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Latest revision as of 07:06, 1 March 2021

A simple 'talk'
Date of Scene: 31 December 2020
Location: Mount Royal, Queensland Park
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Lex Luthor, Twitch, Catwoman

Lex Luthor has posed:
It was an open secret in Metropolis that Mr. Luthor was /the/ authority in the underworld here. Having quite literally built LexCorp from the ground up in both legitimate and not-so legitimate quarters, along with his natural genius, made for a combination that has kept him on top for years, now.

Today, Catwoman has been hired for a job in Mount Royal... and Catwoman and Twitch were tapped for it.

The job? Kidnap an up and coming engineer as he goes from the Metropolis Institute of Technology to a bowling alley he frequents, alongside his bodyguard. Then, give him a letter that should persuade him to authorize access to a project on Campus grounds.

Both Catwoman and Twitch are given instructions for a briefing at black truck a few blocks away from said campus.

Twitch has posed:
In his ninja attire, complete with mask, Twitch moves swiftly from rooftop to rooftop towards his destination. From each building to the next he leaps, often doing a flip for good measure, as he covers the distance. Eventually he'll arrive at the black truck near the campus, lowering himself down to ground level so that he can approach it silently while keeping his eyes peeled for any sort of monitoring device or traps.

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman arrives in her usual black leather catsuit, sticking to the shadows and whip at the ready as she surveys her surroundings. She too, arrives via rooftop, using her handy whip to leap from building to building, albeit taking a slightly different route to arrive at the rendezvous point than Twitch.

Finally she makes it to the black truck in question, a few minutes early, surveying the scene and arching a curious brow at the approaching..Ninja?

Lex Luthor has posed:
As the two approach, there don't seem to be any monitoring devices or traps. Instead, a blonde woman with a professional grey dress opens up the back of it, and silently waves the two in.

Catwoman will recognize Mercy Graves immediately. Twitch might if he keeps up with LexCorp personnel.

"Thank you for coming." She greets as she sits down on a chair at the opposite end, then crosses her legs and gestures with her left hand to two chairs in front of her, to each side. "Please, sit."

Twitch has posed:
O. M. G. That's Catwoman. Twitch can't help but stare for a moment before remembering it's not cool to do so. Then his head twitches slightly to the side and he winces quietly in embarrassment. Luckily the noise was muffled by his mask. When told to sit he does so, sliding into a chair and nodding his head towards the blonde lady, being polite. "You're welcome," he says in response to the thanks, looking over the interior of the van again, then over to Catwoman to whom he gives an upnod, then back to Mercy.

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman nods to the woman, "Ms. Graves. A pleasure to see you again." she smirks wrly, glancing around briefly and arching a brow at the ninja. "Ooh, a Ninja. How...Quaint." he's given a slightly playful smile before she steps into the truck.

Graves is given a brief nod before she takes a seat and waits to see what other surprises are in store for tonight.

Lex Luthor has posed:
The interior is bare except for a small equipment and weapons rack to the right as one enters, a flatscreen television to the left, and the three chairs. Mercy gives a small head gesture to Twitch, "Likewise, Catwoman. Catwoman, meet Twitch. Twitch, Catwoman. You were both selected for discretion and your aquisition skills. We don't need a bloodpath here, just the access."

Mercy holds up a remote to the television, and a picture pops into view. A young man with blonde hair, british with handsome features. "This is Andrew Gregmorov. He's nearly ready to advance, but has been headhunted discreetly by other elements. This is not a situation my employer is happy about, but that will be dealt with in it's own time. /YOUR/ job is to gain access to the prototype lab he's unofficially overseeing." Another remote switch, and the Institute itself pops up, with a red square over a specific building, "The data inside and if possible the prototype is what we want. The engineer himself is simply a means to that end."

Twitch has posed:
Catwoman smiled at him! Twitch twitches again a little bit, trying his best to stay still and calm and chill, but this is all pretty exciting. As Mercy starts giving a run down on the mission parameters, though, he focuses intently. Hardly moving, he studies the pictures and nods. "Seems like a simple enough operation. I'm guessing we'll need biometrics from the engineer to get through the security? Or at least his codes and keys?"

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman frowns softly as she listens, only vaguely aware of Twitch's contained excitement. "Soo. Long story short. We need to capture the engineer so we can gain access to the lab?" A slow nod is given to Tyler. "I assume this is somehow more..Advantageous to us breaking in ourselves?" of course Selina is used to just bypassing security, so this must be beyond her abilities alone.

Lex Luthor has posed:
"Breaking in yourselves would leave 'fingerprints'. You're going to douse Andrew and his bodyguard after this is finished so he thinks the whole episode was a dream. As I said; discretion." Mercy notes. "But yes, we need to defeat biometrics, among others. The institute of technology, it's going to have top rate security in place."

Then, the remote switches again, showing a blueprint of the building proper. "We'll provide you with tablets with information on layout and the like. We will also provide you with a shock collar to 'encourage' Andrew should he have second thoughts after reading the letter."

Twitch has posed:
"Okay," says Twitch thoughtfully. "Should be able to avoid leaving any sort of hint that we were there, especially with that dream stuff." He studies the blueprints closely, nodding to himself. "How much time have we got to prep before he leaves the Institute?"

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman nods slowly, thinking. "Hm. Should be interesting.." she smirks. Twitch raises some valid points too and she hmms. "Time limit would be a very important factor." she nods in agreement, peering at the red square on the screen. "Soo, make it to the red square, acquire Andrew, use him to access the lab. Seems simple enough." Except experience has taught her that such things are never as simple as they seem.

Lex Luthor has posed:
"We have most of the intel available, but we have given you six hours before he leaves. We didn't want you to have to go in blind. You have time to get the lay of the land and make your own plans." Mercy taps the remote again so the television turns off. "Everything we thought you'd need is in the rack." Mercy nodded to the general rack to their right. "Any questions so far?"

Twitch has posed:
"Alright," Twitch says with a nod. "We should be able to accomplish this." He looks at the rack of stuff, making sure that he can discern what everything up there is. Then he shakes his head, "Can't think of anything else to ask at the moment. Have to check out the school and the route to the bowling alley see what we can make out."

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman hmms, "Six hours. Should be enough time.." she nods to Twitch. Smart kid from the looks of it. So far. "Right, once we get the layout and the route, we can go from there. Ready when you are."