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Latest revision as of 03:54, 21 November 2020

A Drink in the Hand
Date of Scene: 20 November 2020
Location: Harry's Hideaway (Bar), Salem Centre
Synopsis: Two damaged souls find far more in common than a love of pie.
Cast of Characters: Storm, Winter Soldier

Storm has posed:
    It had been roughly a week since the damned event with the 'Perfect Entity' matches. While she'd not met any perfect matches, she did find a connection with one of the guests. Old fashioned, polite, chivalrous even, and it had been a shock to Ro as a whole. He'd even agreed to meet up for a drink and she'd hidden behind schoolwork long enough that it was beginning to feel like a cheap excuse.

    She'd rode in on one of Scott's bikes, fast and the closest sensation to flying while still in contact with the ground. Jeans, riding boots and as she stepped in and stripped off the protective leather jacket, a simple gray sweater. Her hair braided back and to those that knew her a bit of nervous energy.

    Smiling warmly to Harry as she approached the bar. "It has been too long, my friend. Could you get me my usual?" Rewarded with a water and two lemon slices tucked into it as she glanced around and sat down at one of her team's favorite tables. Putting the bike helmet on the chair beside her.

Winter Soldier has posed:
    Turns out it's hard to meet people these days that still share good old fashioned values, values that were already getting rare when he was young. Nearly eighty years it has taken to find someone he could connect with... not just be friendly with, Bucky had plenty of friends, but someone to actually be himself with. Just talk about things that mattered. Things like proper Jazz, the warmth in the tone of a good saxophone versus the harsh shrill of the more popular alto trumpet, why true connoisseurs preferred the .338 Lapua over the showier .50 BMG... /important/ things.

    And so he'd made an effort, to reach out, go get that drink they'd been talking about, see if after eight decades he'd remember what it's like to be fully human.

    The throaty roar of a motorcycle heralds his arrival. Not the high pitched whine of a modern racer, but the deeper rhythmic chug of an engine design that had been perfected in the 50's and only ever been tweaked rather than upgraded. The creak of the kickstand, and the steady sound of booted feet approaching the door. In James walks, dressed as casual as driving a motorcycle will allow, in a nice dress shirt without tie, covered by a sturdy leather jacket, the old-fashioned half helm carried under his arm.

    Making the universal for 'beer me' to the 'tender, he strides over to Ororo's table, smiling. "I see you're waiting for someone undoubtedly charming, witty, glamorous and perfect, miss. Until he arrives, would you mind if I joined you?"

Storm has posed:
    Ro approved of the fact that he rode a bike, honestly the only thing better was actually flying and not everyone could do that. Though, to be fair? Not everyone could ride, either. Harry simply looked her way with a raised eyebrow when the man walked towards her. Ro had something of an image and not everyone could get past the aloof sense of nobility she possessed.

    Chuckling softly as she gestured to the chair in invitation. "Since I have long known that such a person does not exist, I do not see why I should not enjoy good company in the meantime." Harry was already coming over with James' beer and Ro's basket of french fries and a ketchup container, handing James a menu.

    "Oh, I brought you something. It is rare enough that I meet someone who loves jazz music as I do that I decided to reward your good taste." Said with a chuckle as she opened her riding pack she'd set on the floor beside her. It was lined with a hard plastic so that even in a wreck, the contents would remain safe. The wrapping was matte and simple but neatly done. Roughly the size of a vinyl. Holding it out to him with a smile.

Winter Soldier has posed:
    "Miss, never have I been so pleased to be second best." Bucky quips as he sits, giving Harry a quick side-eye when there appears to be some hesitation with his drink. Ah. Well now, is that how the land lies? But then James can hardly begrudge someone inviting him to their home turf, prefers it in fact if that puts people at their ease.

    He's visibly taken aback when Ororo mentions she has something for him, and ... is that a sudden uncertain expression? A nigh on blush, even? Ladies and Gentlemen, is this the Winter Soldier out of his depth? Mark it on the calendar!

    An attempt at rally is undertaken, with the surprise on his face replaces with a simple, almost boyish grateful smile. "I'm... thank you. It's been a while since I've done these sorts of things, and I didn't know... I mean, modern times, they creep up on you." Foot firmly inserted in mouth, he accepts the package and whistles for a moment.

