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Answers begat more questions
Date of Scene: 09 August 2020
Location: Noel and MacLeod Antiques, Vancouver
Synopsis: And these two are really good at getting into bad situations. A consultation turned into him letting her know what he is and suddenly there were demons. At least dinner was after.
Cast of Characters: Duncan MacLeod, Prudence Halliwell

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     It's been a time since Prue came up to assess the pieces Duncan had to show her. It was an even longer time since Prue heard Duncan tell Karrin that he couldn't die. She never mentioned it last time she was here, but he was suprised when she didn't inquire about it at all.

     Right now he is closing down for the evening and setting the gates over the doors and windows. The front door is still open so she can get in and the lights are still mostly on. By all appearances he is alone, no sign of the poor stuttering one.

Prudence Halliwell has posed:
Prue's not shocked really. If anything she's up here because she's curious, and decided okay, back up here to check this out as Prue slides on in and looks to Duncan.

"Hey, you piqued my interest. So what's up?" she asks, folding her arms a little as she gives him a pointed look...as if saying you dragged me up here for what, exactly?

Prue looks somehwt restless and annoyed, then smiles to Duncan.

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     He glances towards the entrance Prue makes and smiles a moment. There is a nod her way and he replies,"Hello to you too." A slight tease in his tone. Despite that he seems serious enough,"I was wondering about a few things. I was curious about what Bucklands saw in the pieces I sent with you."

     "I have to admit I was a little surprised last time you were up here too." he continues and walks closer to you to start the door securing process,"There's a door out of the basement, one in the back, and a fire escape from the loft if you are concenred about being locked inside." One thing about him, he tends to think of just about everything.

Prudence Halliwell has posed:
Prue raises an eyebrow and smiles. "I brought the file with me" she says pulling a flash drive out of her pocket. "here you go. So, noted where the doors are, soo you thought of things. I'm glad. So what" Prue asks, "Got you thinking with those pieces, or were you hoping I'd come back up here or?" she asks, cocking her head a bit, with a defiant look to Duncan.

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     He nods and replies,"So the night at Karrin's I was a little surprised neither of you spoke up to question what I told you." He locks the doors in and starts towards the stairs,"I admittedly I was curious if you'd come back. I'd hate to tell you I enjoyed your company. It might go right to your head."

     If she chooses to follow him upstairs she will find a residential flat. Nothing too fancy, but it is pretty clear he is probably more well off than he lets on,"I wonder if you found anything about me in any of your research?"

Prudence Halliwell has posed:
Prue's staying by the stairs. "Why're you asking? Are you that much of a self-centered man that you think you'll be in research? If I look up tall antiques dealing man I'll get swamped with results. Come on" Prue scoffs. She has researched McLeod mind...and shakes her head. "I looked into you, MacLeod. What's your deal? I found thing that pique my interest and make me suspicious of you a little"

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     He laughs softly and shakes his head,"I am just curious. Most people hear that and they go out of their way to try and disprove what I tell them. You strike me as someone that doesn't take things at face value." He walks over to a table beside his couch and picks up a dagger. It's old and probably Irish by the look. He hands it to you and lets you look it over a moment if you want.

     "As for my deal it's like I said. I'm immortal. I can't be killed except by one particular means." He considers you for a long quiet moment,"You seem the sort that makes for a good ally and doesn't talk out of turn about things. What do you think of it?"

Prudence Halliwell has posed:
"That's an old Irish dagger, I've seen pictures of things like that before. So, can't die huh? she asks. Oh she's itching to test this out as Prue gives Duncan a quiet look then her eyes gleam a little.

"So" Prue says setting the daggr down. "You're an immortal Macleod huh Alright" Prue says with a quiet nod.

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     "My father forged that weapon and gave it to me when I ten." he tells you softly and something in his eyes knows exactly what you are thinking in the means of wanting to test it out. He walks back over and slips the scabbard off the and leaves the dagger in your hand.

