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Latest revision as of 12:00, 11 August 2020

Stop the room. Morse wants to get off!
Date of Scene: 10 August 2020
Location: Recovery Room 01, The Triskelion
Synopsis: Clint gets visited by Bobbi, Peggy and Skye. Detective Dog gets watched, too.
Cast of Characters: Hawkeye (Barton), Mockingbird, Peggy Carter, Quake

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
That's the problem with being a super spy. Here one day, gone the next, and the rank and file really never know, are truly never aware of what happened. Then, just like that, they're back. No party, no parade, no... nothing. It's a quiet affair, really. And predictable. Medbay, psych screening, debriefing, PT and back in the field to do it all again. Sometimes it's a week, sometimes a month, sometimes several months.

For Special Field Agent Clint Barton? It was several months. There are only a select few who know the 'truth' of it. In on a mission, then dark a couple of weeks in. Unreachable. Untraceable. Some missions, it's to be expected.

This one? Not so much.

So SHIELD has questions. Lots of them. The man who can answer them?

In the Medlab, on a hospital bed, wires on his chest attached to the heart monitor that does a *beep* at the proper intervals, hooked up with IV fluids and a carefully monitored dosage of painkiller. No narcotics, not for a spy.

Clint looks.. beat to hell and back again. Bruises, scrapes, new cuts that have healed on arms, his chest.. and at least the months' worth of beard is gone. At his request. His right arm is in a splint, and he looks as if he's resting comfortably. For the moment, anyway.

Mockingbird has posed:
"What the hell happened to you?" Bobbi asks from a chair in the corner. She's sucking down water like it's going out of style. Sure. Dog Detective is on the TV, and she's watching it through her fingers. The room's still spinning, God she's drunk still. Ugh, alright then. Well, she's trying to watch Dog Detective, but the room's spinning and such. And it's bright in here, and, and....Clint's here...

Oh God. Clint. All the things Bobbi said too Peg come rushing back. Things she shouldn't have said, really...but did. Because drunk Bobbi opens her mouth and puts her feet in it.

"I've seen this one before" Bobbi groans, looking like she's fighting not to hurl. Sure, mess up Clint's room why not, Bobbi...

Finally taking a hand from her face she glances to Clint.

"You doing okay?" she asks simply. Oh, no the TV's not being changed any. And if anyone tries to make Bobbi leave...she's staying right on that orange plastic chair in the corner, and keeping her spot in here.

Oh, and the chicken wings, too. She's been munching on them since she got said wings and brougt them here.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
The monitors watching over Clint are silent, which is what they should be. The green line draws a tracing of his heartbeat, and the large green number 57 is present. He'll be fine.

An eye opens a little, revealing the blue, and it's closed once more, a sigh exiting the man. Clint shifts, a wince hits his face as he stops doing that which hurts. Another exhale exits and his voice is a little hoarse.

"Don-" Clint clears dry throat and tries again, "Don't change the channel."

Really, that's what he's concerned about?

As to whether or not he's doing okay? He's got his checklist, "Heart?" Yup. "And these pain killers aren't touching it, so.. yeah. I'm alive." He rolls his head slowly, opening his eyes to the still drunk Bobbi on the chair. "You look like hell."

Mockingbird has posed:
"I wasn't going to change it" Bobbi adds and focuses on the TV. Oh, that was a bad...bad idea. "I got drunk last night and said things I shouldn't have" she admits. Oh, great. here she goes...

"Point is I ain't changing the channel, nope. I'll give you the remote if you want while I sit here eating wings and such" Bobbi adds and instead, focuses on Clint. Ah that works better. An almost stationary object. Unlike the TV images.

"You look like hell yourself. What were you doing that needed a helicarrier to come get you?" she asks, trying to sound angry. Instead...she misses the mark and sounds worried. Wide left, Morse...

Peggy Carter has posed:
It was strange *not* getting the reports first. Almost 40 years of being the desk where the buck started and stopped at SHIELD, and now she was barely more than a low level agent. Granted, Peggy understood the wariness, even if all her tests had checked out, the whole situation was strange enough to not just toss her back into power. Not to mentioned the fact she had so much to learn about modern technology. She felt like she might never catch up. So, she's not the last person to learn about Clint being recovered, but she does have to hear about it through the rumor mill.

Somehow, the time-displaced Brit was not hung over, even after their beer marathon last night. She's off duty, so in a neat, dark green 1940s wrap dress and a pair of vintage heels. She looks idential to her picture in most SHIELD textbooks and classes, hair in soft waves and even still in that classic red lipstict.

Curious about the man which could cause such distress in the otherwise capable woman, Peggy's heels carry her down the hall to the medical wing. She slows as she approaches the door, listening to voices inside for a few moments before she finally crosses the threshold. She doesn't go in too far, just steps tinto the doorway and leans her shoulder there, dark eyes watching the scene in silent curiosity.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
It's strange, or might be a little that Clint's head is turned and he's watching Bobbi as she's curled up on that big ol' ugly (even for him) orange chair. He chuffs a breath and his head rights itself so he's got a view of both ceiling and the television. "Now there's a surprise," is murmured before he pauses. That wasn't his inside voice, was it? "'Go out and see the world', they said.." She's heard this before. It's his non-answer. "'You'll like it', they said."

