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Latest revision as of 21:24, 4 November 2020

Vacation Plans
Date of Scene: 04 November 2020
Location: Bryant Park, Midtown
Synopsis: Thor and Jane meet for a quick lunch and discuss potential jobs and a trip to New Asgard.
Cast of Characters: Jane Foster, Thor

Jane Foster has posed:
It's a clear autumn day, with a cool and lightly breezy air but a bright and warm sun. It's a good day to get out and enjoy the weather before winter sets in. After grabbing some sleep after her shift, Jane agreed to meet Thor at Bryant Park for some lunch. She's sitting outside under the wooden canopy of the Fever-Tree Porch with her hand wrapped around a mug of coffee, warding off the breeze with a red wool overcoat with a grey long-sleeved shirt and black jeans. Outdoor heaters border the patio with flickering fire, keeping the place comfortable. Her free hand is thumbing over the screen of her phone, reading the news as she waits.

Thor has posed:
There is a rush of wind from above as Thor comes flying through the sky, clutching his hammer in hand. As he drops down to a landing with a light rumbling thump, he strides towards Jane with a wide, boastful grin upon his face. "Good afternoon, Jane Foster!" He calls out to her as he straps his hammer to his hip, then gives a long stretch of his body.

"This place is quite quaint. A good choice for a lunch date." As he slides in across from her, he leans in to give the woman a kiss before plucking up the menu. "How did thy's night fair?" He asks as he uses his free hand to pull his long hair back and tie it off with a leather band to keep it away from his face.

Jane Foster has posed:
The noise isn't so alarming anymore, that subtle roll like distant thunder. Jane looks up at the first hints of the sound, though he moves fast enough that it's barely hit her ears before he's landing. With a warm smile, she gets up so that she can return the kiss before sitting back down.

"Oh, not too bad considering it was election night. But the results were expected, so nothing really crazy was going on that I needed to help with. Overnights aren't something I need to do too often, but I had a couple of patients who'd had late dat surgeries so I wanted to stay around to keep an eye on them. So I floated around helping some of the other teams when it was quiet."

She glances down at the menu again before asking him, "What about you? News has been pretty quiet, so I guess nothing too much has been going on. At least that the public knows about."

Thor has posed:
"Nothing has been going on and that bores me. I long to punch a monster in the face, or an alien, or perhaps an arch nemesis. There surely must be some type of challenge out there for me! Even arm wrestling with the Hulk has grown tedious." That and he always loses. Thor decides on an item from the menu and nudges it to the side.

"You could come visit us more if you wish. I would like for you to get to know the other Avengers. Perhaps we could even bring you on as staff of some sort. A medical professional. I am sure Tony has it in the budget."

Jane Foster has posed:
"Me?" Jane says rhetorically. Of course he means her. "I mean, I'd love to help, it'd be an honor though you probably have robots that'll do a better job than some new resident like me. Though..." Her initial hesitation begins to melt away, with that gleam of interest coming into her eye as she mulls outloud.

"It would be pretty fascinating to get to learn about some of the things you encounter. They don't exactly teach us how to patch wounds made by radioactive aliens or handle exotic poisons and venoms. I also bet the technology is worlds above what the normal hospitals have. Not that I have a lot of time for research right now, but there's only a dozen or so things that I'd love to be able to look into more. You think they'd bring me on, really?"

Thor has posed:
"Aye. For those who actually get hurt we have tools at our disposal, but I think it would be nice to have a human touch at times for those that are not as grevious. That and talking to the medical robots are not as lively! They are programmed to not give Tony or I any beer upon request."

Thor flags the waiter down, pointing at a picture. "I want that one! Three of them, please." They appear to be large roast beef sandwiches. "But, I don't know. I can talk to them and see what they think. You are a Doctor after all. An accomplished one. Well regarded in your world. I see it as a benefit."

Jane Foster has posed:
"Well, robots have their place I suppose, but it's the personal human touch that helps boost morale. That's a big part of healing." Jane remarks as she orders a turkey chili with a side salad.

"I guess the hours may be a bit better. Hm. I'll think about it. See what the team says, maybe I can stop over in a few days to talk to them more. The party was awesome, but this way we can have a more serious discussion time. Much as it makes me nervous, I would like the chance to help out - and not just to keep a closer eye on you." She teases with a grin. "I just feel... small, sometimes, sitting in the hospital. Not that the patients I haven't aren't as important, but I feel like I'm trying to fix a crumbling building with duct tape some days."

Thor has posed:
"You are small though. Very tiny." Thor grins at her. "Which is what I love about you. You fit easily in my hands."

"I will speak to Tony and see how he feels. At worst case, you can always put bandaids on me and pretend I have injuries. Very few things can harm me." He brags as he gives a slow flex of one bicep, watching the muscle pop beneath his shirt. "What do you want to do tonight? I feel like we should go on an adventure of some sort. How about if I took you to New Asgard to meet my sister? Well .. maybe this weekend. I'd like to make it into more than one night. Asgard is large."

Jane Foster has posed:
"Hey now, I'm not that small! I am... slightly above average in height for women." Jane says with mock indignity. "Without shoes, I'll have you know. It's not my fault you Asgardians are huge."

And speaking of that, he mentions a trip. "Really? Well, I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to see it, even if meeting your family is... an entirely terrifying concept. I guess it'll happen sometime, though, and this is probably a better idea than any of them showing up on my doorstep. Let me see when I can get a few days off and I'll let you know. I may be able to cram something in before the holidays."