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Milk Cartons: The Interrogation of Jingfei
Date of Scene: 25 July 2020
Location: Security Center - X-Men Base
Synopsis: The X-Men interrogate their new guest to find some new details about the kidnappings.
Cast of Characters: Dagger, Nightcrawler, Phoenix, Psylocke

Dagger has posed:
After last night's successful capture of Jingfei, the right hand woman of 'Madame', and the deconstruction of a pair of Bob's, the young Asian woman is currently in one of the holding cells in a dark blue jumpsuit. Her clothing was shucked away while she was knocked out and her belongings gone through. Her name is Jingfei Hu from Singapore and she is in the states on a work Visa for a company called Data Streams LLC. They are a security consulting group for several large banks in the New York Area.

With Cloak and Dagger back on the streets, this leaves the X-Men to do the next steps. Children are safe and sound and those who gone into battle sustained only minor injuries. Hank is most likely in his lab tooling around with the bits of cyborg they recovered to try and understand the nullifying powers.

For now, Jingfei is currently pacing her new cage, like a tiger, visibly frowning to herself. She has refused to eat breakfast and lunch, and there is a good chance she won't eat dinner.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Kurt was in a different room, watching on a monitor as Hu paced her cage. HIs tail was twitching, his bare feet curled a moment in thought, his hair damp. ONe arm was crossed, the other set on his chin as he considered how best to work this question -- a plate of fresh, still-hot donuts sitting atop a table in the same room as he.

    "If she does not eat soon, we will have to consider other methods. Unfortunately, here is probably the safest place she could be right now..." she states to no one in particular, his tail slooowly reaching for one of the donuts.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean Grey was not expecting three of her teammates to roll in at an ungodly hour with a gaggle of lost children that came out of boxes, busted cyborgs stuffed in a box, and a captive woman who looked like she'd been beat with a box. So still in her pajamas, she helped get the kids cleaned, fed, injuries treated, and settled up in an impromptu bunk room. Thankfully they had contacts through law enforcement that they could arrange for the kids to go home in a more orderly, calm fashion as opposed to all being dumped at the police station en masse and avoid awkward questions. The headmistress probably hasn't slept yet, but at some point she at least took a quick shower and changed into jeans and a t-shirt.

Now that her multitude of phone calls was over, she's making her way downstairs to check on the progress of their captive. She comes into the monitoring room where Kurt is, her stomach making an almost immediate growl at the smell of donuts. But she's a professional, and simply asks on the tail end of Kurt's commentary, "So still playing the angry silent card? Well, we don't have time for that."

Psylocke has posed:
At some point, the staff had been notified, so they weren't surprised when they reported in to the school the next day. Living off campus, Betsy was one of those who received that message. Now that the day was mostly over, she headed downstairs to see what was going on with the captive that was brought in.

Slipping into the observation room, she glanced at the pacing woman then looked to the others gathered. "How's it going with our new guest?" she asked in that posh British accent. She was dressed in a pair of jeans with a long sleeved blouse and classic blazer over the top.

Dagger has posed:
The woman continues to pace, at times, angrily glowering at the camera. She hasn't said a word, at least not one in English yet. Though it would be obvious that nothing she says would be pleasant. She settles down on the bench, sprawling out across it and staring at the ceiling, arms crossed.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "I know we don't have time for her to play the silent treatment. I shall talk to her." Kurt states quietly. "If we can get her to open up, perhaps we won't have to resort to drastic measures, ja?" he questions, and he picks up the plate of donuts. His tail reaches for Jean's hand to raise it, and if she allows him to deposit a donut on it. "Thank you for helping to take care of the children. I know they were happy to see a friendly face, even if it was in your pyjamas." he jokes

    Betsy would get the same treatment, a slight smile of recognition on the dark-furred mutant's face as the donut is deposited (should she let him, of course) -- and then with a BAMF! --

    The dark mutant appears in the corner of the secure room with its bench, carrying that plate of fresh, hot donuts. The scent of fried goods with just that touch of cinnamon and vanilla might just purposefully fill the air as he sets the plate down.

    "So, I am told," the casually dressed mutant states, his tail curling politely behind him, "that you have not had anything to eat today."

    He brings his iridescent eyes up, and studies Hu for a moment, his head tilting slightly to the side. "Is my cooking that bad?"

