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Latest revision as of 15:41, 17 August 2020

Burgers and White Noise
Date of Scene: 15 August 2020
Location: Medical Ward, The Triskelion
Synopsis: Clint gets checked outta the infirmary.
Cast of Characters: Hawkeye (Barton), Captain America, Black Widow (Romanoff)

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:

That's what the official paperwork says. All without coersion, too. Paperwork pushed up the chain indicates light duty, that is -desk- duty, the PT for the arm. So.. the challenge is 'how to get dressed alone with a broken arm and cracked ribs'. Here to accept that challenge is one Clinton Francis Barton.

At least he managed his jeans. So, lost in the purple that is a t-shirt, the archer is twisting and turning //carefully// in order to get that right arm into the armhole, the sling for it on the bed behind him. He's in stocking'd feet, so that's a plus.. he doesn't have //that// particular struggle.

"Owowowowow.." Clint doesn't complain this much when he's pushed through a window! He's stuck, now.. the arm mostly through the armhole, head not quite through its proper hole, and his still good arm? Not near where it needs to be.

Peeking out of the purple shirt is an almost comparable color of skin on the right side of his ribs, but at least it's fading.

Captain America has posed:
    "Alright, Barton." The words are heard just as the door to the medbay swings open, causing the air pressure to change in that sterile and allow that voice to be heard even as it precedes the man himself. That is to say, the one known as Steve Rogers, emerging from the hallway after a few moments of conversation with the attending.
    Dressed in blue jeans and white sneakers, with a white t-shirt tucked into the waist of those pants and secured with a brown belt, the good Captain seems to be more ready for departure from the Triskelion, off-duty perhaps. But that doesn't stop him from checking in on the archer, nor being accompanied by another agent who is just a stride or two behind him.
    "I've deliberately avoided reading the AAR so I can hear it from the horse's mouth first before my understanding is clouded by something as mutable as the facts of the matter." The old soldier smiles a little as he steps in, but pauses as his eyes drift toward the shirt, the struggling archer, the armhole, the shirt again.
    "You umm, need a hand?"

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
The figure behind him is much shorter but no less intimidating in some ways. Natasha is dressed down as well. Jeans, a green button up shirt and a pair of short black boots on her feet. She lets out a slight groan at the offer made by Steve, giving him a sharp glance. "I didn't think you had that one in you," she says with a chuckle before looking to her former partner.

The vision of him stuck in the shirt has the usually deadpan or neutral expression suffering. A little tick here and there at the corner of her lips as she tries not to laugh at his situation.

"Besides, you are implying he's actually taken the time to type up the AAR, or even dictate it. My bet is there wouldn't be one to read anyway."

Does she move to help? Not a chance.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
The top of a tousled blond head and blue eyes is about in the area of the neckhole, and turning towards the sound of the familiar voice, there's a muffled sound of acknowledgement. "Not written yet," comes from within the cotton depths. He sounds relieved that it's 'these two' that are coming to his aid, as it were, than the 'others'.

"Just gimme a tug.. bottom of the shirt, then I can get the other arm--

'Tash is given a look as his head pops completely through, a ghost of a smile playing on his face, "Medlab. Will take me forever to write it, and the interns don't have the clearance." The last words are a little heavier in tone, but the lightness is still feigned. "Eyes only." Just in case the meaning is lost.

It's a little more gyrating before that left hand comes through, and finally, Clint can turn around to put the sling on. He'll wear that, tops, two at the most before it's gone. Just needs to be able to hold his bow steady. After that?

All bets are off.

Captain America has posed:
    For a moment Cap looks at Natasha, puzzled, then his lips part as he says. "Oh. I didn't... heh." He lets his features slip into a smile, albeit an apologetic one aimed toward Clint, likely not intending to make that joke at all. He bites his lower lip for an instant, then clears his throat.
    "So," After he listens to Clint's sentiment and reason, then does the bro-move and steps forward to help him with the shirt, just a quick tug, then settles it into place. And also sweeps his hands over Clint's shoulders to make sure it's settled, but also seems like he's about to also help the archer get his sling set properly before he steps back. "Natasha, would you mind doing the honors?"
    He asks of her as he glances towards the door and then back to Clint. A step back and to the side, and Cap has folded his arms over his chest, leaning against the wall. "Spill it, soldier. What caused all of this ruckus?"
    Indeed, ruckus.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Natasha moves to the door at the request, slipping it shut. She then leans against it in a casual posture, arms crossed over her midriff. It allows her to palm that device and push the button, automatically setting the room's audio feeds into a white noise crash. On paper, it will look like there was a glitch in the system. The cameras are still operable but they know where those are and can avoid having their mouths on camera while speaking, to avoid any lip readers.

