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Latest revision as of 05:52, 17 February 2021

Happy Birthday, Andrea!
Date of Scene: 17 February 2021
Location: 66 East 11th Street, Greenwich Village
Synopsis: Andrea & Jay on a well earned vacation. Happy Birthday, Andrea!
Cast of Characters: Icarus, Rage

Icarus has posed:
The beach house was amazing. On the Pacific Coast, the weather warm despite being the winter season. The house itself was huge with a large swimming pool, up the cliffside slightly allowing a beautiful view of the beach below and the sunset at night. The entire western wall of the house seemed to be made of glass, allowing that view to be seen from every room on that side.

This is where they had escaped to for a week without work. A week of being on their own. It was for Andrea's birthday, since she deserved to have a break from the crazy that was her life. She had wanted a couple of days, as he had a lot on her plate. He had managed to talk her into six.

Jay was out on the deck, sitting in a lounger with his eyes on the beach and sky. No sunglasses as he had started to develop a reverse-racoon mask when he was wearing them, his skin tanning on his face but not around his eyes. So he had opted not to wear them, despite a glare, all for the sake of appearances so he didn't have white patches around his eyes that had failed to see the sun.

Rage has posed:
Heading out on to the deck is Andrea, who is wearing only the most revealing of bikinis. It's her week of vacation with just her and her man and she was not about to wear anything of modest. Even her out on the town clothing is rather risque. But today? It's a bright blue bikini top and a matching bottom thong. A girl needs to get a 'full' tan afterall.

She may have at times not wore anything, but currently she at least has some shreds of fabric on.

As she sinks down into the chair next to his, she sprawls herself out and lets out a happy. "So, here's the deal. I'm just going to buy this place and we're not going to leave. We'll Amazon everything we need from here out and ... that's it. Just you, me, this view and our happily ever after."

Icarus has posed:
He has to laugh. Because as tempting as it is, he knows she'd be in a studio again in less than a month. Or out doing work for Starlight at the very least, since she could record in the house. He had no doubt she'd get everything needed to create a studio if she wanted.

"Pretty sure the owner is happy with his current ownership. I mean, he makes a fortune just renting this place out to people. Makes you wonder. If this is his rental, what does the guy live in?" Jay muses, more a wandering thought than something he actually needs an answer to.

For his part, he's in a pair a swim shorts. Shorter than he might normally wear but still shorts. They are red, matching his wings. He pats the lounger next to him. "Pull up a seat and tan a spell."

There was no worry about cameras. It was a no-fly zone around the house and there was private security around the place, keeping any photographers from getting images. The beach was private so they had it all to themselves. In truth, it was pretty idyllic.

Rage has posed:
"He has about ten houses that he rents out. I'm sure he's a billionaire who has an incredible cocaine business he operates. I'm sure he can part with 'one' house for ten million dollars. I want it." Andrea scoots he chair up next to his, then shifts over so that she can wrap an arm around his chest and stomach, tracing her fingers along his skin.

"I don't think I'd even get bored of this place. This is where I want to retire and just spend my entire life here with you." She leans in and gives him a nip on the neck. "So, what do you want to do today? Go into town and find a cute place to eat at? I think we're finished with a lot of the tourists stuff."

Icarus has posed:
"Well we do need to do your actual birthday celebration still. I mean that little cake I made for you on your birthday, while yummy, wasn't pretty," Jay says turning to give her a little kiss. He manages to wrap an arm around her shoulder.

"But I'd be happy retiring somewhere like this. Settling down, staring at the ocean. Getting salt water in my wings then whining about it when it dries and gets all itchy." He chuckls then shrugs a bit.

"We will find a cute place to eat and we'll get everyone to sing happy birthday to you while you try to pretend not to like it."

Rage has posed:
"I'm really good at pretending to not like things. Real good at faking it." Andrea says with a teasing grin along her face as she leans in to steal a kiss from his lips in return. "So, after the singing and the cake and dinner, we can go dancing. Show off your wings and our sweet moves. Get everyone talking and taking pictures." She says with a giggle. "I think it'd be a lot of fun. I got energy to burn."

She gives him a loving smile on her face as she rests her forehead against his. "I'm so happy that we got to do this and take a break from all the crazy and the stress back home. I really needed this with you. You really are my best friend, Jay."

She slips her way on to his chair, settling over him as she stares down with a smile. "You don't gotta jump in the ocean you know, we have a huge pool and hot tub. No one likes itchy wings."

Icarus has posed:
"Singing and faking surprise and annoyance and then dancing until all hours if you want. It's your night. Whatever you want. Y'know, within reason."

Jay has to grin, knowing that he needs those limitations on her cause otherwise she will think of something insane and he'll be the one noping-right out of there. He's the more centered of the two in some ways, her in others. It's why they balance well.

"It seems wrong to not go on the ocean though. And if I just went in the pool or the hot tub after a dip in the ocean, I'd be fine. But that makes too much sense."

Rage has posed:
"As long as you're comfortable, babe. Tomorrow, I'm going paragliding by the way." Andrea says with a grin. Speaking of doing crazy things. "I always wanted to go flying. This way you can fly next to me, instead of carrying me. I got a reservation set up with an instructor. I can't wait. It's going to be insane."

"To be honest, I like it when people sing the birthday song to me. I don't get all weird about it. It's fun and silly and as long as everyone has a good time with it, why not, right? We'll make sure we tip them really good at least."

Sliding off him, she turns around to stare out into the ocean, giving him quite a view as well from the backside. She's a tease. She wore this on purpose. "We do have some homework though. We're not leaving this place until you and I at least write a hit single together. We have all this downtime and as muuuuch as I love spending almost all of it naked with you, we should write a dance hit or something for the upcoming summer. A real banger."

Icarus has posed:
And that gets the biggest laugh of all.

"I knew you wouldn't be able to go six days."

It's not condemning. He's obviously amused by it. He knew her well enough to realize this. "So just a dance hit. Something more specific? Or just something with a bubblegum beat that doesn't have any real depth to it?"

Rage has posed:
"Yeah, just a dance hit. Something that's made for the summer. Reptitive bass and drumline, something to get the hips wiggling." Andrea says as she shows off a bit of hip shaking side to side slowly as she sways in front of the sun. Her shadow moves as well in a teasing dance. Back and forth.

"Something Tiesto. I wrote some lyrics down last night before bed that was kinda tumbling around, but I hvaen't had a chance to think of what it sounds like." As she bobs back and forth, she puts her arms up and over her head as if she was back in the clubs.

"What about you? What do you wanna do while we're out here on this adventure?"

Icarus has posed:
"No agenda for me. This was all about relaxing. No work. No mobs of fans. Though we haven't perfected that the few times we've gone into town," Jay adds with a shake of the head.

He hasn't moved from his spot and is watching her. Her little show is not unappreciated, he simply is a bit more couth than some of the others people who might see such a display of loveliness.

"I just wanted to chill and hide. So we've done what I wanted to do."

Rage has posed:
"We can keep doing that as well if you want. I don't mind hiding and chilling. I'm loving every chance I can get to spend with you. This isn't just my vacation, its yours also. So just let me know if you want to do anything at all and we will."

Andrea keeps on swaying a bit playfully, though she also adds a few twists as she goes to her hips. She starts to hum Call On Me to him, giving a teasing look over her shoulder. "I haven't done Yoga today."

Now she's just being mean! "I'm ready to go back inside and make us some smoothies. You gonna come with?"

Icarus has posed:
That was not nice and it certainly seems to be more than wanting to make smoothies. Or at least, a guy can hope.

"Yes, ma'am!" And he is off the chair and following along as she heads in the doors.