Phoenix has posed:
"Hmf. Fine, give it one more try, Kurt. If she doesn't work, then we're coming in." Jean's fingers curl around the donut with a squint of stubborn resignation before leaving him to play the good cop routine. She takes a seat in the chair and looks to the screen while picking free a piece of the donut.

"I should probably consider myself a terrible person for wanting to just open up her mind like a tin can and take out everything we need." She says quietly as she watches the interactions in the other room, with only her fellow psychic in the room to hear. "But after what I saw last night and this morning, I'm having trouble feeling bad about the idea. I should, because I have no idea if she's done any of this willingly or by force, just..." She trails off with a faint shake of her head, stuffing further outloud thinking with baked goods.

Psylocke has posed:
"I have no problem with that path," Betsy says coolly. She crosses her arms as she watches Kurt teleport into the room. While she had a donut, she chose to set it down on a nearby table, after grabbing a napkin to rest it upon. It would wait a bit. She had other ideas.

"We can just go with forcing it out of her mind but, depending on her mental defenses, we could lose the information. It would be better if we got it on our own. Could go with torture." She shrugs, like it's a discussion of what tea to have in the afternoon. "Psychological if you prefer we don't get physical. I can port her to the shadow realm with me, put the fear of darkness into her, see if that helps break her." She glances over to Jean. "If we don't care about keeping from breaking her, just crack her like a walnut and lets get to dinner."

Dagger has posed:
The woman glowers at Kurt as he speaks to her. Tilting her head towards him, she spits at the ground, then hisses at him. "Go to hell, you fucking gene freak." She snarls at him. "If you don't let me go, you'll regret every minute that you keep me here." Rising up to her feet, she heads towards the bars, reaching out to grab them as she leans forward. "I'm going to enjoy watching my friends cut your throat and yank your guts out through that shit hole of a neck you got."

She is very friendly and open to the idea of being a willing prisoner, obviously. "You think last night will go unnoticed?"

Phoenix has posed:
"She was running around with robots, capturing mutant children, and facing down a strike team all for the bidding of some shadow woman." Jean remarks as she absently naps her nails on the arm of the chair with a faint scowl at what she hears. "I don't think she's going to be too afraid of the dark. If we can determine her true motives for being involved in this then we should know what buttons to push without breaking her. We may need her yet."

Around the mouthful of donut, the redhead says, "You question her. It's clear she doesn't like mutants, so let's find out why. Zealots are manipulated by their leaders, the more we know about this woman than the more we'll learn about her boss. I'll monitor her emotions and lean on the right ones. The more worked up she gets, the less likely she'll be ready to put up defenses. Emotional people don't think, they react. It should leave us open a door."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Kurt has an earbud in. He can hear the discussion in the other room, and his body stiffens, just a moment, almost defensively. His eyes half close, and his tail gives an irritated twitch behind him.

    "Tch, such a shame, I had made these fresh, too." he states, using his tail to pick up a donut, and holding it in one of his odd hands. Mmm. Warm. He breaks it in half.

    "You cannot possibly hate me, more than I have hated myself, and I would encourage you to release that. It will not help your situation, you do realize." the mutant states as he crouches to the side, watching her curiously, peacefully.

    Only thing that makes people angrier is when you give them no reaction.

    "How is it you came to be mixed up in this terrible business?"

Psylocke has posed:
"Have I not taken you to the shadow realm? It's a bit more than just dark." But Betsy shrugs again. "No matter. I can go in and try to talk as a humanoid looking figure. I don't think it will matter. I don't think she'll talk either way."

She considers a moment. "It's a shame we don't have enough information for me to play another prisoner being brought in." She tilts her head then shrugs. "I'm not going to be very good cop. Kurt is far better in that role."

Dagger has posed:
"I know what kind of situation I'm in. I don't forsee myself leaving this place alive. Now that we're both on the same page, take a hike, freak. You're just currency to us and I'm not important enough to be recovered. So, you may as well not waste your food. Put the bullet in me so we can all go on our ways."

Heading back to her cot, she lobs herself down upon it, kicking her feet up and tucking her arms under her head. "Piss off." She calls over towards him. "Either let me go or kill me. I'm getting bored."

