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LexHub: Solar Business
Date of Scene: 10 October 2020
Location: Lex Luthor's Office - LexCorp Tower
Synopsis: Lex talks to Ted about Kord Industries co-developing LexHub with LexCorp
Cast of Characters: Lex Luthor, Blue Beetle (Kord)

Lex Luthor has posed:
Lex makes it his business to keep an eye on the new and the old of the business world. KORD Industries is oth old and new at this point, with Ted taking the reins. Lex had been keeping tabs on the whole situation as an outsider with idle interest.

It wasn't often that a man came out of a coma to find out he was a Corporate CEO now.

With leadership squarely on Ted, an invitation had been sent out by Lex himself. ted had been buzzed through the checkpoint to the express elevator to his office with a respectful nod by the Team Luthor agents, and the elevator opened. Inside his office was Lex in a million dollar tailored business suit sitting behind his desk, talking quietly into his intercom, with Mercy and Hope to each side of his desk, their eyes watching Ted like a hawk.

"Welcome! Mr. Kord. I hope your trip will be well spent." A hand is extended in invitation to the chairs in front of the massive desk. Behind him, a gigantic smartglass pane wall gives a spectacular view of Metropolis.

Blue Beetle (Kord) has posed:
To say that Ted was surprised to receive an invitation from the famed genius and businessman Lex Luthor would be an understatement. He couldn't quite remember but he was sure he /had/ to met Lex at least once or twice in his lifem probably when Thomas Kord was still alive and running the company an Ted was just working the labs.

Now that Ted is in charge if KORD Industries, it's probably best if her actually met with his contemporaries. Something which he had been sort of avoiding for a while now as he focused internally on the comapny.

But now KORD Industries is once again reclaimning it's place so it's time to meet the 'Neighbours', as it were. From the moment he arrived, Ted seems VERY impressed. He sort of gawks at the shinies and tech on display, approving of what he sees. Unlike LEx, Ted isn't in a MILLION dollar tailored suit. He is dressed in what could be called 'modest business casual', though the cut is the kind of simple that only real money can buy. As he is ushered into Lex's office, he shoots a look over his shoulder to the two lovely (and definately dangeorus, he can tell) ladies and offers them thanks and a big smile before he crosses the space to Lex and takes his hand.

"Thank you for the Welcome, and the invitation, Mr. Luthor." he says enthusiastically, his grip firm and not quite as limp wristed as someone would expect of a 'geek', which despite his boyish charm and fortune Ted definately is and always will be. He takes a seat and admires the view. "And I hope it will be a well spent trip as well, though I must admit your invitation was sort of a surprise."

Lex Luthor has posed:
"I've been watching your business interests as a bit of idle curiosity." Lex explains, "A company in your situation either sinks or swims depending on how well the new nerve center handles the pressure. Thus far, you seem to be doing pretty well, and I wanted to discuss the future. Assuming, of course, you have your company well in hand at this point?" Lex casually asks.

Blue Beetle (Kord) has posed:
Ted leans back in the chair, testing out how comfy it is.. And considering that it cost more than a small house, it's as comfortable as Ted expected it to be. He gently bounces once, then settles as he looks across to the bare-pated mogul.

"You know, I was warned by some of my advisors that you might contact me at some point and ask me something along those lines." he says, but there is no real accusation in his tone. In fact, he grins that slightly goofy grin. "They told me to give you the runaround, did you know that? Apparently my father had a few.. well.. lets say a few concerns about you. Concerns that he shared with the board."

He sets his elbows on the arms of his chair and steeples his fingertips, but his expression doesn't become any more serious. "But lets be honest here, as well. My father was a great business man. But after the death of his brother and business partner, Uncle jarvis, and my mother.. Well.. Things slipped. And after he passed away I made a few mistakes of my own, I will freely admit that. Which is why I am here, Mister Luthor, at your invitation, instead of heeding my advisors and politely ignoring you. To show you and anyone else who finds out about this meeting that I am not running my company like my father did in the end. That I am willing to meet with my respected peers face to face, and eye to eye, and hold my own."

The smile never once lest his face. "K.O.R.D. Industries is more solvent then it has been in a decade, Mister Luthor. And I intend to do what I can to keep it that way."

Lex Luthor has posed:
"I have a reputation in business for competition, and with good reason." Lex notes, "it's hardly a secret that competition is how our society works... I'm just among the top dogs."

Then, Lex leans forward , his hands folding on the desk in front of himself. "I'm not looking to buy out your company or anything like that, Mr. Kord. The idea is tempting, to be sure... but I don't have the impression you'd be interested in that." Lex looks Ted square in the eyes, "If you did, you would have approached people like me with offers already."

Lex glances to one side, to Mercy, who he gestures to the desk, and she places a tablet in front of Ted. "No... I'm here to offer a business deal. We have good solar technology; I want the best. Right now, you hold those patents... and I'd like to either license them from you, or buy them outright."

Blue Beetle (Kord) has posed:
No, Ted isn't the business man his father )orginally) was. But he's lerning, if slowly. "You're pretty much the alpha of the pack, Mister Luthor." he says, but it comes off as a compliment, not a critique. "Though I will be honest, it's your reputation as a /genius/ that /I/ admire most. I know that, like me, your company has many patents derived from it's hard working employees. But you also hold many ones of your own, /personally/. You may not believe this but you were an inspiration to me. I went to M.I.T. because of you." he admits.

He then sits a bit straighter and leans towards Lex and the desk. "But fl;attery asside, you're right. I'm not interested in selling the company. We have a long way to go before we can fullfill our vision. My vision." he then grins. "And I am unsurprised you know about the new patent, /despite/ the fact you sent me the invitation two days /before/ I had it filed."

