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Latest revision as of 15:40, 25 January 2021

Log 12415
Date of Scene: 04 November 2020
Location: Many Miles from New York.
Synopsis: Ororo and Tony visit her home country.
Cast of Characters: Iron Man, Storm

Iron Man has posed:
"Mister Stark, we will be arriving at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport in ten minutes. Can I get you or Miss Munroe anything before we land?"

A blonde woman hovers at a respectful distance from the couchlike furniture that Tony Stark's personal jet uses. She's dressed in the relatively sleek flight attendant uniforms worn by the staff, despite the fact that they work directly for Stark, rather than an airline.

Maybe Tony just likes the uniforms?

Sprawled out on one of the couches, with his feet up in the air and his shoes off, the jet's owner pulls the shades down from over his eyes to the end of his nose and gives the flight attendant a semi-smile to match with his polite, though dismissive tone.

"Nothing for me, thanks. I'm still working on this one." He holds up his rocks glass, tinkling the ice cubes around dramatically inside the glass of... whatever it is. Probably scotch, but sometimes Tony mixes it up and has a bourbon, or something from Suntory.

"Anything for you, Miss Munroe?" The flight attendant is... pretty much what somebody would picture one of Tony Stark's flight attendants looking like. But her tone is completely professional and friendly, and the staff have been very attentive on the three hour flight from New York to Nairobi.

Three hours by Tony's jet, that is.

Storm has posed:
    Ro was loathe to admit it, but the jet was faster than she could fly and so she agreed to it. Eyes closed and head back as she focused on the weather around them while Tony seemed entirely focused on something else for the duration of the flight. Opening her eyes, the white bleeding away back to their normal blue as she smiled. "No, not for me thank you." Instead, she looked at Tony for a moment.

    "The water purifiers will do much good for my people, Mr. Stark. I am grateful you decided to donate them. Of course, I shall push through the paperwork so that you may claim them as a tax write off, when that times comes around." Even noble deeds had some kick back associated with them. Even if it was something small as a favor or as large as a tax break, in this case. Storm's international presence was quite impressive in Africa and the mere mention of her name opened many doors that would otherwise be shut.

    "I am still curious as to this sudden altruistic gestures, however. What exactly do you want?"

Iron Man has posed:
Her services unneeded for the moment, the flight attendant goes back to what the rest of the attendants are doing. Padding around the cabin, occasionally dusting shit, and looking pleasant. It doesn't seem like the hardest job in the world, but the schedule requirements are murder.

Case in point: the sudden flight to Nairobi at the drop of a dime.

Still reclining, but wriggling back just enough to get his head a bit more vertical, Tony pushes the shades back over his eyes. The cabin's lights are down low, but all of the windows are open, flooding the space with natural light that apparently just doesn't quite work for Tony. Too much light gives him a headache.

"Hey, it's my pleasure. You know me, always lending a helping hand wherever I can, especially when one of my very good friends comes a-calling."

Tony begins the very long process of going from a horizontal to a vertical position. It'll probably eat up every bit of the ten remaining minutes that they'll have in the air. And of course, then he has to trim the mustache before he goes out, put on a different suit, maybe top off his drink... They're looking at up to eight hours on the tarmac, maybe.

"And if lending a hand means I get to take a relaxing jet trip with a very good friend of mine... well, that's gravy."

"Not that I eat gravy, obviously. Can't get past the texture. Or like... what even is it?"

Storm has posed:
    Storm lifted her hand, index finger over her lips as she watched Tony start attempting vertical sitting. Clearly amused by it. "It is just the juices of cooked meat thickened, usually with flour." Said simply as he questioned the nature of gravy. Ororo didn't eat meat, but she certainly knew how to cook it.

    "Africa is different than anywhere else in the world." There was genuined warmth in her voice as she looked out one of the windows, already longing for the expansive skies to be overhead. "There is one last thing that I must inform you of. In Kenya, they call me something else." Shifting in her seat and finishing the water she'd requested earlier. Glancing away from the view and back to him with something like a sheepish expression. "Here, I am known as the Goddess of the Plains. My people will offer many gifts, you must not decline them, no matter how simple they are. Simply say 'thank you' or 'asante'. We will have attendants that will collect everything as we go." Ro was a humble woman and it was clear that she was not entirely comfortable with how people revered her here. Yet, they needed the icon and she would never deny them such a thing.

Iron Man has posed:
"Goddess of the Plains? Huh."

Tony isn't a man who is surprised by much, especially not after going to Heaven with a teleporting dog. He's met the actual Thor, the actual Hercules, and all of the surviving Beatles. But every so often, a new unexpected thing pops up, and it's enough to get a 'Huh.' out of him.

"Man, I wish you'd warned me two hours and fifty five minutes ago... I would have worn my slightly more expensive suit if I'd known I was about to share the same air as a goddess."

He's still making his way up to a seating position, albeit stiffly like a hungover Frankenstein.

"It's cool though. Can't be much worse than Stark Expo, or these fan conventions they make us Avengers sit through. I'll behave."

