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Latest revision as of 17:07, 9 August 2020

Test Run
Date of Scene: 09 August 2020
Location: Coney Island
Synopsis: Silver Sable and Grant Washington team up to capture a mobster
Cast of Characters: Aguila 6, Silver Sable

Aguila 6 has posed:
Emilio Vespucci is a mobster who's been making waves throughout New York City. Currently, he's got a bunch of business going down near Coney Island and it's one of the few times he's peeking his head out of hiding.

Unfortunately for Emilio, he's wanted dead or alive by someone with enough money and connections to contract Silver Sable and Grant Washington to do the job.

Emilio's got a lot going for him, however. A small army of goons, armed to the teeth and well paid to take care of him, act as his enforcers and protection. Slate, a metahuman who possesses superhuman strength, the ability to shrug off small arms fire and an arsenal that would make Rambo envious, is Emilio's right hand man.

Currently, it's about four in the morning. Emilio's crew is just now finishing off a deal to purchase a couple hundred pounds of drugs from some mysterious gangsters from overseas. Having decided to do the deal himself Emilio brought his army with him to keep him safe. Slate is with him, carrying a pair of M60E6 medium machine guns and looking quite intimidating.

The deal is happening in an old amusement park Emilio had cleared out just for the occasion. There are guys with rifles up in a Ferris wheel and dudes with shotguns, submachine guns and pistols scattered throughout.

Outside of the park Grant Washington is getting ready. He does a press check on his suppressed HK 416 carbine before ascertaining that it's underbarrel M320 grenade launcher is loaded as well. There's only a handful of men with him. Too many guys and he's liable to attract unwanted attention. The squad of infantrymen are all armed with suppressed weapons as well as night vision goggles.

Elsewhere, small kill teams are deployed to provide overwatch around the amusement park and to help prevent Emilio from getting away. Each 4 man SKT is set up like a rifle team with a team leader, grenadier, automatic rifleman and marksman.

Silver Sable has posed:
Yes. That's contract both Grant Washington and Silver Sable at the same time. Somebody really wants to ensure this contract goes smoothly for them, evidently. Silver has deployed the Wild Pack to cover the amusement park, too...and given she has access to Symkarian technology, she has spared no detail. Silver herself has gone over maps and information, and quadruple checked every single detail on the contract. She's paid off rival mobsters to 'distract' Emilio, because that falls nicely under her 'do what it takes to get the job done' mindset.

But in terms of weaponry and technology? She's along mostly the same lines as Grant, really. Her Wild Pack are set up for long range combat with marksman rifles with suppressors. Unlike Washington, Silver isn't going for explosives. It's not in the job to bring down, for example, the Ferris wheel and she's not one to be able to afford the bad PR of the Wild Pack were the ones behind damaging Coney Island. So she plays it relatively...safe.

Suppressed marksman rifles and SMGs for the Wild Pack, and for her? Her usual assortment of weapons, chi, taser, Derringer, katana, several throwing blades, and she is in her costume with the cloaking technology on and activated. Which makes it look like there's nothing there since she's standing still, just watching the gates. The Wild Pack are setting up in position to get multiple angles on the mobsters as well. Silver has thought this through and wants to leave no stone unturned really, tactics or equipment wise.

Aguila 6 has posed:
Once he's got his guys ready for action Grant uses a throat mic to subvocalize orders in Spanish to his squad to follow him. The mercenary captain leads the way, weapon at the ready, as he heads towards the amusement park. His men, both fire teams, cover fields of fire at all angles to make sure nobody will get the drop on them.

Once at the wooden fence surrounding the amusement park, Washington neatly hops over and takes a knee to scan for threats. Once he's ascertained that none of the goons have seen him he radios for his men to follow.

Emilio and Slate are conducting their business. Money and drugs are about to change hands. It's unlikely that they'll be there for too much longer once that happens.

Silver Sable has posed:
Having got into the park, and being invisible Silver has that in her favor. No need to get down on her knees if she can't be seen. She keeps an eye on Grant then smiles coldly to herself...time to get paid, and as Slate's the bigger threat, she's ordering the Wild Pack to split. half the teams focus on Slate. Te other half aid Grant's team. See. Silver can play nicely with others...mostly.

Silver who has found a nice vantage point really as the Wild Pack fire the first shots. Two toward the goons up in the Ferris wheel. Silver would very, very much like to get up there and take the high ground and very much be able to cover all the angles herself thank you...as she moves, and stays invisible...Silver has a plan of attack etched into her brain from hours and hours of studying maps. Nothing flashy. Just...get the job done. Don't be a big damn heroine Silver. Get in, get job done, get out, get paid.

And leave the park intact, too.

Aguila 6 has posed:
As the guys in the Ferris wheel drop, Grant's team proceeds forward. As they approach the meeting point where Emilio's ready to exchange his money for drugs Grant's men fan out, taking positions around the central meet. As one of Emilio's men nearly spots the group Washington approaches him from the side and takes him down with a couple of quick slashes with a knife, then eases the corpse to the ground. Over his radio he'll say to Silver, "In position. As soon as your team takes a shot my men will engage and I'll grab the target."

Silver Sable has posed:
"Go" Silver says over her communications to the Wild Pack, though...they are not storming the park. Rather taking things out from afar. Silver herself, being the leader and master tactician has this planned out. "Go, team 2" she says as four of the pack split and come in from various angles to not give any of the goons a chance to flee. Plus Silver's perfctly fine to decloak and take them out if she's needed to. But the Wild Pack are, if anything, capable of doing this without her needing to fire a shot.

