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Latest revision as of 02:07, 12 August 2020

Hung Over Hideaway
Date of Scene: 11 August 2020
Location: Big Belly Burger, Delta
Synopsis: Breakfast with the enemy. Bobbi and Marcus have pancakes.
Cast of Characters: Blackout, Mockingbird

Blackout has posed:
    It's morning and Marcus has found his way into the fine establishment in search of breakfast foods. He's heard that this place has a great croissant with eggs and meat. Or something. Either way, he's hungry and as he moves into the restaurant. He looks about casually for a place to sit. Currently, Marcus is very casual wearing jeans, sneakers, and a black t-shirt.

Mockingbird has posed:
Bobbi's gone casual. No missions today. Clint's still alive, and her head's not spinning or feeling like, say, Ward's got a jackhammer and is hammering into her skull. Fortunately that passed, after puking for most of the night, and then suffering the hangover from hell.....Bobbi's hit the streets to get food. It's led her to here.

She's /technically/ on the clock, with her ID, her money, and staves under the longg sleeve t-shirt she wears, marking her as a Georgia Tech Yellow Jacket, if anyone cares. Bobbi's at a table and devouring pancakes like nobody's business. Okay so it's only three pancakes, they are small, and it's mostly syrup coating them but really...really....who cares?

Bobbi doesn't. This is actually helping her out. As is the ice water by the plate, too...

Blackout has posed:
    The tall blonde is hard to miss as Marcus looks over the restaurant. He shakes his head with slight disbelief and figures she wants to talk to him or wants to try and capture him again. Instead of running, he chooses to confront her. He walks her way. In route he stops the waitress and gives her what he wants food/drink wise, and then will walk up to Bobbi's table. He says, "Hey, this seat taken?" and he'll sit down opposite her, opposite side of the table.

Mockingbird has posed:
Bobbi looks up from her pancakes and raises the fork in a wave. "Hey" she says and looks like she faceplanted in syrup and pancakes. It's smeared over her lips and there's a napkin that's not being removed without tearing.

Sipping the ice water, Bobbi gives a pointed look. "I'm not going to capture you" she adds. At least, not....yet?

Blackout has posed:
    Looking her over, Marcus' eyes narrow and he realizes that she's in an interesting state. "Of course you're not. I teleport. You don't. And you really don't look like you're in any shape to run after me either. Wow. You up all night drinking all the tequila in the bar?" He leans back a little in the seat, gets comfortable.

Mockingbird has posed:
"Sort of" Bobbi says and is cagey on just what went on. "I'm out here eating food like I'm back in college, c'mon, give me a break will you? Shit went down and I didn't take it well" she grumbles, looking over to Mark again. "Was it the pancakes that brought you here or?" she adds between bites. "I'm curious now"

Blackout has posed:
    "Pancakes. Totally the pancakes. This is one of the best places in VC for just that. Oh, and the maple syrup. There's a bacon maple that's so good.." he looks her pancakes over and then the bottle for a label. He then says, "Hey, so then it's just coincidence we ran into one another. Which could be kismet. We could totally call this neutral ground and we can have pancakes when you're not chasing me."

Mockingbird has posed:
"Neutral ground? What, you think I'd chase you to capture you? No way, these pancakes are too good" she says and shakes her head with a laugh as Bobbi slides the syrup over. "Feel free. You're right, the pancakes are fantastic. neutral ground, having breakfast with somebody SHIELD wantss captured...hey wait, are you distracting me with food so you can sneak out?" Bobbi asks with a glance across the table.

Blackout has posed:
    "Not at all. I've ordered food. I'm here for the breakfast. Having it with a representative of my enemy is kinda cool. Plus, I want to hear what you're drowning or celebrating." He says as his glass of iced tea is brought. He takes the glass, takes a drink and waits to hear about the reasons why she got so drunk last night.

Mockingbird has posed:
Bobbi shakes her head. "My ex husband came home" she says. "So...I got drunk and opened my mouth. Then he turned up in hospital so....the room was spinning, I was watching Detective Dog. Go on, laugh" Bobi says simply. Looking over to the ice tea, Bobbi shakes her head. "It got real messy, y'know? It didn't end well at all, really...room was spinning, wings got broght, and....yeah, it didn't end well. It's....just complicated really"

Blackout has posed:
    With an actual look of concern, Marcus furrows his brow and says, "No, no laughing about that. If anything, I'm sorry it was so traumatic for you. I do hope it'll all work out for the best. I mean, relationships are a real roller coaster and pain in the ass."

Mockingbird has posed:
"No shit" Bobbi shrugs and looks over the table again. "Admittedly...you're right. Don't get married. That's my bit of advice ovr pancakes" Bobbi mutters and looks serious. "Don't get married, or if you do...make sure it works out"

Bobbi's serious too. She's just...okay she's grouchy and blah and things, but she's more sociable at least...as Bobbi grits her teeth. "Relationships are a pain in the ass, yes"