For the record, all of the other Avengers complain about the fan conventions that TONY makes them sit through. He's the one who sets them up, and acts inconvenienced while he's there.

Storm has posed:
    She gave him a soft and grateful smile as he didn't make much of the fact that she was considered a deific entity. Certainly, there was more to that but she was not going to go into it all here. Ro would simply be grateful she had yet to come across this Stephen Strange individual.

    "You love being surrounded by adoring fans and you cannot convince me otherwise, Mr. Stark." Chuckling as she stood upon the plane landing and coming to a halt. Without much preamble or patience for the flight staff to do so, she opened the side door to the plane and was quick down the steps. Indeed, if they weren't quick enough with those steps, she would simply jump or float down to the tarmac.

    Head falling back and eyes closing as she took in the feeling of home that she was denied too often. Some days, she even regretted not calling Africa her home, others she could not imagine not being at the Mansion with her team.

    "Come, Mr. Stark. Africa awaits us." She was eager to cross into Kenya. Poor Tony had no idea what was coming for him.

Iron Man has posed:
"Hey I think we're supposed to..."

And she's off, leaving a mostly-upright Tony Stark holding a mostly-empty rocks glass.


Apparently it's going to be a day for saying that.

Despite being somewhat disheveled, Tony is able to get himself moving and get right on her heels. It requires a Coordinated Team Effort.

Flight Attendant A (Real Name: Probably Gretchen) helps Tony get his highly-polished loafers on, and actually has them almost completely tied before he's completely upright.

Flight Attendant B (Real Name: Probably Heidi) smooths out Tony's suit and hits it a few good times with the lint roller. While he's wearing it, obviously. There's no time!

Flight Attendant C (Real Name: Probably Krystal) runs comb and some product through Tony's hair as he shuffles toward the jet's exit, and pops a mint into his mouth just before he makes it to the door.

When he emerges, less than two meters behind Ororo, Tony is beaming magnificently behind those fancy shades of his.

He made those himself, by the way. Now available for preorder.

Storm has posed:
    Storm whirled around at the call of 'Hadari' by a deep, sonorous voice and she gave the kind of smile that could warm the colest of heart. Embracing the man who held his hat in his hands and returned the embrace almost delicately. They spoke swiftly in Swahili before Ro turned and held out a hand to Tony. "This is my friend, Tony Stark. It is his brilliance that will see even the poorest drinking clean water." The man bows to Tony as if the philanthropist was royalty. 'We are deeply grateful to you, Mr. Stark.'. Ro just smiled to Tony and nodded her head. "Yes, we are. This is Absko, an old friend of mine. He will be driving us the rest of the way."

    Storm paused for a moment. "Mr. Stark, you may wish to get changed. A three-piece suit is...not ideal for the Plains. May I suggest hiking boots, shorts and a shirt? And sun screen?"

Iron Man has posed:
Although he isn't exactly up on the local customs of... pretty much anywhere other than Burger King, Tony somehow manages to be charming virtually everywhere he goes. Or at least some close approximation of it. People seem to find his awkward ignorance and hundred mile per hour dialogue to be endearing.

Well, some people find him grating. Let's hope we don't run into any of those people.

"Absko! My man." Tony tries to replicate the man's bow, but then gives him a handshake and pulls the man in for a Bro Hug.

"Any old friend of Hadari's is a new acquaintance of mine, I always say. Really looking forward to working with you on local distribution. The Goddess of the Plains has told me great things. Great things."

It's fortunate that Absko has been released from the Bro Hug by the time that Ororo suggests that Stark change his outfit. Because the very suggestion causes him to emit a short, uncontrollable snort/laugh.

"Ha! Shorts... That'll look great with my backward hat while I'm waiting at the Unemployment Office. Don't get it twisted now... Tony Stark can take the heat. If I wore a three-piece suit to meet the Joint Chiefs in Afghanistan in the middle of SUMMER, I'm not gonna dress down for something as important as THIS!"

He seems to mean it. And really, we're probably all better not seeing Tony in a pair of shorts. There's a reason his superpower is wearing a suit, most likely.

Storm has posed:
    Ro laughs at Absko's look of confusion shot to her and she just waves her hands as if this is to be expected. The man just puts on a smile and thumps Tony's back in the Bro Hug. He says something to Ro who merely smiles and looks to Tony when he declines the offer of shorts and sun block.

    "I think you will regret this, but I shall not push you. Come." And she ushers both of them into the Jeep. It was a long ride ahead of them. The heat was something living. Even with the breeze from the open Jeep. And it was still morning. By the time the afternoon hit? Ro requested a stop so that she could change.

    When she was done, her hair was pinned up and wrapped in a rich blood orange cloth. The dress she wore was basically a long cord of red, orange and yellow cloth that was wound around her body intricately with a gold necklace and bracelets. "Now I feel better." She looked like a queen and she definitely fit the ideal of African Goddess. "You are sure you will not change? I could have something traditional to my people for you?"