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Latest revision as of 16:48, 5 January 2021

The morning after the big NYE Party
Date of Scene: 02 January 2021
Location: 66 East 11th Street, Greenwich Village
Synopsis: Andrea and Jay wakes up to news about their hit single.
Cast of Characters: Rage, Icarus

Rage has posed:
After the huge party and concert, Andrea and the band hung out for a few more hours before finally retiring to their respective homes and hotels. She practically hit the pillow and was out like a switch. Now nearing the afternoon, she stirs awake as the sun filters through the window, she can hear the non-stop buzzing of her phone on the nightstand next to the bed. Pushing herself up, she lets out an annoyed groan and rubs a hand along her face before reaching over to pick it up and turn it over.

After unlocking it, she scrolls her finger a bit along the screen, eyes widening at the amount of news and notifications that have started to stream through. She blinks a few times, then tilts her head, then glances over to Jay next to her in bed. Her thumbs tap along the screen as she fires off a volley of messages to her team, then nudges his leg under the sheets a few times with her bare foot. Nudge. Nudge.

Icarus has posed:
Jay looks a right mess. His hair going all different directions and he has managed to drool on his pillow. He's dressed as he likes for sleep wearing a pair of sleep pants and nothing else, leaving his wings bare. Usually they are tucked in around him a bit more tightly, or around her, but this morning he is on his stomach and one wing is spread out laying off the side of the bed and feathers draping on the floor.

At least he doesn't snore.

As he feels that nudge, he shifts a little. "Just a minute, Ma." The Kentucky accent is thick, sounding like his big brother. Next nudge elicts an "I don' wanna go t'school."

When the third nudge hits, he opens his eyes and comes to an awareness that he is not in Kentucky and that is not his Ma trying to get him up for high school classes. He frowns at the state of his pillow, wiping his mouth and throwing the pillow off the side of the bed in annoyance before turning his head to look over at Andrea.

"Happy new year, baby. You're up early." He blinks at the light. "Or is it late? Why you poking me?"

Rage has posed:
"It's so weird you always mumble about your mom in your sleep. You're a real momma's boy." Andrea says as she gives him an amused grin. She leans in and nips at his ear, then shifts herself back down into the bed, inching in a bit closer so that she can tuck herself against his body. He's warm and feathery.

"Phone woke me up. It's almost twelve. Hooray for five hours of sleep." She says with a loud yawn, then passes him the phone so that he can see the screen. Social media insanity! Notifiations from friends and family. Buzz Feed! Blue Pirates Trending! Pictures of the band and Jay!

She gives a bit of a stretch, then curls an arm around him as she flops her head upon his shoulder. "So, how does it feel?"

Icarus has posed:
He turns over onto his back, shifting with her as they do in this perfect synchronized thing they do now. It's come with time. She ends up nestled in by his side with his wing curled up around her on that side. His other is back on the bed where it belongs, tucked under and along his opposite side.

He takes the offered phone, grinning and pointing out some of the better shots of his friends in the band. Not really seeming worried about himself. "Between you and Dazzler, they're going to be the biggest thing for a while. I think it's great. They deserve it. They've worked really hard. Probably will be able to get any job they want now thanks to you." He gives her a quick kiss. "Thanks for believing in them."

Rage has posed:
Once she gets comfortable, Andrea slides her arm around him, squeezing her in as she peeks at the phone as well with a grin. "You aren't freaking out? You're trending world wide now. You even got your own hashtag. I told you wearing the sleeveless tank was a win. Girls are going nuts over your arms. Now I get to be jealous and suspicious every time you go outside and check your phone. You'll have girls popping out from under the bed and the closet and hiding in the bushes outside to get a look at you. You're like the mutant Bieber."

"I hope the band is ready for this. Not sure how long the ride will last but it's going to be a bit crazy for them at least for a couple of days before it dies down. Whatever music they have, they should make sure it's on all the streaming sites like Spotify or Apple or Amazon. The more spins they get the more revenue it's going to generate. May as well take advantage while they can."

