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Latest revision as of 23:34, 19 October 2020

Shipping It V: Garth likes them Big
Date of Scene: 19 October 2020
Location: Atlantic Ocean, approximately 30 miles east of Nantucket Island
Synopsis: Garth continues to try and woo Emma and emma meets part of garth's extended family- a wise whale by the name of K'yree'a.
Cast of Characters: Tempest, Emma Frost

Tempest has posed:
In the weeks since, yet again, someone tried to kill Garth he has kept his distance. Partly to recover from his injuries and partly to make certain that she had a chance to re-evaluate the situation. Garth was pleasantly surprised when she accepted his invitation.

This is deep water, and at this time of year it is cooling at this latitude, not as fast as the land, but then the water never quite got as warm as it did on the land this summer; it is not supposed to. Still, this is the sort of water few swim in, about 30 miles offshore from Cape Cod. These are pelagic waters, deep, dark, and mysterious. Land has long since vanished and the blustery wind belies the heavy gray clouds overhead.

Garth hovers over the water. It is a good excuse to have his hands on Emma; she cannot fly. He will not say why they went here, though he warned her to wear an insulated wetsuit. Why they came out here becomes available. Emma can almost sense his telepathy being used, but she can sense the immediate recognition and his happiness. "Wait for it." He says in a quiet voice.

The water darkens as a long shape comes from below and then a spout of sea water mixed with whale snot sprays upwards onto the pair hovering. Garth's laughter is immediate. "Madame Frost. This is K'yree'a." A humpback whale of massive size. He almost bows to the massive creature. The gesture is somehow courtly. The tail fluke smashes the water in a cacophony of sound and an explosion of water that again sprays the hovering duo. Once the salt spray clears from her eyes, the woman can see the massive, yet somehow elegant creature bears a scar in her left flank, a long, straight furrow likely caused by a harpoon gun.

"Would you like to ride her and have a conversation? She has graciously agreed to spend some time with us as she surface feeds on that shoal over there." Garth points over a few hundred yards, playfully shaking out his drenched hair. His smile is bright and warm as he does it.

"I will not apologize for the sea water. If you are going to spend time with me, Miss Frost, you are going to get wet." Garth says this guilelessly and slants her a look with his purple eyes. "I think you can piggyback off my abilities with your own, if you are willing to forge a deep enough link between us?" His smile is soft, but the offer is genuine.

Emma Frost has posed:
His invitation had been a welcome diversion from dealing with mountains of *paperwork* -- she remembers now why she disliked being the headmistress. The mountain of paper from her business interests is definitely smaller than that generated by dealing with students and being responsible for them. And yet she finds herself? almost enjoying the stress of once more running a school. Emma is nothing if not a glutton for punishment, she supposes.

Even her wetsuit is white. Insulated against the cooling Atlantic waters, it covers every inch of her from neck to toes? and the woman still manages to look both regal and attractive. Although she's not peeking into his head to see what his intentions are, there are not *that* many things they can be doing in the ocean out this far -- so sure, she's expecting to get wet. She just wasn't quite expecting the method of dousing.

A rather ? well, GIRLY squeal of delight and surprise is the response to the breaching of the massive mammal. Dripping wet with salty ocean water, the telepath laughs out loud. "Oh God, she's beautiful!" And so *big*! Sure, she's seen whales in aquariums and such -- this is something entirely different. "She'll talk with me??"

There are some who would flat out not recognize the Ice Queen right now, her features alight with wonder at the majesty of being up close and personal with a whale. She looks, perhaps for the first time since they met, as young as she physically is, the facade of calm, cool, collected, ruthless businesswoman gone in the magic of marine mammals.

Biting her lip around the grin, Emma pushes her blonde hair back, the water slicking its heavy weight into a straight curtain to her shoulderblades. "Yes, please?" She looks up at him, her blue eyes dancing with pleasure at the idea as she reaches up to touch his cheek and initiate a telepathic avenue to hear his friend. <<Can she understand how absolutely gorgeous I find her to be? How amazing?>>

Tempest has posed:
It takes him some effort, not because she is inexpert but because he is. Being as open as this is hard. He has no real telepathic talent, not the way she might recognize. It's instinctive and casual. His fumbling is to show her where she needs to link to him and how. It's like being led through a dance step by your grandparent. There is knowledge but it is half-forgotten and weak. Once the connection is made though, once she gains so much of his awareness, it is electric. She can sense an ocean teaming with life. Far out there is a massive shark. It is chasing a school of tuna. The school of Tuna fills Garth with vague ill-ease. The shark is fine.

