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Latest revision as of 14:37, 7 August 2020

Welcome to Hellhouse
Date of Scene: 20 April 2020
Location: Hellhouse, Clinton
Synopsis: Flash and Larissa get together to talk
Cast of Characters: Copperhead (Diaz), Flash Thompson

Copperhead (Diaz) has posed:
It has been about a week since their date. A date that had gone terribly wrong or terribly right, depending on the point of view. After all, a night of Cirque de Soleil was generally filled with acts and delights, not an R rating a nudity. Yet, that is what was on Broadway now. It was critically acclaimed and had a wide following. Unfortunately, when setting up their date, the duo had not known what sort of show they were attending and got quite the surprise.

It all worked out in the end. They shared a lovely evening, a spectacular night and a perfect breakfast in their room the next morning. Then they had parted ways back to lives that were very different. He was on the side of the angels. Her? She probably had a few demons on her payroll.

Tonight she was sitting in the Hellhouse and she was bored. Her thoughts kept wandering back to the man who didn't seem to give a damn that she was one of the bad guys. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and fired off a text:

Bored. At Hellhouse in Clinton. Come by?

Flash Thompson has posed:
    The text response was simply at first...

<< ... >>

    And little more for the first minute or so. Until eventually a minute or two later there was an added bit.

<< Where is hellhouse? Is that a halloween thing? >>

    For some distance away in the depths of a project facility, Flash Thompson was typing curiously at his cellphone as he closed up his locker, swiping the electronic lock into secure mode before he turns back to the phone and promptly googles 'hellhouse'.

Copperhead (Diaz) has posed:
Upon googling that term, it comes up with just what he might think. Quite a few places with that name, some more horror themed amusements. There are even a few bars. However, none of them are in Clinton.

The text comes back...

<< Not halloween related though some folks look it in here. Meet you on the street by St. Margaret's church then I'll show you. >>

There is a moment then another text is fired his way.

<< If you promise not to bring the brute squad to rip it apart in the future. >>

Flash Thompson has posed:
    In the confines of the locker room, Flash smirks a little, but then seems perplexed at the response given. For a few minutes he looks at the phone and ponders the meaning even as he tries to execute a deep google fu search. And fails. Finding nothing that might warrant that sort of warning. So instead he replies.

<< No promises. But I'll be there in a few. >>
    And with that he grabs his jacket from the benchseat in front of his locker and slings it on one arm at a time before starting to walk toward the exit. St. Margaret's... weird.
    And then in about thirty minutes... a black SUV outside of the designated place rolls up, pulling into one of the few parking spots. Out rolls Flash, who catches the attention of a homeless man nearby and pays him a fiver to watch the vehicle.

Copperhead (Diaz) has posed:
There was no sign of her at first. Once he gave the homeless man the money, she stepped out of an alleyway. She was dressed in her working clothes, even to the makeup around her eyes that made a pseudo-mask look. That loose, swaying way she moved was very visible as she walked up to him.

If he didn't resist, he would get one helluva kiss in greeting as she simply molded herself to him. In a minute or two, she would finally pull away with a smirk. "Hi. Follow me."

Then she turned to head down the alley again. The trip there was roundabout, using many back alleys and dark areas. She wasn't chatting during this time, keeping silent and giving more monosyllabic answers should he ask questions. Finally they came to the door and she knocked in a specific pattern, being allowed access.
"Welcome to the Hellhouse."

Flash Thompson has posed:
    There was no reticence about the kiss, and after a moment when she lays claim to him in that way he gets into it and returns it, not caring about what eyes may or may not be on the street there. So he slips his arms around her, mindful of the blades whether they're on her hands or her hips, but then he leans back a little to smile into those slitted eyes.
    "Alright," He answers, and proceeds to follow her at her behest. He slides his hands into his leather jacket as he walks, not exactly looking like the normal clientele that Hellhouse sees, but not exactly standing out too much. He looks like what he is in a lot of ways. An off-duty soldier who hasn't shaved the last few days. Scruffy but in control.
    Once they get to Hellhouse he nods and he steps in after her.

