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Latest revision as of 19:07, 12 November 2020

Date of Scene: 11 November 2020
Location: Library, Avengers Mansion
Synopsis: A quiet moment in the library leads to an impromptu Avengers meeting and Jane Foster meets the big guns.
Cast of Characters: Captain America, Captain Marvel (Danvers), Thor, Jane Foster, Iron Man

Captain America has posed:
Steve Rogers sits in a chair in the reading room, wearing civilian clothes. He has a pair of blue jeans and red sneakers along with a Babe Ruth graphic tee shirt that someone ordered for him off of a place called Amazon. His questions about Paradise Island were rebuffed with an amusement that made it utterly clear that he had missed something.

Speaking of missing things, Steve has an old fashioned encyclopedia in his lap, lazily thumbing through it both to help catch up on things he missed and for the simple pleasure of learning. He isn't just blowing smoke when he talks about that sort of thing in his public service announcement. Steve Rogers practices what he preaches.

The door is wide open and anyone can easily join him at will.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol Danvers had just gotten back from a day out. She, too, is in civvies though for her part it's jeans and hiking boots. An oversized black hoodie proclaims in well worn glory, 'Def Leppard' across the front inside what appears to be a blue iris beset with lightning bolts. She carries a paper coffee cup in in hand from Two Mermaids coffee chain. Only the fingers of her hands wrap around the cup as long as the sleeves of the sweatshirt are.

She catches the movement of page turning through the open library door and changes course to peek in. "Hi Steve" she greets as she glances around the room to see who else may be present. "Quiet afternoon?"

Thor has posed:
Heading into the library is Thor and Jane. The large viking of lightning and thunder has an arm wrapped about her shoulders. "Ah, here is where we have the books! I know you love books. You can borrow any that you wish. No one ever uses this pla-- .."

There is a pause as he spies both Steve and Carol. "Until today that is! Hello Steve! Carol! Have you met my lady Jane Foster yet? She is a Doctor." There is a proud tone in his voice as he nudges the smaller woman in front of him towards them.

"You met most of my friends earlier at the party, but I do not believe you got to meet Captain America yet, and Captain Marvel. We have two Captains."

Jane Foster has posed:
"The library here must be amazing, I can only imagine the things you all get ahold of." Remarks Jane as she walks along with Thor, or more steered under the bulk of his arm. She's in the jeans club, with a simple pale teal t-shirt and a long, lightweight cream cardigan with a few darker brown stripes at the bottom. She looks in the process of saying more when it turns out that the room isn't empty, and she puts on what she can only hope is the friendliest grin she can summon up over the upwelling of awe.

"Hello! Um... yeah, hi, we have not met. I'm, well, who he said I am. He introduced me already. It's an honor to meet you."

Iron Man has posed:
The holographic representation of Tony Stark is roughly as handsome as the real thing, but with a few of the wrinkles and gray hairs sort of... airbrushed out. It's a lot handier to send the Holo Tony when you're hard at work at a bar in Miami, trying to convince two co-eds that you are, in fact, famous and rich.

If only the hairplugs on Organic Tony were as convincing as the ones on Holo Tony...

The Holo Tony shimmers into existence suddenly, right in the middle of the Avengers' Library. The suit is immaculate, suspiciously immaculate, but not as suspicious as the digitally-rendered hairline.

"Hey Cap! Real quick, I know it's my turn for monitor duty, but I'm going to be really busy the next three hours, mind doing me a solid and..."

Looking around, Tony Stark's holographic representation seems to realize that he'll have to be more specific about which Cap he's referring to.

Also, there's a New Lady.

"Oh... excuse me, I didn't realize there was a laaady." Tony's best used spaceship salesman practically lights up his whole face, and he's very grateful that he spend the extra time digitizing his hairline.

"Tony Stark. You've heard of me."

In the background, muffled female voices seem to be curious who Organic Tony is talking to, and ready to dismiss him as a crazy person.

Captain America has posed:
Steve Rogers raises an eyebrow to Carol, "Well, it was, but it seems you've opened the floodgates," he say with a wry grin. He pushes up from his seat, setting the encyclopedia aside and approaching Thor and Jane.

