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Latest revision as of 22:40, 6 September 2020

Hey Jay, want to be in a music video
Date of Scene: 06 September 2020
Location: 66 East 11th Street, Greenwich Village
Synopsis: Andrea and Jay talk about music videos. He agrees to be in one, while getting a sneak peek of a very personal song.
Cast of Characters: Rage, Icarus

Rage has posed:
Having just got home from the studio, Andrea lets out a long, frustrated sigh as she dumps her purse on the couch, then spins and flops next to it. She slumps down with a grumble in her throat as she picks her phone up and taps along the glass. She's dressed in a pair of skinny jeans and a designer top that looks very 'popstarish'.

Working on the weekends sucks. But working and not getting what she wants accomplished is even worse. It puts her in a mood. She even has a sulky look on her face as she sends off a text, then rolls her head back against the couch to sniff at the air, trying to see who's home.

Icarus has posed:
She'll pick up the scent of Jay being present. But it is a bit under the clean soap smell. He didn't like scented soaps. The ones designed for women were a bit too floral most times. The guy ones were like poleaxing someone in the face with the smell. So he opted for unscented but there was still a clean sort of fragrance that hung in the air even with that.

Considering he wasn't expecting her home so soon, it isn't a huge surprise that he wasn't rushing out to greet her. And even more reason for that is evident when he comes into view.

His hair is still damp, looking darker than normal due to the moisture. He wore no shirt, wings behind him though they looked a bit less damp than his hair. Then he had on a pair of low slung jeans and no shoes. His phone was tucked in his pocket and a pair of earbuds were tucked into his ears.

He was dancing as he made his way to the kitchen. He was also singing along with what he was hearing. So she was getting an acapella version of it.
"Dance for me dance for me dance for me oooo
I've never seen anybody do the things you do before

They say move for me move for me move for me heyeyey
And when you're done I'll make you do it all again..."

He was getting into it, swaying and moving, hips shifting a bit as he worked his way to the kitchen, unaware he wasn't alone.

Rage has posed:
As she hears him singing, Andrea shifts up on to her knees and peers over the back of the couch slowly. His voice just makes her bad mood melt away, but it's the sight of him that makes her heart pound. Shirtless? Check. Wet and messy hair? Check. Low slung jeans that are barely decent? Triple check.

The wolf in her practically howls in her chest as she gives a low, hungry rumble in her throat. Peeling herself off the couch, she trots after him quietly, then peeks into the kitchen to continue to watch him, licking her lips. "Hey!" She calls out, loud enough to try and get his attention as she is seen peering from around the doorway at him.

"We need to talk."

Icarus has posed:
When she gets there, he's really getting into it as he opens the fridge. His voice is getting a bit louder, dancing more flamboyant as he spins around, wings half unfurled. Then he is at the fridge, leaning in to get the pitcher of tea he keeps there. He gets the glass with ice then pours liquid over, putting the pitcher back in the fridge and closing the door.

Then he hears her voice. He spins around, giving a big smile and pulling out the earbuds to tuck away in a pocket. Before he can say Hey back, she says those four words that scare every person in a relationship to the core of their being.

"I...okay. Something wrong? What'd I do?"

Rage has posed:
"Geez, why do you think you did something wrong for?" Andrea says with an amused noise in her throat. She heads over to him, stepping into his personal space as she glides her fingers up along his bare chest. She stares up at him lovingly as she sways back and forth with him.

"First, after this talk, I'm going to yank those jeans off and ride you like the Kentucky Derby, because, holy crap, you look so hot right now." She's blunt as a rock to the head.

"Secondly, I'm working on the logistics for my new music video, Summer Love, and I went through twenty guys today and not a single one of them just felt right. Not the dancing, not the kissing, not the looks. I want this video to be hot, steamy, /sexy/ and I just had no chemistry with any of them. I think my manager is about to lose his mind. Buuuuut... watching you ... I think it's pretty obvious who I need to have in this video."

Icarus has posed:
"Usually starting a sentence that way means I did something wrong. I accept it," Jay says with a grin as she moves in close. He wraps his arms around her, pulling her in close as she expresses her plans for after their talk. It makes him laugh softly and he pulls her closer, lifting her up and spinning her playfully even as she continues.

As he sets her back down, the explanation is clear and he tilts his head to the side. "One of those new hot guys up and coming down at the club?" he asks in a teasing tone.

He isn't dense. He gets what she's saying. He's just trying to absorb it so he continues. "You know I'm not a professional actor or dancer or anything. I mean, I can move but not like that. What is it you are needing for this one exactly? More like Mendes and Cabello back in the day?"

Rage has posed:
"Mmhm. Exactly like that. It's supposed to be an intimate song. One of true, burning love. I wrote it about you anyways, and it's really hard to make out with another guy when all I'm thinking about is you." Andrea says as she hooks her arms around his neck once she is spun around.

"One guy came close. My manager actually found a red head who was kinda hot." She says with a giggle. "He was so frustrated he picked up the phone and literally called the agency demanding a red head. But when I kissed him, I just got so frustrated. His lips wasn't soft and his hands didn't feel right on my hips. I also think he was gay. Like, he could dance, but it didn't feel organic."

