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Latest revision as of 02:14, 3 March 2021

I Would Have Words With Thee
Date of Scene: 03 March 2021
Location: Penthouse - Stark Tower
Synopsis: Bifrost 1: Thor visits Tony and tells him of his plans!
Cast of Characters: Thor, Iron Man

Thor has posed:
    The evenings in New York this time of the Winter still come early, the sun rushing to hide itself barely a little after the work day is over, casting the city in a dark that rarely ever fully touches it. Early enough that only a handful of the brilliant lights that illuminate the city's grand skyline have lit, but late enough that much of the day's rush hour has passed leaving that illusory calm in the grim metropolis.
    It's at this hour that Stark Tower and indeed most of the buildings in the district shift gears, so it might be no surprise that when the sliding glass doors the lobby open it is a change of shift that finds only a few employees at the counter, though assuredly their data displays will spring to life when the facial recognition software slides over the features of the tall man in the jeans and black winter coat with that strapless eyepatch as he emerges through those front doors.
    "Beg your pardon," Thor's voice is that deep resonant tone, "I would have words with Stark if he is in residence, if not then I would have word passed to him."

Iron Man has posed:
Stark Tower has its business hours, but there's always the rogue guest to keep staff on their toes. While most of the human personele have gone home by this hour, there's always a holographic receptionist working the front desk. Programmed to represent the very penacle of professionalism, the programmed woman pops gum noisely in her wireframed depiction of a late teen woman. Who, through keen sophistocation, is directly linked to the Tower's security systems. Including the facial recognition.

She glances up from her holographic VOGUE magazine, because Tony has a sense of humor, and addresses the Asgardian with a look of blaith disinterest. It is not a females voice, however, but that of JARVIS. "Hello, Sir. Mister Stark is in his penthouse and has given me strict instructions that you shall only be permitted under the auspice that you say the secret password."

A brief pause.

"As a hint, sir. It is: I cannot paddle my way to New Zealand."

Thor has posed:
    The tall blond man's brow furrows as he considers the holographic representation, his hands settling upon his hips as he shifts his weight to the other boot. "Password you say?" Which has him drawing his bottom lip between his teeth until after the pause and he repeats with that same hint of incredulity, "I cannot paddle my way to New Zealand?"
    Which causes him to lift his eyebrows as he looks to the side, a shrug of sorts but without too much energy. "If such is the way, then of course. Though this is a courtesy I grant him, I assure you. Last time I visited him upon the top of his silver tower it seemed to be an..."
    A pause as he cocks his head the other way, "Embarrassing situation though the why of the matter still eludes me."
    He lifts his chin, "But very well, I've said your words. Will you let me pass?"

Iron Man has posed:
One could amost hear JARVIS audibly sighing when Thor decides to play ball rather than bring down a hail of lightning that would short out the AI's programming until Tony got around to fixing it. "Thank you for not shooting the messanger, sir." The elevator opens at the end of the short glass corridors. A private elevator set into the wall. The only stop on which is Tony's penthouse.

It opens onto the spaceous home of Tony Stark. Fire, not real fire that's crazy and a huge waste of resources, burns... soothing lighting and the soft sound of JAZZ music playing from speakers hidden all throughout so that no place is without the soft melody of Nat King Cole.

Tony is sitting at the bar, as Tony often is, fixing himself a glass. "Hey, Thor, buddy, pal, friend.. What brings you by? Want a drink?" Sucking a little bourbon from his index finger where he used the digit to stir.

Thor has posed:
    A twist of a smile lights on Thor's features as he espies Tony, much as he was before at that bar. Some things being similar to the past can't help but be a comfort. He holds up a hand to wave off the offer, however as he raises is voice, "Stark, you rogue!" At least that passes for a greeting.
    "No drink, not yet at the least, I will not be distracted." His lip twitches, not that Tony was trying to distract him. He walks across the way. No hammer at his side, wearing what passes for civilian clothes from him. Though it's hard to go unnoticed when one's silhouette is so familiar and that eyepatch keeps no secrets.
    "At least not immediately so." He steps up to the bar and leans against it, and unless Tony manages to maneuver his way clear there will be a companionably thump upon the shoulder, open-handed, in a furtherance of that greeting.
    "I am come with words, and not simply words, but ones formed into questions for there is a matter I would seek your counsel. Have you the time for me?" That last asked with a hint of incredulity, perhaps admonishment, as if the man had been so busy of late.

