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The Tower is a T
Date of Scene: 09 October 2020
Location: Barker Island, North Hempstead
Synopsis: Conner visits the Titans tower for pizza and membership invitation
Cast of Characters: Superboy, Red Robin, Tempest

Superboy has posed:
It has been a few weeks since the last time Conner saw Tim, and Conner wants to blame the senior year of college being so busy. But in truth his old friends have drifted apart quite a bit and there has not been an Outsider mission in months. Pretty much everyone is doing their thing, and Conner is not different.

So, it was nice to hear from Red Robin again. He was looking forward to have some burgers or pizza. Or maybe punch some bad guys and then talk about life and the universe. Whatever.

But the coordinates Tim gave him bring the flying half-kryptonian to a little island with a weird sci-fi building. How interesting!

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake is here waiting for his friend. He has called to get pizza delivered in a bit but it is not there yet. So, Tim has found a place to wait on his buddy to get there.

Tempest has posed:
The pizza is there. It's just now arriving. Garth flew over to pick it up. Hard to get island delivery, per se. Garth alights on the ground and holds out the pizzas. With some disdain he states. "No sea monkeys?" It is hard to tell if he is bluffing. The sea prince offers over the stack of pies in the boxes, his hand halting the warming it was doing. The pizzas, despite the distance in their delivery are still quite warm.

"I'm Garth. You are Superboy. I don't want to intrude into your guy time, but I would love to talk to you about the Titans." Garth feels like a used charior salesperson. He frowns a bit.

Superboy has posed:
Conner was looking up the tower when Garth arrives. "Hey, hello... yeah, that is me," as if the red-on-black S in his T-shirt wasn't clue enough. "Er, thanks, but I came because Robin called..." he looks around quickly. "Ah, there he is. Lurking like a bat."

Oh yeah, he offers his hand to Garth too, remembering his manners. "Garth? Aren't you one of Aquaman's people from Atlantis?" He says Atlantis like some people say 'Disneyland'. But Garth might already used to the weird surface people ways.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks over to Garth, and says "One of them should have anchovies, that's about the closest I could get." He will tell the other. He looks over to "Well it was a bit of a double meeting , I was hoping to hang out with ya but also thought Garth could give ya the pitch, see if your interested in it."

Tempest has posed:
His laughter is warm. Garth tilts his head to the side and nods slowly. "Until he produces a child of his own, I am more than one of his people. I'm his heir." Garth's handshake is a clasp at the wrist and is far more firm and powerful than most humans or Atlanteans can manage. "I'm also Robin's team leader with the titans. Your cousin is thinking about signing on with us. I think you should too. You are great, and I will never dispute it, but even Superman has people he can count on. I'm of the opinion that Robin? despite him putting gross fish on a pizza is a really great judge of character and he speaks highly of you."

He looks over at Robin. "Anchovies? Really? That is like feeding whatever you feed to chickens to your guests. Gross." He actually wrinkles his nose.

Superboy has posed:
"My cousin? Ah," it takes a second to realize he must mean Supergirl. Not really Conner's cousin, since their relationship is vague in the kind of clone-relatives thing is vague.

One thing is clear: Garth not wanting anchovies' pizza means Tim and Conner get more slices. So, a good start! Priorities.

"The Titans, er... interesting. So, how come you ended up here?" He asks Tim. "I mean, they have been around for a long time and Nightwing was here and all, but it is not in Gotham. Not that I am a fan of Gotham." Because, really, Gotham is Gotham.

He glances back at Garth and grins. "If you need me, I am in. I trust Robin too. Who else is in the team right now? Anyone else I know?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smiles and says "I have been with them off and on, comes with the gig partially." He will tell Conner "Besides good to have extra back up when you need to call some in." He offers with a smile and says to Garth "That would be corn, and we do eat corn, different type but we do still eat corn."

