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Latest revision as of 18:06, 21 December 2020

Monday Mornings
Date of Scene: 21 December 2020
Location: 66 East 11th Street, Greenwich Village
Synopsis: Christmas plans are discussed
Cast of Characters: Icarus, Rage

Icarus has posed:
This morning, Jay was distracted. It was obvious from the fact that his the breakfast he had made for himself was half eaten. There were two strips and a half strips of bacon, one missing a large chunk from a bit he'd taken, precariously perched on the side of the planet next to a biscuit smothered in sausage gravy.

The good thing about a healing factor? He didn't have to worry about cholesterol. Or anything else negative from such habits developed during his southern upbringing.

Yet he seemed to have forgotten it halfway through, his fork still mid cut on a biscuit and everything abandoned on the counter between the kitchen and dining room. He was sitting atop one of the barstools, the acoustic guitar in his hand as he scribbled notes. Then he'd play a few notes before scribbling some more.

Rage has posed:
The doors open up to reveal Andrea as she heads back in from her morning workout at the gym downstairs that's connected to the lobby. She's wearing a pair of workout shorts and a matching top with her hair a sweaty bundled mess. She had her breakfast early and has spent the last two hours on the treadmill and the weights. "Hey." She calls in as she gives a long stretch of her body, then wraps a hand around her shoulder to massage it.

Giving a glance over to the breakfast, then over towards him on the guitar, her brows lift upwards curiously as she ambles over to peek over his shoulder. "Whatcha doing?" She asks, turning her head to place a kiss against his cheek, followed by a rub of her nose against his jawline.

"Got bit by a music bug?"

Icarus has posed:
On the paper are a few words and notes. It's obviously an early work in progress. It is nothing that can be called a song at this point. She'd likely find it familiar, since she had often left such scribbles around from time to time.

"Hey, babe." He turned and gave her a quick kiss, setting down his pencil then shrugging before stretching a little. He'd been hunched there a bit.

"I guess. You know how it happens out of the blue. Not sure what it is but something stuck in there. Trying to piece it out. How was your workout?"

Rage has posed:
"Was fine. Ran ten miles on the treadmill and I think I want to die now." Andrea slides her arms around him from behind, propping her chin on his shoulder. "So, I think the plan is we're flying out to your mom's place for Christmas, bringing all the presents. I think Sam and Alexis is coming also before they head to Italy to see her grandma or something. It seemed they had loose plans that wasn't solidfied yet."

"I got all my shopping done for everyone, including you." She says with a slight snicker in her throat before she nips at his earlobe gently. "I got you a few things. One of which I know you'll pee yourself over."

"So, what is this song about by the way?"

Icarus has posed:
"Longing. Dreams. The pursuit of but not quite getting there." Jay shakes his head. "I honestly don't know where it will go. It's not something I am dealing with personally since my dreams are all fulfilled at the moment So not sure what I can be looking to find."

He swung down the guitar, setting it aside. "I never know what to get you. What do you get for the girl who can get anything she wants at anytime?"

Rage has posed:
"Just show up naked and tell me you love me."

Andrea is as blunt as a rock to the head as she gives him a big smile on her face. "But wear only a Santa Hat. That'd be hot. And then sing a pretty song to me, get my heart all leaping about. That's all I need from you, Jay. I don't need you to spend money on me. I just need you to love me. It's the best gift that you can ever give me. I promise."

"Is all of your dreams fulfilled? Seriously? If there is something you want to do, all you gotta do is go out there and take it. We have a lot of life to live ahead of us."

Icarus has posed:
"I'm sure there will be more dreams as time passes. Right now I'm madly in love with you and I'm finding that life is wonderful. Two things I never thought would happen again in my lifetime."

He turns around and wraps his arms around her waist, pulling her in close to him. "Santa hat and a song. Got it. I think I can do that. Not sure about making your heart go leaping but hey, you claim I do that to you so who am I to argue."

Rage has posed:
Scooting in close, Andrea climbs on to his lap, then curls her arms around his neck. "You can sing the alphabet to me and my heart would leap." Running her fingers through his red hair, she kisses the end of his nose. "You want one of your gifts early?" She asks with a grin. "I can give you the big one now. It's not easy to hide and I've had to move it around a few times to make sure that you don't find it. You're always wandering around."

As she scoots a bit to get comfortable, she settles her knees on the cushions of the couch. "Also is there anywhere you want to go to dinner back home? If there is somewhere in the city I can get us reservations."

Icarus has posed:
"Not a lot of places back home take reservations. It's more pick your time and pray a lot," Jay points out as they move to the couch instead of the barstool so she can settle in comfortably with him. This still isn't fixing that cold breakfast on the counter but he'll get to the clean up in a bit. Or nuking and eating it anyway. No worries about food poisoning either!

"I can wait until Christmas. And I didn't know going around my own house was an issue. Just hide it in Nevada's room. I don't go there. Ever."

Rage has posed:
"I guess I could. That's probably a good idea." Andrea laughs as she gives him an amused grin along her face. "I don't go in there much either outside of opening the windows to let some air in, or putting a vacuum in there as a hint to hit the carpets."

"I was thinking we could go into Lexington for dinner since it's not that far of a drive and there is a ton of nice places we can get reservations at. Something new instead of the small town. Then maybe we can see a movie or something. I like Lexington. Performing there has always been fun."

Icarus has posed:
"Sounds fine. Pick any place you want to try. You know I'll pretty much eat anything. Speaking off." He does wiggle away from her and head for the kitchen. There the fork is set aside for a moment as he pops the plate in the microwave.

"Got distracted and didn't finish. That is a waste of gravy." Jay punches a few buttons and gets the food warming then leans on the counter to talk to her in the living room.

"But if you prefer to just give it to me, that's fine too."