Copperhead (Diaz) has posed:
Once they are inside, she leads the way over to an empty table with no one to either side of it. A server comes over, a burly guy with tattoos down both arms who looks like he probably was a biker at some point by his clothing choices. Or perhaps still is. He has a handlebar mustache and a smile that shows of a few missing teeth.

"Lari. Good t'see ya back. Thought you were gone fer the night."

"Nah, just had to show a friend the door. Make sure he gets treated right. No cage match challenges for the noob."

That gets a guffaw. "Sure sure. I'll be nice." He gives that same smile to Eugene.

Larissa focuses back on her companion. "I'll take a beer. Bottle. Don't care about brand. You?"

Flash Thompson has posed:
    "I dunno," Flash slips into the booth seat opposite her. No overt shows of affection there, at least not yet, knowing full well the way a crowd can interpret such things as weakness and this crowd... seems pretty damn tough.
    "Seems like a cage match might be kinda fun," But the soldier looks around the room and nods to the biker, smiling with one side of his mouth and then placing his order, "Beer sounds good." And once that order's placed and the tender is on his way, Flash looks back to Larissa.
    "So a wretched hive of scum and villainy and all that?" He asks, though knowing Larissa she might not get the reference.

Copperhead (Diaz) has posed:
"Pretty much." She missed it. Completely. Larissa's answer is based on the reality of it. "Patch runs the place." She motions to the little guy in the protected room with all the tech devices. "Gets in jobs, offers them to the various mercs present. Some more colorful and niche than others." She motions to some of the costumed crowd then sort of waves a hand at herself.

"While I can do most anything, I am really considered more niche. Depends on the job as to if I'm interested though." She nods toward the cages where a match is in progress as well. "I wasn't kidding about those. You probably will get challenged if you spend too much time here. At least you won't be in the meta ring. Things get ugly in there sometimes."

Flash Thompson has posed:
    If she's any judge at reading people, she might well pick up on Flash's reluctance there as he looks away and then back, "Yeeah." Easily interpreted at a hint of discomfort about being challenged at all when in actuality... might be something else entirely.
    But then he looks back at her, "I dunno, I can handle myself." Which, to be fair, he can. But she might just chalk it up to typical gung ho military hubris. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing.
    "But jobs, huh?" He scritches his chin, "That's weird, I didn't know there was a big demand for it on American soil. I always sort of pictured mercenaries being guys who go with Hallie-Burton off across the world." Which is true, but it's clear his point of view into the matter has been limited.

Copperhead (Diaz) has posed:
"There are lots of jobs of varying levels and types," Larissa says as their beers are delivered to the table. The server wanders off after dropping them on the rough service, moving to another group of people that seem to be dressed like condiments of varying types.

"Some jobs are just beat up an ex boyfriend. Others are rob a certain business. Then you get into the dirtier stuff. Some of it pays quite well. This isn't really the high levels but these are my kind of people so I like to hang here from time to time. While I can demand a lot for my services, it is good to never lose one's roots."

She grins as she brings her beer to her lips, taking a long draw from the bottle before continuing. "As I said, someone with your skills would do well here should you ever want to change sides."

Flash Thompson has posed:
    "It's almost like..." Flash tilts his head back to her and his lip twists upwards, "Fast food crime or something." But she can likely tell that on some level this is curious to him, maybe a little disturbing even though he knew she was into some shady things. But this is more real, more direct, not just having a girlfriend who ran a few side ops.
    But then he makes a small 'hnh' of sound before he looks back at her, "Are there any rules in place? Any jobs they don't take? Or is everything fair game?"
    She can likely almost sense him trying to find some way to wrap his mind around it, find some decent angle to it. But then he eyes the people around. Only for him to reach a moment in his inner monologue where he tells her, "Though you know you're kinda right in a way. I could see my life having gone this way if a few things were different."