    "Okay, now that the bar has been properly raised..."

Storm has posed:
    Storm just shook her head as it took a bit for everything to come up. It is rare that she is seen here with anyone but teachers or without a stack of papers and the simple need to be 'out and about'. Instead, she focuses on pouring out some of the red condiment into it's own little dish before dipping a fry. A napkin quickly used while she watches him open the vinyl to see the contents.

    "I get the feeling that you are not often taken aback." Ro was perceptive as they came, after all. She shakes her head and takes a sip of her lemoned water. "No need to apologize, I cannot think of any time I accepted an offer to enjoy a drink with someone who was not a fellow teacher or team mate." A self depreciating chuckle and a shrug of a slender shoulder. "This world seems to move far too quickly for my tastes. I think that is why I teach history."

    She laughs softly, clearly amused. "Better to raise a bar than lower one. Besides, I already have a copy and the thought of seeing the blank, unknowing smile on someone's face as it was gifted was actually painful."

Winter Soldier has posed:
    "In that case, I feel doubly honored, Miss Munroe. Unless you still prefer Ororo?" Yes, he pronounces it correctly. Without hesitation, even, clearly remembering the chat at Stark's. For a second, Bucky checks the menu and then puts it down, figuring that if he's going to enjoy this, he might as well go back to things he understands well. That's why he raises up the menu and calls over to Harry "Can I have steak and eggs?" Why get up when the bar is right there? Brooklyn style.

    "Oh, you teach history? Here's hoping your students can avoid most of the mistakes of the past, but given the quality of their teacher, I don't doubt they'll at least have a fair chance at it. More than most people get." Complimenting is one of those skills that needs practice. And oddly enough, it hasn't come up that often in the many travels and frequent encounters of James Barnes in the past few decades. Few of his previous brief acquaintances would have appreciated a compliment in any case, or would not have been in any position to fully comprehend one.

    At Ororo's laugh, his smile softens, placing the vinyl on the table in a safe spot, as if it's a relic gifted by the gods themselves. How apt that is, if only he realised.

    "This world... it's hard to understand at times. But it has its charms."

Storm has posed:
    She was well and truly charmed, something she was surprised to admit to. His pronunciation was flawless and effortless and she had a sneaking suspicion that he either spoke some Afrikan dialects or Swahili itself. "Ororo or Ro, whichever you prefer, please."

    When he spoke of history, it felt entirely real. Most people spoke with a sort of detachment that often lent to it being repeated but she had the feeling that James never repeated a mistake if he could help it. "I certainly try. Young people are hard enough to keep engaged, moreso when speaking of things that happened before their years. It is my sincerest wish that they at least take some of what has come before to heart." There was grace enough at his compliment. The lightest of blushes across her cheeks that she tries in vain to ignore.

    Some of her expression sobers when he speaks of understanding the world and she nods. "Hard enough for humans to truly understand, never mind Mutants. I think as the years advance humanity chills to much more than they should. I think it is why I prefer Africa, at times. It is...slower, in parts. Less of a need to connect with the world as a whole and more of a focus on now and those directly around you. Still, I will not begrudge Mr. Stark and his sort their technological delights."

Winter Soldier has posed:
    "You can always trust a Stark to attempt to solve something with technology that half an hour of common sense and a few months of genuine hard work would have solved just as well." As he catches himself saying that, Bucky takes a gear back and holds up both hands in an apologetic gesture. "Sorry. Sour grapes."

    "Personally, I've never understood the whole thing with mutants. It reeks too much of other prejudices of the past, and I never had time for those either. That kind of thing... it only ever leads to trouble." The kind of trouble that takes a few million people trying to kill each other for about five years to sort out. "I never could stand a bully, doesn't matter how well they dress."

    Changing tack again, and quickly... "So where do you teach? And I take it the school knows how lucky it is to have you?"

Storm has posed:
    Ro chuckles softly at the 'sour grapes' offered up, snacking on a few fries with ketchup when James' steak and eggs are brought out, as well as with a new beer. "He does seem to love complicating things enough that only he can solve them." Said with mirth and not at all put off by the fact that James and Tony are probably not best friends at any given point.

