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Latest revision as of 02:49, 20 October 2020

You're A Sucker, Right
Date of Scene: 20 October 2020
Location: Teacher's Lounge, Second Floor, Xavier's School
Synopsis: Jean and Alexis discuss the future of the school over some tea and under the figurative shade of olive trees.
Cast of Characters: Phoenix, Prismatic

Phoenix has posed:
There's been a slow transition back to power, but Jean hasn't been in any hurry. That or Emma has her under strict orders to gtfo of the offices until she's sure she's 'got her shit together' in so many words. Probably the latter.

It doesn't mean Jean isn't keeping herself busy, and at present she's in the teacher's lounge with the radio playing softly while she's typing away on her laptop. Emails, from the looks of it, which takes up a good portion of her day as it is. People to coordinate with, cover stories to engineer, allies to pay off, complaints to lodge that their #2 pencil orders were shortchanged again - those sorts of things a normal, healthy school requires to stay functional. There's an open can of Coke next to her and no signs of rum, which is a good sign. Shortly before her sabbatical, things had been getting a little heavy in the beverage department.

Prismatic has posed:
    Not that Alexis had been counting, it's partially not much of her business, and partially that she was having her own crisis of faith.

    When she comes into the lounge, she's in 'Teacher Mode'. She has a gray blouse and pencil skirt. She's wearing heels. Her dark hair is pulled back in a bun, and she has one of those reusable tumber mugs with a ballerina poised on it

    "Good afternoon Jean!" she chirps cheerily, grabbing down the electric kettle.

    "Back into the swing of things, yet?"

Phoenix has posed:
Jean is not dressed for work. She's got on jeans and a slouchy, oversized navy blue sweater with a black tank top underneath of it, with a pair of fuzzy socks completing the look. It's harder to tell with oversized clothing, but she does seem thinner than she was when she left. But she also looks like she actually slept.

She looks up as Alexis comes through the door and there's a brightening smile on her face along with a flopping wave of her hand. "Eeh, getting there. There's a lot that happens behind the scenes in the span of a month. I hadn't meant to be gone that long, but eh, least it was worth it. How've you been doing? Heard you've had some excitement in the past few weeks."

Prismatic has posed:
    "Let's not talk about how suddenly the music teacher gets to display battle prowess. Though if some of the students followed the bars and conduction as closely as two of them followed orders, we might be ready for the Winter Concert." Alexis gives a wry smile, setting her kettle on the element, and reaching up to get her tea tin.

    "Did my best to try and cover all bases. You are, in fact, a particularly difficult act to follow, Jean." she gives a wry smile. "Would you like a cup of tea?"

Phoenix has posed:
"Tea would probably be a better choice at this hour of night as opposed to more Coke, so yes, please." Jean responds as she sends off another email and then closes the lid of her laptop. She leans back in her chair and takes the opportunity to pop a few joints in a long stretch.

"And trust me, I'm not someone to emulate. I make as many mistakes as everyone else and I'm sure there'll be plenty more in my life. I try to impress that on the kids, but you know how much of what any of us say actually makes it past their eardrums. The curse of youth. If only we all realized what 'growing up' was getting ourselves into."

She's quiet for a few moments before saying in that slow, measured kind of tone as if she wasn't quite sure how to approach it. "Speaking of being a role model, I do have a question - well, a proposition - for you."

Prismatic has posed:
    "Some of us have had to be grown up for quite some time, though, you can't blame it entirely on youth, though there are certainly a couple of youths who I'd like to blame it on..." Alexis trails off a moment, and she fixes two mugs -- hers, and a very clean, white mug from the 'general' cabinet.

    "... and you are someone worthy of emulation, Jean. Courageous, loyal, compassionate -- firm handed, when needed." the Brit replies "All wonderful qualities... though if you have a proposition? Let's hear it. I don't think I'm going to be getting an offer for commanding a New Mutants squad any time soon, less the big league." she replies good-naturedly, pouring the kettle water into the mugs.

Phoenix has posed:
"Actually the absence of those is why I'm asking this." Jean remarks as there's another second's worth of mental formulation before she begins.

"I'll preface this with that, if you say no, there are no hard feelings. I will think nothing less than the highest of you that I already do, and I respect that this isn't for everyone. So I'll lay this out, then I want you to take however much time you need to think this over and talk to Sam, of course, before giving me an answer."