Iron Man has posed:
Tony presses into service one of his better tight smiles for a friend come visit. It's genuine though! It's always good to see the God of Thunder, "Suit yourself. I'll have one for us both." Sucking a bit down as Thor approaches the bar, he's not at all prepared for the clap upon his shoulder, though he certainly should have seen it coming!

Rocking a little under the strength of it, he laughs to himself and rubs on his arm, "Every time I think I've got my work out game on fleck, you come around to prove there's no amount of spin classes that will ever make up for Godly genetics." A lark, teasing, good natured even.

Another drink from his glass, leaning forward onto his elbows placed upon the bars top, "Sure, I've got some time. Pepper's still finishing up work before date night. What's on your mind? Do I need to put on my big boy pants for this? We're not about to be invaded by super aliens are we?"

Thor has posed:
    The smile remains as Stark speaks but then it softens a little and the Asgardian's features turn a touch pained. "I do not know how severe this shall be, it is in part why I sought to speak with you." Thor folds his arms over his chest thoughtfully as he looks away for a time, out toward the distant lights of the city, then back to the man before him.
    "You are aware we have been rebuilding Asgard as we can. Things have proceeded apace and well. Our people have acclimated well and we even have had some who wished to immigrate, isn't that exciting?"
    Thor smiles at that last, but then he uncurls a hand, "However, we have had a project to rebuild not just our home, but some of what we left behind when Asgard fell. And one of those things is the Bifrost. Which, assuredly will be a boon to the Earth, yet it is not a step to be taken lightly. For it would, in some ways, place our home in a stronger place of prominence."

Iron Man has posed:
Tony inclines his head at the good tidings, smiling at his friends jovial retelling of the progress New Asgard had already made, "Yeah, I'd read a little bit of the updates on that. Very good stuff, I'm happy for all of you." And he is, despite his cavalier nature, glad to hear it. They'd been through quite a bit, the Asgardians. "I'm glad we were able to hash out some agreements with Earth to make it happen."

It leads directly into the connundrum, however. And Tony can immediately see where the problem lies, even if he's not sure the extent. Ice clatters against his lips as he finishes his drink, glass set aside to resume leaning in closer to Thor. "Sure, but there's nothing new there, buddy. That kind of advanced technology also puts the Earth at a great advantage if we're ever attacked or... invaded... or whatever craziness fate tries to throw at us this week."

After a pause, "How can I help? Help me help you help them. Use me, Thor... use me. Disregarding the weird, unintentional, sexual overtures in that statmeent."

Thor has posed:
    The God of Thunder scoffs and remains leaning there against the bar even as he shakes his head looking away from Stark, but he smiles as he looks back. "Well as it stands, the Bifrost functions, it connects to a near realm but only that nearby realm."
    Thor shifts a bit on his seat and then avails himself of what snackage might be upon the bar should it be stocked as well as he remembers. "To have it fully function, to be able to transport not just to far off realms, but here upon Midgard, then we will need to acquire an artifact of some repute. A dangerous task in and of itself, but rest assured nothing that me and mine cannot handle. However there is the matter that once we gain it, then we shall need to have it orbit Midgard, and that..."
    Thor looks away, then back, "Well, the world's governments might not be pleased with such. It was such an undertaking to get a land of our own, to do this some might view it as a danger and thus I turn to you. The politics of the matter, I need your aid navigating it."

Iron Man has posed:
Tony always has a well stocked bar!

If there's nothing at all about him that's predictable, that truly is. There will be booze, there will be quirky conversations and weird personality traits, and the bar will have almonds. So too is the sky blue each morning.

Pouring himself another glass of bourbon, the good stuff in a crystal decanter, he listens to Thor's plight with a nod of understanding. Once more using his finger to stir the bitters into the ice and sucking it clean with a noise pop around his lips, "I'm picking up what you're putting down." He does, lopsided grin.

"Right about the time you find your artifact, I can have a whole new satelite ready to launch. If you give me the specifications for what you need, it'll be the perfect vector for your thingy mcjigger." An industry term. Wiggling a finger with one hand, sucking down alcohol with the other. "We'll shoot that sucker up there without ever letting the Government be the wiser... only thing I ask is you let me do some scans on the bifrost once it's finished. See if I can't come up with a humble human version like that's more cost efficiant than the current boom tubes they're using?"

