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Latest revision as of 22:24, 6 December 2020

Blue Fuzzy Elf Grocery Delivery
Date of Scene: 05 December 2020
Location: Holy Ghost Church, Clinton
Synopsis: Fuzzy elf delivers hope and groceries. Tandy is not a princess.
Cast of Characters: Nightcrawler, Dagger

Nightcrawler has posed:
    A cold near-winter day in New York. The sun was shining, a frost clung to the exterior of the church, chilling it from without. The day was approaching mid-way, with the temperature about as warm as it will get.

    Which is why Kurt teleported in on the underside of an eve o f the church, frightening a few pidgeons in the process and giving a waft of the signature eau-de-ew of sulfur. His tail lowers, curls, and delivers a knock to the door, even as a canvas grocery bag clings to it.

Dagger has posed:
It's cold. Stupid cold. The portable heater that Tandy was able to find at a pawn shop was a bust and lasted only two days before it broke. Now bundled in a thick jacket with a pair of shirts underneathe, she is currently tapping away at this phone the Blue Beetle got for her. It still only has Poke'mon Go on it, and an app to get ahold of him. She has come to really hate Weedles and Raticates. The only ones that spawn in this area.

At the sound of knocking, she tilts her head upwards and casts a bit of a glow towards the door. Rolling to her feet, she strides over to open it up, giving a smile at the sight of the upside down fuzzy elf. "Hey. Come on in."

She steps to the side to let him into the dark church, throwing out a couple of orbs of light to give some better visibility.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Hallo Tandy!" Kurt greets her, lowering his tail with the grocery bag a moment before he drops down, in a nimble flip, and sets himself right side up and brushes off his jacket a moment. He's wearing one of those red poofy jackets, with a green and red plaid scarf.

    "And how are you doing on this very cold and slightly blustery day?"

Dagger has posed:
Reaching out to tug him closer by the scarf, Tandy leans forward and presses her lips to his for a quick kiss. When she leans back, she takes the bag out of his hands and smiles, heading into the church. "I'm okay. Bored. Finding out that my costume isn't very insulated, which has put a damper on my night activities. Cloak has been going out and hunting down a new lead for us by himself. He's bored. I'm bored."

"How are you doing? I miss you every day you don't come around." As she roots through the bag, she happily takes out her favorite chips and puts them to the side. "I heard the X-Men was at that pharma lab where they are giving out mutant cures. It has a ton of people on the street wired up."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Kurt pretends to be bashful, resisting a moment before he presses a gentle kiss to Tandy's lips.

    "Hm. I suppose wearing thermals beneath your costume would make it a bit bulky, ja?" he questions a moment, carrying in the other two grocery bags -- and he gives a little shiver.

    "Is the heat not working?" he questions, gently. "I know these churches do take a while to heat up -- but the boiler should keep it livable--"

Dagger has posed:
"I don't have power coming in here. I had a small heater and I ran an extension cord next door, but it broke down. It was a piece of junk." Tandy says with a wrinkle of her nose. "But it's fine. I just wear layers and go for walks to keep warm. My powers keep me kinda warm when I don't use them for awhile. But then I get fevers and sick and I have to feed Cloak my light before it gets too painful."

Another reason why the two are tied at the hip. Without him, she would die, without her, he would go mad. It's a terrible fate.

"We have um.. solar panels that James put up on the roof at one point, but now that the sun isn't coming out, it's not giving a lot of juice, so we try and use it only for small things like charging my phone. It's fine though. We started sneaking in hotels to use their bathrooms."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Kurt stands still for a moment, and he rubs the back of his neck, giving a soft 'tch' sound. "There is a good chance that the boiler may be gas. I could see if I could get the gas bypassed and get the boiler working, but it has been some time since I helped Brother Gregori with it -- and there is no garuntee this boiler would be the same as the one in the abbey."

Dagger has posed:
"I have no clue how any of that works, Kurt. Neither does Cloak. We're afraid to mess around and break something. The last thing we need is our not so secret headquarters blowing up." Tandy makes her way back over to him and loops her arms around his neck. As she threads her fingers through his hair, she leans in and places her head on his chest. "Sides, you keep me plenty warm." She says with a small smile on her lips. "What are you up to today? Got any plans or can we do some stuff together?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Hm. Well. Luckily, I have some clue. Unluckily, America tends to have this bad habbit of stopping people from messing around with the utilities." Kurt replies with a little rueful smile, one arm drawing up around her waist as he gives a slight smile.