"I hope they don't freak out and panic. It can be overwhelming. They're gonna have a lot of people show up out of the blue wanting handouts probably also."

Icarus has posed:
"That sounds terrifying. I don't want to be a Bieber anything. Sorry, just no." Jay is grinning as he passes back over his phone to her. "I'll freak out later maybe. When it sinks in more. Right now, I'm barely awake and wondering why we are up already instead of still drooling on my pillow."

He does reach over to the table on his side of the bed, pulling out his silenced phone from a drawer and bringing it to life with a thumbprint scan. "Uhm...seventy-three messages? I didn't know my voicemail could hold that many." Then his eyes went wide as he saw all the texts. "I ...think they are freaking out."

Rage has posed:
"Who is freaking out? You only had seventy-three? Wait until your info gets leaked and you have to change your number." Andrea says with a yawn as she gives another long stretch. "And I hate it when you drool on your pillow. It makes it all soggy and then I can't share it with you." Steal it. She means stealing it.

"Or do you mean your family back home is freaking out? Maybe we shouldn't have kept this a big secret from everyone, huh? Oh well, live and learn!" She doesn't seem too worried. This is normal for her. "And there is nothing wrong with Bieber. He turned out to be a pretty cool guy when he grew up. I opened one of his shows once. He was really nice."

Icarus has posed:
"I mean the band. My family is blowing up my phone but the guys are freaking. They have people showing up at the hotel trying to take pictures. Request for interviews. And they want me to give them advice."

Jay frowns a little, flicking through message after message. starting excited and by a few hours later becoming a tad frantic. "I'll have to call them in a few. Help calm them down. Not that I have words of advice. I think that is more your neck of the woods. I'll pass on what you said about getting the music out there. It's all rough."

Rage has posed:
Tapping along her phone, Andrea lets out a yawn, then hits send. "I let my PR team know to send someone over their way to talk to them. James will tag along. It'll look cool having a security detail until they get situated. I can talk to them also afterwards. Media is going to want to do interviews, so we can prepare for those also. Very quick, short answers, don't overshare. That type of thing. I can do most o fthe talking if we need to."

"Everything will be fine. This will die down until we put an album out. So, fifteen minutes of fame, soak it up while they can, prepare for the future. Easy peasy." She says it like it's so normal. For her, it is. That and always be confident! No need to worry Jay after all.

"Give the guys a call and put 'em on speaker real fast."

Icarus has posed:
A few quick movements of his thumb and the phone is ringing on the other end. Jordan's voice answers. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" It can be heard before he is put on speaker.

"At home in bed trying to sleep. I know you guys are all in the same room there." Since they were in a hotel and while awake, would be in the common room of the suite. "So stop freaking out, put the phone on speaker. Andrea wants to talk to you."

He pushes the speaker button on his own phone and they are met with the babble of all the guys talking at once, several exclamations of things they are running across in social media or on tv

Rage has posed:
"Hey guys. Good morning. Okay, so first things first. You guys don't make a statement to anyone unless it goes through my team, okay? Isaac and James is on their way over right now. Isaac is my PR guy and James is my security detail. This is just a formality that he's coming along. Isaac is going to coach you guys through a few things if people ask you questions. Whatever you do, don't post /anything/ on social media right now. Whatever you hit send on is instantly screenshotted. You guys also need to go through your social media right now and start deleting every dumb thing you guys ever said. Sexist, racist, whatever phobic things you guys may have put out there when you were fourteen and edgy and no one cared about you. By now they probably already scoured it all and took screenshots, but you want to delete it now so that /if/ something comes out, you are prepared to make a statement and whatever apology to appease the monsters."

Andrea gives a longer stretch of her body. "But, the first thing you guys need to do is breathe and not freak out. Turn your phones off if you have to, or stick them in do not disturb mode. The first twenty-four hours is always the craziest. It will die down soon. But take the moment to really celebrate. This is huge for you guys and I'm super excited for all of you. We'll make a joint statement together about our upcoming album, talk about the single and put together something that's really PR worthy."

"Welcome to Hollywood guys. Don't let it get to your head."