The motion at the door, however, gains his blue eyed attention, and he's back looking in that direction, confusion on his face. He's seen the records, and it's pretty obvious from the look on his face that whatever, whomever he's looking at just doesn't make sense to him. Is he dead and he's being taken by spies of SHIELD past? Because she looks exactly like the pictures he's seen, the dossiers that..

No.. not dead, right? A glance is spared to check his monitors. Heart's beating, yup. Not dead.

"Ah..." Hello?

Mockingbird has posed:
Bobbi gives Clint a sheepish smile then turns her eyes too, to Peggy. "Hey, did you bring coffee?" Bobbi asks, "I feel like I could use it right..." she trails off as Peggy's at the door, and Bobbi's looking ridiculous on the orange chair. She's in a different pair of PJs with sheep on them. Because really...first ones she came to. She does at least put the remote where Clint can get to it easily...though she resumes her spot on the chair and rests her head against the wall. "Sop the room, I wanna get off" she croaks. Oh, yeah. Peggy got away with the not hung over.

Bobbi....didn't in the least. Morse /is/ regretting this. The petting zoo idea's still in her head mind.

Peggy Carter has posed:
The confused, wary look in his eyes as he greets her tells Peggy enough. He's studied, at least, he knows his history. A neat little smile crosses her mouth and she steps the rest of the way into the room, holding a bottle of some sort of strangely blue beverage out to Bobbi. "No coffee, it'll make things worse. Electrolytes and lessons for the future." She clips out smoothly, British accent as practiced and clear as it was in the old videos. Every last inch of this woman very much seems to be Margaret Carter. Even as she does allow a little sympathy to cross through her brown eyes in Bobbi's direction.

Then she's looking back to Clint, giving the bruised body a longer study before she meets his eyes. "Agent Barton. Good to see you...mostly in one piece. And you aren't dead. There was a...hiccup in time, and it seems I am here now. We can thank or blame Howard Stark, which would explain everything if you knew the man." Her smile turns a bit sardonic at the thought. "Or his son. They are quite similiar."

Quake has posed:
Skye eventually came by, and stood by the door, a strange half smirk - half resigned look on her features. "Hi. So, you decided to return. No real injury?" She shakes her head. "They better have got worse." Yeah, it's hard. But he's back.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
This can only get better, right?

It's like the beginning of a really bad joke that only Clint could appreciate, or those close to him. Ex-wife not wanting to kill him upon sight. The ghost of SHIELD past, and...


So, he's not dead? Just kill him now, please. His eyes roll up to the ceiling placatingly, but he doesn't say a word to that end. Instead?

"Oh.. hey.. Skye. C'mon in. Join the party.." It's a tired, hurt Clint-voice. That weary, 'what the ever hell' sound when what's one more going to do?

Peggy's explanation gets a nod, a half-smile on a battered, bruised face and he barks a laugh. "S'what I hear. Before I was born, but hell." Beat. "Ma'am." She //was// the Director, after all.

Blue eyes look beyond to the woman he'd left, and he nods. Still, he really can't give much more before debriefing is done, reports are written and the like. He's got //information//, and it's work. "I can neither confirm nor deny," which in Clint speak? He probably walked away with a smouldering hole behind him.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"...Agent Carter is fine, I'm no one's ma'am nowadays." Peggy offers simply, but she's more here to oversee add ensure that Bobbi gets some hydration in her. She shifts a bit farther into the room, letting Skye come in after her. A silent, respectful nod is given to the senior agent as she leans her shoulders against the wall, but she lets the trio far more familiar with each other talk.

Mockingbird has posed:
Bobbi not wanting to kill him on sight? Mostly because if she tries right now, the room spins...and she'll kill the TV most likely. Good going, Bobbi. Looking to the bottle she wrinkles her nose. "I'll try it. Can't be worse rightt?" she asks. "Heyyy Skye, what're you doingg? You want a chicken wing?" she asks and then looks to Clint with a quiet look sipping the bottle that Peggy gave her.

Quake has posed:
So, that was that. Off to the "ex" pile. Oh well, and she takes her clue from him.

" Jessie misses you. Grant Ward, not so much." Nothing about her. "When are we getting a brief from you? I presume we are." She remains standing by the door. For now. It was going to take a little bit of going used to, when she really wants to hug him. Damn. She laughs, "That much. Just think of what you'd have done if there were two of you." Yep, she understands him.

And then she does enter the room fully. "Doing my job! And no thanks."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
There are moments when one simply can't take the Midwest out of Clint Barton, and this is one of them. Even when Peggy says 'Agent Carter', his first response becomes, "Yes ma'am.." and it doesn't sound contrived at all. He sounds like one of the many, many agents she'd commanded over the decades long passed. It's a man who knows his place in the pecking order, even if she's not there.