She sways a bit with him as she encourages him to move. "We can teach you how to dance, how to move. It's just choreography. But there is this part in the video where I'm pushing this really expensive and cool leather jacket off his shoulders and I just had this image of your wings popping out when it falls down, with the sunset at your back. The shadows it would cast right as we kissed. It's just something I can't get out of my head. Annnnd... you'd get some lines in the song to sing."

Icarus has posed:
"Like the big reveal at the end is that you are into a guy with wings? I mean, it's obvious you are." Not like they haven't been in the papers a few times. Along with any other male she's seen with for more than five minutes. They love to exaggerate situations to get readers or hits on their website.

"Fitting with your pro mutant stance, of course. Also a great visual, I have to agree."

He looks down at her, leaning in very close then speaking with his lips a scant inch from hers, even as he begins to sway with her in time to whatever music she is hearing in her head. Maybe it's even the song they are discussing. "So you want me to act like..." His eyes hood slightly as he pulls her closer, hands on her hips and holding her pressed to him. "I want you so desperately..." He slides his head to the side, so very close as though he's going to nuzzle her neck then moving upwards to breathe against her ear as he whispers. "That I'm going to take you right there, in front of them all, with the cameras rolling?"

Then he pulls back, eyes showing a wicked gleam as he assumes his normal tone of voice. "Something like that?"

Rage has posed:
"I mean, it's /obvious/ that I am, but I think a couple of shots in TMZ is barely buzz worthy. Having you on camera with me, in front of the entire world, showing them our love is next level. I read some of those trash articles where they say you're more of a pet than my boyfriend, like you're an accessory or something." Andrea scrunches her nose up as she brushes her fingers along his stubbled cheek before they slide into his wet hair.

"I want to remove all doubt with this video. Let them see us on screen ... doing .. exactly.. what you're describing." She squeaks out as she finds herself weak at he knees and easily seduced by his teasing.

When he leans back, she gives him a swat, followed by a low huff. "Yes, yes, like that." She says as she drags her nails along his shoulder gently. "I want the audience to catch fire with how hot this video will be. Especially when we do it live." She smirks at him.

Icarus has posed:
The swat was deserved and he laughs softly, leaning in to give her a quick kiss as a pseudo apology for teasing her that way. She knows he's good for it later. His wings rustle behind him slightly as she slides those nails down his shoulder.

"I'm not sure how good I'll be with a camera crew watching, but I'm willing to try for you." Jay knows what this will mean. Things will become more intense for him with her fan base getting involved. More cameras trying to click his picture, more people trying to learn more about him. It's a big step. But he plans to be with Andrea forever so he's going to have to accept it eventually. Adjust to it. He might as well embrace it.

"Wait. Perform it live?" He caught up. A little slow that time. "That might be pushing it. You don't even have to give me lines in the video. It's your song, baby. I just want to help you, let you get that visual you are wanting in it."

Rage has posed:
"You'll be fine. The camera man is the third wheel after all." Andrea says as she grins at him, brows lifting upwards some. "It does take a bit of time though to get used to not only a camera in your face, but a dozen people surrounding you with lighting, sound, effects, wardrobe, your lead choreographer watching your every move. Make up. Hair stylist. It's a lot of stop and gos. So we do about fifteen seconds of a shot, stop, re do it, stop, re do it, then move on to the next. A four minute song can have like a day or two of shooting for a video depending on how we want it to look and feel. Every second is designed to capture an emotion. It can get tedious."

She grazes her nails along his chest now, glancing up at him with her dark eyes. "I want you to sing the chorus with me on the second refrain. Our voices will blend perfectly with each other and it's right before we kiss. So it builds that anticipation. But, yes, I want us to do it live. Maybe for an award show."

Icarus has posed:
Jay thinks a moment, playing the song through his head and picking up the spot where she would want him to join in. All while trying not to think about what he's agreeing to. Performing on stage is one thing. Stop and go for a fifteen second shot then moving on to something else, to build the video, is daunting. To say the least.

He draws in a breath and holds it a moment before letting it back out. On stage, with her. He's done that before at the club. This would be on stage. In front of other stars. Just keep it together. He can do this.

"I'll try it. Hopefully I won't embarass you." He gives her another kiss then slowly starts to release her.

"I do think it'll be a great video though. You have a great mind for those. I've always enjoyed yours. Didn't realize you had so much control on them though."

Rage has posed:
"I have some control. But this one is a video I'm putting more of my personal stamp on it, just because of how much it means to me. To be honest, I'm trying to take the Taylor Swift road to video success. She has her hand in almost everything. A lot of symbolism involved in hers. I don't want to just be a party-dance popstar that just has shots of me smiling and then doing some hot dance moves with backup dancers and hopscotching around town with an ice cream. I want this album in particular to be very artistic."