Phoenix has posed:
"Well, the good cop routine isn't working, is it?" Jean says quietly towards Betsy. She may believe in the dream that mutants wouln't be seen as monsters someday, but even Jean knows that fight doesn't come without some speed bumps. She pushes herself up from the chair after eating the last of the donut. "She's ready to be a martyr. The only way to break through that is not to give them what they want and make them realize that they're not getting the easy way out."

"Kurt, we're coming in." She says. "I know this isn't the way you want this to go, but there's more kids out there somewhere. They don't have the luxury of time." This said, she nods to Betsy and moves for the door.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "You mistake my intentions, Hu Jingfei--" Kurt states as he draws slowly back to a stand, looking to her.

    "Of all who are here, who dwell in this home, of all the powerful mutants and lost sheep you could have come accross... I am the one least willing to carry out a murder for a murder. You have life, Jingfei..." Kurt states, and he plucks a folded napkin out, and sets a donut on it. He picks up the rest of the donut tray. He examines the donuts, to make sure she hadn't gotten any spit on them. He seems nonchalant

    "... because I stopped Her executing you where you lay on the ground."

    Kurt does, however, give a nod, and he taps his earbud. "Ladies. She is yours."

    And there is a BAMF -- and the demonic visage of Kurt exits, returning to the staging room.

    "Peh. She didn't even try one of my donuts."

Psylocke has posed:
"Some people were never taught proper manners," Betsy says to Kurt as he appears. She turns with Jean to head for the door in order to enter the cell. She does take a moment to remove her blazer, setting it aside on a chair before going through that door.

Once through, she's just a Japanese woman with purple hair, not that unusual and not really an indication of mutancy. With a very tall redhead next to her.

"Good evening."

Dagger has posed:
Glancing over towards them, the woman wrinkles her nose. "Who're you? Charlie's Angels?"

Jingfei rolls to her feet and folds her arms across her chest as she stares at the pair of women. WIth Kurt being gone, she seems to loosen up a bit. "Nice hair. Does the carpet match the curtains?" She calls over to Betsy.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean Grey gives a small, weary smile over her shoulder towards Kurt before stepping through into the cell. She regards the imprisoned woman with a calm, steady glance. "You could call us that."

Jean leans herself against the wall as she slowly lets her power trickle up to the surface and ripple its way towards Jingfei. Subtle, unhurried; nothing intended to make their prison aware that someone was attempting to peek into the windows of her soul and mind. Delicate and precise operations like that take concentration, another reason she left the questions to Betsy.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Kurt sits now, watching a moment, listening in on the earbud as he crouches on the chair and noms another donut. They were pretty good.

    His watching was two-fold, however. He trusts Jean and Betsy both with his very life... but knows that when children are involved... things can get muddy. And it brought up unpleasant memories.

Psylocke has posed:
"That is none of your business," Betsy says in that same conversational tone. She gives a small sniff of disdain that someone would ask such a question. "We wanted to try to talk to you. Give this whole diplomacy thing another chance. I personally am not a fan but she..."

Betsy gives a nod to the redhead. "Is very big on trying at least. I personally prefer when she loses her temper. You want to be a martyr, you probably will get your wish. They'll hang up pictures back at your super secret base and mourn your loss. Oh boo bloody hoo."

She rolls her eyes, finding a chair and settling in, well out of reach of the cage. "So, we'll try this one time and one time only before I peel your flesh off you like the skin off a grape. Who is The Madame and where can we find her? Oh, and remember, I'm the good cop this time." A point at Jean. "She's bad cop."

Dagger has posed:
"You're more like Dumb and Dumber. Though I think I just figured out which one of you is which. I'm not telling you anything." Jingfei is as calm as a cucumber as she glances between the pair of them. As Jean probes her mind, she will find thick, brick walls to bounce off of. She is clearly trained in psychic resistance. Her heart rate isn't even spiking as she speaks. She is oddly calm. Too calm. Though her words are filled with vitrol, she is as steady as one can be.

When Betsy brings up 'The Madame', there is a flicker in the back of her mind. A tiny crack. An image of a mask. Bright white with black markings etched into it. Green lightning for the eyes. It's there for a quick instant before the crack seals itself once more.

"Never heard of her." That appears to be the truth. At least she believes those words.

