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Latest revision as of 04:38, 6 January 2021

No Rest for the Wicked Cool
Date of Scene: 05 January 2021
Location: 66 East 11th Street, Greenwich Village
Synopsis: So an Elf, a Redhead, and a Canuk walk into a Wolf's den...
Cast of Characters: Nightcrawler, Phoenix, Wolverine, Rage

Nightcrawler has posed:
    It's not often Kurt plays docto-- you know what, we're going to skip right to what he's doing rather than what he's not doing.

    Which is appearing at the front door of the penthouse suite Andrea resides in, wearing a jacket and jeans, and carrying some flowers and a brown bag that smells fantastic. His tail draws back and forth as he looks worriedly to the door, iridescent eyes catching the light before he curls his tail, and delivers a knock.

    Ground-level buzzers? Pah. If you don't mind the smell of sulfur, those are for chumps!

Phoenix has posed:
No sooner did she hear what happened than Jean dropped everything to come along. Quite literally dropped - her desk is a mess of paperwork right now and there's half-eaten ramen that's going to be a brick by later.

While Kurt brings the niceties, Jean brings a look like she's about to go crack some heads just as soon as she makes sure one of her kids is alright. She's still got her black work pants on and a big, fluffy, cowl necked grey sweater that makes her hair look all the more fiery for the ashen backdrop.

Kurt may knock, but Jean does not. With a raise of her hand and a glow of pink, the locks disengage and the door opens at her will. "Andrea! Are you alright?" She's asking while she's walking in like she owned the place.

Wolverine has posed:
"Hol' up, Red! Goin' through doors first is about ninety percent of my job."

It's too late to protest, really, but Logan pushes his way through Immediately After the redhead, and then works his way around her to the spot where his highly-trained instincts tell him is the Most Likely Ambush Point.

With a cowboy hat pulled down low over his forehead, and one of those old-timey fur-lined jackets he loves so much, Logan looks like he usually does: Like someone who shops at the Wal-Mart in Idaho. This jacket doesn't have very many bullet holes in it yet, let's hope it stays that way until it's t-shirt season again.

Sniffing the air, he looks as if there's something foul hanging in the air. His face contorts so much that it makes his sideburns bristle.

"Glade Plug-Ins..."

Rage has posed:
As the door swings open into the expansive luxury penthouse, they can see Andrea hobbling over towards them. She has quite a black and blue mark along her face with one eye swollen shut, and a bit of a limp to her step. She also looks like she may be half-drugged. Currently she is wearing a silky pair of pajama pants and a baggy sweater, along with cute wolf slippers that 'arf' when she walks.

"Hey guys. I see you got my message." She says in a groggy manner as she rubs at her eye with the palm of her hand. "You want me to make you something to eat or drink? I got like ... everything. We went shopping a few days ago. Jay is currently out with Sam and Nevada is patrolling mutant town to see if something else pops up."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Andrea, absolutely *not*. You are not making anything in your condition." Kurt states with the same sternness you might get caught messing around with unsafe weaponry in class.

    "I brought lunch. Sit down, I'll unpack." he states, drawing his gaze to Jean and to Logan. "and maybe afterwards, I'll tend to Sam, Nevada and Jay's patrols." he states, and immediately begins rattling about in the ktichen area, doling out heaps of very earthy smelling food that does not smell like glade plug ins.

    Plov. Beef and tomato with earthy herbs over rice, with home-made style egg bread. First plate is obviously pushed towards Andrea.

Phoenix has posed:
"Better than blood." Mutters Jean aside to Logan as he insists on his vanguard position. Their opinions may differ there.

As things inside the condo look to be safe and Andrea actually up and mobile, Jean relaxes a few notches. Only a few. The young woman still looks a wreck, and in tune with Kurt's words, the redhead points a finger towards a chair at the dining table.

"Go sit, rest. We know our ways around a kitchen." And while Kurt does just that, Jean's walking over to sit at the table once she's pulled out a chair for Andrea. "Then fill us in when you're ready."

Wolverine has posed:
"Anything as in... beer?"

Having smelled the contents of Andrea's entire penthouse, and having not detected any terrorists, assassins, or ninjas, Logan also seems to relax a bit. But only a bit though, because that means he now has to do the dreaded socializing and the equally-dreaded asking of questions.

Fortunately, a valid question came to mind almost immediately...

"Probably too much to hope fer a Molson, but I'll tell ya, had a few IPAs the other day in Yonkers. Not bad. Not bad at all."