Thor has posed:
    Having availed himself of the almonds, Thor takes his time tossing one in his mouth, frowning as his eyes distance, then he looks back. "Are you certain that's wise? They will assuredly notice when the Bifrost activates and makes use of the satellite? Honesty may be the best course of action."
    But then he's distracted with a nod, "You are welcome to come and visit, though the workings of the Bifrost escape me." There's a smile then as he leans forward, taking some of the almonds from the bowl, "However, my brother did show me the reason we need Bor's Shield is for redirecting the beam."
    A tilt of his head, "If I may?" And with that he sets out the bowl of almonds, "This, I believe, would be Midgard." He sets an almond down upon the side of the bowl pointing in one direction. So quaint, Thor is going to show Tony how something works.
    "Bor's shield is one of the few things that can accept and endure the power that the Bifrost can lash through the void," Another almond goes down. "So the Bifrost connects with it, and the power is moved thus." He draws a line between the two, "And then it changes the flow and /SO!/ he brings the almond down to the bowl signifying a trip back onto Midgard. "We would be able to use it to travel upon the planet as well as off into the ether. What say you?"

Iron Man has posed:
"Eh, I've got a sorted history of doing things the Government doesn't agree with." Tony has rarely played into their games of control they've tried to exert over whatever it is he's doing and why. They'll give him enough rope to hang himself, most of the time. So far he's avoided the noose. No reason to stop pressing his luck now!

When the bowl of almonds becomes a demonstration of the bifrosts workings, Stark is genuinely interested. Leaning forward fully onto his crossed arms over the top of the bar, tracking what Thor is demonstrating with a nod and only stealing one Almond once the rudamentary diagram has concluded. "Seems pretty straight forward. Like redirecting ionized particals through a negative channel sphere." Crunching through the nut, he motions at the almond representing Bor's Shield, "This is the artifact we'll be sitting out in space, then?"

Thor has posed:
    "Indeed," Thor takes a deep breath and for a moment he says naught, some thought preying upon his mind yet it goes unvoiced. "In any case, there is much to do, I simply wished to let you know and to be aware of what was in the offing. As more comes to me, then more shall come to you."
    That said Thor gives another small smile and then /thumps/ Tony on the shoulder again, "You enjoy my thanks, Stark." He pushes himself off of the stool and steps back. "That was all I would trouble you with. Give Lady Potts my regards when you see her on the nonce."
    That having been said he turns and starts walking, not toward the elevator from whence he came, but instead to the large living area and those large glass windows that look out upon the city.

Iron Man has posed:
"Anytime, bud." This time Tony was ready for the thump upon his shoulder and it still rattles him down to his bones. At least he doesn't stumble! It's progress. He's going to call it progress. "She'll be around in a few hours, I'll let her know she missed you and no doubt have to hear her gush about how I should have called her..." The second drink he poured is finished with another clank of ice and then pushed towards the small sink at the end of the bar. An automated arm coming out from the bar itself to grab it and begin the cleaning process while Tony walks around the other towards the long window wall overlooking New York.

A wall that pulls away to permit Thor's departure and allow Tony to stand on the balcony with his arms crossed surveying his great empire of... lights. That don't belong to him...

"Don't be a stranger, huh?" Scratching his scalp with one finger, "You know you're on the locks. Just look for socks on the glass wall, that's all I'm asking." That part's a joke! Totally a joke.

Bro Code tho.

Thor has posed:
    A small snort comes from Thor, for some reason actually understanding that joke, which may be a story unto itself. "I shall endeavour not to be, Stark." He steps out into the chill of the Wintery night, the wind catching that heavy black coat he's wearing as he turns to look back at his fellow Avenger.
    "And you, you are e'er welcome in New Asgard, Bjarke still speaks highly of your last visit." The old Asgardian captain had a soft spot for the mortal entrepreneur. "Until then." And as he's speaking he holds a hand out off to the side, just high enough above his waist...
    Which, after the space of three, perhaps four heartbeats, there's a low /whom/ as Mjolnir slices through the air and over the railing, slapping into Thor's hand as he gives a final nod. "Take care of yourself, Stark. Stay safe," His lips twist, "And if that eludes you then at the least seek glory."
    And with that said there's a whirl as the hammer builds up speed and abruptly lifts him up into the air, slicing across that city's night sky.