Phoenix has posed:
The impressions that Jean gets are passed to Betsy, unspoken confirmations of what elicits reactions or walls them off. << Guarded. She believes she never heard of her, but I wonder if that's because someone made her forget or unable to bring up those memories. >> She muses towards the other telepath. << I can't tell yet. >>

To Jingfei, Jean is just standing there leaned against the wall, maybe looking a little bland like she was looking through the woman as opposed to at. Inwardly, she's looking for gaps in that fortification, measuring its makeup and looking for signs if it's natural training or a construct from someone else.

Psylocke has posed:
"Oh I was hoping that would be your answer," Betsy says, pleased as punch as she stands up. She carefully unbuttons her left sleeve, taking her time to roll it up above her elbow. Then the same process on the left.

"Because not telling me anything is going to get you...what? You know they won't give a damn about you, right? You are what is called fodder. A pawn to be sacrificed in order to protect the queen." She gives a little shrug. "The woman behind the kidnappings. The one that they are going to. Your earlier reaction to the fuzzy elf who visited a little earlier, my best guess is someone is going to have themselves some slaves. And with a name like The Madame, I can guess what those slaves are going to be used for. And the fact we took a cog out of their machine may be noticed but you? They couldn't care less about. They'll just replace you, of course. You'll die. For nothing. To protect someone who has used you? Messed with you in ways you don't even realize? Or do you know what they've done?"

She moved toward the cell door then glanced back toward the monitoring room. "Can we get the lights dimmed a bit. I need a few shadows, please."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Lights dimming to fifty percent." Kurt's voice comes over, and the room darkens, casting the three women in a murkly calignosty.

Dagger has posed:
"I'm already expected to die here. I know this. You hurting me, or torturing me is not going to help you out in any way. I am just an employee who botched her first big job. I won't be welcome back even if you did let me go. That doesn't mean the company won't punish you in retaliation." The woman smirks at Psylocke as she watches her unfold her sleeves, then lets out a loud sniff of the air.

"Besides, I don't think we'd be all in this mess if your kind didn't screw everything up in the first place. Tit for tat. Also, what kind of Asian has a British accent? You should be embarrassed of yourself."

She issues a string of curse words in Chinese to her, eyes rolling upwards and to the side. When the lights dim, there is a flicker of green light behind her eyes as she leans forward, pressing her palms against the bars of the cage.

"Go ahead, do your best to make me scream." She teases over towards her. By now, Jean is picking up a second signal humming away in the background of her mind. A taunting visage of a laughing mask.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean Grey has been watching, not with her regular eyes but the one inside, and what she picks up makes her physical ones narrow into cool green slits. << She wouln't tell us... because she can't. She's not alone in there. Someone is working her behind the scenes. >> Jean again shares the image of the laughing mask in silence with Besty as she comes up nearly to the line of the bars. << Hmf...our kind. 'Her kind', I'm starting to think, the masked one. >>

Psylocke has posed:
"Ah yes, because no one in Britain can be anything other than Caucasian? You do know we have all colors and nationalities represented there in this century? Perhaps you are from the past and thus your narrow minded attitudes?" Betsy asks with a tilt of her head. She glances back to the control room. "Thank you."

Then she steps into a nearby shadow and just falls through. It's like she stepped into a pool of water that was over her head. One moment there, then gone.

<< So I am thinking I will psiblade her and sever whatever link is going on? Then we will see what she has to say instead. Or shall we talk to the person pulling the puppet's strings and give away we know they are there? >>

Dagger has posed:
The woman known as Jingfei continues to lean against the bars as she stares at the pair of telepaths. She is smirking at something Betsy just said. "Maybe. We do not need attention where I come from. Purple hair." Pushing off, she heads to the back of the cell and slumps back down on to her bed. She looks agitated as a cat that just stepped into a deep puddle.

Phoenix has posed:
Hurting - let alone killing - people is not usually Jean Grey's style. In defense of herself, her team, and her kids she may be less concerned in the moment, but it was always something she regretted. It's hard to balance dreaming of a life where mutants can act in peace in the middle of a slow burning war for the freedom to do it. So when she speaks to Psylocke, there is a tinge of discomfort and even sorrow clouding her tone.