    "People fear what they do not understand. This is one thing that history has never wavered on. They fear no longer being the 'top of the food chain' and know only one way to hold their tenuous position." Her voice was as sad as her smile. Humanity would never stand a chance if Mutantkind truly rose up.

    Glancing up when he offered the proverbial hand away from such heavy topics and smiles gratefully. "I should think that they do. I teach at Xavier's School for Gifted Children. You may know me better as Storm." She did not hide her identity and was known as a member of the X-Men and a powerful Mutant in her own right. His training may even give him the knowledge that she is one of few Omega Level Mutants alive with her total control over the weather and ability to manipulate it to her will. The sheepish smile spoke volumes of expecting him to finish quickly and leave and this to be the last moment of something normal.

Winter Soldier has posed:
    When the steak and eggs come out, Bucky gives a gracious nod to the staff and makes a mental note of the second beer. Someone is getting a big tip tonight. His relief at straying away from topics like history and oppression (and historical oppression) is masked almost entirely as he starts to eat. Fine, he's used to dissembling and misdirection, could probably avoid accidentally bringing up something that only someone born in the very early part of the previous century would know, but not being entirely truthful with his current companion would just not sit well. She's earned his respect and his candor, and he just doesn't want to ruin things by having to lie.

    "Xavier's? Heard that name before... elite boarding school, isn't it? Has to be, if you teach there." Bits of information start to click into place. "Bit of a long shot, but... do you happen to know a man called James? Big fellow, native american if I have my guess right. Met him a few weeks ago."

    A precise slice of the steak. Not a single indication that he's going to stand up and run off, or even hurry through his food. If anything, he seems to smile just a bit more. "If you don't mind me asking..."

    Here it comes...

    "Ororo... it's a unique name. Where is it from?"

Storm has posed:
    So many people forgot that Storm started out as a pick pocket and an exceptional thief. With that required a certain talent for deception and it's practical use stood in for much training. They both quietly and secretly rejoiced in easier conversation.

    She nodded her head when he mentioned the school being 'elite', just not the way he may be assuming. "It is indeed." Her smile only widened a bit when he mentioned James and she nodded her head again. "Proudstar, yes. He is Apache by blood. You've a good eye, James."

    Ro glanced up from her fries when he seemed determined to stay put and even asked further of her. "Oh," It was clear she was expecting something worse, though she recovered quickly enough. "It is Swahili, my native home is in Kenya in Africa." Her fries coming close to an end and Harry was already coming over with a slice of pie and a large mug of something steaming. Storm graces the old grizzled bartender with a smile that could warm glaciers as she thanks him. An equal plate was set in front of James, but to one side since he was still eating.

Winter Soldier has posed:
    "Cheated a bit, I'm afraid. He was in... shall we call it full war gear? Full war gear when we met. Was an interesting night." Bucky smiles, looking up with that impish, boyish grin that he seems to share with that other man out of time. "Guest appearance by Cain Marko. It's not the sort of evening you forget."

    Another mouthful of steak and yet one more grateful smile for the pie. "That and the jet. Unlicensed jets get my attention."

    A napkin is employed to its intended purpose, and then folded carefully back into a triangular shape. Very neat, very tidy, very precise. "Kenya... I've never been. Been to Côte d'Ivoire, Senegal, Ghana and Benin. Beautiful places, wonderful people." This is, he consoles himself, technically entirely correct. He's been there, he met some wonderful people, and briefly met other people in exciting circumstances full of incident, after which a rather hasty return to different climes was warranted. "I hope you don't have to specify that Kenya is in Africa too much? I mean, some people don't even remember their own state's capital, but if they don't know Kenya, honestly, why are they out of school and walking around without a chaperone?"

Storm has posed:
    Ro laughs and nods slightly when James admits he saw Shatterstar in uniform. Though, that smile loses some of it's delight at the mention of Cain Marko. "No, that is not a man easily forgotten." Few people even survived a meeting with Cain. The smile seems to return a bit when he mentions the jet. "It is a shame that piloting is not nearly as exhilerating as flying. That does make someone wonder who you might be. Not many people would recognize the jet as unlicensed or speak so simply of meeting Cain Marko or James Proudstar."

    Was this a ruse? Just some play to get close and get information? She hoped not. Though there was clear and deadly intelligence in those blue eyes of hers as she seems to take a moment to look beyond the surface.