"Dr. Foster. Pleasure to meet you. Steve Rogers. Thor's spoken a bit of your work, although I'm guessing he misses some of the technical details. Not that I can talk, my science education was mostly about making papier mache volcanoes," hes ays.

He turns his head dryly towards Tony, "Down boy, don't make me get the squirt gun."

Thor has posed:
Sliding a large arm around Jane from behind, Thor is like a looming bodyguard of long blonde hair and a trimmed beard. The God of Thunder and Lightning looks pleased as Steve and Jane gets to know each other. "Even I still have trouble understanding what it is that she does, but I do know it is good work."

Flashing his pearly whites, he seems boisterous tonight. When Holo-Tony flickers into view, his brows lift upwards at the digital sorcery. "Tony! Hello! What happened to your hair? You have more of it."

He says that with a straight face also.

"This is Doctor Jane Foster! Jane, this is Tony Stark. Iron Man. I do believe he is currently trying to woo some young wenches at a tavern by the sound of giggling and music in the background. How is thou luck holding up my friend?"

Jane Foster has posed:
"Hello, Mr. Stark." Jane says with practiced professional neutrality. She entirely not laughing externally at the commentary from Thor even if the look in her eyes suggests she's doing so hysterically on the inside. "I have heard of you, and seen you. I was helping the medical team when that gang of mutants set the apartment building on fire."

Back towards Steve, Jane adds, "And hey, nothing wrong with volcanos. Science starts somewhere, and if a baking soda volcano puts another kid on the path for science - medical, biological, whatever - than that's one more mind who can help change the world for the better. Maybe that kid'll be the one to figure it all out."

Iron Man has posed:
"Hey girls! Look who it is! It's my good buddy Thor! See?"

Judging by the sounds from the bar, Tony has been abandoned, and will have to try again with a pair of women who are slightly more age-appropriate. Preferably ones who read Business Insider or Forbes. He doesn't do as well with the ones who read Buzzfeed...

"Bah! I never should have come to Miami. Nobody down here recognizes job creators, probably all unemployed..."

It's a bit disorienting to see Holo Tony having conversations with people who aren't visible, and then monologue all by himself while occasionally hoisting an invisible glass to his lips, but we can work with it.

His quarry gone, Tony's attention is refocused, and he glosses right over Thor's commentary. Better to ignore than try to deny. And better to deny than admit. Job Creator 101.

"Oh right... terrible tragedy that. Just glad that the Avengers could be of assistance once again. Some call us heroes, but I like to think of us as more... concerned citizens with above average levels of heroism."

The new Avengers slogan.

Captain America has posed:
Steve Rogers smiles, "Well, it won't be this kid, but that's fine by me. I'm glad to help anyway I can and I'm glad we have scientists like you to help us navigate some of the complications we have to deal with. I mean, we already have access to some of the top minds but, well..." he says, gesturing towards Tony on the broadcast.

"Tony, you do realize that it is not spring and you don't get a break, right?" he adds with some amusement. A little good natured ribbing, that's all it is. "Now, I take it you two are an item?" he says, looking back and forth between Jane and Thor. "Going steady, as the people say these days."

Thor has posed:
"Aye. Jane Foster and I are currently courting. I plan to take her to Asgard to meet my friends and family. It will be quite an adventure."

Thor says as he gives another squeeze to Jane from behind, then brushes her hair to the side with his free hand. He watches Holo-Tony curiously for a moment, grinning to himself with a shake of his head.

"I am glad the Avengers were on scene to help out that day. Jane told me it was quite exciting. Too bad I was not there to punch them in the face! Next time, I am sure."

Jane Foster has posed:
"Totally an adventure." Jane says in that tone of voice that suggests she's mildly concerned about needing to fit a battle axe in her luggage and writing up a will ahead of time. "At least he's been humoring by fourty-thousand questions about Asgardian culture to make sure I don't accidentally offend the wrong person, which is nothing compared to the native fauna and flora."

She stops herself there, because she sounds dangerously close to rambling. "Anyway. I know I'm no hero, not like all of you, but if there's ever anything I can do to help... well, I will. If you need a medical doctor, that is."