Bobbi's a mess, and Clint's more than willing to let her sober up. Must have been a hell of a party, though.. and he missed it. Then again, he's missed more than a few. Blue eyes are still on those in his room, flickering between them all, watching the conversations.

It's when Sky's face falls that a frown creases his face, and there is the confusion again. Did he miss.. something? Well, other than..

"Catgirl, yeah.." his nickname for his pet. "Grant probably peed on my favorite jacket." Again. Though.. there it is.


Work is good.

"Doc said a couple of days, I'm out of here. Fluids mostly. Then debriefing. Psych eval. Then, light duty." He recites the canon, though everyone in the room should be pretty familiar with the dance.

There is a breath of a laugh before his face screws up with pain... pain he's allowed to show, if only briefly. "Yeah... but I'm not sure the world is really ready for two of me. I think it'd explode."

Mockingbird has posed:
Bobbi looks over to Skye and smiles then to Clintt againn. "Another jacket down huh?" she adds and carries on sipping the drink. it's helping, yeah...but...but...if she wasn't such an idiot...

"Njh just me and Peg getting hammered in the rec room" Bobbi says. "You weren't there, we got through enough wings and beer to make a sorority jealous" Bobbi adds and looks over to Skye again then Clint, then back again to Skye.

"See, I'm okay. I'm okay. just overdid it a bit is all"

Last thing she needs is writtten up for being drunk. But hey, off the clock, and she had /reasons/ to be drunk, too...

"You both missed the get together though, but next time you two are saved seats, deal?" Bobbi asks blinkng owlishly at them all. Apparently she does feel a little better.

Quake has posed:
<It's gonna take some time, Clint.> Skye used ASL. <Still love you. Rotten man.> She grins.

"No, I packed them off, and I slept in my Trisk for the first couple of months. Your jacket is safe. Mind you, we're back living in Greenwich. I figured what the hey, it's got super speed and zero ability to break in on the 'net." Then, "I figured you weren't coming back when I saw that the purple couch was gone." She'd have to have a talk, but, yes, it was over.

She grins, "What? You think if you have two of you, you'd carry twice the pay? No way. Possibly twice the pay for you, breaking everything."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Wish I coulda seen it, Birdie," and he's being (mostly) honest there. He was on the side of a mountain, trying not to die of exposure. A party in the rec room? Beats it in spades. Even with an ex.

Still, when he eyes land on Skye again, and he catches the quick motions of her hands, he looks back up to her eyes. It takes a moment to realize she's talking again, but he's watching and makes a face. "Yeah.. the couch." He pauses and closes his eyes; he's getting tired again. "Sorry 'bout that."

Whatever else, though.. the double the pay, the twice the breakage, well.. he moves as a chuckle sounds, "If he helps pay the rent, I'm good with another me around."

Though now? "I.. I think I'm gonna pass out for a few, ten hours or so. Don't change my channel or I'll hunt you down." All of you.

Peggy Carter has posed:
The shadow of Peggy Carter doesn't really interfere in the group's reunion. She gives a little nod of affirmation, "Bobbi and I needed some...cooling off. Ale helped. Better is better nowadays, it seems." Peggy mutters with a slightly amused tone. But the trio's dynamics are too interesting to really intrude upon, so she remains against the wall.

Then, it seems Clint has hit his wall. Everyone laid up in medical eventually does. Peggy straightens from her position and tilts her head tilting slightly to him, "Sweet dreams, Agent. I'm certain they have been earned and...you have much work to do later. MIght as well get the rest while you can."

Mockingbird has posed:
"Dream of goats, Clint. Dream of them telling you get your ass back here to be useful" Bobbi says and gets up from her chair for a moment. Threats of being hunted by Clint...like he'd know who did it if he's asleep...though Bobbi's been in that chair for a while. Great, make yourself the number one suspect, Morse.

"You're back home?" Bobbi asks Skye with a smile. "I should d drop in and bring food and see if you want to cook something?" she offers. Oh she's definitely sobering up, but the look of 'this is not worth drinking for' on her face is evident as she's not a fan of sobering up /too/ quickly. Gah!

Stilll, Bobbi looks to the Clint. "Next time we party, we invite you. Don't make us wheel you into the rec room in this bed though" she adds and settles back onto the chair again with a look to Skye, a look that all but telegraphs 'you can shoot me later if we all party with Clint'

Mostly since Bobbi doesn't want to open a whole can of worms with Clint, two thirds of his ex club, and Peggy in the same room.

Quake has posed:
"Hey, I eat!" Skye doesn't say *what* she eats. "We should go. Or I should."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"We should all clear out and let the casanova get some sleep before he figures out new trouble to cause. Come on, ladies. And...I wouldn't say we were *partying*, Bobbi. That would be uncouth, especially on a work night. It was simply relaxing. But Skye, of course, you are invited the next time." She gives them both a smile and a slight tilt of her head to the door before leading the way out.