Speaking of firing shots, the four Wild Pack raise their submachine guns and open fire on the group. Suppressed MP5s all around for the Wild Pack. Silver could have gone more high tech, but in terms of Coney Island, she wants to ensure there's no damage to the area or any unneeded casualties. "Slate's the priority. Emilio's being dealt with by our colleagues" Silver says over her comms. Straight to the point. No unneeded chatter.

Silver is still cloaked as she's well aware of a guard near her, and waits for him to walk on. He's next to get gunned down. Silver's out of their line of sight, which is good...and decloaking, there's no mistaking who she is.

Silver Sable. That Silver Sable. Symkarian diplomat and, currently, mercenary. She snaps off two shots from her suppressed Derringer at two nearby guards and is already moving for coves. Slate's going to be a challenge, but, but...Silver has an idea

Aguila 6 has posed:
As Silver's soldiers open fire and Emilio's goons start to drop, Grant says to his men, "Cover me!" Then he goes in. As he makes his way towards the target he starts firing his weapon, a controlled pair at a time. Guys drop as he approaches Emilio's location and the main gangster himself turns to run. He won't make it far as Grant sprints towards him, taking full advantage of his cybernetics to run the man down.

As Slate becomes aware of the threats he lifts his machine guns and opens fire with both simultaneously. The 7.62mm rounds chew up the surroundings as he tries to spot mercenaries to engage.

The Aguila SKTs start firing at the guards they can see, their marksmen and automatic riflemen starting to make short work of them.

Silver Sable has posed:
THe Wild Pack take cover, there's no need to take risks if they aren't needed, and Silver activates her cloaking tech in her costume again. She doesn't much care for holes shot through her at alll. Silver can get out of this, but the Wild Pack need a way outo of this one. Silver knew the risks when she signed the contract. Thankfully, Aguila and company are providing backup and firepower. Or is it that Silver and the Wild Pack are the backup and firepower?

Either way, Silver just being human, not a cyborg rebuilt thing is, if anything, playing it smart.

"Target secure" she declares, not much wanting to poke her head out and get it shot off.

So she waits, the clacking of MP5 fire heard as the Wild Pack are firing on Slate as well to provide another avenue of attack, though the marksmen Silver put in place are firing too, Silver istening to the near constant quiet of her comms, the Wild Pack not saying much.

She waits, waiting out Slate's bullets. He has to reload some time, and then she'll make her move. Silver's already two steps ahead of the dual machine gun firing threat.

So on goes the cloaking device again...and Silver moves quickly, efficiently just a slight blur as she moves, then nods moving for the fence. The Wild Pack scatter.

It may look like they are fleeing, but they are really rgrouping to find better positions to get angles and deal with Slate. Silver herself is ready to get out of there. Job done, target caught, and...that's it, that was all the job, her side of it, said. Get the target. Get paid.

Nothing about Slate because that isn't part of her contract in the least.

Silver turns to watch Slate for a moment, still cloaked and listens attentively. Good, the Wild Pack are safe, her troops are not dead on her watch.

Nor is Silver, who hops the fence. She needs higher ground and a high powered rifle to take Slate out.

Aguila 6 has posed:
Slate has to stop to reload after a while. He moves behind some cover, clothes now shot to pieces, and begins the task of reloading his belt feds.

With the majority of the guards dead Grant is able to choke Emilio into unconsciousness. Slinging him over his shoulder, the cybernetically enhanced mercenary starts moving back towards his men, taking a moment to say over the comms, "Got him. Ready extraction vehicle."

The squad Grant took into the amusement park move forward, ready to cover him if he needs it.

Silver Sable has posed:
Silver rejoins her Wild Pack squad as she is moving with them to bring the SUV around. "SUV is by the gates" she says simply, as the marksmen are providing covering fire for the Wild Pack movin gthe SUV and while they are waiting at the gate. A second dueo of snipers are keeping Slate busy by firing on him as well and going for kill shots while moving from vantage point, to vantage point. Silver's not behind the wheel of the SUV. She's hiding in an armoed SUV and ready to get out of here, get her pack home and debrief everyone.

Aguila 6 has posed:
With the covering fire from the teams of marksmen and his own squad protecting him, Grant makes it to the waiting SUV. He gets in the back seat after tossing Emilio in the trunk and says to the driver, "Hit it!"

Slate finishes reloading even as rounds are slamming into him. When he stands up and opens fire this time he uses controlled seven round bursts, trying to blast the mercenaries shooting at him. He's not the most precise shootist, but with a bunch of bullets he might end up doing some damage. If the rounds hitting him don't keep throwing him off. After a moment of taking hits he decides to do something more proactive and jumps through the air to get on top one one of the buildings in the amusement park where he can see the SUV extracting his boss, ready to open fire on it.

Silver Sable has posed:
Well then...a chase through the streets would be very, very bad. "Aguila" Silver says over the comms. "Can you stall him while we extract him to the designated point?"

She's focused on getting the target out of here, and the other side of the team can stall the big heavy guy long enough then catch up. SSI haven't brought enough firepower to deal with him.

Aguila 6 has posed:
"We'll handle it," Grant will reply over the comms before he starts issuing orders to his men. He switches to rapid fire Spanish, telling his men what to do. Focus on him with small arms fire so he can't leap away, then nail him with 40mm grenades when he's stationary. Even if he survives it should blow out his ear drums and make him unable to pursue at speed. Oh, and try not to blow up too much of the amusement park.

The Aguila mercs get to work doing as their boss ordered. The 'thump' of grenade launchers firing can be heard alongside rifle and machine gun fire. Slate's knocked off his feet by the continued blasts and his weapons are smashed. Each explosive round rocks him like a punch from a heavyweight boxer would his opponent in the ring. After a few moments it's possible for both units of mercenaries to safely disengage.