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|Profile=Jade was more-or-less your average kid attending high school. Yep, just your average high school boy. Okay, so back then Jade was 'Jaden' and around his junior year of high school his X-gene activated. He started changing, and developing reptilian traits. Subtle claws, reptilian eyes, teeth, a long tongue. As if that wasn't enough, Jaden's body underwent 'Sequential Hermaphroditism.' Which is a sciencey way to say he turned into a girl. Now a 'her,' it was too much for Jaden's family to handle. Jaden's dad kicked her out. A year of being homeless later, Jaden now goes by 'Jade.' And that's when Xavier's School found her and took her in.
===Current Player Approved: November 13, 2020===
===Current Player Approved: November 13, 2020===

Revision as of 04:08, 15 November 2020

Jade Green (Scenesys ID: 9801)
"Stop asking about my tongue."
Full Name: Jade Green
Gender: Female
Species: Mutant
Theme: Original (OC)
Occupation: Student Artist
Citizenship: American
Residence: Xavier's School
Education: Kinder High School for the Performing and Visual Arts
Status: Approved
Groups: Xavier's School, Mutant-OOC
Other Information
Apparent Age: 18 Actual Age: 18
Date of Birth 17 May 2010 Actor:
Height: 168cm (5'6) Weight: 68kg (150lbs)
Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Green
Theme Song:


Jade was more-or-less your average kid attending high school. Yep, just your average high school boy. Okay, so back then Jade was 'Jaden' and around his junior year of high school his X-gene activated. He started changing, and developing reptilian traits. Subtle claws, reptilian eyes, teeth, a long tongue. As if that wasn't enough, Jaden's body underwent 'Sequential Hermaphroditism.' Which is a sciencey way to say he turned into a girl. Now a 'her,' it was too much for Jaden's family to handle. Jaden's dad kicked her out. A year of being homeless later, Jaden now goes by 'Jade.' And that's when Xavier's School found her and took her in.

Current Player Approved: November 13, 2020



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A girl of average height with dusty skin, small shoulders, large chest, and toned physique. She's of middle eastern ancestry, one might pinpoint it at Egyptian. Wavy, yet not quite curly, dark brown hair that barely reaches past her ears. It frames her inhumanly green eyes -- which sometimes contract into almost imperceptibly thin slits with uneven dots. Her skin looks perfectly human, though there exist some discoloration near her hairline shaped like small shiny scales. She likes to grin a lot, but there's a tiredness in her eyes. Those toothy grins also reveal at least some of her teeth appear sharper than usual.

She's wearing a scifi-styled bomber jacket, shiny seams, Japanese logo and font on the back, patches on the sturdy sleeves. A thick high collar that reaches her chin. The zipper starts just below her navel, but it's currently only zipped up a handful of inches. This shows off her black basic T-shirt underneath stretched out by her chest. Lower down, she's just wearing a pair of faded blue jeans with holes in them. And she's walking around bare foot.


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Born and raised in the heart of Texas. Originally, Gecko was a boy named Jaden Green. He lived in Austin, and went to Kinder High School for the Performing and Visual Arts after begging his parents saying that he wanted to draw comic books for a living. They were reluctant, but eventually gave in. He did fairly well at school, stayed up late, didn't always study properly, but he was never a 'problem student.'

His junior year of high school, his X-gene suddenly activated. His physiology became quasi-reptilian. On the surface he still looked very human, except for a few dead-give-a-ways. However, while he and his family were adapting to these changes, perhaps the most significant transformation of all occurred next. His body for some reason underwent Sequential Hermaphroditism one day. It wasn't quick, it wasn't painless, but when it finished his body was entirely female. He wasn't the most macho guy around -- much to his dad's dissatisfaction -- but it was still a traumatic change that shook Jaden's world.

Jaden, now a girl, expected support from her family in coping with all of these changes. Instead, it turned out to be too much for Jaden's father, who threw her out of the house. Jaden's mother quietly went along with it. The next year she spent struggling to get used to not only being a girl, not only being a mutant, but also being homeless. She at least managed to leave the house with her laptop, drawing tablet, and smartphone until the billing cycle ended on it and she had to save up to get one of her own. No one reported her missing, so she was able to continue using her old debit card and drivers license. She handled all her money online since her ID didn't match her appearance anymore.

Around a year later, Jaden was now going by the name 'Jade' or 'Gecko,' depending on who you ask, Xavier's School found her using Cerebro and sent someone to find her and offer her a place with them. While suspicious, how could she turn such an offer down?


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Tomboyish. She's very friendly, loves to grin because it seems to light up other people's faces when you do. Jade loves to goof around and laugh with others, go eat pizza, play games, etc. She loves socializing, but she's also walled herself off from opening up to people unless you manage to get around her defenses. She's slow to actually trust others.