"Clear." And if anyone pushes on that door, she'll have her notice so they aren't interrupted unawares. She will leave the white noise though, so the glitch seems real and not at all related to their visit alone.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
With help, Clint's good to go, and when he's got the sling on his arm, there's a little more relief that plays on his face. No painkillers. He refused them once he was up and aware of his surroundings and care being given.

His blue eyes are on Cap's face, on 'Tash's as he takes the step back to sit on the side of the bed. An exhale exits the man before his jaw sets to the side and he begins.

"There's the usual stuff going on. You know. UAE playing games with the Afghanis, with us and NATO trying to work out how nice to play. Officially I was in Saudia Arabia." A sideways smirk shows how much he loves //those// assignments.

"I caught a name I remembered from years ago. 'Molokov'." Clint glances at his former partner and the smirk turns.. a little darker. "Operating out of the border." Kind of where he was found. Give or take 100 miles. "It got personal." Clint's the first to admit that, and he's hardly the first Field Agent in SHIELD to do so.

"I couldn't get near him. He's got a place, used to be an old medieval castle. Razed to the ground by the Soviets.. and supposedly they'd bugged out when they officially left."

His gaze moves back to 'Tash. "Best I got is a couple of contacts in there now before I got made. They're still good, but I just gotta be more careful." He's not going to be left out.

"They're tracking back to St. Petersburg, with cables to Moscow. They're up to something, and they've got friends now."

Clint looks at Cap, his smile grim. "The //moment// this thing is off, I'm headed back out."

Captain America has posed:
    Cap's eyes remain level upon Clint's as he listens to he story. His attention is steady, and he has that look that he gets at briefings, where each aspect is committed to memory, and the details are filed away for use later since someone's life might well depend on it. But he nods at the name of Molokov, not recognition as much as likely filing it away and marking it for future investigation after this chat.
    Then when Clint mentions that it got personal he can see that furrow touch the old soldier's brow. And he likely can guess what comes next when Steve says, "We operate with backup for a reason, Clint." That's as much an admonishment as he'll get, usually with the Captain less is more.
    Yet the story continues and reaches the conclusion with that sentiment given which has Cap looking sidelong toward Natasha for a moment, then back towards the other SHIELD agent. "Since they've already made you, might be best when we go back into the field that one of us take point, you run the show and feed us intel. Then back us up when needs be."
    That's right, when 'we' go back into the field. No solo op for now. Maybe after he heals since then there's usually no stopping the man.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
At the mention of the name, Natasha's brow quirks a bit but she says nothing. Let him get through the story. At mention of it getting personal? No admonishment will come from her. She's done it herself.

Steve's words to him about backup do have her smirking a little, eyes catching those of her former partner with the busted wing. He knows the two of them are two peas in a pod in that as well.

At the end, she gives a brief nod. "Didn't know he was still around. Losing my touch being out of the game." Being a public Avenger had somewhat cramped her super spy status in some ways. "Steve's right." A tiny roll of the eyes as though to say 'of course he is'. "With you compromised, better to have a new face in there. I'd be best choice. Nothing personal, Steve, but your spy game needs a little work."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint rises from the edge of the bed now, and he's shaking his head. "Oh no... no." His voice is dropping in tone, and he's got his back up. "There is no way that I'm not gonna be on the ground with you." There's a reason for telling the pair; he needs them, but he doesn't need them to //take over//.

He looks at them both, his expression earnest. "I know I can be an ass. But, this was a mission." Here, he meets his former partner's gaze and holds it, "When I heard the name, there was nothin' that was gonna keep me from it. Now, look," Clint turns his gaze firmly back to Steve. "I got nothing back to say about working the background, but on this one, I gotta insist. They're my contacts in there, and I've got responsibility to them." Always take care of the people who are risking their lives for you!

"All I need's a week to hold a bow up," not that he still wouldn't hit any target he aims at anyway. "I can give you all the info I got.. and they're pretty sure they're protected. So, nothing's given up the game."