<< It seems like they may know already. Depending on how connected they are, the puppeteer may even be able to kill... the host. And we may have nothing. >>

The next words are spoken grimly, and even to look at her face shows she takes no pleasure in making such a judgement. << So do it. Sever the link. It may still harm her, but even if she can't give us information we may be able to still find it. The risks seem the same either way, and we can't risk coming out with nothing. >>

Psylocke has posed:
<< Done. >>

Betsy has disappeared. Just stepped into a shadow and gone from this world. She shifted through the dimension she was linked to, thanks to the Crimson Dawn powers she had been granted. Then she had returned, hidden in a corner of the cell, completely merged with the shadows. It was from there she had spoken to Jean telepathically, since in the Shadow Realm, such communication would be blocked.

From beneath the bed she was resting upon, a shadow moved out from the inky darkness. Black on black, impossible to really see. Until there was the flare of light. Red. Purple. So fast as to be in almost the same moment. The red was the Crimson mark over her eye, flaring to life as her yellow eyes opened to reveal where she was standing. The purple was the glow around her right hand, the sum totality of her psychic abilities focused into a single blade of light.

There was no banter. No words. She appeared and struck, attempting to drive her psiblade into the head of the captive.

Dagger has posed:
The woman continues to glower towards the front of the cage, arms folded over her chest. When Betsy disappears, she tilts her head slowly to one side, then pushes herself upwards. As she stands in the middle of the inky pool of shadow, she glances downwards for a moment at her feet, then jerks her head to the side as Betsy appears. She doesn't even get a chance to scream as the blade is stabbed through her head, causing her eyes to flare with purple light.

She stumbles backwards, clutching at her face before she slumps to the ground, eyes rolling upwards to the side. Her body gives a visible twitch before coming to a rest at her feet. Her lips move silently for a few moments, a painful ache escaping from her throat.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Kurt was watching the screen, quietly, in the adjoining monitor room. He felt his stomach twist, and her gripped the side of the chair he was sitting in, uncomfortably. It was never fun to watch interrogations, and his lips were pressed in a thin line. He watches, concerned as Betsy removes the connection, and he brings his hand to his ear as he turns to check on Hu's vitals.

Phoenix has posed:
The distaste just oozes from Jean, but it's done and there's work yet to do. Shoving down her rolling emotions, the redhead informs Kurt to open the call and she steps inside. "Let's hope this worked. Watch my back, I may need to go deep." She murmurs towards Betsy as she crouches down besides the moaning woman. Her hands reach out to rest to either side of Jingfei's head though never quite touching. Around them and in the thin space between, rose hued light begins to form as Jean closes her eyes and goes into the woman's mind. She doesn't know yet if she'll find rubble, emptiness, madness, or a trap, but she's trained for them all.

Psylocke has posed:
Now that the deed is done, Betsy takes back on her usual form. The psiblade is still there, around her hand. "If she so much as twitches, I'll hit her personally this time instead of the puppet master." Her strike had been aimed for that connection, the bulk of it being sent down the line to whoever had been linked to the woman.

While the others were disturbed by what had transpired, Betsy seemed cool as a cucumber. Perhaps it was the fact she was British and the preferred to play their emotional cards close to their chests.

Or perhaps there was something more going on with the woman.

Yet, now was not the time. "We may have only a small window. I do not know if the one who had been linked will be able to establish their control again at a distance or not. Be safe," she murmurs to Jean who is about to tackle the hard part of this song and dance.

Dagger has posed:
The pain that the woman is feeling inside her mind is excruciating. With the link severed, all that is left is a deep, red throbbing ache. Perhaps the interesting thing about Miss Hu is that she thinks completely in Chinese as her native language. As far as Jean can tell, the only presence is that of the woman's.

Digging deeper reveals a medical facility with numerous people dressed in white labcoats going about their business. To see through her eyes, it's like any normal day at work.

The trip through her psyche will find multiple people strapped to beds with IV's in their arms. None of them look to be awake or coherent. At times, doctors will come over and extract blood from them, or inject blood back into the. Some of the bodies are obvious mutants by their mutations, the majority of them young children. The one thing that stands out is that every person 'at work' seems to be moving stiffly and robotically, as if they were going through the motions.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Kurt makes a face. He didn't like it when they had to bring in the badcops -- but it was needed. He's not seeing the visions, nor sharing in anything as he monitors Hu's vital signs, making sure nothing is going wrong.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean Grey soaks up as much information as she can. There's no putting a pause on someone's thoughts and memories to get a closer look, so she zeroes in on critical details as the images pass. Logos, corporate names, paper on charts, glimpses of scenes outside of windows to identify landmarks - anything to find the location or help pinpoint where it may be.