Rage has posed:
"I'm eighteen, you think I have beer?" Andrea asks with a squint towards Logan, then gives a motion of her hand towards the kitchen. "Yeah, it's in the fridge. Don't know if I got anything you like. It's all the fancy stuff. I do have flavored vodka though."

As she flops down on to the couch, she gives a bit of a wince as she slides a hand along her side. "At least nothing is broken, I think. But it's a hot mess under my shirt. Okay .. so what happened was I was at the diner for breakfast and I met up with a friend of mine named Tyler. He's a mutant also, goes by Twitch. Enhanced reflexes. He's homeless and kinda running with a street gang. I check up on him time to time. Well, one of the employees of the new Mutant Cultural Museum came into the diner to pick up an order and while we were all talking, another mutant that we know by the name of Zeke dropped by. He was looking freaked out."

"He kept asking Rocky to head outside with him, that he has to take him to the museum to have a talk. I noticed a wire sticking out of his shirt since I have hyper senses." She says as she taps the side of her head. "Saw that he was wearing some type of vest under his jacket. I convinced everyone to come outside to talk and saw a black van across the street. Zeke, who was really starting to wig out, kept saying that he needs only Rocky and they have to get to the museum. He shook my hand and passed a note to me. Said Friends of Humanity." Her lips press together tightly.

".. Tyler snuck across the street and .. he uh.. I think he started killing everyone inside the van. While that was happening, I shifted into my war form and started tearing the vest off of Zeke. Soon as I threw it down a manhole, it went off. Blew the whole block out from underneath the street. Sent me face first into a van. That dent is not gonna buff out anytime soon. When I came to, Tyler was gone, but Zeke and Rocky were safe. Zeke kept rambling about how they have his family."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Ach, Sie würden erwarten, dass ich Ihren Rost vergesse, wenn Sie Wasser trinken, Logan?" Kurt asks, and then he stops, and gives a pointed look at Andrea, then with a shrug states: "Kids these days."

    A second serving of food is gently slid in front of Jean, and a third (with a Keystone, it was all they had) is slid in front of Logan. Followed up by a second Keystone.

    "... so, a suicide bombing gone awry." he frowns, and crouches on a handy chair as he helps himself to something that does not look remotely Americanized, but has eggnoodles in it.

Phoenix has posed:
"Deja vu. I swear we talked about underaged drinking." Jean remarks towards Andrea with a knowing, but gentle look. They did, and clearly Jean didn't care given the casualness of her tone.

There's a nod and murmured thanks towards Kurt before she settles in to listen to the rundown of what happened. "So either it was Rocky who was the target... though given the intent to get the museum, he may have just been the means to get inside. Why blow up the museum? Sure, it's a mutant cultural building, but it still seems an unusual target given more high profile locations. Though I'm also glad they *didn't* pick a different location. Unless that's next on the list."

Wolverine has posed:
"I'll just dispose of that for ya then. My good deed for the day."

Popping one of his claws, Logan slices off the entire top of the Keystone can so cleanly that it barely has time to fizz before he's noisily slurping down. Excess foam billows around his stubbly face, but only a little of it trickles down the sides and onto his shirt.

Wiping his faced on the sleeve of his jacket, and content that he's done his small part to rid the world of underage drinking, Logan leans back in his chair and prepares to actively listen. But first he pounds on his chest a few times and lets out a very loud '-BRAAAAAAP!-'

"Did we rule out Sabretooth as the guy that done it? My money's on that scumbag."

"Coulda been a Wendigo, too."

Rage has posed:
"The Friend's of Humanity strapped that bomb vest on Zeke and threatened to kill his family if he doesn't walk into the museum and blow it up. He's a mutant like us. Just .. you know .. not a fantastic one by any means. I honestly think I'm lucky I was able to pull this off. I was seconds away from becoming lasagne."

The secret is in the sauce.

"So, Rocky is okay, museum is okay, Zeke is okay but the Friends have his wife and kids. The block is a mess. Tons of cars wrecked, the road is destroyed. But no casualties on our sides. The van had a few bodies full of knives. Um.. I think they call them .. kunais? That's more up your alley, Mister Logan. I guess Tyler stabbed the crap out of them and bolted."

As she leans back into the cushions of her couch, she offers up an amused smile to Jean, shrugging her shoulders upwards. ".. you deal with the people in my life and you'd drink also. Sides, it's just for sipping on the balcony next to the firepit. Beer is for Jay. I'm more of a mixed drink girl."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Tch. One day my warnings will be right." Kurt states, stirring his noodles and meat, and then he draws his gaze up.