Captain America has posed:
    Holding a hand up sidelong as if to stave off Natasha's apology, Steve gives her a nod and murmurs, "I know where my strengths lie." Freely acknowledging that she's the better super spy.
    But then his eyes return to Clint as he looks at that other Avenger. "You'll be on the ground." Steve meets the other man's gaze, his blue eyes level and steady. "Just you can't be on point. Ideally you'll be covering me while I back Nat up."
    There's that tone of voice, reasonable. Calm. But also a tone of voice that doesn't seem to allow much argument with it. Not so much stern, but more seeming as if what he's saying makes a mess of sense and it could be unwise to question it. Then again that sort of thing doesn't often stop Clint.
    "If you've been made." He spares a glance then for Natasha, then looks back. "Then we need to treat that with respect. And if you don't, well..."
    His lip twists a little, "I probably won't do anything. Nat, though. She might break your other arm."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"I would at least wait until after we deal with Molotov," Natasha says with an easy smile to Clint. "I don't want to have to wait for the arm to heal too. This is going to be time sensitive. After having made someone, they will be increasing their safety measures and likely considering a move to a new location. If we don't want to lose him again, best to move soon."

She considers the two men, a moment of trying think it through. "Clint, it'll be your show still. You have the information. Can make the plan. If you want infiltation, you know Steve's right. If this is going to be a seek and destroy? Then things shift a bit. So what's it going to be? What sort of odds are we against in this? I mean, storming a castle...." The smirk is back.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
One, two, three men in, and Clint's still not liking it. He's used to going in side by side, boots on the ground, watching sixes, not stuck back away from the fight with a com in his ear.. which really should be addressed sooner rather than later.

All these threats of his arm being broken brings a side-ways smile to his face and he lifts a shoulder to shrug. He's on his feet, though, in socks, and it probably doesn't help his case a whole lot when he steps into unlaced boots. He can't tie them yet.

"This is a 'follow as far as you can and cut it as high up on the chain as possible' as far as I'm concerned." It //is// personal to him. "So, I just stay out of sight. Don't get seen, don't get made." Clint has that skill as well, mind.. and 'Tash is the pretty face on the front of the package.

Still, it's going to to devolve into a 'no' and 'yes' argument for the immediate foreseeable future, so Clint changes it up a little.

"I got the okay to put the 'carrier back into location." Far enough from the fray, mind. He's not stupid! "Unofficial, of course." He grins quickly, very much like the cat with the canary. "If there's movement, we'd know." Contacts.

"But, before any of this happens, I need a good burger. I'm dyin'."

Captain America has posed:
    This time Steve answers and agrees with what Natasha says just by nodding a few times and uncurling a hand in her direction as if to say, 'see, no arguing with that.' But then he smiles a little as he shifts his weight from one foot to the other, still leaning against the wall.
    But then he's listening to Clint, nodding with what is said as he offers his own point of view, though he adds, "All of that," When he's talking about his role in the coming efforts. Then he adds, "And heal."
    Then the conversation shifts away as he nods with a small smile, "Now /that/," He points at Clint as Cap then pushes off of the wall and starts walking forward, likely meaning the burger Clint's asking for.. "Is something we can do something about." That last word is murmured with some emphasis even as he steps forwards and then leans down.
    "Here," He taps his knee and motions for Hawkeye to put his foot there so that Cap, in the most masculine way possible, can offer to tie the man's shoes for him. What a bro.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"We'll figure it out. We've got a week. Eye in the sky an find some things out for us during that while you work on abusing your ribs before you should be," Natasha says, calling a duck a duck. Or a stubborn mule a Clint. Same thing really.

As Cap makes the offer on the one foot, she takes the less masculine route but no less likely to kill someone if they made a joke about it, and kneels down on one knee to tie the other boot for Clint. If he likes it or not. Not going to have him tripping and breaking more ribs.

"Dinner is on me if you want. Unless you had specific other plans with someone?" A hint. Not a press.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint's.. home. There's that moment between the trio that feels like things are going to get back to a more normal than .. normal. The discussion, disagreement and agreement between three friends is familiar. (It's been a rough few months, after all!)

"Really, you don't..."... have to. Okay. Clint's a touch embarrassed, but grateful all at the same time. He's willing to rush that a bit, even as a self-conscious "Thanks," is offered. Big tough spy can't tie his boots!

"Something really greasy. That place on 8th.." Clint's excited about a burger.

Glancing at 'Tash again, there's that pause before he shakes his head. "No, I don't. That's.." and he exhales before offers a tight-lipped unamused smile and a hint of a shrug. "Stopped chasing fairy tales."

With that, he gestures towards the door with his good hand, his left, and they are ready for towering burgers and fries.