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Latest revision as of 20:16, 27 October 2020

Copycat Strikes Again!
Date of Scene: 20 October 2020
Location: South Hinkley, Old Gotham
Synopsis: Doc Ock has a run-in with a Copycat Burglar.
Cast of Characters: Catwoman, Doctor Octopus

Catwoman has posed:
It's early evening and the sky is just starting to grow dark. People are hurrying home in the early autumn weather, a few flakes of snow starting to fall down softly in the crisp air.

And while people are busy down below, a certain copycat thief is busy running above, having spied a warehouse that looked promising. There had been rumours circulating around regarding the Catlady, already many people believed her to be Catwoman, but her techniques were more violent and extreme, and she was accompanied as always, by a large panther companion, which lurked in the shadows quietly after her as she made for one of the back entrys.

There were probably cameras about but she's pretty sloppy with her break-ins, working on the lock, opening it easily with her lockpicking tools. "Excellent!" she rubs her hands together gleefully as she slinks in and peers around.

Doctor Octopus has posed:
Otto was, honestly, more pre-occupied of late with matters in New York... but he did check his other hideouts in the tri-state area on a weekly basis.
    onight... the Catlady was just about as unlucky as one could get, because the motion alarm inside the warehouse trips with Otto only a few scant blocks away from the warehouse proper. He had been keeping a low profile... but now?

Now, the tentacles come out of hiding within an alleyway, and Otto immediately 'climbs' up to the rooftops and hauls ass heading for the warehouse.

He'll be there in moments, and he won't be subtle about it. Those tentacles are going fast and /hard/.

Catwoman has posed:
Catlady flips on the light and peers around at all the goodies held within. "Hmmm, what do we have here?" she purrs greedily, looking very much like Catwoman in her copycat outfit..Was it just a coincidence or..?

The large panther purrs as she pets his head, stepping alongside her. The Catlady is definitely not as cautious as Catwoman though, unaware that she tripped an alarm as she starts filling a bag of goodies. "Ooh, I wonder how much all of this costs?" she grins wickedly, taking her time..

Doctor Octopus has posed:
On the other side of the street, Otto 'jumps' across to the warehouse with his tentacles, then begins to climb down the side of the building.

There's no way she won't be able to hear the telltale sound of wall being twisted for handholds. "Tread upon the lair of Doctor Octopus at your own peril, Catwoman!" Otto roars as he sits at the entry the Catlady had just come in from. "Those devices are not yours to take!"

Catwoman has posed:
Catlady frowns and freezes. Okay, she definitely heard something there. And so did her panther, who snarls, baring his teeth. Catlady laughs, pulling out her whip, similar to Catwomans but crackling with electricity. Looks like there's only one way out. "Fool, you'll be sorry you messed with me!" she barks and order at her panther who snarls and leaps towards Doc Ock while she searches for another way out..

Doctor Octopus has posed:
A panther leaping at him?! These fools have /no/ idea who they're dealing with.

The panther leaping is met with a tentacle lashing out and hitting it square in the head. Not killing it, but definitely knocking it around and out.

The windows above are reinforced glass, and then there's the main entry. Both will require explosives or a bit of lockpicking.

Catwoman has posed:
The panther lets out a whimper as its met with a strong tentacle, and as powerful as this creature is, it's never come across powerful steel tentacles before. It growls as it is thrown and crashes into some boxes, but manages to climb fairly easily to its feet, lunging again, this time aiming for the same tentacle, attempting to rip it off, or at least cause some damage with its powerful claws.

Catlady continues to look about and it seems that her options are limited. She has no explosives with her but she's a good lockpick if nothing else. And while the panther keeps Ock busy, she makes a run for the front door, pulling out her lockpicking instruments and gets to work. She's not as efficient as Catwoman but she's still good.

Doctor Octopus has posed:
While Otto could easily chase after Catlady, Otto is more interested in studying the panther that managed to take a tentacle point blank without being knocked out.

The Panther will find the tentacle very durable. These things can go up against metahumans like Spider-Man and come out on top, even.

Instead of flinging the Panther away, Otto allows it to try to munch on the titanium alloy, and studies it.

Catwoman has posed:
The panther snarls, having no luck of course chewing on said tentacle which is actually rather painful, even for its superior jaws. But it seems rather intelligent, peering back at the Doc curiously for a moment as if aware that he is studying it..Then it attempts to lunge directly at him. The panther is quick, but is it quick enough to avoid another tentacle getting in its way?

Meanwhile Catlady seems unbothered by the state of her panther familiar as she continues to work on the lock. "Almost finished..There!" she smiles gleefully as the lock pops open. She grabs her bag of stolen technology and swings open the door. "Freedom at last!"