"And, like my company, the patent is not for outright sale. But liscencing, well.. Thats an entire different ball game." he picks up the tablet and starts perusing it... "

Lex Luthor has posed:
Throughout the explanation, Lex listened, giving a nod at the end. "Inspiring humanity is part of the reason I do this. A good portion of my money goes towards investing in a better future for all of us." Lex admits. "Of course, as the Man of Tomorrow, I'm always looking towards the future regardless. Which brings me to your solar technology. How do you envision it working?"

Blue Beetle (Kord) has posed:
Man of Tomorrow. Ted /knows/ the Man of Tomorrow, but he doesn't begrudge Lex the title either. There are many tomorrows after all. "The great thing about BlueSun, which is what we call it, is that the technology is highly modular and applicable to nearly any power-generating need. Depending on the the teir utilized..." he stops for a moment as if thinking if he should tell lex more but.. shrugs and continues. "Depending on the teir of BlueSun one uses, you could literally power an /average/ american home with a single one meter quare panel and still sell almost have the energy produced back to the grid."

Lex Luthor has posed:
"I have a more... grand vision in mind." Lex notes, before he presses a button on his desk, and a massive structure comes into holographic existance above the desk. Ted Kord, within moments, can tell it's a design for a space station... but nothing he's seen before. It's vague on details, but this isn't anything like what's already up there, including Alpha Flight's station.

"I'm at the stage where I'm beginning to look into outside sources for designing this. I call it the LexHub. When it starts heading up into space, it'll be the most modernized private commercial arcology around Earth."

He looks to Ted, "I want your solar grid technology as a backup power source, possibly."

Blue Beetle (Kord) has posed:
Ted raises a brow, looking intrigued. Space infrastructure has been growing by leaps and bounds the past two decades. Beyond nationally owned stations, the private sector has dumped ample money and resources into building 'Upwards and Outwards'. He knows that Luthor And Stark have been the forefront of the commercial space race, both having 'floated' smaller platforms in the past. As well as a few other companies, like Wayne Enterprises. And there is, of course, the superhero communities forays in space. Hell, he /personally/ helped build parts of The Wachtower.

Space is something he would love KORD to be involved in but he knows that could be YEARS away. This... This would help him get a foot up much faster.

"I am not going to mince words here, Mister Luthor... I am liking where this is going so far. Very much so. It resonates with my own visions of the future. I would, of course, require more information on the project, as well as power projections. If they too resonate with my own visions, I would more than just provide you with access to my BLUE SUN solar technology I would, most likely, accomodate you and youir project with exclusive liscencing to the higher teirs of the technology."

He leans foreward abit. "Yes, the investment in the higher levels of BLUE SUN grow geometriclly.. but the power genersaion grow EXPONENTIALLY."

Lex Luthor has posed:
Leaning on the desk, Lex folds his hands slightly as he watched Ted. "I'm prepared to offer relevant details to you. I will, of course, hope you understand my need for not doing so until we've signed a co-development NDA. Power generation for a long term space installation is always a concern, but I think we have it dealt with."

An eyebrow is raised, "Are you prepared to sign?"

Blue Beetle (Kord) has posed:
Ted sits straight now and nods. "So long, of course as you sign one as well." he says smiling, "Only because once I see what you require I will have to of course share with you similar data. If you are prepared for that then of course I am most definately prepared to sign an NDA."

Oh yes, there is an eager look in his eyes.

Lex Luthor has posed:
"Of course. I've had my people draw up the contract already. All that needs to happen is for your people to fact check it and get back to me. If you see anything that requires attention, I will be more than happy to consider it." Lex opens a drawer in his desk, and pulls out a tablet, sliding it over to Ted over the massive desk, "This is a first draft, encrypted with only one copy in our central private databases. If you'd prefer paper copies, I can have Mercy print them up now."

Blue Beetle (Kord) has posed:
Ted never realized how much he enjoyed working with a consumate proffesional until this very momenty Not being one himself, it just makes it MORE agreeable. HE believes he can learn quite a bit more from Lex than he thought. Oh sure he will have to keep an eye out but.. whatever. Ted is an EXCELLENT judge of character.

HE reaches over and picks up the tablet, grinning. "Well we do have SOME traditions to keep." he admits. "So both a digital and paper copy. Redundancy."

Lex Luthor has posed:
Lex looks to Mercy with a side glance, who wordlessly moves to a table, pressing a few buttons on a built in console in the table, and waits. "The general idea here is paid royalties for the licensing, and a five year duration where we get access to general maintenance data, and if there's a breakdown that requires in depth work, your people handle repairs. I figured you wouldn't want any opportunities for reverse engineering on our end."

Blue Beetle (Kord) has posed:
As Mercy efficiently handles the task silently given to her, to which Ted TOTALLT watches with.. apppreciation.. the slightly younger science business man, quickly turns back to Lex and clears his throat.

"Oh.. Uhm, yes. Of course. We most definately wouldn't want that." he agrees. "But, I will be honest Mr Luthor. With your licensing, which of course is also an investment, if we meet or exceed expectations for both of us your company will also be entitlked to a favoured investor status on future related liscencing from KORD Industries."

Lex Luthor has posed:
"Long term opportunities are a solid foundation for us to start working on other projects, I agree." Lex agrees, before he stands, moves around the desk, and offers a handshake. "Then unless you have any additions on your own already, I'd say this meeting can pause until you and your have looked over the document? I have a VR suite available in the middle of the office over there-" Lex side nods to the center of the penthouse, "-you can use for holographic calls. I'll even setup the privacy screen for you, if you like."