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Latest revision as of 00:52, 16 March 2021

Wanted: Dead Or Alive Part 2
Date of Scene: 15 March 2021
Location: Jean's Office - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Clint makes a deal to Jeremy. Jeremy delivers and leaves behind a receipt. Surely Tony can front the bill.
Cast of Characters: Phoenix, Hawkeye (Barton), SpyderByte, Prismatic, Wolverine

Phoenix has posed:
Maybe around ten to fifteen minutes prior, a low level alert had gone out across the X-Men and school security channels. One Mr. Clint Barton was visiting the school. The alert was more of a head's up than anything to be concerned about, but the mutants tend to be a twitchy sort. You never know when something is about to go bad, or someone brings bad news.

After a brief meeting out on the lawn, Jean's escorting Clint and Jeremy through the foyer and the staff meeting hall to her office. There's already a pitcher of lemonade and cups waiting and a kettle of hot water going, along with some assorted snacks. Shannon's doing, most certainly, given her earlier offer.

"Take a seat, grab a refreshment. We can talk freely in here when you're ready."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
As a keen observer, one who relies on his eyes to fight and survive, and as a master spy used to be aware of his surroundings at all time, this rather small office feel a bit uncomfortable. The fact that this very office reminds him of a certain office in a certain orphanage doesn't help the archer to feel quite at ease. Insert some swears among these memories. Hopefully, the telepaths here won't catch on it. But the memories are so vivid, dang, it feels like he's 25 years back.

Following Jean, the marksman does as offered, and grabs some peanuts before sitting down.

"I appreciate your time, Miss Grey," he says, "I know ye're busy, so let's see what can be done."

SpyderByte has posed:
As the Gothic Technopath steps into the office, Jeremy settles down into a seat, reaching out to take a cookie off the plate. He scoots himself back far into his chair, drawing one foot up to be placed under him so that he can lean forward and rest on his knee. The chains jingle around his body as he props his chin across his arms.

Glancing over towards Clint, he reaches for the phone holstered on his arm and pulls it closer to him, as if craddling it like a child against his chest. His other hand lifts the cookie up to take a bite of it.

Prismatic has posed:
    Alexis comes down the stairs to the meeting hall, twisting a ring on her finger in thought. It's rare enough that they get visitors, but this seemed to be a bit tense. The dark-haired, dark-eyed administrator and teacher steps lively, heels clicking on the floor as she crosses the foyer and enters the hall giving a cheery "Good afternoon!" and a small wave to Jeremy in particular, "May I pour anyone a tea while I'm up?"

Wolverine has posed:
Having gotten the alert and received a ping, Logan makes his way to the office in his usual attire: blue jeans, boots, flannel over a white t-shirt, and a cowboy hat. A cigar sits unlit and mangled by constant chewing in the corner of his mouth when he leans in against the door-frame with a glance between the quartet already present.. Specifically, he's looking at Clint.

Phoenix has posed:
"I'm never busy when it comes to one of my students, and Jean's fine." Jean says as she steps out of the office long enough to grab a few chairs to bring them inside without a word as to why. The reasons arrive within maybe a minute.

Having taken a seat in her chair by that point, Jean is glancing towards the door as familiar faces arrive. "Ah, Clint, this is Alexis Carr, our junior deputy headmistress. She assists Professor Xavier and I with running the school. I'm not sure if the two of you have met. I know you already know Logan."

*About damn time.* Jean's mental tone is cheery in the mind of Alexis. *Not that I'm one to talk. We are absolutely talking later.* "And tea is fine by me. Spring is taking way too long to get here."

"I just want to make sure that this project is safe for Jeremy and that it's something he's comfortable engaging with." This she says back towards Clint. "And also how on or off the books that this is."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
And now, more of them. First, a young woman he might have seen a picture of before, but this is a bit vague in his mind. So many bloody files to look at, how can anyone expect him to remember them all! Ah, Carr, Alexis. Check.

"Nice to meet you, ma'am. And please, no tea for me, I'm good," he answers Alexis, offering his most charming smile.

