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Latest revision as of 01:51, 7 October 2020

A Drizzly Day for Elf and Dagger
Date of Scene: 06 October 2020
Location: Holy Ghost Church, Clinton
Synopsis: Kurt and Tandy go on a cake date. It's all very sweet and fluffy.
Cast of Characters: Nightcrawler, Dagger

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Drizzles and general gloomy weather, especially in the fall, seemed to be Kurt's favorite time. A time to curl up with a good book or a hot cup of soup. A time for inside games and hiding from the growing darkness outside, but he was here on a separate task today.

    He comes up to the side door on the old church that Tandy and Tyrone have adopted as their base of operations, perched beneath a dark blue umbrella, wearing tan slacks and a maroon sweater against the chill. Utterly normal.

    The devilish mutant raises his hand, and gives a sharp rap on the door.

Dagger has posed:
Having been curled up on a pew with a magazine that she found, Tandy has been dreading the new change in the weather. She likes Fall on a postcard, but not so much outside where it's cold and wet. Being homeless and living in a church doesn't provide the best housing and thus there are quite a few leaks in the roof.

The sound of knocking causes her head to jerk upwards as her hand lifts to cast a glow towards the door. "Hello?" She calls over as she rises to her feet and makes her way over. The blonde vigilante is wearing a thick cable knit sweater and a pair of rust colored jeans.

Unlocking the door, she opens it to reveal Kurt before her. Her lips turn into a fast smile as she leans in to give him a hug. "Hey! How are you doing?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Allo, Miss Bowen." Kurt gives a toothy grin, his tail giving a mischevious curl around his back, still holding the umbrella.

    "I happened to be running an errand in the area, and thought it would be nice to share in some afternoon tea with you." he gives a softer smile. "If you would like, that is."

Dagger has posed:
"I would love to!" Tandy says as she reaches in to grab a hoodie that hangs off a nail. Sliding it in, she tugs the hood over her head and tucks her blonde hair in. "What kind of errands are you running?"

She steps outside, closing the door behind her with a soft thump after giving a quick glance around to see if she can spy Cloak. No clue where he's off to, so she'll just do her thing for now. "And where do you want to get tea at?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Mm. Secret errands, errands that hide in the shadows waiting to strike!" He announces, waggling the fingers of his free hand eerily as he holds the umbrella gentlemanly out for Tandy, and offers his elbow to her.

    "I was picking up some costume pieces for the school's costume cabinet, and some candy rewards as a favor to one of the teachers." he explains, and he motions.

    "There is a bakery, about -- oh, three or so blocks from here, plus a mile. How fast can you walk?" he questions, glancing at his wrist -- purposefully, since he's not wearing a watch on that wrist.

Dagger has posed:
"Super secret errands are the best types." Tandy laughs as she takes his arm in hers, ducking under his umbrella. Leaning into him, she starts off down the sidewalk with him.

"It sounds like a fun shopping trip then. Can I pick out the candy?" She says as she checks his hip with hers gently. "Almond Joys are the best." She teases him.

"And I can walk fast, why? They going to close soon?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Oh, for those times you feel like a nut?" Kurt gives a smile, walking along with the blonde on his arm, he gives a thoughtful hum.

    "Well, I was spoiled, growing up in Germany where we have *real* chocolate." he gives a small grin. "Once you try a Schogetten bar you will be like 'alas, I can no longer have American chocolates!'" he dramatically throws his head back "... but I do like Reeses Cups. I could eat a whole bag of them." he admits, then he gives another look at his bear wrist.

    "Ach, wouldn't you know it, they close in four hours!" and with that, the arm around hers squeezes a little tighter, his tail drawing up and over her shoulder --

    And the two BAMF!

    And after a brief, vertigo-inducing ride that reeks of brimstone, Tandy would find herself in an alleyway, half way accross town!

Dagger has posed:
"I always feel like a nut. You have to be crazy to put a costume on and fight bad guys while spouting over dramatic lines of dark and light." Tandy laughs at herself a bit as she squeezes his arm tighter for a moment.

"Real chocolate, huh? Is it sweet or bitter? I heard most International chocolate doesn't put sugar in it. But maybe I can find some one day, or beg you for some." She says with a flutter of her long lashes at him, giving him a hopeful smile.

"Four hurs? Oh, we can make it in -- agh!"