    "Any leads to the location where our Friends are holding Zeke's family?" he inquires, "... any clues in the van?"

Phoenix has posed:
There's a very tiny, faint twitch under Jean's eye at mention of reasons to drink and she briefly pays more attention to her food than she had been before.

With a quiet clear of her throat, she says on the topic of bombers. "If his family are mutants, I can see if I can locate them with Cerebro too. Zeke may be understandably spooked to risk being seen talking to people, and may not have been given much information himself. Since his mission failed, time's going to be of the essence."

Wolverine has posed:
"H-bruuup! 'Scuse me."

With the claw out, ready to open the other can in much the same fashion, Logan seems to be following along fairly actively. That's progress, of a sort, though before we give him too much credit we should note that the Maple Leafs aren't playing today.

"Yeah... Cerebro... scannin'... 's a good plan. And maybe I'll head down there and sniff around, see what the ol' nose can pick up. We'll have these clowns gutted and stuffed before Charlie starts sendin' out our W-2's."

Rage has posed:
"I don't know what the police have. I took a statement and got out of there fast. My PR team is handling any of the fallout. I haven't heard from Tyler since the incident. I know how to get ahold of Zeke though. He's friends with the employees at the Museum. Which by the way .. " Andrea trails off. "That's another thing I really need to talk to you guys about. Miss Grey, I know you're gonna be really mad."

"You remember that businessman who tried to blackmail me? Oroku Saki? You went over there and threatened his ass if he kept it up? Well .. he's the guy who .. bought and created the museum. He's taken a huge interest in Mutant Town now and starting to buy properties there. My brother and I ran into him the other day on the street and as usual he came across as a slimy asshole, talking about how he wants to 'help mutants' and find jobs for them ... " Her brows raise upwards. "I mean, the guy is full of shit. He literally held a videotape of my mutant powers over my head and threatened to release them unless I coughed up my DNA."

"I think his daughter is the one managing the museum. Rocky though, one of the employees, is the nicest guy. I don't think he even knows who this Saki guy really is. But, I can get you guys in front of Rocky and Rocky can take you to Zeke. But I'm just giving you a head's up just in case."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    That... does get Kurt a little more angry. "... another human who tries to find us jobs as 'freaks' then? Blackmailing the young for their --" Kurt pauses, and mutters, bringing his three fingered hands to his face. He really, really didn't like it when people picked on kids. Friends of HUmanity, this Saki guy -- and any student of his was still a kid.

    "A rock and a hard place."

Phoenix has posed:
"Oh, I remember him. I was very clear that he needed to keep his nose out of mutant business." Jean Grey says with a taunt expression and tone of voice as if she'd just bit into a rotten piece of meat. "And it sounds like he's forgotten that chat and I need to pay him another visit. I don't trust any philanthropic advances from him as far as I could throw him."

"Kurt and I can try to speak to Zeke while Logan gets a head start before any trails go cold. Logan, just take someone with you. There may be more bombs and Friends of Humanity agents out there, and as much as I know you can take care of yourself, an extra set of fists never hurts."

Wolverine has posed:
"Why Jeanie, are you askin' me out on a date?"

The next beer can is sliced open, and consumed in a slightly more messy fashion. And followed by an even louder -BRAAAAAAP!-

Maybe this is why they didn't ask Logan to play Romeo in the school play this year. Or any year.

"I'll... h-bruuuup... see if I can get the Ruskie to go with me. Errybody else around here has such tiny fists, it's like a goddamned hand model convention."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Kurt opens his mouth, and then closes his mouth at the ask if Logan is getting a date from Jean. He waves his hand uselessly, but gives a rueful, fanged smile to the redheaded woman.

    "Let us go to find this Zeke, and see where our wanderings may take us. I'm sure Piotr would be more than happy to revisit his special brand of attention on some unsuspecting fiend. Then again -- aah, perhaps I should have brought my swords." he muses, and looks to Andrea "Don't suppose you have any of those in your fridge?"

Rage has posed:
"I don't have any swords, no." Andrea says with a grin to Kurt. "No need to when I supply my own natural weaponary. But feel free to take the beers with you. Thank you guys for stopping by. I should be fine by tomorrow, long as I keep healing." She says as she motions to her face. "Won't even have a mark in the morning."