Ah, now there's one that can't be mistaken. The one and only, Wolverine. Logan's appearance by the door brings a grin on the archer's face as he looks back that the man.

There's a moment, maybe two seconds, and Hawkeye ponders his words. Oh how he'd love to crack a joke or two... but hey, he's visiting to ask a kind of favor, not to start a war. Would it only be a verbal one. So he finally opts for the neutral, "Hey Logan, how goes?"

That said, not waiting for a reply to a rhetorical question, he turns back towards Jean.

"Right, Jean," he starts, liking the sound of this name, "Safety will be paramount," he explains, "You'll understand, that not all our activities are on the books, so to speak. This one won't be. No matter what, no one will get into harm's way, no stepping in theater, all should be done from a safe distance and rather quickly. I'll be covering, along with another specialized agent." He pauses, then wonders, "Which brings the matter of distance. How far can Jeremy work his magic?"

SpyderByte has posed:
Giving a brief smile to Alexis, Jeremy finally shows some type of emotion upon his usual dour expression. He continues to slump over his knee, taking small bites of his cookie as he watches all of them with his sunken dark eyes. The question causes his brows to lift slightly behind his bangs.

<< What is it that you are looking for me to do? Explain the mission and I can tell you if it's within my reach. >>

He settles his phone on the desk in front of him, propping it up on a kickstand that pops free of his case. He takes another bite of his cookie.

<< I once was able to ping a signal in an extra-terrestrial dimension if that may give you an idea. >>

He glances to Logan with a slight tilt of his head, giving him an upwards nod.

Prismatic has posed:
    "Of course, Jean." Alexis Alexis replies with a smile as she pours a cup from the kettle, adds a teabag, and with her heels tapping she brings it to Jean, before returning to make her cuppa. Her cheeks do color, and her ears turn a rosey shade of pink in spite of her olive skintone, but she's giving a sly look to Jean regarding the thought, and makes herself a cup of tea, and stands in the back with Logan, keeping an eye on the whole situation, but especially watching Jeremy, and giving a little smile at him as she holds her cup and saucer, looking ever the professional.

Wolverine has posed:
Wolverine inclines his head to Clint, "It goes. The fuck are you doin' here, Barton?" Since everyone else is beating around the bush, it falls upon Logan to be the diplomat and flex his diplomatic training to the very lengths! He remains leaning against the doorframe until the archer finally comes out with. One hand unfolds to rub his calloused hand across a stubbled jaw. Lord knows he doesn't have the answer, but Jeremy is there to give it.

Prismatic has posed:
    Alexis side-eyes Logan at the cursing. She almost choked on her tea.

Phoenix has posed:
"Clint's come because he needs help with a mission that he feels Jeremy would be suited for." She clarifies for the arriving duo. She doesn't sound bothered by the swearing from Logan, but considering he only used a single fuck then it's hardly escalated. "So he's here to elaborate on that."

She gestures towards Jeremy as the question about his abilities comes up. "I'll let Jeremy elaborate on what he can do since he's here with us." Which he does, to some degree. "And he did. Long story as to why, but suffice to say that he did. Though I would much prefer that he not extend himself to that kind of degree."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
The archer seems a bit perplexe for a split-second here, pondering about the friendly atmosphere in the small office - rather, the lack of. ***Next time, make an appointment, Hawkster!***.

As if to confirm his evaluation of the quality of the atmospheric surroundings, Logan just sent him a verbal jab. Hawkeye himself not being of the diplomatic corps, can restrain himself to a point. Which point he feels dangerously close to as he replies, very matter of factly, without looking at Logan.

"Canuck, next time I come and want to chat with you, it'll be outside, with lots of cheap booze and an even cheaper hooker."

That said - without any swear, mind you - Clint turns his attention to Jeremy, to explain as much as he can, what's would be expected from him.

"OK, you see. There's a couple warehouses where people plan dangerous things. If we try to intercept their communications, they will detect our devices spying on them. We need to intercept their communications, and this will help us stop them doing illegal things." Well, that is as simple as it can be. "This could be done a couple streets away from the warehouse, no one will see us."