"While I was away, I came to realize that this school needs far more leadership than just me. It also needs more role-models than a bunch of part time soldiers. We want the students to steer towards a normal life, and that's hard to do when all they see are X-Men. I also keep shouldering more than is healthy for me and I've been too proud to admit it. To that end, I've been working on convincing the Professor to come back to take over the advanced administrative duties of the school. I'm humbled that he gave me the opportunity, but it's lead me to neglect things that I need to work on, things that have consequences when they're ignored. Additionally, I want to bring on another deputy head to help balance out the remaining workload. I wanted to choose someone who wasn't an X-Man, someone who's loyalties, time, and... mentality aren't going to be divided, and who can put the school at the forefront and be here when us X-Men need to step away."

"So, I'm asking you if you'd like to take on that role. You're free to continue teaching music, I wouldn't dream of taking that away. You'd be helping me with the lower level administrative tasks like admissions, scheduling, grades, helping the other teachers - no need to worry about chatting with the lawyers or school boards."

Prismatic has posed:
    "... well then, it's my turn to be humbled with the faith you have in my abilities." Alexis replies quietly, and she feels a tug against her heart as she slides the mug of tea over to Jean, and she sits a moment to regard her own.

    "You know, Jean, in spite of my lack of ability other than to be a marvelous punching bag, I would do anything you asked of me." she replies, quietly to the redhead, though she doesn't lift her gaze. "This is a large amount of additional responsibility... but so long as I can help you, I shall. I accept... as long as I don't need to contend with the lawyers. Flying dragon men, evil doers, men who turn into rhinocerouses, certainly... lawyers are a certain breed of danger even I cannot abide." she jokes.

Phoenix has posed:
"...eh, truth be told we don't really /deal/ with them either. Well, we "deal", but... never mind, it's not important." Jean just grins perhaps half an inch wider then she really needs as she slides the mug over to her with a murmured thanks. Psychics, oy.

"But I do have faith. You're arguably one of the most level-headed people in this building, but as willing and able to be as fierce as as one of those dragons if the situation calls for it. And the kids respect you, which means you have a fighting chance of them listening." She adds with a lopsided smile.

"First, need to have a long chat with Emma and relieve her of duties properly. Then, I need to get Charles back here. Which I will. He and I are due for a long heart to heart anyway. Once all of that is settled, then we can get you set up. So until then, you're free to change your mind if you come to your senses." Teases the redhead as she takes a sip of tea. "But truly, thank you for considering this. It does mean a lot."

Prismatic has posed:
    Alexis gives a roll of her eyes. "I'm certain if my fathew knew I was working for a psychic, he'd start investing in tinfoil headware." the brunette Brit replies, and she gives a small smile as she breathes out. "... I'm not going to change my mind, Jean. I'm... I'm very proud of the students. Being able to see their accomplishments, as they gain control of what makes them most unique... it's different than having to teach a master's class at twelve. Or arias at thirteen. This is... planting an olive tree." she states, thoughtfully, and she sips her tea a moment. "Wise is the man who plants an olive tree, knowing he will not harvest nor sit in its shade."

Phoenix has posed:
"Two psychics, technically. Three if you count Emma. Before you tell him, let me know what company so I can go buy some stock." Says Jean straight-faced. "I may live long enough to retire someday, but if not then whoever gets it can go buy everyone a round of good drinks on me."

"Mm, that's a good saying." Jean says quietly but heartfelt as she studies the amber liquid in her mug. "It's similar to what I remind myself. I'm simultaneously trying to buy them a future worth living as well as preparing them to live in it, but let's be honest... I was raised to do the former more than the latter, which is why I asked what I did. So I'll focus on the first part, you take the second. Sound like a plan?"

Prismatic has posed:
    "... my family has planted many olive trees." the young woman remarks quizically, then raises her dark gaze to Jean, and gives a smile.

    "I think I can help them prepare for whichever future they will live in, whatever life outside these walls throws at them."

    Alexis sips her tea.

    "... does this mean I get an office?"

Phoenix has posed:
"Of course, soon as we find a spot to adopt for the purpose." Jean laughs quietly, "You can't exactly look all intimidating sitting at the kitchen table. I'll arrange the space, you get to pick out the furniture. Whatever'll be comfortable for you to work with and doesn't break the budget is fine. The chair's the most important part next to the mini fridge. It also means you'll have full clearance to invite your Nonna over to visit anytime you want, we can even steal the jet and pick her up personally. It has way more leg room than any of those commercial cans and can get here in half the time, easy."

Prismatic has posed:
    "... oh no Jean, I don't think you're ready for Nonna and Papa to come to the school. For one thing Papa can probably out-drink Logan, and Nonna will adopt every single 'bambino' in the household and in three days suddenly everyone's eating porcheta..." Alexis smiles as she takes up her cup, though she's got a twinkle in her eye. "Although, throw some tents into the jet, load up the students and we could have a camping holiday in the vinyard." she jokes, and then gives a nod,. "I'll see you later, Jean -- make sure you get some rest, mum."