Tempest has posed:
"We are a little short right now. Which, if I am being honest is part of why I am reaching out to the both of you. Myself, Robin, Raven. Nightwing, I guess, if it got bad. He's more Justice League these days." He doesn't sound jealous, maybe just uncertain. "Which reminds me, Robin. Do you know someone named Oracle? She reached out to me the other day. She totally name dropped you." He swings his gaze between the both of them. "Superboy. We have housing. We are getting re-organized after a bit of turmoil, apparently. I have been back home for a couple of years. I washed up on the tide one day and I have been working on getting us back together. We're not the junior justice league. We run our own operations. We do, of course assist the League if they need it, but we're not just a bunch of former sidekicks. We're rebuilding our mission and I will not lie. There is some work ahead of us. What we are, though, is a chance at a new identity."

Superboy has posed:
"Oh, one of those reorganizing things," comments Conner. He knows how that goes. Maybe he can suggest some Outsiders once he knows a little more of the group. Or, actually, Tim could.

Maybe he already did. He glances at the young man, almost asking.

"I live in New York nowadays. But... uh, want to show me around?" And maybe stop somewhere before the pizza gets cold. "I was never a sidekick," he mentions. He has only talked to Superman a few times, actually!

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks to Garth and says "I know her, and do have another possibilty or two who ya might want on the team. I know a healer who could help out, and use more experience with groups.

Tempest has posed:
    "Give me names. Just.. this healer is not too bubbly, right? That might drive Raven over the edge if we have someone else as bubbly as Starfire with us?" He tilts a brow and then nods at Superboy. "The honest truth?" He seems intent on being forthright. "ALl of the founders grew up and moved on. Without the leadership, we apparently just drifted." He pauses. Ocean joke.

"Seriously. We have good bones and we are about to start back in on real missions beyond just helping each other out." Garth pulls in a breath. "For example, I have sources reporting possible metahuman trafficking out of Metropolis. It's a little bit of a trip to Metropolis for some us, but for others?" He gives Superboy a look. "We want to make the world a better place."

Superboy has posed:
Metahuman trafficking deletes Conner smile quickly. It reminds him of N.O.W.H.E.R.E. which is a mental space he has been avoiding for years. "I do. We should investigate any kind of human trafficking in any case. Rob, you know about this one?" Detective work is his thing. "And what was about this Oracle person?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake says, "She is a trusted resource for information, if she tells you something that it as fast. The healer a bit bubbly but not enough to drive Raven insane I don't think. Her name is Sparrow Hawk.""

Tempest has posed:
"Only rumors, and only through back channels. Nothing solid. I have some resources in play there, but I don't have even a name as yet." Garth replies in a very quiet tone. "I do not even have a buyer location. All I have is a few people that we have helped out over the years reporting that they are hearing unsubstantiated rumors. I am taking those seriously. When we have something to investigate, we shall." He pauses. "Otherwise we're flailing about and maybe driving them deeper underground. We're Titans, not children and we don't make things worse."

Well? not of purpose anyways. Making things worse was the modus operandi around here back in the day. He pulls in a breath. "Arrange the meeting, with this Sparrowhawk, Robin. Please?"

Superboy has posed:
Making things worse not on purpose was a thing when Tim and Conner were teens. So that makes him smirk a bit. He pulls out a Starktech cell and considers names. Roy? Cassie? It is alarming how long it has been since he talked to them. He pockets the cell again. "Well, I hope you get Supergirl too, she seems cool."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods, and says "I can bring her by with me the next time I come out and see how that foes.

Tempest has posed:
    "She and Raven saved my life, so she is good in my book." He nods at Superboy. "I'll get a room ready for you. Robin will supply you a comm which will get you into the tower." He takes a step back. "I will meet Sparrowhawk at your convenience." he gives a short nod. "Sorry to intrude, guys. Enjoy the pizza."

Superboy has posed:
"But I don't need..." Conner hehs. Okay, there is pizza. All good. "So, Tim," he says when Garth is out of hearing range. "A new girl? Spill it buddy," because he knows Robin a bit. Besides, he wants to tell him about Megan himself. "And where is the kitchen in this T-tower place? We need some drinks for the pizzas."