SpyderByte has posed:
There's a slow blink from Jeremy, followed by a soft sigh as he takes another bite of his cookie. He chews a few times, then swallows.

<< I thought you were going to bring me a challenge. >>

If Siri can express disappointment, she surely tries hard to.

He gives a slight glance towards Jean and Logan before he blows some hair away from his face as he glances up to Clint.

<< Give me the address of the warehouses. I am not a device to detect. I can ask their devices in to have a relationship with me, undetected. I will ask them politely to let me take a look inside and from there, I can take everything. I can even do it here in this seat. >>

He shifts himself slowly, dropping his foot back to the ground, then reaches for a second cookie.

<< It may take some time depending on the level of security. Would you consider it to be as sophisticated as Stark or Shield tech? Star Labs? Nasa? >>

Prismatic has posed:
    "/Really/." Alexis mutters into her cup, and sets it primly down.

    "Jeremy is a bright lad. You don't need to oversimplify for him." She states defensively regarding the boy -- and then with her other hand, pushes the plate of cookies closer to him. Have a biscuit.

Wolverine has posed:
"Is that the official government position on nationalized Canadians, Clint Barton?" Logan tucks his head to the side and brush his stubbled jaw across his shoulder, "Because if you're tryin' to start an international incident, I'll incidentally throw your ass out the front door like a sitcom.. complete with a lobby full of children providin' a laugh track." Pausing, just a second, "I'll take the cheap booze though." Another. "And the cheap hooker."

Roostering aside, whether as good natured from Clint as it seems to be from the Wolverine, he lets the others do the talking now that he's gotten the can open. "Yeah, kid's sharp. And he's deadly with a railroad spike."

Phoenix has posed:
"I would advise against angering our in-home appliances." Jean says, and the pro empath keeps a perfectly even expression while she does so. Or maybe she's just actually being serious.

Mention of a railroad spike has her glancing slowly aside to Logan with something resembling a bland frown before looking back towards Clint. The statement from Alexis is given an agreeing gesture of Jean's hand.

"It's not a matter of cracking codes and kicking down digital doors for Jeremy. It's as much of an operation as you going in to an undercover sting and earning someone's trust. Only his is done at the speed of electronics. That's about as best as an example as I can give, but I'm sure he can handle this discreetly."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Gotcha, Canuck. Cheapest booze and hooker. As always," retorts Clint with a grin, silently agreeing to lower the verbal sparring.

Alright, the kid /has/ real abilities. In other times, Clint would rather think in term of potential, but this is /not/ a recruiting mission. The way Jeremy explains it, it seems as easy as downloading a movie from the Internet.

No matter what Logan and the others may think, Jeremy's security reigns at the top of Hawkeye's mind. Close to be an obcession.

Just as he was going to answer Jeremy, Clint caught some disapproving reaction from Alexis, which gives him pause. ***I'm not taking him for a dim wit! I'm caring for him!***. Dangit. But yeah, he has to admit, Alexis' prolly right and he might be underplaying it too much. Jean's input is quite valuable in the matter, and mental notes taken.

"Thanks, Jean," he nods, with just a little extra intonation of voice over her name, before looking at Jeremy.

"Jeremy, I see it'd be easy for you. What matters most here, is that the operation and your involvement remain totally secret and undetectable by the mobsters. If they notice that someone infiltrated their net, well, everything would be screwed. If they can track you back, or the source of the spy activity, they'll come at you. Can you do it without being detected, and be sure 100% sure about it? Cuz if there's any risk for you, then I'll call the ops off."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< So far you haven't told me anything for me to gain an understanding of the risk level. I need data to make an effective analysis. >>

When Logan mentions the rail spike, Jeremy keeps his eyes on the cookie and his thoughts blank. Except for one thing: Baaaaby Shark. Doo doo da doo.

