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A Cure for the Cat
Date of Scene: 06 October 2020
Location: Port Newark, Newark
Synopsis: Catwoman reveals some more information to Red Robin regarding the panther demon.
Cast of Characters: Catwoman, Red Robin

Catwoman has posed:
Early evening finds Catwoman lurking about the rooftops of various warehouse docks. It's like she's looking for someone, or something. Which might be good or bad, who knows? At least lately, she's been keeping a low-profile, trying to stay out of trouble, if only for her own sake.

Lately though, she's been overly nervous, overly paranoid, and while Sparrowhawk was recently able to quell some of her feral tendencies, she was quickly running out of time. As she snags her whip to swing from one rooftop to another, she pauses upon a particular high one, peering around with her goggles on night vision and distance view, searching for..Something..Or someone perhaps?

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake has been watching the docks for a while, and seeing movement, he scans and locks onto it. It is not who he was expecting, but it is best to find out what's going on. Make sure the cat aint using the other robbers for a distraction. He will move quietly to intercept her path, taking to the shadows. As she lands on one he speaks "Nice night for a swing." To introduce himself from the shadows as his teacher has taught them.

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman frowns, freezing in her step. Had he heard about the attack on one of his own? She doesn't know Red Robin that well, but she knows well enough to know that he is in cahoots with the Bats.

"Heh, Red Robin. Fancy running into you.." she smirks, tensed, shivering, hands clenched. It's not that she is readying for a fight, but she does seem really wary, more paranoid than usual.

"Honestly, can't a girl just enjoy a refreshing stroll at night without getting trailed by one of you goodie goods?" but where there's one, there's bound to be others. She peers around warily with a slight frown. "Soo, is the pretty girl with the long braids in the grey sparrow costume with you today?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake 's brow raises behind the mask, but he says to her "Sparrowhawk is about." He tells her not telling where she might be letting the thought of back up being around the area. He will step out of the shadows, and does not have his hand on a weapon at least not yet "Docks are an interesting place to go for a stroll, you out here looking for something in particular?" He asks, as he subvocals to his computer to find cat related or jewels in the area.

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman arches a brow. "Ohh, is that her name?" she smirks, "Guess I owe her a thanks. She partially healed me..Although it seems the curse wasn't completely removed. Still, it seems I've found a cure.."

She frowns, taking a couple of steps back as he comes out of the shadows, her hand stroking the handle of her whip. "Ooh, I hope you're not insinuating anything there, Robin. I'm actually looking for someone *else* who has been impersonating me and causing trouble. I hope you know, it wasn't ME who attacked Sparrowhawk a few weeks ago."

There may have been some reports or rumours of a 'Cat Woman' with an electric whip, accompanied by a giant black panther lurking in the area a couple of days ago. Jewel thieveries and even more overt, violent robberies - which are defnitely NOT Catwoman's style - have also been on the rise lately.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake says, "I will admit, you did seem to be acting a bit off, and while I believe you would like the panther it was a new accessory." He studies her using a few visual scans of her while they are talking "Curse and cure, care to fill me in more?""

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman frowns, folding her arms. It's true, what happened recently, happened pretty quickly. His Bat friends will probably catch him up to speed fairly soon though, she's sure.

"Okay.." she sighs, "Look, I dunno who this..Cat Lady and her pet panther are, but it seems they've been lurking around Gotham a lot lately, committing a lot of..Copy-cat robberies and burglaries, some pretty overt, violent stuff, way more than suits my personal tastes."

She shrugs, rubbing her left forearm, and after a moment's thought, she pulls up her sleeve so he can see the three angry red claw marks there that almost seem to glow in the darkness.

"Had a run-in a while back with her panther, which gave these to me. Seems that her panther pet is more than just a big cat. I..Did some research, it's some sort of cat demon called a matagot, a bit stronger, faster, tougher than even a fairly well-fed Panther. Likes treasure. Guess that works well for a copy-cat burglar. But there's another thing, when it puts its mark on you, it makes you more feral, more..Paranoid..Gets into your head.." she shivers, clenches her hands a bit, clearly doing her best to stay calm.