Once they come out of the smoke, she gives a quick cough, covering her mouth and pinching her nose for a moment before she gives a glance about to gain her bearings. "Oof! Kurt! That is so not like Cloak's teleporting. It's all herky jerky."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Bah. America puts so much sugar in its sandwich bread that it tastes like cake. I like sweet things, but sometimes, American candy is so sweet. But still, better than Norwegian candy. Salty. Blech." he smiles after the teleportation occurs -- and seeing Tandy come out of it, Kurt gives a sheepish sort of smile, taking a half-step back and standing a little in the rain, holding the umbrella over Tandy so that she doesn't get wet. "Ah... I forget, sometimes, that most do not like teleporting with me... it is... 'herky-jerky'. A bit." he admits.

Dagger has posed:
"You just took me by surprised, I couldn't prepare for it." Tandy says with a smile as she gives a long stretch of her body to arch her back. "Okay, so where is this place at?" She asks as she reaches out to give his tail a playful bat with her hand as she walks past him and out on to the sidewalk once more.

Taking a look around, she zips her hoodie up over her sweater, then takes in a deep breath of the city air, filled with rain and a hint of smog. "Sometimes I miss home. It's way cleaner where I'm from. The sky is always blue."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Ah, one moment --" Kurt states, and then, in an instant, it's not Kurt there, but... Kurt-Like? Rounded, normal human ears. Bit of shaggy hair, five o'clock shadow. Very light gray eyes, and moderately pale. Still wearing a maroon sweater and tan slacks, but now he has shoes on his feet. His nose wrinkles slightly. "Ugh... it is always unusual when you are used to looking down at yourself." he murmurs gently, then sweeps his hair back.

    Even his tail disappears!

    "Now, should be just accross the street."

Dagger has posed:
As she looks over at him, Tandy's brows lift a bit upwards. "Why are you changing for? You think people will freak out? Let them. If anyone gives you crap, I'll just tase them with a light dagger or whatever. I like blue fuzzy you. This you .. is.. okay. I guess." She says as she gives a motion of her hand towards him.

Even though, she reaches out to take his arm with her hands, easing herself in closer against him. Supportive. "I like your tail. Best part of you."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Ooch. And not my charming smile? My unmatched wit? I lose to a tail?!" he asks incredulously as they step out of the alley.

    "Well... in this case, I do not want to cause a stir. I will wear this mask for the time so that others are not steered off their dates or conversations." he smiles, taking her hand.

    "I only like to be the center of attention on *my* terms."

Dagger has posed:
Curling her fingers about his, Tandy gives him a grin. "Everything about you is wonderful, amazing, and charming. The tail is just the cherry on top."

"But I guess I can see it. Cloak has the same issues when he goes out. Being that he doesn't have a body and all. He's just a spooky ghost. If I use enough on my light on him that nearly burns me out, I can make him normal for a few hours."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Aah, no, no, the only thing Amazing about me is my tripple backflip in aerial manuevers." Kurt jokes, and then opens a door.

    The place smells like hot cocoa and feels like a warm hug. Everything is done up in soft browns and creams, with the occasional bolt of bright teal or baby pink. It's very 1950's retro, and the counter girl is dressed in Rockabilly. There are a few others in the little bakery and cafe, but they seem intent on drinking their coffees and eating slices of cake. There are several cakes in a display box, some missing pieces, and some with 'whole cake' pricetags. THere is a tea menu to the side, a coffee menu including seasonal favorite Pumpkin Spice Chai.

    "Hiya Toots!" the girl calls out friendly like, "What can we hook you up with?"

Dagger has posed:
"The backflipping is sexy too."

Tandy pulls her hood back once she steps inside, releasing her thick blonde hair across her shoulders. It's getting long and in need of a cutting. She takes in a deep breath of the scents in the air, feeling her stomach rumble.

Giving his hand another squeeze, she gives him a happy look, then waves to the coffee girl. "Hi there! Um.. can I get the Pumpkin Spice Chai and .. um.. something to eat.. I don't know.. everything looks good. Chocolate cake?"

She gives Kurt a hopeful look on her face as her eyes widen.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Kurt shakes the umbrella outside, and hangs it over his arm as she places her order.

    "What ever you would like." he comments gently to Tandy, and gives as big a smile as he can muster, though it's not as big as his usual out-of-image inducer smile. "I would like an orange tea, ooh! Do you have gingerbread cake yet? I would like a slice, please." he gives a smile, taking out cash. Tandy would ba able to see, if she looked carefully, his fingers don't separate as he pulls out the cash from his wallet.

    Tandy's cake comes up. Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting, with white icing piped over the top, and a cup of steaming hot chai that smells of fall.

    Kurt's gingerbread cake is bare, with a large got of whipped cream on the top, and his tea smells of oranges and spice.

