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Latest revision as of 17:54, 9 August 2020

An Occult Guest
Date of Scene: 10 May 2020
Location: Lex Luthor's Office - LexCorp Tower
Synopsis: Lex and Loki get together for a conversation
Cast of Characters: Lex Luthor, Loki

Lex Luthor has posed:
To say that Lex Luthor was a busy man was an understatement. He was Nick Fury's rival, his opposite. He was the leader of the Light and his own syndicate... all while keeping up a thoroughly convincing front that he was nothing more than an incredible, charismatic, and charitable businessman.

He was, in short, one of the most accomplished tricksters on Earth.

His daily routine changed depending on need. Some days, he spent most of his work day on handling administration of the LexCorp Empire. Others, he had to handle a matter for the Light indirectly or personally. Some days, he just spent all day in the lab section of the Tower, working on some inspiration; one of the many he's had since founding LexCorp, that would no doubt be patented.

Today, he was just at the end of a day of administration. One of his subsidiaries had to be reshuffled due to downsizing, and he had just gotten off the holocomm with the CEO. Leaning back into his chair behind his desk, Mercy and Hope both patrolled and stood guard, even as they used pent up energy on the various punching bags and other activities within the office apartment.

"I'm done for the day, you two can head downstairs whenever you're ready." Then, he pressed the intercom button on his desk, "Mona, I'm calling it for the day. Reschedule any remaining appointments for tomorrow and set the security alarm active."

Loki has posed:
An ancient wizard scries into Lex Luthor's office. The robed figure waits for Lex to dismiss his guards and then waits for them to leave...

It is then that the old man appears in front of Lex's desk in a dramatic cloud of etheral "dust." He is robed in gray and wears a classic wizard's hat. His beard extends past his chest to his stomach. He looks to be in his mid to late 80s. Indeed it would be almost comical if not for the fact that he has just teleported into what is no doubt one of the most secure and heavily defended places in North America, if not the world.

The old man stares at Lex for a moment, leaning on an old wooden staff, likely cut from white oak, and certainly well treated to last through the ages. On top of the staff is a perfectly smooth black ball of obsidian glass.

He simply waits for Lex to react.

Lex Luthor has posed:
It takes a lot for Lex to be surprised... or certain areas. Magic Lex knows about, though he's never taken the time to learn it. Far too busy with other matters lately with the time commitment required for it.

Lex... is not surprised that someone has intruded into his office at the exact moment the bodyguards leave. Why?

Because it is what he would have done, if he wanted an uninterrupted meeting... and Lex is nothing if not a master strategist.

"You want something. Spit it out." Lex narrows his eyes in slight anger. Sure, he could make a good guess at what the intruder wanted, but that doesn't mean he likes having his routine interrupted by strangers! As he speaks, he stands up, straightens out the red tie on his business suit, and brings his hands behind his back in a formal posture, raising a brow in question to the newcomer.

Loki has posed:
The old wizard leans forward a bit, "Impatient aren't we?" His voice sounds strained as is expected of one so aged, "But I did not come come here expecting tea." He pauses a breathes for a moment, as if catching his breath for a longer string of words..

"I know that you are a man of wealth and influence. I've watched you for some time and have come to the conclusion that we could be of use to each other. I have power and connections of my own and I have knowledge. I also seek knowledge.. advanced knowledge of an arcane and occult origin. My library is filled with many tomes and my vault filled with many artifacts..." He pauses again to breathe...

"But there is much I do not know or possess. Your ability to locate such things exceeds my own in many ways simply because you are a man of the world. You are not suspected of mischief and can come by what you desire with... subtlty. My inquiries are looked upon with more suspicion. The extent of my power is.. vast. I offer an exchange of favors, nothing more, nothing less. I do not seek to know the inner workings of your other dealings."

Lex Luthor has posed:
"If I were impatient, I would have brought in my bodyguards and retreated already, stranger." Lex notes in a tone of explanation. "I have contingencies for hostile intruders. So far, you haven't given me reason to suspect you of hostility... just rudeness."

Then, Lex moves around his officer desk slowly, watching the man, "Occult... of course it's magic. You couldn't look more the part if you tried." Lex stops to one side, watching the man, "Harmony, have there been any energy surges in the last five minutes in the Tower?" A female voice replies, out of nowhere, "None detected." Lex gives a slight frown, "You did dress up like a stereotypical Dungeons and Dragons wizard to be blatantly obvious? No matter."

Lex begins to walk around the man. "I have many friends, and many resources. What is it you desire, and what can you do for me in exchange?"