"Speaking of, I coooould show you a sneak peek at my next video that's going up this week for Icarus." She leans in and gives him a kiss, sneaking her lips against his. "It has a lot of good reviews so far. It's becoming one of my more popular songs that is trending amongst the younger teen crowd. I think the message it has is what really impacts those who listen to it."

Icarus has posed:
"If the guy in it has wings, you know I'm going to critique them. You sure you want to go there?" Jay teases with a chuckle. "Seriously, yeah. I'd love to see it. I didn't realize it was getting that popular."

He doesn't keep up with things like she does. After all, it is her music, her career. For him, it is what she does and he enjoys her music on his own. Did even before he ever met her. Now he was able to get the inside story on them, more information than he had as a fan. It was wonderful having that window into her art.

"I know it's likely beautiful. So yes, please?"

Rage has posed:
Snagging him by the hand, Andrea grins and bobs her head. "Okay, come on. I'll put it on the wide screen." Dragging him out to the living room, she pushes him down on to the couch, then curls up next to him as she shuffles in beneath one of his arms.

Turning the TV on, she connects her phone to it and shuffles through her files until she finds it. Once it loads, she leans in against him a bit closer. The video starts off in its slow pacing. The video is about a young boy who's in a dark room with only a single window that doesn't shed much light inside. The boy is pacing, pounding on the concrete walls and screaming into the dark. Heavy symbolism.

As the video plays, it flicks back and forth between the normal life this boy had before he found himself in this room of darkness. A beautiful girl. Friends. Good times near a pond where they're jumping in from great heights from a tire swing attached to a large oak trees.

The memories start to melt into new ones. The girl passes away from an accident. His friends move on after trying to help him cope. He's a young man trapped in the past and not able to move forward. He's stuck in his pain and there's no direction. He finds himself on the edge of a roof, staring down at the cars below him. He's lost and there's nothing left. There are people down below on the street filming, some looking up in fear, others goading him and cheering him on. Do it! Jump!

Back and forth the scene plays out. The room of darkness. The rooftop. Back to the room. But near the end of the video, he can hear a voice, someone calling out to him as a brighter light creeps through the window, revealing a dark in the shadows. As the young man makes his way towards it and turns the knob, on the other side is Andrea, welcoming him with a hug.

As the sun spreads through the room, the last bit of symbolism is the shadows on the wall make up a pair of wings before the video ends with the two embraced as the video ends in a flash of light. At the end is the Suicide Prevention Hotline's phone number and a small blurb about reaching out if yourself or anyone you know may be showing signs of suicidal thoughts.

Icarus has posed:
As Andrea settles in under his arm, Jay can't help grinning a bit and pulling her in close. He didn't even have to put his arm around her. She put it there. Or crawled under it to be more precise. Either way, he pulled her in close.

He'd heard the song. Knew what it was about. He was prepared for that part. He was not prepared for the power of the video. The perfect representation of the feeling of overwhelming darkness, as all the light seemed gone from the room.

By the end of it, he was speechless. He couldn't speak. There was a lump in his throat. Silent tears were running down his face as he wrapped his other arm around the woman who had brought that light back. He leaned his head into her shoulder, face buried against her neck. Finally she would hear his voice, muffled.

"Thank you."

Rage has posed:
"Aw! Jay.. geez, I didn't mean to make you get worked up over it."

Andrea tightens her arms around him in return, clinging to him as she tilts her chin upwards so that his face can be buried in against her neck. "I made sure that I had a hundred percent ownership of this video. I didn't want any second of it to be considered disrespectful to what you went through." She reaches up and brushes his cheek with her thumb, easing the tears away before she presses a kiss to his forehead.

"I'm glad you approve though. You do, right? You're not upset?"

Icarus has posed:
He responds with a soft smile. "I approve one-hundred percent. You captured it perfectly. The artistry, the symbolism." He reaches up a hasty hand to brush the rest of the tears away, trying to get himself back in control of his emotions. "I am not at all upset. You just...hit the nail on the head. How it feels. The overwhelming sense of darkness and no hope left. It's ...it's just beautiful, baby."

He puts his hand on her cheek, caressing there with his thumb softly. "Thank you. This will help a lot of people, I know it will." Then another soft smile. "Maybe you should be the one with the wings. You are far more of an angel than I've ever been."

Rage has posed:
There's a low noise from Andrea's throat, amused. "No, I'll keep the wing stuff to you and Shannon. But, I know what it feels like also, to be in that dark room. I went through it with Mason and to be honest, coming to Xavier's really helped me as well in that regard. It's one of the many reasons why I decided to enroll. When you are a celebrity and you go through a major breakup like that which plays out across the tabloids, it's ... difficult to deal with. The drama, the gossip, the team Mason versus team Andrea. The nasty things people say about me, or about him. That and hanging on the fact I thought he cheated on me .. even though he didn't. But at the time, you know? I lost my best friend, the love of my life, all at the same time."

Ass he leans forward, she brushes her lips against his chin gently, followed by a rub of her cheek to his. "And finding you was like opening all the windows in my dark room too. But, I'm glad you approve. I love you."