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Latest revision as of 14:37, 29 July 2020

The Summers brothers catch up after a year
Date of Scene: 29 July 2020
Location: Garage - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Alex has came home and Scott can't be happier. They talk about girls and blowing Logan up.
Cast of Characters: Cyclops, Havok

Cyclops has posed:
It's a balmy summer hump day and Scott is currently down in the garage in a snug white t-shirt smudged wtih grease and oil and a pair of relaxed jeans. He has on his ruby quartz Ray Bans that wrap about his head to ensure they do not fall off. A backwards Yankees cap is on his head, keeping most of his sweaty mop of brown hair in place.

The sound of Journey can be heard from an old boombox that he had fixed up and plugged into the wall. He even has an original cassette tape in it. Only The Young. A great song for the rebellious youth of the Generation X days. A fitting tune for this school.

Kneeling in front of his bike, he finishes changing the oil, as well as replacing a spark plug and tightening a few other nuts and bolts. He is obsessive over this particular ride. His baby.

Havok has posed:
    A few moments ago, Alex rolled onto the estate. He found a suitable parking spot for his Jeep. Stepping out, Alex took a moment to look around at the all too familiar grounds and the supermassive mansion/school. Then, noticing one of the garage doors open, he grabbed his duffel bag, slung it over his left shoulder, and crossed the stone drive to the mouth of said garage. There, he stood for a second looking at his brother. Standing in hiking boots, jeans, and a black microfiber appearing shirt, Alex takes a moment in memories of his brother and one of the last times they saw one another - Scott was working on that motorcycle then too.

    Then, he says aloud, "Damn bro, you ain't fixed that thing yet?". There's a slight smirk of an expression; knowing full well that oil is being changed but it's just more fun razzing his brother with the innuendo of his motorcycle always being broken.

Cyclops has posed:
Glancing upwards at the sound of his brother's voice, Scott's grin cracks along his typically stoic features. "Alex!" He says as he pushes himself up, dusting his hands off on his knees, then takes out a rag to work some oil from his fingers. He heads over towards him and reaches out to wrap him in a firm hug. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming home? I would have got you a plane ticket or at least a decent ride." He says as he eyes the jeep in the parking lot before looking back to him.

"Your old room is still waiting for you with all of your stuff. Probably a foot of dust burying it." He gives a motion over towards his bike with a chuckle. "She's working just fine by the way. Though everytime Logan steals her, I feel like I have to put another week of tuning into her because he throttles the clutch on purpose to piss me off."

Havok has posed:
    Watching Scott's approach and hearing his rebuttal, Alex smiles. The approach is a welcome one. Alex will drop his bag and return the gesture of the embrace. He doesn't take the bait of the Jeep or the room comment. Instead he looks with Scott toward the bike and addresses the commentary about Logan. "You know. You could always booby trap it. You know, bear trap under a false seat. Maybe loosen the handle bars. Or just install a kill switch. Not the kind that kills Logan, but you know. At least he wouldn't be sniffing around your bike." And instead of adding, '...or your woman', Alex just stops there with a grin and will move to pick his bag back up.

Cyclops has posed:
"As much as I would love to blow him up and my bike along with it, he'd just heal without a scratch and stab me or something. Then Jean would get upset and throw both of us around the mansion again." Scott says with a grin on his face. He understands the silent implied statement. The unspoken elephant in the room. "And then I'd be out of a bike." He gives a motion of his hand as heads for the doors that lead to the rest of the mansion. "How was the ride up here by the way? You're looking great. I know Jean will be exited to see you, so will Hank, Pete, Ro'. Everyone has missed you, especially during the holidays."

Havok has posed:
    Turning with Scott, Alex will start to move with his brother. Light commentary is offered, "I saw parts of the southern and northern hemispheres that I've never had the opportunity or idea that they even existed. Some pretty amazing places. Oh, and I've really gotten good at Spanish. The professor didn't really teach us /all/ the words. For good reason, I'm sure." He pauses a tick before addressing the holidays and the people. "I've missed them too. Even you. But it was good to get out, clear my head and be on my own after..." and he leaves that open for interpretation. There were things between Lorna and himself that weren't really agreeable. But instead of leaving that subject wide open, he asks, "Hey, so Jean and issues. How are you two doing? Married yet?"

Cyclops has posed:
"Nope, not married yet." Scott says with a laugh. "But.." He trails off, leaning in to lower his voice softly. "I plan on popping the question soon. Just waiting for the right time. Make sure we're all in a good place before I do." Though he is as serious and stoic nearly all the time, when it comes to Jean, or family, he is a bit more loose and honest. He truly loves this woman. "I'll show you the ring later." He reaches out to pat him on the shoulder.

"Let me know when you get squared away. I got a Danger Room session with your name on it and I'd love your feedback. It's based around the sentinels that attacked us last year. Trying my best to replicate the danger that they possess and how they can aclimate to our powers. We need to be prepared in case they come back. The program was shuttered from what we've heard, but .. nothing stays dead forever."

Havok has posed:
    There's a moment of regret that passes over Alex's face when he processes Scott's first few words about marriage. He opts to say nothing, at first. Instead, he says, "Looking forward to it. Even though I was out finding myself, a week didn't go by without having to use some form of training or even my powers. What we've learned over the years has saved our bacon so many times, especially from things that keep coming back from the dead."

    Alex turns, breaks, and starts to head toward the stairs, gives pause and turns back. He looks Scott squarely and says, "Bro... the right time never comes. There is no perfect moment. There is only /right now/. And if you wait, it may be too late."

    Instead of hanging around for a remark or rebuttal, Alex turns again and heads up the stairs.

Cyclops has posed:
"Yeah, you say that, and then I pop the question and she throws me around the mansion." Scott says with a wry grin. "I want to plan something like that to be perfect. When I'm ready also. Just no time yet." He says as he gives him a gentle nudge to the shoulder in support as he follows him up. He can sense the shift of his mood and he quietly regrets even speaking up now.

"Either way, I'm just glad that you're home. I really need my brother around here to keep me honest. It means a lot to have you back, not only on the team, but just back in my life."