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Latest revision as of 16:07, 26 October 2020

Picking up things in Apple Park
Date of Scene: 23 October 2020
Location: Apple Park - Salem Center
Synopsis: Willow and Bigby meet in a park, and no one dies, not even the dogs
Cast of Characters: Bigby Wolf, Willow Rosenberg

Bigby Wolf has posed:
So many benches to choose from, Bigby chose one situated just underneath the largest tree, enjoying the shade it freely provides. The air around him is filled with smoke from the cigarette he's busy smoking in peace. If there was any sign prohibiting smoking in the park, he either didn't see them, or disregarded them. So far, no one came close enough to tell him that it's not allowed.

It's late in the afternoon, although night is still a few hours away. Most people are busy returning home from work, or starting dinner. Nonetheless, there are enough people for Bigby to observe, which he does, his keen eyes not missing the slightest details.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow was picking up ingredients.. well sorta. To really get them, she really should have checked in the graveyard back in Sunnydale. She got numerous mushrooms and leaves. Win-win? She thought so!

As the sun begins to go down, the bright and beautiful day turns windy chilly and threatens to rain. Willow was odd though, and ran through the leaves.

Bigby Wolf has posed:
Tilting his head, as if he just noticed something interesting, Bigby narrows his eyes to focus on the objet of his sudden attention. A young woman, moving around the trees, picking up things from the ground. It reminds him of another girl, with a red cape, in the woods.

As he stands, Bigby stubs out the cigarette on the ground, and heads for the young woman, approaching her from behind. Old habits. As he approaches, he can smell magic all around her. Not the kind he's most used to, but rather a mix of ol' time magic and modern one. Something he sees a lot around, but there seems to be something different with her.

"You've lost somthing, miss?" he asks her in his low voice, as he stands a few feet behind her.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
*blink blink*

Willow was taken aback, but she smiled. "Me? No, just playing in the leaves. It might be silly, but I like it. It's the only time I wear red!" Afterall with her hair colour? "Did I bother you?"

Bigby Wolf has posed:
With a smile, Bigby nods, his gaze on the satchel she's carrying, containing wild mushrooms and leaves.

"You'd get better mushrooms at the store," he remarks.

He then glances around. This corner of the park is almost deserted.

"It's going to be dark soon, why don't you tell me what you're looking for, and I'll help you find it. I need some exercice anyway. Mushrooms, right? Anything else?"

He doesn't need no exercice, he's just being intrigued by her. Hopefully, she'll accept his offer.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
*gasp* Did he just say that she could get better at the store??

"Not the same kinds! These are Shaggy Manes! And Inky Caps. Possibly tomorrow, maybe, some Puffballs. You can't get them at the grocery store."

She tilts her head at him. "You're not used to people looking for these kinds of things, are you? I probably have enough of them. It's gonna rain sometime in the next few hours."

What she didn't tell him was she was staying till dark, rain or shine, so to speak, and celebrate the half moon. Preferably with as little clothing as possible.

Bigby Wolf has posed:
"Yeah, I have a couple friends who do mushrooms picking," Bigby replies, grinning. And they do all kind of magic with them, too!

Bigby suddenly tilts his head, so slighly. The sound of quadrupeds running in the leaves, approaching fast, is unmistakable. Panting. Angry. Stray dogs. Two of them. Intentionally, Bigby turns his back to them just before they run out of an undergrowth about fifty feet from Willow, who seems to be their target as they run directly at her. They are large dogs, not your purse-pet kind of doggy. As they approach Willow, they slow down their pace, although they remain positively menacing with their fangs ready to tear some flesh.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Oh boy! Willow doesn't know that Bigby is quite capable around stray dogs. What she is certain of is they are mangy, and looking at her as if she were dinner! Yipes!

Immediately she sets about warding the two of them, and follows at up with electromancy - a busier way to say 'lightening'.

Bigby Wolf has posed:
And so he was right. Witch. And of the white sort, since the dogs are still alive. Stopped by an invisible fence net or wall, but alive. After a moment, the animals start to get back on their feet. They cannot move any closer to Willow And Bigby, but are still looking for dinner. A little convincing would make them understand that no dinner can be found here.