    "You would be horrified how often I must specify that Kenya is in Africa. The worst offense was being asked if it was near Detroit." Said with mirth, though it was a bit more guarded now. Edged, but only slightly.

Winter Soldier has posed:
    If Bucky had been sent to get close to a mutant terrorist organisation, he must be the world's best thespian. True, his own smile is a bit less open after Ororo wonders aloud who he might actually be, but for a man who knows as much as he does, he doesn't appear to be fishing for information at all. "The only SR-71's that I've ever known of were all owned by the government. On the whole, they don't land in a small cluster of trees in Maine, disembark an Apache warrior and two teenagers to go assault a walled stronghold held against them by domestic terrorists. Honestly, I made my definitive choice where I stand on the whole issue that night. And James still owes me a beer..."

    His knife and fork are put away neatly, before sliding over his pie. Feels odd to be talking about these things over dessert, but... these are modern times, after all.

    "I'm not as famous as you, Ororo. By design. But when I rant about Stark, I'm never talking about Tony, not really... But I knew his father."

    Bombshell time.

    "I knew Captain America when he was young. We went to school together."

Storm has posed:
    She watches him for a moment before nodding her head once. "Depending on which teenagers went with him, that may have been for the best. You'd be surprised where I've landed the Blackbird before." Said with a hint at a rather wicked sense of humor that is usually kept well locked away. "Understand, my suspicion is not for myself. I safeguard those who cannot yet defend themselves, nor should they have a need to."

    Her smile suddenly genuine when he drops information that should get him gawked at. "James, one of my best friends is a Mutant who fought in the war. The Civil War. He refuses to give a lecture in my class, however. Much as I have tried to sway him." Logan could be a stubborn ass when he wanted to be.

    "I never wished for fame, though it was given to me." Said before taking a thoughtful bite of her pie. "I suppose one cannot control the weather without a few people taking notice." Chuckling at her own jest. "What a strange world we live in. Still, I am...surprised that you are still seated. Most would have fled knowing they sat across from one like me."

Winter Soldier has posed:
    "I'm going to take a wild guess..." In the field of verbal gambits, that's usually never a good line, but Bucky seems to be giving it a shot. The pie, though delicious, is having to play second fiddle to the conversation for a while.

    "You've been here before. People talk to you, people like you, and then people find out who you are and they're out that door without even paying the bill. Their loss. But, and hear me out on this... you've come to expect it. Because somehow, you think you deserve it."

    His bright blue eyes observe his companion, keenly, suddenly laden with the weight of ages. Not quite the same tonnage as Logan's, perhaps, but more than could fit in a single metaphorical human shipment. "Because that's the reaction I always expect myself. Once people know who I am, they run. For good reason. I expect it, I feel I deserve it. So, here's the thing..."

    Now the pie is pushed aside, and he takes off his leather gloves. The metal hand is suddenly perfectly visible, and it's reaching across the table, attempting to take a gentle hold of Ororo's.

    "I don't care. Whatever it was that makes you think you deserve people running from you, whatever you did or think you did that makes you believe you somehow need to expect it... I don't care. Far as I'm concerned, it never happened. I'd say life's too short for regrets, but let me tell you that life doesn't care about how long or short it is, gives you regrets anyway, and either you live with them, make them part of you and learn from them... or even a very, very long life will start feeling like it's not long enough to forget them all."

    A sage nod, mostly to himself. "I stopped making sense about halfway through that, but hey, verbal momentum and all that..."

Storm has posed:
    Ro gives him her attention and even sets aside the fork. She doesn't know what to expect. This could just as easily end in a fight as it could anything else. She stopped trying to predict the mercurial nature of people. What she did not expect was her own thoughts echoed at her. She's about to say something, certain that words could ease of the heaviness of his gaze but knows they won't.

    Instead, she takes his hand. No hesitation, no revulsion, just like shen whe took his arm at the event and felt that it was not quite a normal arm. "How strange. No, length of life does not determine the amount of suffering that can be experienced. None of our pasts are happy stories." Clearly meaning Mutants. There was always a reason they were passed over to the school. She chuckled when he turned to poke fun at himself and shook her head. Leaning forward and pressing a kiss to his cheek. "Thank you."