    "Ah, but who keeps you warm while I am away? Such a question..." he states. "I *could* buy you a propane heater, you know. I am not all groceries and potato chips."

Dagger has posed:
"I would say Cloak, but he's just a floating head and a pair of hands. Sometimes when I use my powers on him enough, I can restore his body long enough for a hug." Tandy's lips curve upwards a bit as her arms tighten around him. She places a kiss to his shoulder for a moment, then looks up at him. "You don't have to spend money on us all the time either. I feel bad. I keep thinking that maybe I should take up the Blue Beetles offer. He wants Cloak and I to join him and a few others to form a super group."

There is a light shrug of her shoulders. "But Cloak isn't very trusting. He doesn't think it's a good idea and just wants it to be the two of us. We work good together and I'm the only person he trusts. Truly trusts. He likes you I guess. It's just he's had a hard life."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Super groups can be troublesome..." Says the X-Men member "But it is good to have a reliable group watching your back. I can see both sides of his concern." hegives a soft grin, brushing his fingers through Tandy's hair a few moments.

    "And it is not 'spending money on you'. It is ensuring you are comfortable. And do not get sick!"

Dagger has posed:
"I just feel more like a charity case and less like a girlfriend I suppose. I just feel bad that you have a homeless girlfriend." Tandy says as she leans in against his chest, placing a hand over his heart to trace her fingers over it.

"I guess if I join this team we'd have a headquarters or something. Titans tower? I don't know what they plan on calling it. I just don't see myself as a superhero. I'm more of a.. Defender of the little people. I care about these streets and the people on them. I don't care about Aliens from Mars fighting the Avengers."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "And why not? Sometimes fighting aliens is what we do on street level. Sometimes we fight humans on the big level, it depends on the week." Kurt confirms. and he keeps holding her, as if he'll keep her warm in the church.

    "And it is not about my girlfriend being homeless. It is about keeping her comfortable. I might have had a strange upbringing, but you are still a lady, even if you could probably twist me into a pretzel, you deserve to be taken care of, at least a little spoiled."

Dagger has posed:
"I don't know, maybe I like it when you twist me in a pretzel instead." Tandy teases as she leans up to kiss him on the nose. "I suppose I can just .. get a job .. be a waitress or something in the morning. Serve pancakes. That way I can get an apartment with five roommates knowing this city. I don't know what I'd do with Cloak though. Can't hide my teammate in a closet while I'm working."

Sighing, she curls herself into his arms. "I don't deserve to be spoiled. I was spoiled my entire life by my rich mother and her many boyfriends. I spent my life in a mansion not wanting for anything. This is the first time I've ever had to rely on myself and not a butler."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "There is a difference between 'I care about you and want to you be comfortable' and 'I'm rich and here is material possessions instead of love and affection'." Kurt replies, though he's blushing a little bit about the pretzel comment.

    "Mmn, no, it would be difficult to hide him in a closet... I *could* help you pay for an apartment, if you didn't mind it being small. IN case I have to have a short-hop place to get to."

Dagger has posed:
"You used the L word, Kurt." Tandy says as she props her chin on his chest, staring up at him for a moment. Her lips curve into a grin as she looks into his yellow eyes.

"It's okay. Don't worry. I'll get a job, or .. figure something out. I have options. I'm just being proud about it, that's all. But I suppose if you did have a place for us to stay at, and you were dropping by, it'd make things easier for you and I." She leans up to give him another kiss. "Wouldn't be living in sin so much."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Ah, God will have to forgive me for that one. How do you feel about bunk beds?" he questions playfully. "Tyrone is a bit taller, ja? We can get the full-under-twin, and you can have fluffy pink pillows on yours for that perfect feminine touch." he teases gently.

Dagger has posed:
There is a loud snort from Tandy as her eyes roll upwards. "Kurt, do I come off as a pink princess type of girl to you?" She says as she slides her hand into his, curling her fingers about. "Cloak doesn't even sleep. He'd probably just sit on the couch and watch TV most of the day while I'm at work. Sides, I think having one big enough for you and I to share is fine." She winks. "So, besides checking up on me, what else do you have planned?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Hrmmm... you could be anything if you wanted to be." The blue fuzzy elf replies, his ears giving a slight wiggle as he playfully grins. He curls his fingers against hers, gently.

    "I do not need much room. I've slept in all manner of places." he replies, "My life is one of adventure!"