     "You're thinking about it. You wouldn't be the first." he tells you softly and seems less than concerned if she did stab him with it,"An Immortal yes. Older than anyone on the block and older than most all them combined. Have you encountered one such as me before. Any of your coven or whatever you meet as?"

Prudence Halliwell has posed:
Prue grins. "Hold still then" she says firmly. "I don't want to hurt you too badly though" she adds...and plunges the dagger toward Duncan.

"See" Prue says. "I've not come across your sort yet. I figured you were just a magic thing or something that had a spell done so you didn't age, that was my first thought. Then you say you're immortal. Alright" Prue offers and nods keenly thrusting the dagger more toward Duncan. "Don't haunt me if this does kill you. You and my mom's spirit will probably want to redecorate my house or something" Prue adds and arrows her eyes on Duncan.

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     He shrugs and stands still, even steps closer,"You probably have and just didn't know it." he tells you simply,"Mine is a secret group, but in the same sense the secret can cause more trouble than not. It is easier to just tell someone than have to look over your shoulder waiting for a person to dig into something that gets them hurt or killed." He stands right in front of you and tips the dagger up just a little.

     He laughs softly and shakes his head,"When my body dies my spirit will be so tired of this world it will likely never return." That was supposed to sound reassuring. Did it though? His eyes never leave yours,"You ready?"

Prudence Halliwell has posed:
The dagger slices through the air as Prue says nothing...instead she's focused on not stabbing anything /too/ valuable...hopefully. Maybe. Sorta...

Looking to Duncan, Prue smiles finally. "Your spirit is all no I'm leaving, aw. Come on." Prue says and looks intrigued and doesn't drop her gaze. "Let's see how this goes!

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     Slowly and gently he places a hand on her wrist and walks into the blade. It may not kill him, but it still hurts to beat hell. There is a soft gasp inspite of it and his eyes never leave hers as he smiles and crumples to the ground.

     That should mess with the witch in a bad way. She didn't stab him, but she has a guy on the floor bleeding out at her feet and there is nothing in his eyes that register anything other than a slow fade from this world and into the next.

Prudence Halliwell has posed:
Prue crouches and shakes her head with a hand on Duncan's arm. "Let the truth be revealed, and the wounds this witch caused healed" Prue chants. it's a healing spell..and if it works...well it'll do what it says on the tin, heal Duncan.

Now if she could call him out on his messing with her head...oh, on that note. "You're really that hurt? But...you're immortal. I can't kill you unless that dagger can do it. And...if so, you just tricked me into killing you. I swear I am going to find some voodoo priestess to bring you back so I can kick your ass if that's the case, Macleod. if you're not faking it, get up"

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     He doesn't move. The spell casts and comes through, but he doesn't move still. The wound around the weapon starts to close however, stragely enough. Maybe that shouldn't stay in there.

Prudence Halliwell has posed:
Prue grabs the dagger and yanks it out...as she whirls around. Oh. Hell. No.

Two demons in the shop. Prue isn't moving as fast as she normally does. A bit of her life force is, in essence, locked away as punishment for using that spell and falling fould of her personal gain stipulation. Great. Demons in an antique shop. Prue can't go buck wild with her telekinesis. Time to get all stabby stabby with the dagger or something. And she's stood over Duncan protecting him. She can't put her finger on quite why

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     The things he puts himself through. A few moments later, while she stares down the demons his eyes open and he shakes it off,"Never gets old." he mutters darkly and starts to sit up. Seeing her standing over him protectively he gets confused real fast and seeing the demons changes the confusion to grim determination.

     He's not quite up to speed yet, but neither is he slow getting back up and telling you softly,"Five steps straight back. What happened while I was away?" Sense of humor despite there being deomns and despite he was just more or less dead.

Prudence Halliwell has posed:
Prue listens and steps back the five paces as the dmons are lining up to go for Prue as shee stands back and looks from Duncan to the demons, then throws her hand out. Telekenisis is a thing. Because...Prue's good at that, really...as Prudence is stiill clutching the dagger in her hand, too. Not giving up a weapon, nope. Not today. "I thought Canadian demons were polite. What, are you going to hit me and say sorry?" Prue snaps at the demons.

