'd really like to be known for what's inside. Okay, maybe a bit of both." She hides her face. "Isn't that horrible? But what of your Tess? What was she like?"

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     "I little recognition goes a long way." he agrees. A smile touches his face and he nods,"What's on the inside more important, but you need it all to make it work."

     He's thoughtful for a moment and then sighs,"Tessa was...amazing." he finally admits,"An artist. A master with metals. I have only met a few that could match her abilities with it." He thinks again and absently runs his hand across his jaw,"Beautiful on the inside and out. Gentle when she wanted to be. Very intelligent." He blinks once or twice and admits,"In a lot of ways you remind me of her. You have the same kind eyes, but a fire burns in them too."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Really?" Willow thinks for a minute. "But I don't have an artistic bone in my body? I'll take the intelligence though. And I should apologize for the last time I met you. I presumed that you were like all of the rest. I should have given you a chance. Sorry?"

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     "You have an...electric artistry I think." he muses, dropping the reminder from earlier without saying it,"As for the last time we met, don't worry about it. You're just going to have to see that I am not quite like most men."

     He smiles again and adds,"No apology needed. I'd say you proved you are willing to give me a chance since you wanted to have a meal with me. Even buying for me."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Well, this was cheaper than the antiques at your shop. Which are very beautiful, except I think I will wait to purchase one." The waitress brings the appetizers. "Ooh, these look delicious! And yeah, I can do magic. That's what you are saying, right? I suppose each of us who performs has a little bit that is a signature."

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     He laughs again, not laughing at you so much as the cost and such,"The prices are extensive on some, but less so on others." he admits. The food arrives and he nods,"They are good too. I've hand them before." "You use magic, I use a sword." he agrees,"The signature."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
She eats some at the appetizer. "See? I find most people would have a sword, then magic. There was something exciting with a sword. Heck, I've tried. In my head it's wonderful. In realty, I panic and throw a spell. You look dapper with your sword, by the way. Good choice. Better than me!"

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     "Magic is a talent. You have it or you don't." he comments,"I don't. I've known some who had talent for illusions and such, but nothing like what you were showing me back at the shop."

     A smile again, how does she keep doing that? He shrugs finally and admits,"The classic pray and spray routine? Throw it and see what it hits? It's been a while since anyone called me dapper. Granted it's been a while since anyone saw me using the sword in a defensive posture."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"It suits you. Dapper. I mean, I have an extensive vocabulary, but not all words suit. You know? It suits you. When you had it on, it became part of you. Not many people could say that. I bet you are pretty good with it. Both hands? I'm curious."

Willow giggles, "Just in case you were wondering, left hand a teeny tiny bit ahead. But I probably make both. Sometimes you have to use them independently."

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     "Well thank you." he replies in the response to being dapper,"The sword is an extension of the warrior. I have been training with a sword since I was old enough to carry one." he admits.

     "I usually use both hands, but I prefer the right to the left if it comes to it." he continues,"Not by much. It is better to be able to use both hands in all techniques. You never know when your primary will be injured."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"One of my favorite old movies, two men are on a cliff, fighting with swords. And they compliment each other about their swordplay, until the one guy says 'Except I am not left handed', and he switches out. And then the other says, 'Neither am I'." Willow nods. "You should watch.. actually, would you like to see it?"

Duncan MacLeod has posed:

    "A wise pair of warriors." he agrees with the sentiment,"Keep your enemy off balance." The invitation to watch a movie surprises him,"Dinner and a movie? I think you have a knack for keeping someone guessing." He takes another appetizer and adds,"A movie sounds fun though. You won't take advantage of me in the dark?" There is an ornery streak in him.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Actually, I was going to show the clip, but if you want, we can watch it." Willow thinks. "I have it at home? Unless you want to rent it? Regardless you must see it, really! Even if you don't see it with me."

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     "A clip from the movie. I see. Sure. Show me the clip." he comments and lets the rest go,"It might be difficult for me to find it unless you tell me the name of it though." He hmms thoughtfully and adds,"You invited me to see it. I think that means you're..." he considers the phrase,"...on the hook?"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow is quick to get the clip, and while he is enjoying she quickly jots down her phone number and address. "Next time you're in town, phone me. We'll make it a date."