<< Who is it that you are dealing with? What data are you trying to recover? What are the addresses to these warehouses? I need all the angles before I give assurances. If on the slim to none chance that I do make a mistake, they would make a great one if they were to attempt an attack upon the school. The external security measures that we have in place is more than adequate to defend ourselves, not counting the multiple Omega and Alpha level mutants of varying skill> >>

There is a crack of the neck as he tilts his head to one side.

<< So let's start with the data. Tell me the details so I can create a plan, then we will evaluate the plan, then we will execute the plan. >>

Prismatic has posed:
    Hard to say that Alexis isn't a little proud of Jeremy. You have to do what you have to do, and sometimes? Life's not kind.

    She returns to her teacup, sipping quietly as she watches the interaction between Clint and Jeremy, listening to the plain Siri voice as she leans against the wall.

Wolverine has posed:
Logan grunts and looks between the others. He doesn't elaborate on the bit about the spike, but does refold his arms over his barrel chest as Barton spells things out a little at a time. "If they're coming here lookin' for help, it must be pretty god damn dangerous, kid. Otherwise they'd risk detection.. not like Barton doesn't have some heavy hitters to call in."

Phoenix has posed:
"Mobsters aren't a particular threat." Jean remarks after Jeremy has spoken. "An annoyance, yes, but easy enough to handle through the normal authorities if they come sniffing around. They wouldn't have reason to suspect as to the nature of the school or the intruder. We take great pains to make sure of it." But Clint heard her threat about security briefings. "Any who actually made it out of trying to breech our walls will most certainly never remember that they tried."

"Unless," She says with more emphasis. "They're more than just mobsters, or who have friends who are more. I'm admittedly a little skeptical that SHIELD doesn't have a way to sneak in to what sounds like a basic gangster's network." She seems to be on the same page as Logan there. "So what else is going on here?"

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Hawkeye nods in agreement with Logan - quick, someone, take a picture! - SHIELD has some heavy hitters, like the Winter Soldier, carnage-on-feet. "Logan's right," yes, the archer admits it, cuz it's the actual point here. "It requires more finess, where brute force would not work."

He then pauses, trying to find a way to explain as much as he can, without breeching more secret details.

"Well, I agree that anyone trying to attack here has to be a nutso," Hawkeye agrees. "But I dunno if you all," he pauses here to look around at Jean, Alexis and Logan, "Want to have to deal with an international network of blood thirsty mobsters, of the like of Hydra."

On that, he leans back on his chair, taking the time to eat a couple peanuts. What do they want out of the mobster, data? Heck, everything.

"Jeremy, we need /everything/. Everything in their computers and personal devices, all communications in and out, names and localisation of all their contacts. Last we checked, we were detected, now they change encryption every damn hour. Now, I do not need a final answer today, I'd like you," again looking around at the other X-Men before his eyes return on Jeremy, "To think about it. You do /not/ have to do it, it is /your/ decision. We clear?"

On that, he hands a piece of paper to Jeremy, on which is written the name of the warehouse and its exact location.

SpyderByte has posed:
As Jeremy pulls the address over to him, he stares at it for a few moments, then rises up to his feet. As he takes his phone, he settles it in the middle of Jean's desk, then rounds it so that he can slide in front of her computer. Reaching out, he places his hands in front of the dual displays as they flicker to life. From here .. his eyes being to rapidly blink as he draws in a deep breath.

Unknown to them, what Jeremy sees on the 'other side' is a world of binary. 1's and 0's flying around in different strands and strings of code. His hands move slowly in the air, as if he was commanding a symphony.

The screens in front of them start to cycle through dozens of different screens. Camera feeds that surround the warehouse, lists of phone numbers to leap about and snoop through. He gives a visible 'snuff' from his nose after a few moments before the screens stop their dance.

In front of him is one screen with numerous addresses, another screen showing contacts such as names, phone numbers, addresses, and another that shows shipping manifestors for various chemical weapons.

And the icing on the cake?

The technopath launches a screen showing multiple bank and routing accounts that are tied to each person he was able to capture.