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     Who laughs? Was it the demon or was it Duncan? It is hard to say for sure. He slides a drawer open and a moment later you hear the sound of steel sliding over a sheathe. He steps next to you and you see the ivory handled sword you saw once before,"Anything you want to tell me about our new friends here?"

Prudence Halliwell has posed:
Alright, now it's on. "That...is a sword. Those demons came to kill us. We kill them, I get a bit of my soul back" Prue says matter of factly, and sets her feet. Okay, bring it on demons!

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     He smirks a little and the sword rolls forward at his wrist once to loosen up a little,"You...are not wrong." he quips back finally. He's nice about it at least. There were a lot of smart remarks that he could have come back with,"Any particular weaknesses or should I just aim for the head?"

Prudence Halliwell has posed:
"It's a sword. Those are demons. You hit the demons with the sword until they are no longer here" Prue states and waves a hand at the demons. Telekinesis is a fine thing. "I'll apologize in advance for trashing your home, but these demons have no sense of knocking, do they?"

With that, Prue throws her telekinesis at the demons, mostly so she can get them out of the way...looking highly angry as she's not a fan of this in the least. Demons in Vancouver. Really...Really?

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     "Fair enough." he replies and moves one step to the side away from you, the blade staying in the opposite hand. He squares up on a demon and is mildly surprised when you toss them aside with the tk power,"Nice." he mutters softly. No sense in letting one get back up easily. He can only deal with one at a time, so he relies on her to deal with the other.

     He rolls the sword into a reverse grip and drives the weapon into the chest of the demon. Withdrawning the weapons. A quick kick in the region where the critter's genitals should be and waits for him to sit up from that pain. Patience is a virtue.

Prudence Halliwell has posed:
One demon down. Great, get the brush and demon goop outta here. "One down, one to go" Prue muters. "Don't bother kicking them in the nuts. It won't do a lot. So we got one down, one to go. Alright. We deal with this one. I get that bit of my soul back. Let's do this" Prue says. "Because I don't much like a bit of my soul locked away like a nerd's repport card at a college career fari. Don't ask" Prue admits, while ducking a fireball. "Is your place fireproof or do you have a phone that can call 9-1-1 or do you have insurance? Or all of the above?" Prue asks with a dive out of the way. Sure, Prue...let Duncan get the fireballs to the face.

"We are here for your powers" the remaining demon says. "We? Your right hand doesn't count" Prue snidely comments, ducking a wild punch. "That was a painting you just hit. Well done. Round of applause for the angry teenage demon" she says mock clapping while dodging out of the way of another wild swing.

"Can you believe this?" Prue asks Duncan. "Your boyfriend will die!" the demon hisses

2Believe me. I've tried to kill him earlier and didn't do a good jobb. What makes you think you'll manage it, Mr. I can throw a fireball when angry? Guess what. Circus performers can do that too. yeah, you got outclassed by a guy with a towel on his head who eats swords. Chew on that" Prue snaps, taunting the demon. That may not be a great idea...on the other hand, if it keeps the demon's attention on Prue and off Duncan, she'll take it.

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     Wanting to make sure this one doesn't come back to haunt them, Duncan nods. Genital shot doesn't do exactly what he wants, but a flash of his sword in the light and the demon's head rolls on the floor. It's like he's practiced at that because that isn't something that is done easily and he made it look like a habit.

     Turning his attention to the other one, he gets just out of the way of the fireball and sighs when it hits,"There is fire suppresion downstairs, but we'll have to deal with this. First." Since she has the other one's attention he circles against his blind side. A second later the katana erupts from its chest. The sword withdraws and then there is another head on the floor. He shakes his head and wipes the weapon off,"I've been at it for a while."

     He puts the sword aside and goes to get a portable extinguisher from the corner,"They aren't going to get up from that are they?" he asks. Most things stay pretty dead without their head, but he's not a demon expert generally speaking.