So focused as she is, she doesn't risk breaking the connection by feeding details back to Betsy yet. On the outside, Jean barely moves, save for a subtle shift of her head or furrow of her brow as she concentrates. The light around her hands glows steadily and a similar aura hovers around her head and between her's and Jingfei's.

Dagger has posed:
Through the memories she will catch a glimpse of name along one of the pieces of paperwork. Takeda. It's in the form of a logo, though everything is in Chinese. Even on any piece of paper or notes that is being scribbled on or printed As the memories make their way from the test subjects and through a double door, there is a side office in which the lights are off and flickering, at least to her memory. Inside is a man of average height, handsome and Asian in appearance.

He says something in Chinese, his eyes pulsing a light shade of green before he reaches down to a white mask on his desk, placing it over his face. From here, it grows dark, he memories coming to a black, inky void before being replaced once more by that red, throbbing ache.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "How is Jean, Betsy?" Kurt's voice comes softly over the comm, not willing to interrupt Jean's work as she sorts through the memories. He breathes out, nervous, keeping an eye on the monitors of all in that room. Tense.

Phoenix has posed:
As the memories go black, Jean pulls herself back. It does no good to let yourself risk getting stuck in a void, especially a psychic wound such as that. She comes back to herself with a shudder and a few blinks of her green eyes. Slowly she stands up and takes a step back, beginning to talk quickly while everything was fresh. "I saw through her eyes where they have the children, a medical-lab style facility. They were doing some sort of blood transfusion. There were several doctors. I couldn't make out what they were saying, it was Chinese. I really need to learn more languages. I saw the logo and a name, Takeda. There was a man in an office, nothing too remarkable, except he had the white mask I saw and the same green glowing eyes. He said something before putting on the mask, so I can't say if it was psychic abilities or more magical with a ritual object. When he did that, her mind went blank. Her, and those doctors, were acting similar like they were brainwashed. I don't think any of them are acting of their own accord, from what I could gather."

"Kurt, get a picture of this." Kneeling, she quickly sketches the logo on the floor with the tip of a glowing finger, leaving behind a gently scorched trail of soot in its wake. "...before I start to forget it. At least I can redraw a better version with reference if I need, then. We need to pinpoint who this belongs to. The mask is easier to remember, but we can start researching for that too."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Kurt does. The whole system's recording, and he switches focus to the logo on the floor, his head tilting a moment as he begins to start up a search. Takeda. Chinese-speaking countries and territories. Laboratories. Mutagenic research. His lips are set in a thin line, too-large fingers typing carefully.

Psylocke has posed:
"I know some Chinese but not enough. I could go to Chinatown for a crash course, come back, see if we can translate?" A crash course would be ripping the information from another person's mind and learning it telepathically. Not a comfortable thing but such is possible in times of great need.

She looks to the fallen figure. "We should vacate the cell before she wakes up, in case they establish control again." While it is likely they could take her down, it was better to avoid if possible.

Dagger has posed:
Searching simply Takeda will bring up numerous seraches as it's a common name and even more so in China. Though if he cross references it with Singapore, he will find tucked away in the search fields a pharmaceutical company that is a sister company to a larger name: Genetak. There is not much information on it. They are a research company that deals with HIV treatments. The logo at least is a dead ringer for what Jean pulled out of thin air.

The woman appears to be out like a light now, laid out across the ground and breathing steadily. She will probably be out for a few hours.

Phoenix has posed:
There's a soft look of sympathy that crosses Jean's face as she looks down at the woman. Then wordlessly, she leans down and picks up the prone captive and sets her down on the cell's cot. Later, she'll see to it there's water and food waiting should the woman wake up. "We'll have someone keep watch on the room. I want to know when she wakes up."

Then she's stepping out of the cell after Betsy and headed back for the control room where Kurt still is. "At least this should give us a start. I'm just hoping this is somewhere covert as opposed to some big corporation. Breaking into those is always a mess to clean up after."