Iron Man has posed:
"Oh, don't be modest, Dr. Foster. This is entirely the wrong crowd for that."

Taking another sip from his invisible glass, Tony isn't exactly looking directly at anyone in the room, but it appears that he can see them all. Holograms are weird, and so is Tony.

"I'm reading your dissertation right now. This is brilliant stuff. And this thing here at the end? Well, actually, no, that's wrong, but the rest of it!?"

Holding up a single thumb, Tony gives Thor a smile. Well, he's looking in Thor's general direction, so we'll assume.

"Looks like you reeled in quite a catch there, God of Thunder. Guess I need to work a bit on my abs."

Tony's girlfriend dumped him.

But not because of his abs.

Captain America has posed:
Steve Rogers shakes his head, "Not all heroes wear fancy outfits. Plenty of good work to be done that's not nearly so glamourous. Don't let us glory hog all the credit, though. I know you've been a great help to Thor in the past and can do the same for us in the future. You can never have too many good minds working on a problem," he says.

"It isn't all punching in the face. Which is a good thing, even if it is what I'm the best at. But I'd be much happier if we needed less action and got more done with our minds."

Thor has posed:
"Ah! Yes. Steve. Tony. I wanted to talk to the two of you. What do you think about bringing Jane Foster on as a team physician? She knows my body well enough." Thor says this with a straight face. "But she is an expert in her field and there has been times that we have needed medical assistance. It would be nice to have someone on staff instead of the medical robot that Tony have designed. They do not laugh at my jokes."

The large viking gives a wide grin to the pair of men, then glances over towards Carol as well to see how she feels about the idea. "I am sure that we pay far better than the hospital she is employed at."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol Danvers is still here. Really. She's sipping her double espresso, soy whipped, something, something, something-iato. Watching the banter once Stark tries to hit on Jane (Swing and a miss, strike one) and the interactions surrounding the revelation that Thor and Jane are courting. She cannot help but smile "That's great. Hi Dr. Foster. It's a pleasure to meet you. Carol Danvers. Or as Thor said, Captain Marvel when it's Avengers related." She flits a glance to Steve, "Sorry Steve. I must have left the barn door wide open, hmmm?"

Jane Foster has posed:
One day she'll teach him the meaning of phrasing. "Well I didn't exactly come prepared for an interview, but if anyone has questions for me or anything I'm happy to sit down and chat." Jane says with a flourish of her hand towards Holo Tony. "Pretty sure he's already looking at my history and resume."

"I agree though, Captain Rogers. Ideally there's less bleeding and more talking, but that's why they still teach us how to make a proper stitch. Just when the talking doesn't work out."

Iron Man has posed:
"Well, it'd probably be cheaper just to program the medical robots to laugh at your jokes, Thor..."

Tony seems to be mulling over the prospect, and possibly doing a bit of math. It's not like the Avengers don't have 'any' human staff, but Tony's been meticulously replacing them with robots almost as fast as he's been replacing the work force at Stark Unlimited.

He's a job creator, after all.

"But since I'm the only one who knows how to program robots, that means more work for me... and she already COMES programmed for it... expert in Asgardian physiology no less... got the right look for the part... what is she, a size four?"

This last question seems very important to Tony. And in his defense, unstable molecule team uniforms don't come cheap. If only all the Avengers support staff were a foot tall.

"Eh... I guess we could use her. Start her out at... does 30 Bitcoin work?"

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol Danvers nods in a conceeding manner to Jane's observation. "Careful.. that's not all..." She smirks then looks to Tony, "Tony, the real world does not operate by Bitcoin. We all have to pay for our meals and rent" she remarks. A glance toward Thor and Steve, "You gents know what Bitcoin is?" It isn't mockery, just wondering how far they've come to understand 'modern' culture.

Thor has posed:
"Thirty bitcoins!? Is that like .. how much money is that?" Thor does not know what a bitcoin is. "Wait. Bit is like .. itty-bitty? Is it small?" He glances down towards Jane, then back towards Tony as his brows raise upwards. He looks confused.

"Aye, she is a size four." He confirms as a smile appears upon his face. He gives Jane another hug from behind before he gives her a grin. "There. Welcome to the Avengers."