"I..Must apologize, I did scratch Sparrowhawk up a bit before she was able to calm me down and heal me a bit..But it wasn't enough. I've done some research with the help of a friend. Discovered a cure, but it's missing one important ingredient.."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake hmmms and nods his head a bit to this. He looks like he is relaxed at least, and yes he tenses a bit at the mention of her scratching Sparrowhawk. "So, working on some magical potion I take it?" He says this as if he believes in magic, but may not be the biggest fan of it. "So, what is the ingredient?" He will ask her, wondering a bit if perhaps the copy catwoman maybe catwoman and he not realizing it yet.

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman smirks a bit, maybe slightly amused that he seems to take the whole idea of a magic potion pretty easily. "Yes..I suppose you could say that. And I know, I was pretty shocked at the idea myself..Until I saw for myself what it could do." she shrugs, glancing around.

It hasn't escaped her attention that there is a loading dock not far from here, where they are loading and packing all sorts of expensive diamonds into a warehouse for shipping. Was she here, chasing after the Cat Lady? Was she not sorely tempted by the jewels herself? Even a little..Who knows?

"So, you believe me huh. That's good.." she sighs, "Too bad Batman isn't this...Trusting..Maybe someday.." Catwoman seems to smile fondly, maybe a bit longingly as she speaks of The Bat. but there's also the slightest hint of bitterness there too.

"Alright, the final ingredient is..Would you believe, blood of the Matagot that attacked me?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake hmms a bit to this and says "So a little hair of the cat." He frowns a bit more and says "Have you done any research on how you might be able to get it's blood and where it might be showing up next?" The young man does start to cross check sightings of catwoman and asks "Know how long the other has been going around?"

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman smirks, shaking her head. "More than just the hair..I'll need a decent amount of it's blood. Unfortunately, the potion has to be made as fresh as possible, which gives me only a small window of a couple of days to find this thing. Well, you guys are the super detectives right? And if this Cat Lady has infected others, I'm not sure I can do much against them..Not if she uses her suggestive powers to stop me.."

She sighs, "However, I should be able to have the rest of the potion prepared in time, and I have a..A strong friend who has a plan to capture the Matagot, perhaps immobilize it long enough to give it a good cut, enough to fill my vial. Although i'm afraid I'll be of no use if the Matagot uses its powers against me...And if she brings some brainwashed minions..It may get difficult." in other words, they may need help, not that Spike cant handle a few thugs but with that chip..Catwoman doesn't go into details, and she's not big on asking for help, but she clearly needs it.

Catwoman frowns a bit thought, "There are a few places I believe she might strike. She thinks a lot like me so that shouldn't be hard to track down.." The mere thought has her chuckling at the irony.

"The loading dock down there for one..Seems they're packing some expensive diamonds in the nearby warehouse to be shipped once the warehouse is full enough. I'm sure she'll be checking in on it in a few days..Her other patterns are to rob the bigger flashier jewelry stores and museums. Doesn't care so much about stealth and can be pretty violent."

she shrugs. "Unfortunately we were unable to stop her latest museum robbery, but there will be another cat themed exhibit at a new jewelry store openning up several blocks away from here, if you've heard of the Cat's Meow? They like to do a lot of cat-themed jewelry and costumes. I'll bet she'll strike either of those places next."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake hmms and nods his head a bit to this and says "You willing to tell me which jobs were yours since she has popped in so I can narrow it down, see if I maybe able to find out a bit more about her and this thing. " He does frown at the thought of others infected and others powers she might have. "If we can find her lair, we maybe able to catch her by surprise, and have a bit more of an upperhand.

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman immediately scowls at the mere suggestion. "What? Are you kidding me? sorry hun, but that's not something I'm about to reveal..Besides, I've been trying to lay low, do less thievery lately." she shrugs. Okay it's not the entire truth but after she managed to make up for the money stolen by the Cat Lady in the first place, Catwoman has been trying not to steal as much. No need to tip the bats off any further than that.

"Like I said, she likes to focus on more overt, big cash-ins, she'll not cover her tracks as well and will more likely comit big robberies and attack people rather than sneak in and out."

She takes another step away from Robin, towards the rooftop. "well, I think that's enough to go on. I'm sure you'll keep in touch.." Catwoman is in a hurry to go all of a sudden. No need to dig herself a deeper hole. She snaps out her whip, catching onto a nearby rooftop and soon disappears into the darkness..

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake ponders throwing a tracker on her, but resists the urge, he knows he can find her in a few locals, and he is curious to actually look into her story and do some research.