There's a very faint growl sound next to Willow that seems to come from Bigby's direction. It's short, and could be mistaken for the man clearing his throat or any other sound of surprise. Is it a coincidence that when he locks eyes with the dogs, they suddenly calm down. If it wasn't for their large size, you'd think they suddenly became nice purse-pets. They then turn around, and start running in the direction they came from.

"Hrm. Nice move," Bigby comments, his eyes back on Willow. "Wiccan?"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow keeps her hands up until the dogs have been convinced to retreat, and slowly allows the electromancy to dissipate.

"Who are you?" He doesn't feel like a witch. But he got them to turn around /and/ look like real pets. Well, sort of. Lets face it, nobody would think they were really pets! "Werewolf?" She thought that Oz could do something similar. "Werewolf." Nodnods.

As for her. "Wiccan, but that isn't magic. Lots of people are Wiccan. I'm just magical."

Bigby Wolf has posed:
Bigby extends his arms, palms of his hands up as if to prove he's just a mundane human. A large smile appears on his face as he replies, "Do I look like a werewolf to you?" he asks, chuckling, "Naw. I'm just good with dogs, you know this guy, Dog Whisperer or something?"

He's not going to reveal his true identity to a total stranger that he just met in a park. He did that mistake not long ago, and won't repeat it. Unless he has no other choice. If she thinks he's a werewolf and did not run, then she probably met such creature already. Which is more reason to /run/ if she thought he's a werewolf.

He reaches for his pocket, to grab the pack of cigarettes, and gets ready to light one.

"I'm Bigby Wolf," he introduces himself, "You can call be Bigby." He then pauses then adds, "Do /you/ know any werewolf?"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow worked it around her brain. Oz certainly looks normal, unless he was under the changing moon. And since he got control, even then.. Something was weird, but at least Bigby chased them away.

If he was one, she could explain about her highschool boyfriend. But what if he wasn't, then what? She had already opened her mouth, so to speak, about her being magical. Could she also tell him about the Scoobies?

"And what if I said yes? I'm not saying yes, mind you."

How would he react when she explained not only did she know a werewolf, but two vampires as well?

Bigby Wolf has posed:
Bigby listens attentively, sensing that she knows more than she is willing to admit. But this ain't an interrogation, and he's not out to force the truth out of her.

"If you'd said yes," he replies, always with that same low calm and low voice, "I'd say that you are lucky. You see, I've always been interested by magic, magical creatures, mutants and the like. It's fascinating. It's amazing how many people aren't what they look like."

He pauses there, lighting up the cigarette he was holding.

"Like you. Young woman picking up mushrooms, you turn out to be a witch. Can you tell me your name?"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Willow." Very simply she says it, then realizes maybe that wasn't the smartest move. Oh well, too late now. "You really shouldn't smoke them.The cigarettes, I mean. I don't know mutants, but I have super powered friends. Oh! Wait, I have one friend."

Bigby Wolf has posed:
The cigarette is lit up anyway. She revealed her first name, that's fine. He could just follow her scent back to wherever she lives if he had to locate her later.

"I'm fine, don't worry," he replies to the comment about the cigarette.

The night is setting in, soon it will be dark, but for the full moon drapping the park of its whitish hue. Rain starts to gently fall.

Bigby doesn't care about full moon or rain, and he's wearing his trench coat anyway.

"One friend, hey?" he replies. "You might just have found another one. It's getting dark, you never know what can pop up at night. I'll walk you to your place, or wherever you want. I'd hate something to happen to you."

Yes, she's a witch, still, there are things that can kill witches. He knows it too well.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow can't help the little giggle that forms in her throat. If he /not/ a werewolf, the odds are better that she would help herself and him too! But then again, Buffy treated her this way.. Did she really come across as hopeless??

"I suppose.." Willow forgot her evening ritual. "If you want to. But really, I can make my way home. Honest."

Bigby Wolf has posed:
With a nod, Bigby extends an arm toward the park exit, inviting Willow to follow him.

"Unless you had other plans, of course. In which case, I'd be just as happy to sit on a bench, and wait for you."

Indeed, he doesn't fear the dark, the rain, the cold or the stray dogs that keep barking in the background, frustrated that their dinner escaped them. Or rather, that they had to run from the dinner.

"Up to you, same to me."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Please, I would like that." And with that Willow leads them on.