He gives another slight wiggle of his fingers as Jean's printer kicks in and starts to print out the information. If anyone is staring intently at the screens, they can see a small flashing 'spider' instead of a mouse cursor, as well as green bubbles of text that show a 'conversation' going on in Ukrainan.

Prismatic has posed:
    Alexis watches as Jeremy works. Her lips curl into a little msile, and she goes to simply pour herself more hot water for tea.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"I'll be damned," comes the archer's reaction at Jeremy's abilities. In a split-second, Hawkeye jumps to his feet and, afer making sure he's not taking any school documents, retrieves the printed data. Browsing it quickly, eyebrow arched in admiration, he can't help but utter a well placed, "Holly shit," as he swiftly secures the document under his vest.

Turning to Jeremy, a very guenine look of astonishment on his face, he grins.

"And here I thought... well, that you'd need to actually be on site. Damn, young man. Let me tell you something, Jeremy. What you just did is not only amazing, but it probably saved the life of a lot of good guys."

Pausing, his special agent personae then takes over, he warns, "Make sure everything you accessed is permanently destroyed. You acted so quickly, didn't have time to warn you." He then places his own Starkphone next to Jean's computer, "Can you download everything on my cell? Once it's done, I'm afraid we'll have to destroy Jean's computer." He grins, adding with mischief, "And all the computers and personnal devices in this school." Ah, can't help a good joke now!

SpyderByte has posed:
<< The computer was only a conduit for my powers. Nothing actually went through Miss Grey's computer. >>

Jeremy reaches up to wipe at his nose, smearing some blood away on the back of his hand before he takes out a rag and works it over his fingers. He gives a glance towards the phone, then back up to Clint and gives a nod of his head.

He heads back to his chair and sinks down to take another bite of his cookie. << No worries, I didn't keep any of that data. It's as if I never existed. >>

Prismatic has posed:
    Alexis sets her cup down, and she goes up to Jeremy, looking at the lad with concern before she looks to Clint, and just gives a gentle smile to the archer, and then back to Jeremy -- before trying to discretely hand him a tissue.

Phoenix has posed:
The bloody nose. Jean regards it with a knowing and unsurprised look. It's a common plague among the psychic lot, no matter their niche. She gives the technopath an approving nod of her head and says to him through a quiet mental statement, << That'll get better over time. Like any muscle, things sometimes tear, but they're rebuilt stronger over time. Just heed the warning signs if you're pushing it too far. >>

"And no touching my equipment, Clint. We have a budget, you know. Was there anything else we can help you with right now? I'd like to make sure Jeremy goes and gets some rest. Mm, and I trust we'll hear from you if there'd be any trouble headed our direction, right?"

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
The Starkphone is quickly returned to an inside pocket of the archer's vest. This data is of such importance, he'll have to make a beeline back to the Triskalion. While returning to his chair, although not sitting back, Clint also notices the blood, and frowns in concern. Alexis seems to know what to do, but damn if Hawkeye was the source of any harm to the boy.

"Hey, you ok, Jeremy?" he asks with concern, and the question is also adressed at everyone around.

Alright, feeling that he might be streching his welcome a bit too far, there's only one last thing Clint must do.

"Yes, Jean, I'll make sure to keep you in the loop, if anythhing happens." Then he pauses, looking at Jeremy, "I'd like to thank you. Not only in words. Say, would you like, I dunno... horse riding trip? Fishing?"

Right, for those unaware of Clint's caring personnality, it might come as a surprise offer. In some strange way, he's kind of relating to the young man.

SpyderByte has posed:
<< I am fine. >>

Jeremy says as he takes the tissue from Alexis with a smile, then blows his nose into it before he folds it up and stuffs it into his coat pocket. He rises back upwards with cookie in hand as he straps the phone once more to his shoulder. As far as what he wants?

<< Five hundred grand in bitcoin. I will text you my encrypt key for the deposit. I did an analysis on the bank accounts that you now have in your possession and the numbers are into the billions. I feel that is an acceptable fee for my services. >>

He gives a slow nod of his head towards Clint, then starts out the door and into the hallway with a jingle and jangle of chains.