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Latest revision as of 16:12, 19 November 2020

Not as they seem to be
Date of Scene: 18 November 2020
Location: Break Room, The Triskelion
Synopsis: Skye helps Clint find some interesting tidbits about a university professor
Cast of Characters: Hawkeye (Barton), Quake

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Sitting at one workstations located at the back of the large room, Skye and Clint enjoy a coffee. They just finished their AARs and could go work out, or return home. But for some reason, Clint isn't up for any of these activities. Instead, he seems concerned about something.

"While we're here," he says, "Could you check what we have on someone? It's not strictly SHIELD matter."

Quake has posed:
"When have you ever known me to worry about whether or not it's work related?" Skye flashes a grin. "Of course, we won't tell anybody.."

"Let me guess. Your father?" It's the first thing that enters her brain.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint grins at that - she knows him well - but she didn't guess right.

"Naw," he says, "I have what I need on him."

He takes time to drink some coffee, an indication that although the matter might be serious, it's not an emergency.

"I told you about that professor of Ancient History I met at the Library? She offered to help me on my /quest/."

Quake has posed:
"Close enough!" Skye laughs, then sobers. "That's right. Before you started talking to dead people in seances. What does she want? What do you want to know about her?"

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint thinks about if for a moment, then explains.

"She says she could provide me with clues to help me find how to contact the Underworld. So far, it's intriguing and I'm curious. I'm still waiting news from her."

He pauses, probably remembering the encounter.

"So this Mildred Minerva, is a professor at university. But the curious thing, you see, she knew my name. Ok, she said she's a fan of superheroes or something like that. Frankly, no one stops me on the streets for an autograph, I'm no Tony Stark. This triggered my suspicious nerve. So I'd like to learn more about her."

Quake has posed:
Skye rolls her eyes.

"Clint everyone knows who you are. I think I was possibly the only girl who didn't knows who you were." But he has a point.

She opens up her laptop (gasp! she didn't have it open! what is the world coming to?!?) and begins to write the mystery woman name into a deep search engine.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint shrugs, visibly unconvinced. The grin on his face comes from Skye's mention of their first meeting, when she really didn't know who he was. Leaning back on the chair, Clint watches Skye work her magic on her laptop.

"I'm not sure SHIELD has anything on her, in any case, it's worth check the University, if you can."

Quake has posed:
Skye looks through the obvious choice: Her university.

"Don't worry, even though SHIELD probably won't have anything about her, I'll check them out. But, this is the first one, her university file. We can check against everything else. But do remember if she lied in here.."

Her other windows are still searching.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Right, can you find things like, her curriculum, diplomas, teaching contract, previous jobs."

Try as he may, Skye is so better than him at looking at computer and finding her way around all the data.

"Once we're done with the university, we'll check SHIELD. I'm curious to know where she lives."

Of course, being a spy also has its professional habits, like localizing anyone you have under the radar.

Quake has posed:
Skye has her university profile, as well as her undergraduate degree. "This is what the first round shows. It'll just take me one second to bring up the SHEILD files."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"That's a good start," Clint comments encouragingly. With Skye's help, he will obtain all the information available, maybe even more!

"Oh, and if you can, all photos of her. Maybe the University has some Year End albums online?"

Quake has posed:
It takes a little bit longer, but .. "There. To go any deeper, I would need more time." As well as nobody watching her ahem. (deep cover dark net!)

Skye scoots over to let him look.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint leans closer, eyes riveted on the computer display.

"Yup, that's her here," he point at the photo.

"How long do you mean, by /more time/?" he asks, not that it's a rush, he's just quite curious. "I'm kind of curious about her credential. You know how some people get hired in universities with fake diplomas. Oh, and conferences, papers, articles, everything you can. I'll get you fueled on coffee. I'll get more now while you're searching."

Quake has posed:
"Depends." Skye speaks entirely frankly. "How much is there.. How much is hidden. Where I'd have to go to look for clues. It's different all the time. But I'm good, remember that."

She not kidding. For this? She was definitely better than good.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
That said, Clint goes to get a fresh refill of coffee for both of them. It's rather quiet in there at the moment, so he doesn't have to start chatting with anyone. Back a few minutes later, he sits back on his chair, placing the mug of coffee close to Skye's hand, but far enough from the keyboard. So focused on her search, she will find the coffee almost instinctively, which always amuses him.

"Getting anything?"

Quake has posed:
"Some. Look." And then she pulls up the initial files for him to peruse. "The rest is working in the background. Mine! Thank you!"

Mmmm coffee.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
His own coffee left unattended for now, Clint leans forward to check the file Skye just found. For a moment, reads the documents, then frowns lightly.

"Waitaminit," he says, pointing at one document specifically, "This dates from the 30's. You sure you got the right person? I mean, it isn't a common name, I know. But I swear she's not ninety years old."

Then another document gets his attention, "Come on, she was at the university in the 1910s? What the hell?"

Quake has posed:
"Hrm, you sure that's the name she gave?" She ran through the name, again, and turns up the same thing. "Either she's pulling your leg.. or.." And unfortunately, SHIELD has had people who were a hundred years old.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
He's silent for a moment, checking here and there on the documents. There's even a photo from the 1920s.

"OK, this is weird, yeah. Now I'm curious about a birth certificate. But that might take longer. Maybe you can run it at home?"

Somehow his instincts were right and something is fishy with this Mildred Minerva.

"Heck, maybe a search on genealogical websites could help. Minerva isn't a common name."

Quake has posed:
"Birth certificates should be easy, but let's face it, it probably is a fake." Still she looks up the birth certificate, and genealogy background. "Here."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint check the birth certificate, shaking his head.

"You are right, it's probably a fake."

He then leans back, drinking some coffee as he thinks about all the information Skye has found.

"Well, this is rather interesting," he comments, "My instincts were right. Unless L'Oréal has a magic cream that makes a 90 year old woman look like she's 40, I'd say the professor has some explainin' to do."

Quake has posed:
Skye kisses him. "I'll look up some more, but, yeah. She's got some explaining to do. See you at supper?"