She wants to help others, and not be a burden on them. She's had a lot of hurt, which is why she does her best to avoid inflicting that on others. She is depressed at times trying to cope with the trauma she's been through. This usually manifests in her going somewhere to suffer in silence. Alternatively, she'll use alcohol or marijuana to help relax. However, she's not an addict.


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Enhanced Agility:
Gecko has an inhuman sense of balance and ability to calculate acrobatics. She can successfully leap onto tiny platforms such as the top edge of a fence with ease. She can jump up to fifteen feet vertically or horizontally.

Enhanced Strength:
Gecko's regenerative ability has made her ability to exercise unreal. Muscles get torn, and heal in little time at all, so she can just keep exercising with short breaks so long as she wants to. Currently, she can bench press 226 kg (500 lb) if she pushes hard, but averages more around 181 kg (400 lb). Her legs on the other hand pack more power. She can leg press 1000 kg (2204.6 lb) if she pushes hard, but averages 680 kg (1500 lb). This is where she gets her powerful jumping ability along with unique physiological changes in her legs. Neither of these is superhuman in strength, but it is in a surprisingly small package. She can exert her physical strength for around an hour at full strength, after that she'll need five hours of rest to let her healing factor work. If she doesn't have access to a lot of calories to fuel her healing factor, this time goes up to a full day.

Gecko has fairly powerful healing ability. She can regrow lost limbs over a few days to a week, depending on how much mass she's doing at once, and on how well she's eating during that time. Paper cuts heal near instantly, a knife wound between 30-60 seconds. She can recreate a pint of blood in five minutes. If her brain is destroyed she dies immediately. After excessive healing, she needs lots of food to refuel it. Otherwise, it will be less effective without proper nutrients and material to use.

Wall Crawling:

Gecko can like her namesake climb on almost any surface and crawl along it at about 24 km/h (15 mp/h). She can support her weight with even just one limb in contact. However, if she's doing heavy lifting while crawling she'll need three or four points of contact.


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Jade is a relatively skilled artist. Her high school had many high quality art programs. So she's proficient at drawing, painting, and sculpting.


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Jade's art pseudonym has around 20k followers. Which is standard for many obscure, but somewhat successful online artists. A portion of them donate $1-3 to her every month in return for her continued creative endeavours.


She makes a little money drawing and posting it online, and taking commissions. On really good months she makes around $1300, and on bad months around $700.


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When Gecko's mutant abilities activated, her family didn't take well to it. She was thrown out of the house as a minor, and forced to live on the streets for roughly a year. And life on the streets is not easy, and you can't trust everyone you meet. Needless to say, this has caused trust issues, but she still likes people. She's simply put up a wall around herself and is reluctant to open up.

Cold Blooded:
While not truly cold blooded, her body has a weakened ability to regulate temperature due to her quasi-reptilian physiology. She needs thick warm clothing to handle long exposure to cold weather. Almost daily need to warm herself up with hot showers, relaxing in the sun, hot food, blankets, warm clothes, etc. This becomes more extreme depending on weather. Due to her regenerative ability and physiology, being frozen might not kill her; however, she's not in a hurry to test it.

Unwanted Transformation:

Gecko was born male, and when her mutant powers activated they initiated a genetic mechanism found in nature. Sequential Hermaphroditism. This changed Gecko into a woman against her will. It's not something Gecko's always wanted. So it's been a traumatic experience, especially with no one to show her the ropes of being a girl. She's slowly getting used to her body, and how people treat her now. However, it does cause her to act out or run away from others at times. And it turns out estrogen is a hell of a drug in-of-itself.


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Title Date Scene Summary
So .. this is our gym. December 2nd, 2020 Jeremy shows David and Jade the gym and meets up with Professor Logan.
Andrea checks on Jade November 18th, 2020 Andrea goes to Xavier's to check in on Jade and also meets David.
Dorm Dillema November 16th, 2020 Jade comes to speak with Jean about accommodations and learns a little about adaptation too.
Jade's Exploration November 16th, 2020 David and Jade have a date. Jade explores living as a girl as a bit, and how it makes her feel.
You too can save 15 percent on your X-Insurance November 14th, 2020 Sam and the New Mutants fly to Austin to pick up a new student. Gecko!
Rumble in the Octagon November 14th, 2020 Scott and some students find David, an MMA Prodigy and teaches him a few life lessons.
Newbies Relaxing November 14th, 2020 David and Jade are welcomed to Xavier's by fellow students. Fun, pizza, and song are enjoyed by all. Jade opens up a bit to David, Shannon, and Tabitha.


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