The whale though. It is almost human. She is almost human. A big soul. Wise. Powerful, kind, and thoroughly charmed. The whale seems bemused. >You are the Prince's mate? You have no offspring. Is he deficient?< She is utterly amused. Her mental voice is kindly and full of quiet humor and gentle maternal feelings. It is a voice like a fleece blanket. >I cannot say you are lovely. I do not see you well. You are very pale.<

Garth starts to chuckle, and then slowly lowers Emma and himself onto the back. It is soft over hard flesh. The insulation keeps her only a little warmer on the outside than the water. She is too insulated for her interior heat to leak out. Garth kneels to trace the scar. Gratitude crackles through the shared mental link.

Emma Frost has posed:
She doesn't need his help to establish a connection -- Emma is already familiar enough with his mind and how it feels to slip into his thoughts. It's the extrasensory information that she takes a few moments to wrap her mind around. She's no empath, but thought doesn't have to have words; it is technically formless.

As she seeks and finds the threads that she needs to build he link between them, K'yree'a's mental touch is...

Incredible. Wordless and gentle and *so big*. The mammal manages to convey her curiosity and her questions and her intentions in concepts that are not human words but are still perfectly understandable. At least... they are to Garth, so they are to Emma for now as well.

Her laughter is soft, her touch on Garth's mind more shy this time for being so intertwined, a sense that she's letting him see far more of her than she's allowed perhaps anyone in years. <<We are not mates... just yet,>> she replies on what is almost literally a giggle. Her amusement and her joy are sincere, she's not hiding them behind the facade of super-capable telepath woman. <<You are one of his favorite beings,>> she observes to the whale, watching Garth stroke the whale's skin. <<I am in awe to be so near you.>>

Tempest has posed:
<I am very majestic.> The creature replies. Her voice is a warm tease. >This is one of those complicated things about humans?< The whale is amused. Her mental voice delighted. >Good things come to those who wait? You would say. The decisive whale gets the fish, we say.< She is scoffing, but it is good natured. >I should not tease about things I do not understand. You are, after all, very small. I am sure that makes things difficult.< She is still amused.

She agrees with Emma. >I am one of the prince's favorites. When he was young and I was younger, he interfered with a < -- SHe doesn't have the word. It comes across, but to her thinking it is a metal monster. It leaves a current of nasty water and hunts whales. -- >Whaling ship. He was very gallant.<

"Not quite fast enough." Garth laments from the side, caressing the scar. The whale chides. >The males find my scar to be very attractive. My daughter, G'art'haa has made me a grandmother for the the first time. A daughter the apparently named for Gartha.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma's delight is obvious in the way that she laughs and claps her hands. "Garth, you have a grand-godchild!" <<Yes, it's a human complication. We make many things far more complex than they probably should be,>> she admits candidly. She watches the purple-eyed prince thoughtfully. <<Do you have a family pod, K'yree'a?>> She must -- there's, after all, at least one calf. <<It is good that the males find a strong female attractive. It is important.>>

Tempest has posed:
>I do. I am alone because I am visiting the little prince. He is courting a princess and desired the opinion of a female he respects. Are you attractive by the standards of your species? You are very small and you are very bright.< She means the colors. She adds, as if Garth cannot hear her. >He was abandoned by his mother, you know? It makes the calves uncertain. He is always sure there is something wrong with him.<

"I am right here." Garth counters, cheeks flushing. >Your presence does not impact the truth that I speak, young prince. The world cares not for your feelings of presence. You should grow a thicker skin.< The whale gives a puff of steam and angles. She starts towards the fish at a greater pace and Garth sinks to his backside to ride, the fingers of one hand splayed over the whale's back. >Are you well fed, Emma? DO you have a good layer of blubber to keep you warm at night?<

Emma Frost has posed:
Well... that should put him in *his* place. She snickers just a little at him as the whale instructs him on the facts of life here. Emma can't help it. She's amused at his affront, which is only skin deep, and fascinated at the dynamic between him and the whale.

