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Revision as of 20:10, 25 August 2020

Preparing for another Show
Date of Scene: 25 August 2020
Location: Club Evolution, Mutant Town
Synopsis: Selena and Andrea meets to talk about a concert fundraiser
Cast of Characters: Catwoman, Rage

Catwoman has posed:
Selina Kyle had already met with Andrea's producer and Manager, and dealt with all the required paperwork that was needed to arrange to have her perform at her fundraiser in a week. Now all she needed was to meet with Andrea herself, and finalize the whole deal.

And so she had arranged to meet the talented young lady at Club Evo, a place she had never been before, but was curious to see with her own eyes. As it was still pretty early in the day, the club wasn't that busy and she had found a nice quiet booth in the VIP corner to meet with the other lady.

Dressed in business casual consisting of a crisp white shirt and black slacks, she looked a touch too formal to be one of its typical club members. She's here on b usiness afterall. Now all she had to do was wait.

Rage has posed:
The doors to the club open to reveal Andrea as she makes her way in through her favorite club. She has become a staple here at Club Evolution over the last year or so, but now that she's in college, she had traded in sold out venues for a smaller vibe where she enjoys performing for her 'people'. Today, the popstarlet is dressed in a pair of ripped denim shorts that are barely appropriate as well as a solid green hatertop. A long flowing kimono styled shirt completes her ensemble as well as a pair of dark shades that she pulls to the top of her head.

She takes a moment to speak with the bar tender to snag a bottle of water, then starts for the VIP section. As she walks, she throws out a couple of high fives to a few customers, recognizing the regulars as she trades small talk along the way.

Once she reaches Selena, she offers up a smile as she lifts a hand upwards.

Catwoman has posed:
Selina Kyle is used to the spotlight to a degree. She's not a popstar, nor is she a billionare like Bruce Wayne, but in the circles she travels in, she gets to know a lot of important people. She smiles and nods apprasingly to Andrea and her trendy outfit as she approaches.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Jackson. How very nice to finally meet you in person!" Selina's tone is professional, polite, not overly warm or more personal than she needs to be. She had already ordered a couple of iced teas and a small platter of nachos for them both.

"Please, have a seat. I've taken the liberty of ordering a little something for us while we chat. How are you today?"

Rage has posed:
"I'm doing great. I'm excited to meet you as well." Andrea says as she slides into the booth across from her, tucking her kimono shirt under her carefully so not to step on it, or get it dirty on the floor. She straightens up, folding her hands in front of her as she offers up a bright smile.

"Thank you for contacting my label. I was a bit surprised to be honest but I'm glad the paperwork got worked out. So, tell me more about this fundraiser. I love doing charity work."

Catwoman has posed:
Selina Kyle nods. "I apologize for the short notice. The other band I had lined up had cancelled on me at the last minute, and I thought your face would be a pleasant surprise. It would certainly boost our sales." she nods.

"Certainly! Well, I happen to be in the business of aiding and supporting non-profit organizations, specifically those that take care of animals, mostly cats. The Gotham City animal shelter had been struggling lately, you know, lots of cut backs to their programs, and with a sudden influx of animals, specifically cats and dogs into their shelters which are now bursting at the seams..Just thinking about it makes me upset.."

Yes, she looks quite upset. "They came to me for help in organizing a fundraiser to help them keep their doors open, and a masquerade ball seemed a fun, exciting way to entice people. We'd have a little show of some of their dogs and cats as well to encourage people to adopt them, and of course what fancy ball is complete without really killer music?"

Rage has posed:
"Oh, cool. I'm a big dog person." Andrea says with a grin on her face. "So, this is right up my alley. I love doing charity events involving animals and hopefully we can get a ton of adoptions afterwards as well. I know my fan base goes nuts over kittens and puppies."

Drawing one of the teas to her, she leans in and takes a sip. "Did we figure out how many songs and which ones I'll be performing? I can even do a few covers if there was any particular songs you wanted to have done. Maybe something from Cats. Like .. Follow Me Home by Taylor Swift? I love that song and the musical. I can give her a call and see if she'd let me sing it for you guys. We're good friends."

Catwoman has posed:
Selina Kyle nods and smiles. "Excellent! That makes things even better then. Well..Let's see..That would be a nice song too. I think warm and cozy ballads that make people think about family and love are good ones. Actually I have a list here. Of course I'd love to hear a sneak peek of some of your newer songs too!"

She fumbles in her purse, pulling out a short list, maybe only 4 or 5 songs. "There will be a string quartet playing for the first hour or so as people gather. I'd like your songs to be a real surprise, a real treat once people get settled, that will make them sit up and listen and really make them *feel* something."

Rage has posed:
Taking the list, Andrea props her chin up in one hand while she reads the names of the song. "Most of my songs are edgy and filled with pop angst. My newer album though is more about what I'm going through right now. So if you're looking for family friendly, I don't have anything on my current album. As you know, being that I'm a mutant." She says the word quite firmly. "Most of my life's experiences is based around being targetted for just being born. So, my music reflects it. I think the songs on this list though is fine. Though I do have one suggestion."

Digging into her pocket, she pulls out a pen and scribbles down: Cher - Turn Back Time.

"There. Perfect. I've been looking for a reason to sing that song somewhere else than my shower."

Catwoman has posed:
Selina Kyle nods a bit and frowns. "Hmm, that's a good point, but see, a lot of these cats and dogs feel like misfits too, like they don't belong, like they need a home..Perhaps you can convey that message to them too? A bit of edginess is always good too, yes?"

She glances at the change and smiles, "Ooh, that's a nice one for sure! And I like how you're flexible, willing to singg a variety of different styles as well. So. You think this is a workable? any other questions or concerns you have of me?"

Rage has posed:
"I could, but I think the people hearing the songs won't be as sympathetic with their wallets if I'm up on stage howling about how much my life sucks because of my DNA. I could always do Arms Of An Angel." Andrea says with a cheeky grin. "Though that may bring back too many infomerical memories."

She leans back into the booth, thinking for a moment. "I don't have any concerns outside of ensuring we have proper security, which my team can work with yours. As a mutant, I've been the target of a few whackjobs with sniper rifles or whatever and I like things to go smoothly. I prefer indoor situations rather than outdoors. Just easier to control the environment."

Catwoman has posed:
Selina Kyle nods and hms, "Perhaps..But maybe just one shocker would be good?" she grins, "Nothing like having at least one song to make people sit up straight and pay attention. You are right though, we should play it safe at least for the most part." she nods and smiles, "thank you then, I look forward to this. You have my contact number should you have further questions."