Loki has posed:
The wizard smiles, "I have guises yes. Like you I sometimes need to get straight to the point. This.. ridiculously outdated garb serves well in my case." He pauses..

"I am old.. very old. I have cheated death for a long time. Sadly I found the secret to immortality too late, as an old man, and so I remain with all of its' inconveniences. But of course I can still be destroyed by other means and naturally I wish to shorten the list of that which could do so.. greatly.." Another pause..

"You already know what I want and why. What can I do for you? I can appear as anyone.. anything.. at any time. My ability to infiltrate exceeds any man or woman in your employ, or the employ of any known mortal organization. I am confident of this. However finding what I seek requires more than the ability to hide as you are no doubt aware. Diplomacy is something that I prefer to leave to others and the sudden disappearance of certain... items can be most alarming. So alarming that one could be hunted to the ends of the world and beyond in pursuit." Another pause...

"But aren't you tired of having to plan so extensively simply to obtain something? Or to sabotage? What if you had a.. friend who could simply walk into a place and complete a mission without arousing any suspicion? Effortlessly..?"

Lex Luthor has posed:
"I can see the use of such a gift." Lex states, decidedly neutrally. If Loki didn't already know he was hiding his true interests with those words, he might even be able to believe he was being casual with them.

"So you're looking to become indestructible using occult secrets." Lex presses. Time to see how truthful the man was interested in being.

Loki has posed:
Loki never trusts anyone's surface intentions. He takes a person from second to second and never assumes that he truly knows them. It comes with having a life story such as his...

The old man smiles a bit, "Ultimately I seek the power to trap a god. More than one in fact. I feel that you must know that because the knowledge I seek is... quite forbidden. Even one not versed in the arcane would pause. Knowing my intentions will perhaps alleviate your suspicions somewhat. We do not have to entirely trust one another..." He pauses, "..but we can at least understand each other to some extent. My plans will not affect you or.. anyone on this world. My long life has.. altered my perception of reality. There are beings who despise the idea of 'mere men' becoming equals with gods." He says that last bit with disdain, "The teachings of cosmic order are merely the propaganda of gods so fearful of mortals that they create religious falsehoods to keep them down." He pauses.. and grins..

"Whether I am ever able to challenge them is still uncertain. But trapping them, although difficult, could prove to be a step in that direction. But first it must be ascertained as to what -can- trap a god."

Lex Luthor has posed:
"I know all about false gods being praised for merely existing as powerful entities." Lex barely keeps the heat out of his tone. The Alien has always been a sore subject for Lex... an Loki may be one of the few who knows about his long standing shadow feud with Superman.

"Trapping gods. That is something that can be useful for us both. Give me a target and contact information, and I will see what I can do."

Loki has posed:
The old man grins deviously, "And so you understand as well. We need not discuss your own struggles with gods then. It would be quite redundant." He pulls back a bit, as if more relaxed..

"One of the Avengers, Thor, would be my first target. In mythology he is worshipped as the protector of mankind but I suspect that he does not stand vigil over Earth out of the kindness of his heart. Indeed why would he not use his influence among the heroes of Earth to cement their loyalty? In service of whatever the machinations of his kind are? There are many god-like beings in existence but there cannot be any doubt that Thor is indeed a true god.." Another pause..

"Discovering what could trap him would perhaps lead to us ascertaining the ability to trap even more powerful beings of his ilk. Without the meddling of mankinds ancient masters what could be accomplished? I am not the only one who stands to benefit from this regardless. Perhaps the Avengers could be persuaded at some point to realize that they are merely pawns. Oh yes I know of them.. I pay attention to those with power."

Lex Luthor has posed:
"The Avengers believe themselves to be merely associated with SHIELD, I believe." Lex informs the man, "I can't be sure how they feel about it individually... but I would be very interested in finding out." He stops in front of Loki, "As I said... a target and contact information."

He even holds out a hand for paper.

Loki has posed:
The old man nods, "Yes indeed. But to trap Thor there are only a hand full of individuals who I could trust to have that information: Doctor Doom would be the first. He seems to be of.. a less high strung demeanor. His exploits seem to preclude that ability. It is possible that he has simply never had the need to use it." A pause..

"Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme, and the heir to a wealth of knowledge greater than my own but far less likely to cooperate given his.. allegiances as you no doubt are already aware of. But false pretenses could be created. It would be a project." He pauses and thinks...

"There are other sorcerers in this world who are less known, such as Morgana Le Fay, whose reaction to such an inquiry is.. not so easy to predict. Hence them being lower on the list. The first two would be the easiest to deal with I believe."