<<The males of my species find my form attractive, yes. I have no blubber, but that is not a shortcoming for humans.>> Emma replies with a grin. She is laid flat against K'yree'a's back as the whale swims, feeling the strength in the massive form. <<I think that any calf -- any child -- whose parent shows no interest in them feels the same uncertainty.>> The reply is slower, her blue eyes averted down to the marine mammal instead of looking at Garth. <<The scars of the heart go much deeper than even the scars of the whaler,>> she murmurs quietly. <<The scar tissue that forms is stronger than the old tissue. But it is not as... flexible. And the more often the same spot is hurt, the more scar tissue you build up to hide the soft organs beneath.>>

Tempest has posed:
K'yree'a considers that sentiment for a long moment, as is the wont of her kind. Never known to be hasty thinkers, the great whales are deep thinkers. She mentally scoffs as Emma determines she is attractive. >She may be homely, but this one is wise. You could do worse.< Garth chokes at that. K'yree'a continues despite Garth's discomfort. >A broken heart generally leads to wisdom and empathy. At least our prince got half of that.< There is a sense of anticipation. Then satisfaction as the whale begins to sort the water before her, straining our grill and other tiny fish from the water and draining it into her gullet. Her tail sends another spray of water as a bit of warm, somewhat fishy spray is vented from her blowhole.

Garth wrinkles his nose. "She is beautiful, by our standards."

>She is far too skinny and tiny. And so pale as to be like the moon. But, if you say so.< The whale seems to like the mind, but is a little uncertain about the woman's size.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma continues to chuckle. She likes this whale very much. She is an exceedingly intelligent being, and the magic of being able to *communicate* with a whale? Well... for a girl from New England? It's definitely one of those bucket list things. She ducks when the blowing of water happens again, wrinkling her nose up. Sitting atop the humpback whale is easier than she ever imagined.

<<You will have to take his word for beauty standards. Besides... humans don't mate just for calving, so what's in someone's head is equally important to us.>> With a wink at Garth, she tells the whale, <<And I like what's in this one's heart and mind.>>

Tempest has posed:
Skepticism. The whale is not sold on this. She scoffs. >If that is the case why is it so complicated?< The whale has a remarkable ability to put Garth on the spot. He makes a face, and considers. "Heart scars." The whale gives the flipper equivalent to a human shrug with an eye roll. The whale is unimpressed. >Barnacles. Deadweight. Let it go. Humans are bizarre. Self-destructive. You damage yourselves and make things hard for yourself when you could be enjoying your life. I expected more intelligence from my prince.< It is a gentle rebuke. These two are close, the whale obviously caring for you young man. >And feed him more, will you Emma? He is too skinny.<

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma wrinkles her nose at Garth and retorts, <<It's complicated because I wish to be chased a little longer!>> That's not exactly what she *meant* to say, if the color in her cheeks is any indication -- it was intended as a quip to let the whale understand that she needs a little more time to figure out how to lower her walls a little. But well....

Tempest has posed:
The feeding whale snorts. It is a spurts a spray of fishy mist into the air. >You are toying with him? For shame. We do not play with our food. Especially when we are skinny, pale and homely.<

Garth chokes, and coughs, pounding at his chest as he snorts, gags, coughs and laughs. His features go scarlet and he seems a bit shaken.

"I am not food!"

>She is eying you like a snack, small fry.<

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma laughs hysterically, tumbling right off the whale's back and into the ocean. She has just enough time to suck in a breath before she hits the cold water, and when Garth slices cleanly into the water next to her, her mental laughter is still happening. Wrapping her arms around the Atlantean's neck when he comes up beneath her to help her surface, she breaks through sputtering with laughter. Shaking her hair out of her way, she floats with him there on the waves while K'yree'a dives. <<Not a snack! Just... a man I'd like to keep around,>> she tells both the man and the whale, blue eyes twinkling. <<I'm grateul he doesn't think I'm skinny, pale, and homely.>>

"Tag, you're it," Emma laughs, kicking off his thighs to play for a bit with the whale nearby.