Dagger has posed:
The movements of his hands only causes Tandy's eyes to glance over briefly. She doesn't want to draw attentin to them, but that seemed interesting. Once she has her drink and her cake, she finds them a table to get cozy near the back with a line of sight to the window.

Easing herself down, she shrugs her hoodie off on to the back of the chair, then digs her fork into her cake to take a bite. She sighs loudly, leaning into his shoulder as her head plops on to it. "This is so yummy. I haven't had cake in months. Maybe .. a year .. two years? It's been so long I forgot what it was like."

"I miss this. Just going out and being normal."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "We are a privilaged sort." Kurt replies as he sits down next to her at the table, and as his shoulder becomes occupied with her head, he might be blushing. "Ah... they do make a very good chocolate cake, their gingerbread is my favorite." he explains as the rain picks up outside, no longer a drizzle but now a steady hiss of water dropping from above, pelting the windows of the cozy little hide away.

Dagger has posed:
"I never did get into gingerbread. Too spicy for my tongue. I just like sweet, soft, chocolate. I can melt into it. My grandmother used to make chocolate mayonaise cake and it was amazing. I don't know if anyone makes it anymore. It's like one of those recipes that is long lost now."

Tandy pokes another bite into her mouth, giving a happy shiver as she half lids her eyes, licking the corners of her lips. As the rain comes down harder outside, she watches it through the window. "I'm really glad you came by to see me. I really needed a friend and you are a handsome, happy face to see."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Ah, there is a balance to gingerbread. Cinnamon, ginger, brown sugar... you have to cook it partially before you add the dry ingredients, so that you get the flavours without the burn..." he states, taking his form and pulling a small bite of the gingerbread and dipping it into the whipped cream on top, he offers the bite to Tandy, eyebrows raised.

    "If you have a recipie, I could try it. I'm a *decent* cook in the kitchen." he pauses, and gives a little smile.

    "Ah, well, I do try to be a good friend above all other things. Life is too short to be lonely, ja?"

Dagger has posed:
"I don't have one. I don't even talk to my family anymore. I haven't seen my father in years and my mother is too busy getting naked in front of producers to get mediocre jobs." Tandy says in a stale tone to her voice.

"I'm sure I can find something online to print out for you." There is a glum look on her face as she shifts her jaw a bit, then takes another bite of chocolate. She tucks herself in against him, sliding her free arm around his waist and settling against his hip.

"So after this, we're going shopping?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Well then!" the mutant man announces, and takes out his phone. He hits the little button on it and goes "Alexa, find me a recipie for Chocolate Mayonaise Cake." he states, and lets some options load as he eats his own cake, and blushes a little bit against her arm against his waist.

    "Sh-shopping? Oh? Is there something you need, Miss Bowen?"

Dagger has posed:
"You said you wanted candy and costume pieces, or did you already get them?" Tandy asks as she gives him a smile as her chin tilts up to look at him. Her fingers curl in a bit tighter, then relaxes as her palm smooths out. "I was just along for the ride .. and cake, obviously. I don't really need anything. Maybe new socks."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Oh, I had already gotten them... aaand returned to the Mansion, but I figure that... well. You might need a friend and a handsome face to look upon, and I thought to myself 'ah, there is cake. What young woman does not love cake?" he asks, tipping his hand a little bit that he made the trip back out specifically for Tandy.

Dagger has posed:
There's a flush along Tandy's cheeks at that. "Dead women don't like cake." She says as she leans into him again. "Seeing your handsome face was definitely a treat. As was the cake." She lifts her hand up and brushes it along his cheek, turning his head as she leans forward to press her lips against his for a kiss. He can taste the sweet chocolate upon her mouth as she closes her eyes with a happy sigh. The fingers slide upwards to coast through his hair gently.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Well, luckily for me, you are not dead --" he blinks, and then Tandy kisses him, that taste of sweet and chocolate on her lips. There was a moment where he's very still, and then Tandy would feel his hand on her shoulder, his tail about her waist -- and the indistinct feeling of being jerked about through the aether, as the couple disappear with a BAMF!

Dagger has posed:
At the feeling of his tail about her waist, followed by his hand, Tandy lets out a noise of surprise as they suddenly disappear with a rush through the air. Where is he taking them? Her hoodie was left behind, as was the rest of her cake!

Nightcrawler has posed:
    A split second later, there's another pair of BAMFs, with a blue hand reaching up from under the table to grab the hoodie and the cake -- and then disappear again.

    The girl at the counter cracks her gum.

    "... New York City's gettin' weirder every day." she remarks.