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Latest revision as of 03:16, 23 August 2020

BC-ing the sights
Date of Scene: 04 August 2020
Location: Vancouver, Metro Vancouver
Synopsis: Prue and Willow meet up in Vancouver, share coffee, and Prue runs for her flight home.
Cast of Characters: Prudence Halliwell, Willow Rosenberg

Prudence Halliwell has posed:
Prue got invited up here to look over antiques and she's got days to kill before her flight back to Bloodhaven. Welll. newark, really...but she's determined to take in the sights of Metro Vancouver. Currently she's strolling the streets and enjoying being the touristy type for once. Phone out she's firing off texts to her friends and letting them know she's okay, and just calm, relaxed, and not hard to miss in this city.

Bucklands jacket, jeans, sneakers, she's casual as far as 'business casual' goes today. Not hard to spot, really.

That and she's got her head on a swivel inspecting the architecture and city, just amazed by it all.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow is looking around, sharing in the beautiful summer day. It really is gorgeous. Despite her outfit, 60's with some new wave, she almost fits into the scenery.

Prudence Halliwell has posed:
Prue's not spied Willow just yet, she's captivated by the art gallery and thoughts of all the antiques in there. Then she spies the new wave witch out the corner of her eyee and turns for a better look. Yep, that's that witch from Bloodhaven. "Hey" she calls over and starts jogging to get closer to Willow. The art gallery can wait. Yes, Prue went there. Art can wait. Prue's found a familiar face.

"You're up here too?" prue asks looking extremely happy to seee a friendly face up in Vancouver. She's got those Tim Hortons coffees she's heard so much about, and a glazed chocolate donut in a bag in her hand, too. Prue's totally being the stereotypical tourist. The donut's got a bite or five out of it too.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Oh, hey! There's a friendly face.

"Hi! You're.. actually I'm not sure if I have gotten your name? I'm Willow. We met at the warehouse. Correct?"

Willow seems to be awash in magic users lately. And one fallen angel. (Two if you counted Castiel.)

Prudence Halliwell has posed:
"Yes" Prue nods, "I'm Prudence. Prue for short, and yes, we met as well when that Billy Idol wannabe was shown the door" she smiles. Okay, okay, it was with, well, telekinesis, but...minor details. Minor details, Prue...

"Vancover's a beautiful city though. They got good coffee up here mind" Prue admits.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"That's right. I almost forgot." Willow blushes prettily. "You were looking for my friend. Did you find her?" Although, Willow probably has more to do with Prue than she thinks. "The Billy Idol wannabe is my friend. Trust me, I can look out for myself, especially with Spike."

She nods to herself.

"Would you like to have a cup of coffee? Otherwise I'll have to have it by myself."

Oh, she makes it sound so sad!

Prudence Halliwell has posed:
"That Billy Idol wannabe's got a mouth on him that'll get him into trouble, and sure" Prue nods, holding up her coffee. "Grab a table and I';ll split the costs with you. I've got a few Canadian dollars left from my money to spend here, so sure"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Nah, he's good." As "good" as he can be, relatively. "He's all bark and no bite."

Willow picks out a table, away from almost everyone else, and waits.

She doesn't have much time to wait, and Prue joins her. "Thank you, I forgot about the Canadian dollar. I just plunk it down and hope!"

Prudence Halliwell has posed:
"You're welcome, I do business all over so I'm familiar with currencies. Like the Canadian dollar" Prue says sipping her coffeee once she's sat. Looking over the table Prue settles in. "So what're you up to, vacation? I assumed you work at that magic store, right? So I know where to drop in if I need anything strange and magical huh?"

No sense in hiding they, I'm a witch thing...that went out the window when she used her magic on Spike. Poor Spike...

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Usually, it's pretty good. The American dollar is more, but other than that.." Willow shrugs. "And I'm not on vacation, sorta. There was an antique shop I was interested in. I'm a student." And all the other 'jobs'. "I help out at the Magic Box, amongst other things. But my tuition is paid for, I won some scholarships."

As for things magical..

"You can drop them off, but Buffy isn't the one who should be looking for. I am." There. She said it.

Prudence Halliwell has posed:
"Sure. Come over to Bucklands whenever and just mention you're looking for me, and I'll show you whatever magical comes in. You'd be shocked at what people auction and don't think is magic. Probably. Though to be fair it ususally goes before I know about it. I'm just left looking at the bills of sale like wait, what ws that one?, ya know?" Prue grins saluting Willow with her cofffee.

"Ah you're the more magical one then?"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow nods, and then corrects. "I used to be the only one who had power. I guess that's not true anymore." She frowns.

Prudence Halliwell has posed:
Prue nods looking pleased. "For reference, Jersey. Bloodhaven and it's Avalon Heights, too. I'll scribble the address on n a napkin if you like? See, with great power...ah you know the quote" Prue admits with a nod. "Extremely true words spoken. Extremely true, power equals responsiblity equals balance"

With that she sips her coffee more, watching Willow. "See, you're working in a magic store. So" Prue says. "You said about power. Go on, I'm interested"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Nothing much. Really Harry, or Thomas, or even Nick is better. Ask them." Willow tries to shake it off. "You are in the antiques business? What kind?"

Prudence Halliwell has posed:
"Most things, I'm an auctioneer, apraiser, I do a bit of everything" Prue admits with a look to Willow. "But I'm not sat at a table having coffee with tme am I? I'm sat at a table with yoou, Willow" Purue says...stating the insanely obvious. Which, to be fair, is...well...obvious. Prue sets the coffee down and looks pleased though. "It's a fascinating job though, you get all sorts in on a daily basis but people auction off things for any reason. The items we got in storage are amazing though"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"No, you're no, but I'm sure if you ask Buffy, or the others, they find those much more magical than I am." Regardless of what she has accomplished for the Justice League. ""Buffy is dating Thomas, but I would tell her to take them to Harry. I think he's the one who has more magic going on."

There. Buffy would be proud of her (she thinks), looking out for the Scoobies ultimately. Even if she wanted to be more.

"They usually have impeccable histories, which the owners might not be aware of, or be a thing pushed in a back drawer, suddenly reappeared, again, the owners are not aware of it. The thing will be on the move at the time. They shouldn't be aware of you."

Prudence Halliwell has posed:
Prue nods to Willow. "So hand all the magic things over to Harry? r Thomas. Okay noted" Prue points out taking notes. Checking her phone Prueleaps to her feet. "I'm running late for my flight to New York. Thanks for the coffee!" she calls sprinting away. She's got a plane to catch...like five minutes ago