Prudence Halliwell has posed:
"No" Prue admits. "They..." she says as thee demons vanish in puffs of smoke and flame. "Are gone. Good. And I didn't even have to use magic. uh, there s a bit of a fire over there. Do you have a fire blanket or another extinguisher or a bowl of water?" Prue offers, thinking on her feet. She backs away from the flames and looks worried to Duncan for a moment, then bolts down the stairs. Nope, she'd rather not be trapped in a burning building thanks...

Fortunately she's not run out the door....yet

And then her phone rings. "Hey, no I'm alrightt decided to stay up here in Vancouver for a few days longer. No I'm okay, I'm okay. I'll come home soon. No, really, I'm alright. You don't need to come check on me. Uh...tell my boss I'm taking more of my vacation days then. Thanks...oh by the way did you check the mail? Really? Woww, you mean...no way. I'll call you latr though" Prue offers and hangs up, staring up to the stairs, fervently hoping Duncan gets the fire under control...

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     He takes a few minutes to get it under control, but soon enough the fire is brought under control and then put out. He opens the windows to let in the air and let out the smoke. After a few minutes, he comes down the stairs and he tells you,"I can say one thing about you Miss Halliwell. You are a helluva date." Of course, how many times does someone kill himself on the dagger you are holding? He did tell her he couldn't die, but that's a lot to take on faith.

Prudence Halliwell has posed:
Prue groans, "Did you say 'date'?" she asks doing that air quote thing with her fingers. "So wait, demons gatecrashed our date. Is this the part where I kiss you now or something?" she asks, raising an eyebrow and cocking her head. Admittedly...Piper would have unloaded snark and Phoebe would have gone head over heels for Duncan by now, if Prue's estimate of her sisters is right. Prue on the other hand...sleepwalked into a date. Kicked demon ass. Got free dinner out of it. And complimented?

See. Phoebe may be a bad girl to get guys to like her, and Piper's got suitors at he rclub. Prue...well...she's accidentally got a date without trying. Take that, Phoebe Halliwell! Prue should take over the DBC advice column or something. Then again, Prue's much better suited to her profession.

"Or did you mean date as in the hold on, I'll cut you open and count the rings type of date. Because I know which I enjoy more, and it has nothing to do with a Jack the Ripper impersonation, or pretending to be a tree surgeon" Prue adds with a straight face.

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     A soft laugh and he shakes his head,"Date as in sarcasm. I have a lot of rings in the middle." he teases,"I set you up to see that what I am. That's a lot and granted I have to admit that was the first time I woke up to see demons around me." He reaches the bottom of the stairs and tells you,"As far as dating goes. I'm pretty bad at it of late anyway."

     He checks a monitor at the desk and nods approvingly,"How about I make up the whole letting you kill me by buying you dinner. Any place you like and you don't have to have the pin cusion for company if you don't want." He's bad at signals too. He really has been out of the loop for a time.

Prudence Halliwell has posed:
Prue tsks and shakes her head. "Then yes, you buy me dinner. If" she says, "You immortal people remember how dating works. I'm not some eniassance era woman. I don't wear flowery dresses, and I fight like a cornered rat, apparently" Prue nods. "I don't know Vancouver well at all, besides this place, but sure, I'll look at some of the good places and see what leaps out at me" she decides. Two dinners? Alright, this is looking up

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     There is a nod and he smiles,"I remember how dating works yes. I have done it from time to time over the years." He looks back up the stairs a moment and then nods at the sign with the names on it,"Noel on the sign was Tessa Noel. We were together a long time until a few months ago."

     He considers you for a moment and then finally nods,"Ok. Let's drive down town and I will show you a few of the best kept secrets that only the natives." Dinner for two again. People will talk, but that's OK.

Prudence Halliwell has posed:
"Deal. If my sisters start talking...I'll be worried" Prue offers and shakes her head. "But yes. Let's get going" she nods looking pleased. "Let people talk. When I can throw them against a wall I don't pay much attention." Prue says watching Duncan listening keenly.