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Latest revision as of 15:00, 7 August 2020

Date of Scene: 26 July 2020
Location: Apartment 214, Hugo Building
Synopsis: Duncan and Willow talked about the Denarians and the coins. He's trying to find more information and she was able to help some.
Cast of Characters: Duncan MacLeod, Willow Rosenberg

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     Knowing the young witch might have a few thoughts on what he was speaking to Prue and Karrin about earlier, Duncan makes a call and ses if you are able to talk for a time. Directions were needed and soon enough he is at the door knocking.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow had just set herself down with a cup'o'tea and a good book (String Theory and It's Profound Phase in Quantum Mechanics), with the door ring. For a moment she thought about not answering, after all almost all looking for Buffy, but imagine the same old banging and ringing the doorbell.. sigh.

"Buffy isn't in yet, try tomorrow.. oh." Duncan. Then again, he probably was looking for her. "Uhm.. Buffy is out?" What a time to wear her pajamas!

Duncan MacLeod has posed:

     He waits patiently for you to open the door. The pajamas get a quick glance, mostly surprised by the look. When she mentions Buffy he shakes his head and replies,"You really do sell yourself short when it comes to her don't you?"

     Checking back over his shoulder he looks back to you,I was, in fact, looking for someone that can make lighting from her hands to give me some ideas about some magical things." he explains,"You know anybody that might fit that bill?" Of course his words a quiet enough to not carry far.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Everybody looks for Buffy. She's the Slayer." Willow's head shakes. Sighs. "I don't try to compete. She's my best friend, but. Do you want to come in?"

The door is wide open for him.

"I should have thanked you for the lovely evening in Vancouver. " She smiles. "Really. But what are you talking about? Oh, would you like some tea?"

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     He laughs softly and makes his way inside when you motion as such,"Buffy in an interesting woman and I did find out she has one of my pieces that Thomas gave her."

     He shakes his head and replies,"I enjoyed it as well. We should do that some other time." A moment of thought and he nods,"Tea would be good yes. Please." While he doesn't case the place so much as just get familiar with his surroundings,"As for what to talk about I was talking with Buffy, Prue, and Miss Murphy about some coins and I wondered if you had any notes to add to the coins of the Denarians."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
The walls over the exits are protective. Nobody can get through them.. unless you are a man. But ghosts and goblins or vampires? Uh-uh.

The kettle is mostly hot. I just made it just a minute ago." She's quick with the tea, and comes and sits on the couch. "Prue didn't help you? What did you want from me? Denarians? Well you don't mean ages 10 to 19. Do you?" She smirks.

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     "We all talked about it." he replies with a shrug,"I've heard of them before of course, but only bits and pieces. Miss Murphy had information as well as Prue. We were piecing it together."

     "I thought with you background you might know something more about thirty pieces of cursed silver paid to a man for betraying his master and friend. The master being placed on a cross and killed."

     "The Denarians are demons cursed into each piece of the silver that Judas was paid. The demon takes over the body and life of the person that takes the coin." he explains and winks,"Not ages 10-19. That's most of what I know. I wondered if you had heard anything about it."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Well it *is* ages 10 to 19! Sheesh. Okay, back to reality. Or more so, back to this." Willow's forehead creases. "Well, when Judas Iscariot saw what he had done, he threw his coins onto the ground. Some say he committed suicide. Others say he was doomed to wander to earth. But really, that is mixed up with the gentleman who did not give succor to Jesus when he walked by him with the cross."

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     He winks when she points out the accuracy,"You're right of course." he replies and watches her get the tea made. He considers her words,"I have heard that as well. The suicide I mean. I've also heard about him being the first vampire which I really don't buy either."

     "The centurion walking the face of then Earth in pennance. I have heard that story a few times as well. It is interesting, but difficult to prove." Says the 400+ year old man,"It seems I need to do a little more reading."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"I know! I don't think of him as the first vampire. I think Bram Stoker had the idea with the one true love. Judas was filled with grief. Doesn't make sense." She pulls out her laptop. "We can see?"

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     He goes to settle next to you. He doesn't look over your shoulder so much as just waits patiently. When you have lived as long as he has, patience is a virtue and he has it in spades,"I think Stoker's version is probably more likely yes. There are only one or two stories about the Judas option and they are...sketchy at best."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Judas is one of the bibles old stories. I do believe it was a parable of grief and betrayal, and what. Really, we follow the old testament." She shrugs, and starts to look. If he does choose to peeks, she's running a whole array of things. Things do seem like they should fit together. And then they do!

Several open windows are filled with bits and bobs of the 'Denarian coins'.

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     He does finally settle close enough to look over her shoulder and study the screen,"I have some understanding of the Jewish faith, but I haven't studied it in depth." he admits,"I like to visit holy sites and study history behind them."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"It's a matriarchal faith." Willow speaks quietly. "Our main faith is in the Pentateuch. Torah. It is full of wonder, and history."

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     "You know I like history." he replies and watches the work you do,"Sometime we should sit down and really have you explain it to me. Dinner and conversation. If you want that is."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow's keystrokes fall quiet. "I can do that. Uhm, ok?" She gets a weird look on her face. "I guess it's your turn?"

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     He looks at the screen and then realizes things are awkward. He glances towards you and catches on,"I made things weird just then." he comments and sighs,"Sorry. I enjoy your company, but I'm not trying to sweep you away or anything."

     He looks over the information and raises a brow,"Those coins really around a rumor wrapped in speculation." A deep breath and he exhales slowly,"I'm wondering. They were asking earlier about finding them. Would you be able to scy to find if any of them are near or would that be dangerous. Can someone look back at you if you are scrying."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"No, it's just, well, Buffy. She's who everyone flocks to. I was surprised. " Willow looks at him. "Come on now, who would you expect? It will different? Fun?" Willow beams.

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     He shakes his head and replies,"Like I said. You and Buffy are a bit too young for me. I enjoy your company." He smiles and adds,"You are pretty Willow. Never question that. You are good company as well. You just have to make sure the one doesn't take you for granted."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
A laugh escapes her. "You aren't all that old. Besides, I don't think I want a couple. I'm happy with friends. Well, for now. I'll get some other things for next time."

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     His phone buzzes and he checks the message. There is a smirk as he considers something she says,"I have to go get a piece that I have been bidding on. If you find something different please call me or let Buffy know."
     He stands up and adds,"Thanks for the help tonight." A pause and consideration before he tells you,"Ask Prue or Murphy how old I am. Buffy might know if she sees them before you. For now, I have to get to work. Thank you again."